Trump: Boycott Apple

It wouldn't bother me a bit if they got the code key to all cell phones. It wouldn't bother me if cell phones ceased to exist entirely (except for being able to call 9-11 and roadside assistance). Encryptable cell phones are jewels for terrorists. Let's ask the families of THESE PEOPLE what THEY think >>



What about your computer? Do you want Microsoft to give the gov't a backdoor onto your computer? Access to all your files?
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...
Aren't Apple phones made in China? Using nearly slave labor?. How jingoistic. If the supreme court issues a search warrant, Apple has no lawful reason to fight it. NONE. No ethical reason either. Who's side are they on. Criminals, terrorist or the law?

They are not resisting opening one cell phone. They are refusing to open all their phones, via a "backdoor", to scrutiny by the FBI or anyone else who cracks the code.

It is like this. Suppose you had 100 rental houses. One resident committed horrible crimes. Law enforcement wants access to that house. You open it for them and give them complete access. But they want keys to ALL your houses, in case there are criminals or terrorists in them. They claim it is a matter of national security that they be able to access any of your houses.

Apple is cooperating with the one phone. They are refusing to give the gov't access to all their phones. And rightfully so.
And rightfully so? We disagree, wholeheartedly. Keeping hackers out of our business, we agree, IS a legitimate concern, but interfering with or stopping law enforcement from collecting evidence is illegal, immoral and stupid. And law enforcement is asking for cooperation, and a front door. Please, no law abiding citizen can seriously object. The techy stuff is smoke and mirrors.
We are on the side of the American people. Fear mongering to give the gov't more control is anti-American.

You know, there is no guarantee that the terrorists would use smart phone features. The gov't can already intercept cell tranmission. With a warrant. What you, and others like you, want is the ability to intrude on our privacy without a warrant. That is blatantly unconstitutional.

There is one way to increase national security exponentially. The terrorists may not use cell phones. But every plan was hatched, every bomb built & stored in a building. Put gov't controlled cameras in every room of every building. They could catch almost all the terrorists before anyone was hurt at all.
1. And you're going to pay for that "every room of every building", right ?

2. The 9-11 plan was hatched in a cave.

3. A famous govt leader once accused his fellow countrymen of "fearmongering". His name was Neville Chamberlain.

4. One doesn't apply a word like fearmongering to people who we're already at war with, our president has decided to allow them into the country, and shipping containers in our ports aren't being inspected (and we live in a NUCLEAR AGE) PS - our ports aren't ours. They're foreign owned.

5. I feel like I'm talking to a 6 year old kid.
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We are on the side of the American people. Fear mongering to give the gov't more control is anti-American.

You know, there is no guarantee that the terrorists would use smart phone features. The gov't can already intercept cell tranmission. With a warrant. What you, and others like you, want is the ability to intrude on our privacy without a warrant. That is blatantly unconstitutional.

There is one way to increase national security exponentially. The terrorists may not use cell phones. But every plan was hatched, every bomb built & stored in a building. Put gov't controlled cameras in every room of every building. They could catch almost all the terrorists before anyone was hurt at all.
1. And you're going to pay for that "every room of every building", right ?

2. The 9-11 plan was hatched in a cave.

3. A famous govt leader once accused his fellow countrymen of "fearmongering". His name was Neville Chamberlain.

4. One doesn't apply a word like fearmongering to people who we're already at war with, our president has decided to allow them into the country, and shipping containers in our ports aren't being inspected (and we live in a NUCLEAR AGE) PS - our ports aren't ours. They're foreign owned.

5. I feel like I'm talking to a 6 year old kid.

1) No. The building owners will pay for it.

2) Then having a backdoor access to cell phones would not have saved us then?

3) Irrelevant historical tidbit.

4) I apply the term to people who want to violate the US Constitution based on a fear of terrorist attacks.

5) Rereading your own posts on the screen?

But do answer my question. How about the FBI demanding that Microsoft give them access code to any computer running their software??
What about your computer? Do you want Microsoft to give the gov't a backdoor onto your computer? Access to all your files?
I answered that this morning in Post # 86. Are you reading the thread ?

So much of your stuff is not very memorable.

So you have no problem giving up your privacy, rights, and your freedom because you are scared a terrorist will kill you? You don't deserve the freedoms you enjoy.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams
1) No. The building owners will pay for it.

2) Then having a backdoor access to cell phones would not have saved us then?

3) Irrelevant historical tidbit.

4) I apply the term to people who want to violate the US Constitution based on a fear of terrorist attacks.

5) Rereading your own posts on the screen?

But do answer my question. How about the FBI demanding that Microsoft give them access code to any computer running their software??
1. Did you ask every building owner if they agree to that ?

2. It might have saved 14 people who died in San Bernardino.

3. Highly relevant historical fact.

4. Fearmongering applies to exaggeration of fear (from not enough reson for fear),,There is more reason for fear now than at ANY TIME in US history. People who can't see that are fools.

5. Don't know what you're talking about.

6. I already said I'm OK with that. You don't read the thread.
What about your computer? Do you want Microsoft to give the gov't a backdoor onto your computer? Access to all your files?
I answered that this morning in Post # 86. Are you reading the thread ?

So much of your stuff is not very memorable.

So you have no problem giving up your privacy, rights, and your freedom because you are scared a terrorist will kill you? You don't deserve the freedoms you enjoy.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams
What about your computer? Do you want Microsoft to give the gov't a backdoor onto your computer? Access to all your files?
I answered that this morning in Post # 86. Are you reading the thread ?

So much of your stuff is not very memorable.

So you have no problem giving up your privacy, rights, and your freedom because you are scared a terrorist will kill you? You don't deserve the freedoms you enjoy.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams
So much of your stuff is not very memorable.

So you have no problem giving up your privacy, rights, and your freedom because you are scared a terrorist will kill you? You don't deserve the freedoms you enjoy.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams

What a coincidence! I was just thinking the same thing about YOUR stuff.

That's right. I have no problem WHATSOEVER giving up my privacy rights and some freedom, because I'm scared a terrorist will kill me (and millions of other Americans), and annihilate America.

And we do have a minority of Americans (38%) who think techie toy privacy is more important than the destruction of America. This is due to one or a combination of 3 things >>

1. Insanity

2. Utter stupidity

3. Having been programmed by the liberal media.
So many big-government lackeys on this thread. Such weak minds with yellow bellies are susceptible to being brainwashed by fear tactics. Look at protectionist here, so very proud of being such a wuss.

Libertarians and liberals have a problem with such authoritarian mindsets. It's a liberty thing, so most conservatives won't be capable of comprehending it.
We are on the side of the American people. Fear mongering to give the gov't more control is anti-American.

You know, there is no guarantee that the terrorists would use smart phone features. The gov't can already intercept cell tranmission. With a warrant. What you, and others like you, want is the ability to intrude on our privacy without a warrant. That is blatantly unconstitutional.

There is one way to increase national security exponentially. The terrorists may not use cell phones. But every plan was hatched, every bomb built & stored in a building. Put gov't controlled cameras in every room of every building. They could catch almost all the terrorists before anyone was hurt at all.
1. And you're going to pay for that "every room of every building", right ?

2. The 9-11 plan was hatched in a cave.

3. A famous govt leader once accused his fellow countrymen of "fearmongering". His name was Neville Chamberlain.

4. One doesn't apply a word like fearmongering to people who we're already at war with, our president has decided to allow them into the country, and shipping containers in our ports aren't being inspected (and we live in a NUCLEAR AGE) PS - our ports aren't ours. They're foreign owned.

5. I feel like I'm talking to a 6 year old kid.

1) No. The building owners will pay for it.

2) Then having a backdoor access to cell phones would not have saved us then?

3) Irrelevant historical tidbit.

4) I apply the term to people who want to violate the US Constitution based on a fear of terrorist attacks.

5) Rereading your own posts on the screen?

But do answer my question. How about the FBI demanding that Microsoft give them access code to any computer running their software??
1. Did you ask every building owner if they agree to that ?

2. It might have saved 14 people who died in San Bernardino.

3. Highly relevant historical fact.

4. Fearmongering applies to exaggeration of fear (from not enough reson for fear),,There is more reason for fear now than at ANY TIME in US history. People who can't see that are fools.

5. Don't know what you're talking about.

6. I already said I'm OK with that. You don't read the thread.

1) Nope. But then, they weren't asked if they wanted smoke detectors either.

2) Might have. So remove a basic right guaranteed by the 4th Amendment on the chance that 14 people won't be killed?

3) Not even close to relevant. I am not Neville Chamberlain. I am not trying to convince you that there is no threat and I am not claiming an enemy is a friend.

4) To require that we ignore and violate the US Constitution, it would have to be a grave and immediate threat to every single person in this nation.
So much of your stuff is not very memorable.

So you have no problem giving up your privacy, rights, and your freedom because you are scared a terrorist will kill you? You don't deserve the freedoms you enjoy.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams

What a coincidence! I was just thinking the same thing about YOUR stuff.

That's right. I have no problem WHATSOEVER giving up my privacy rights and some freedom, because I'm scared a terrorist will kill me (and millions of other Americans), and annihilate America.

And we do have a minority of Americans (38%) who think techie toy privacy is more important than the destruction of America. This is due to one or a combination of 3 things >>

1. Insanity

2. Utter stupidity

3. Having been programmed by the liberal media.

I draw the line where violating the US Constitution is concerned. Whether you want to try and demean that by calling devices that store large volumes of personal information "techie toys", you are welcome to do so. The US Constitution still applies.
So many big-government lackeys on this thread. Such weak minds with yellow bellies are susceptible to being brainwashed by fear tactics. Look at protectionist here, so very proud of being such a wuss.

It's a liberty thing, so most conservatives won't be capable of comprehending it.
No, it's NOT a liberty thing. It's a national security thing. So most liberals won't be capable of comprehending it.
1) Nope. But then, they weren't asked if they wanted smoke detectors either.

2) Might have. So remove a basic right guaranteed by the 4th Amendment on the chance that 14 people won't be killed?

3) Not even close to relevant. I am not Neville Chamberlain. I am not trying to convince you that there is no threat and I am not claiming an enemy is a friend.

4) To require that we ignore and violate the US Constitution, it would have to be a grave and immediate threat to every single person in this nation.
1. Then you better go around and ask them all if they agree to it.

2. Yes, remove a right guaranteed by the 4th Amendment on the chance that 14 people won't be killed + millions of others, and the whole nation destroyed. You're really not getting this.

3. 100% relevant, You ARE trying to convince there is no threat (unless you're a total idiot who values techie toys above national security)

4. You don't know that ISIS and the international jihad that we're at war with is "a grave and immediate threat to every single person in this nation" ? Have you asleep for the past 15 years ? "Threat" refers to future danger. Our danger is in the present and past. >>
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...

not to mention the fact that part of our legal system is the right to appeal the order of a court to the highest court with jurisdiction. to hear the case.

i don't suspect apple will violate the order of the appeals court... which in this case will likely ultimately be the supreme court.

trump is a putz. and what's unforgivable is that he is intentionally trying to undermine the legal system.
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I draw the line where violating the US Constitution is concerned. Whether you want to try and demean that by calling devices that store large volumes of personal information "techie toys", you are welcome to do so. The US Constitution still applies.
I draw the line where enemies of America (in a NUCLEAR AGE) vow to kill millions of Americans and destroy America, and appear to be fully capable of doing that. The application of the US Constitution is a subjective thing. Some people would say that jails and prisons are unconstitutional. And the govt has violated the constitution many times. Islam is a violation of the Constitution > Article 6, Section 2.
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...

Trump wants us to boycott Apple, because Apple believes in freedom and security of the individual. Trump wants us to give everything away for the power of the government.

And they say Trump is different. No, he's not.

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