Trump: Boycott Apple

Islam is a supremacism. It is the largest supremacism in the world. Constitution Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy Clause) bans all supremacisms (other than the Constitution itself)

You understand you just convinced everyone you're loony, right?
Wrong. No matter what anyone is "convinced" or not convinced of, they must be convinced that the Supremacy Clause says this >> "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land." That forbids all other entities from claiming supremacy. Problem with Islam is, it does just that. Got it , now ?

Funny, but you are ready to violate the US Constitution. I guess it is bad when they do it, and ok when you do?
Islam is supremacist huh?

I just got back from holiday to a country which has a majority Muslim population. It also has Buddhists, Christians and Hindus playing a prominent part in society. They all manage to deal with the law first and religion second.

The country is Malaysia

Constitution of Malaysia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the only country that does that. Many Muslims live in a world where they accept the law of the state over the law of their religion.

Just because you don't know that, doesn't mean your view is true.
I know more about Islam and Islamization in my little toe, than you know in your whole body. What they do in Malaysia is cool. They are the least Islamic of Muslims in the world. I'm happy for them. That being said, you want to talk about the Saudi Wahhabists, the Iranians, the Taliban, ISIS ? Or even the dozens of Muslim Brotherhood front groups, well organized & financed right here in America ? >> (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, FCNA, NAIT, MAYA, AEF, UASR, IAP, BMI, IIIT, IMANA, AMSE, ICNA, IFMI, AMC, AMF, Success Foundation, MAS, GSISS, NAIF, IIFTIKHAR, AMSS, TIAA, IRO, African Muslim Agency, Safa Trust, SAAR Foundation, MMCT, Dar El-Eiman USA, ADAMS, IANA, GRF, MWL, WAMY, MYNA, HHT, IAF, Fairfax Institute, AMTFCRE, IIFSO, AMCE, AMAFVAC, CISNA, IMF)

What any country does, does not negate the FACT that the US Constitution bans supremacisms, and the FACT that Islam is a supremacism. Simple as that.

As for just getting back from another country, I just got back from 3 months in Iraq, last October (+ 5 days in Afghanistan), doing volunteer work with the DOD, and I can tell you it was no "holiday".
Islam is supremacist huh?

I just got back from holiday to a country which has a majority Muslim population. It also has Buddhists, Christians and Hindus playing a prominent part in society. They all manage to deal with the law first and religion second.

The country is Malaysia

Constitution of Malaysia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the only country that does that. Many Muslims live in a world where they accept the law of the state over the law of their religion.

Just because you don't know that, doesn't mean your view is true.
I know more about Islam and Islamization in my little toe, than you know in your whole body. What they do in Malaysia is cool. They are the least Islamic of Muslims in the world. I'm happy for them. That being said, you want to talk about the Saudi Wahhabists, the Iranians, the Taliban, ISIS ? Or even the dozens of Muslim Brotherhood front groups, well organized & financed right here in America ? >> (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, FCNA, NAIT, MAYA, AEF, UASR, IAP, BMI, IIIT, IMANA, AMSE, ICNA, IFMI, AMC, AMF, Success Foundation, MAS, GSISS, NAIF, IIFTIKHAR, AMSS, TIAA, IRO, African Muslim Agency, Safa Trust, SAAR Foundation, MMCT, Dar El-Eiman USA, ADAMS, IANA, GRF, MWL, WAMY, MYNA, HHT, IAF, Fairfax Institute, AMTFCRE, IIFSO, AMCE, AMAFVAC, CISNA, IMF)

What any country does, does not negate the FACT that the US Constitution bans supremacisms, and the FACT that Islam is a supremacism. Simple as that.

As for just getting back from another country, I just got back from 3 months in Iraq, last October (+ 5 days in Afghanistan), doing volunteer work with the DOD, and I can tell you it was no "holiday".

You hypocrite. You want to use the US Constitution when it fits your agenda, and ignore it when it becomes inconvenient.

Either the Constitution is the law of the land or it is not. Pick one.
Funny, but you are ready to violate the US Constitution. I guess it is bad when they do it, and ok when you do?
I am ready to violate the US Constitution 24/7, when national security is in question, and especially during time of war (which all Americans who don't have their head up their ass, know we are in) I am also aware that the US Constitution has been violated numerous times, during wartime in order to preserve national security. Same is true in other countries (ex. Blackout in England during WW II). The minority (38%) of Americans who put their liberty to play with their toys and cover their tracks, over national security, are nothing but a silly, oddball fringe.
Funny, but you are ready to violate the US Constitution. I guess it is bad when they do it, and ok when you do?
I am ready to violate the US Constitution 24/7, when national security is in question, and especially during time of war (which all Americans who don't have their head up their ass, know we are in) I am also aware that the US Constitution has been violated numerous times, during wartime in order to preserve national security. Same is true in other countries (ex. Blackout in England during WW II). The minority (38%) of Americans who put their liberty to play with their toys and cover their tracks, over national security, are nothing but a silly, oddball fringe.

No, we are the patriots who believe in the US Constitution. If you can pick and choose when the Constitution applies, then it is not the law of the land.

But feel free to continue to be ready to violate the Constitution to suit your agenda, and hold it as inviolate when applied to other groups. The hypocrisy is amusing.
You hypocrite. You want to use the US Constitution when it fits your agenda, and ignore it when it becomes inconvenient.

Either the Constitution is the law of the land or it is not. Pick one.
I don't know what you're talking about. My positions are 100% consistent. When the Constitution is superceded in deference to national security, that is not ignoring the Constitution. It is simply carrying out normal national security protocol, as is consistent in American history.. Something which you et al in this thread, seem to be oblivious to. Not my problem.
No, we are the patriots who believe in the US Constitution. If you can pick and choose when the Constitution applies, then it is not the law of the land.

But feel free to continue to be ready to violate the Constitution to suit your agenda, and hold it as inviolate when applied to other groups. The hypocrisy is amusing.
It is always the law of the land, including when it is superceded in deference to national security. You just have no sense of national security, that's all. I sense that you might have been educated in a very ultra-liberal environment, which characteristically (and dangerously) brushes off common sense and necessity. Make that MISeducated.

Of course, I will violate the Constitution when it is necessary for national security, and so will all those (even the liberal Obama administration) whose job it is to PROTECT America (the # 1 responsibility of govt, not ensuring civil liberties 100%), and so will the majority of Americans (51% of recent polling). And that's not going to change to suit some oddball fringe techies, and a money-grabbing corporation, concerned only with it's product and profits.

And by going against national security, you all are just the opposite of patriots. You are firmly in support of the jihadist phones. Made to order for jihadists.
You hypocrite. You want to use the US Constitution when it fits your agenda, and ignore it when it becomes inconvenient.

Either the Constitution is the law of the land or it is not. Pick one.
I don't know what you're talking about. My positions are 100% consistent. When the Constitution is superceded in deference to national security, that is not ignoring the Constitution. It is simply carrying out normal national security protocol, as is consistent in American history.. Something which you et al in this thread, seem to be oblivious to. Not my problem.

Feel free to show any place in the Constitution that says the Bill of Rights may be suspended for reasons of national security.
Unless you have enough of a majority to amend the Constitution, saying that "most people" support the FBI over Apple is irrelevant. The US Constitution stands as the law of the land.
Nobody is saying it isn't. You just don't see the national security aspect/connection. You have been poorly educated.
Feel free to show any place in the Constitution that says the Bill of Rights may be suspended for reasons of national security.
I don't have to. National security trumps every word of the Constitution. Your lack of understanding of this is glaring. Where did you go to school ?

Here's a test case for you. An American citizen jihadist terrorist is captured, who gives positive evidence that a NUCLEAR attack is imminent (next 24 hours) in a large American city, with a capacity to kill MILLIONS of people. If that terrorist is tortured (in violation of the constitution ?) the plot can be revealed and stopped. Are you going to let millions of people die, to protect his constituional rights, and not violate the Constitution ??
Unless you have enough of a majority to amend the Constitution, saying that "most people" support the FBI over Apple is irrelevant. The US Constitution stands as the law of the land.
Nobody is saying it isn't. You just don't see the national security aspect/connection. You have been poorly educated.

I am quite well educated. I am educated enough that I know that you cannot violate the US Constitution. It is the law of the land.
I am quite well educated. I am educated enough that I know that you cannot violate the US Constitution. It is the law of the land.
It has been violated THOUSANDS of times since 1789. Who were your teachers ? But first answer my question at the end of Post # 153.
Fuck the FBI and the American intelligence community. With their billion dollar intelligence gathering apparatus and human intel the best they can do is to attempt to strong arm a company into bankrupting itself because they are incompetent.

Don't come to me because you failed to do your job with the tools you have cultivated for your area of expertise.
As a consumer and citizen I won't my right to privacy protected as well as the rights of others to that same protection, I don't want a government with the right to demand whatever they want simply because they want it.
Fuck the FBI and the American intelligence community. With their billion dollar intelligence gathering apparatus and human intel the best they can do is to attempt to strong arm a company into bankrupting itself because they are incompetent.

Don't come to me because you failed to do your job with the tools you have cultivated for your area of expertise.
As a consumer and citizen I won't my right to privacy protected as well as the rights of others to that same protection, I don't want a government with the right to demand whatever they want simply because they want it.
When you're DEAD, you won't HAVE any "right to privacy", Mr. Oddball Fringe.

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