Trump: Boycott Apple

He's just appealing to the lowest informed voters in this country.
No, he's appealing to those smart enough to know that NATIONAL SECURITY trumps some company's desire to maximize it's profits - in this case by keeping their cell phones secure and private. While that may be a good thing for cell phone owners, the problem is some of those cell phone owners happen to be Muslim jihadist terrorists, killing people and plotting more terrorism. This isn't even debateable.

Your paranoia does not trump my privacy. This bullshit about circumventing the US Constitution for reasons of National Security is just that, bullshit.

You want a 100% safe place in which to live? A free society will never be completely safe. If you want to trade your freedoms for the illusion of safety, go right ahead. But demanding that the rest of us do so goes against what this great nation stands for.
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...
Aren't Apple phones made in China? Using nearly slave labor?. How jingoistic. If the supreme court issues a search warrant, Apple has no lawful reason to fight it. NONE. No ethical reason either. Who's side are they on. Criminals, terrorist or the law?

They are not resisting opening one cell phone. They are refusing to open all their phones, via a "backdoor", to scrutiny by the FBI or anyone else who cracks the code.

It is like this. Suppose you had 100 rental houses. One resident committed horrible crimes. Law enforcement wants access to that house. You open it for them and give them complete access. But they want keys to ALL your houses, in case there are criminals or terrorists in them. They claim it is a matter of national security that they be able to access any of your houses.

Apple is cooperating with the one phone. They are refusing to give the gov't access to all their phones. And rightfully so.
Apple CEO Tim Cook fires back at FBI in terror case

The order issued Tuesday would require Apple to create and install special software on an iPhone found near the site of the December massacre in California that killed 14 people, so that federal investigators can try to crack Apple’s security without risk of wiping the device’s contents. That drew an unusually harsh response from Cook, who slammed the government's move as "overreach" and questioned the FBI's reliance on on a centuries-old law in the case.

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"The FBI may use different words to describe this tool, but make no mistake: Building a version of iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeniably create a backdoor," the CEO wrote in a letter to Apple's customers posted online. "And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control."
What is there to lose, with Hillary Clinton giving away all our secrets anyway ?
2 wrongs don't make a right.................without a court order they don't need an endless gives the gov't continuous access to any of their cell phone customers data anytime they want...............If they want this terrorist data I have absolutely no problem with it............but not the code key to all.

The underlying issue is a serious one. Apple is embroiled in a dispute with the Justice Department over an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the shooters in the San Bernardino massacre of Dec. 2. The FBI is demanding that Apple develop technology to unlock the phone, so they can investigate information the shooter may have stored there.

Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple
Does anyone NOT want this phone unlocked?

Speak up?

Thats not what this is about. If you goofy bastards think that there isnt a school full of teens who could unlock this phone in a second you're stupid. If you think the FBI cant unlock this phone you're stupid.

What the FBI wants is for Apple to create a master key that can unlock ALL IPHONES and they promise with a cherry on top they wont abuse this super powerful tool. Scouts honor.

^^ If you believe they want a new tool for terror and their promise to not abuse it, you're stupid
FBI: Let me stick my finger in your ass
Citizen: No Way
FBI: Its to keep you safe from TERRA!
Citizen: Oh, why didnt you say so? Lets get to it.
Your paranoia does not trump my privacy. This bullshit about circumventing the US Constitution for reasons of National Security is just that, bullshit.

You want a 100% safe place in which to live? A free society will never be completely safe. If you want to trade your freedoms for the illusion of safety, go right ahead. But demanding that the rest of us do so goes against what this great nation stands for.
Your (and everyone else's) privacy doesn't mean squat compared to national security, no matter how well adjusted to reality you may be, or not be. And who said anything about circumventing the US Constitution ? Apple should be OFFERING to do all it can, to help the FBI investigate terrorists.

Nobody ever said the US could be 100% safe, but making it as safe as possible is desirable, despite the protests of privacy freaks who go around playing with techie toys all day. I still wonder why people value privacy in their cell phones so much. If the FBI knew everything that was in my cell phone, my lap top, and just about anything I own, I wouldn't give a rat's ass about it.

And what this great nation stands for (above all else) is PROTECTION of the American people. And we sure don't compromise that away, just to suit the whines of some techie nutjobs (as the majority of Americans conclude)

More Support for Justice Department Than for Apple in Dispute Over Unlocking iPhone
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It wouldn't bother me a bit if they got the code key to all cell phones. It wouldn't bother me if cell phones ceased to exist entirely (except for being able to call 9-11 and roadside assistance). Encryptable cell phones are jewels for terrorists. Let's ask the families of THESE PEOPLE what THEY think >>




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Thats not what this is about. If you goofy bastards think that there isnt a school full of teens who could unlock this phone in a second you're stupid. If you think the FBI cant unlock this phone you're stupid.

What the FBI wants is for Apple to create a master key that can unlock ALL IPHONES and they promise with a cherry on top they wont abuse this super powerful tool. Scouts honor.

^^ If you believe they want a new tool for terror and their promise to not abuse it, you're stupid
They SHOULD be able to unlock ALL iPhones and ALL cell phones in existence. Whose side are you on ? The American people or the terrorists ?
Your (and everyone else's) privacy doesn't mean squat compared to national security,

Run and hide from people like this. They will be the ones to shred the Constitution for promises of security.
Run and hide from people like this. They will be the ones to shred national security by allowing ISIS in with Syrian refugees, only to receive shipping containers with nuclear bombs, at our 95% uninspected ports, and truck them to US cities, to annihilate America. It's happening right now.

Of course the Constitution, and the rights bestowed from it are important, but you won't have many rights when you're DEAD (except to be buried perhaps)

Oh, I almost forgot. They aren't even "our" ports. Most US ports are foreign owned.


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Thats not what this is about. If you goofy bastards think that there isnt a school full of teens who could unlock this phone in a second you're stupid. If you think the FBI cant unlock this phone you're stupid.

What the FBI wants is for Apple to create a master key that can unlock ALL IPHONES and they promise with a cherry on top they wont abuse this super powerful tool. Scouts honor.

^^ If you believe they want a new tool for terror and their promise to not abuse it, you're stupid
They SHOULD be able to unlock ALL iPhones and ALL cell phones in existence. Whose side are you on ? The American people or the terrorists ?

They only need to unlock THAT phone. Anything more has nothing to do with Terror at all
They are not resisting opening one cell phone. They are refusing to open all their phones, via a "backdoor", to scrutiny by the FBI or anyone else who cracks the code.

It is like this. Suppose you had 100 rental houses. One resident committed horrible crimes. Law enforcement wants access to that house. You open it for them and give them complete access. But they want keys to ALL your houses, in case there are criminals or terrorists in them. They claim it is a matter of national security that they be able to access any of your houses.

Apple is cooperating with the one phone. They are refusing to give the gov't access to all their phones. And rightfully so.
NO. It is NOT like that. There's a huge difference between cell phones and people's houses. What a dumb "analogy". I would say "nice try", but it wasn't.
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They only need to unlock THAT phone. Anything more has nothing to do with Terror at all
Not exactly. I heard on the news that there are about 150 other phones taken from terrorists, that also need to be unlocked. I can easily see that being the case, since terrorists use encrypted cell phones all the time, and the FBI has been complaining about not being able to de-encryt them, since well before the San Bernardino massacre. In fact, if they would have been able to open some of those phones, maybe the San Bernardino attack would have never occured.
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...

EvilCorp (Apple) is hardly "American." There are many good reasons to boycott EvilCorp, their protection of terrorists is just the latest.

EvilCorp has the most reprehensible business practices of any company in the nation, literally extorting developers and customers alike. If there ever was an example of corporate abuse in this nation, it's EvilCorp.

WalMart are angles compared to the predatory tactics EvilCorp employs as part of their standard operating methods. Law Suits are prepared but not filed against all significant business partners, to be used as both a threat to coerce compliance and as a club to beat into submission any who dare stand up to EvilCorp.

I'm not a Trump fan, but in this he is right, boycott EvilCorp.
They only need to unlock THAT phone. Anything more has nothing to do with Terror at all
Not exactly. I heard on the news that there are about 150 other phones taken from terrorists, that also need to be unlocked. I can easily see that being the case, since terrorists use encrypted cell phones all the time, and the FBI has been complaining about not being able to de-encryt them, since well before the San Bernardino massacre. In fact, if they would have been able to open some of those phones, maybe the San Bernardino attack would have never occured.

Then unlock the phones of TERRORIST and be done with it. But unlocking every phone has nothing to do with Terror since every phone owner is not a terrorist. They will tell you anything and pretend they cant unlock those phones. They can, they just WANT Apple to create something that can violate everyones privacy just because they can.
They are not resisting opening one cell phone.

True, they are flat out refusing, even in the face of a court order.

They are refusing to open all their phones, via a "backdoor", to scrutiny by the FBI or anyone else who cracks the code.

EvilCorp refuses to even open the single phone, despite the deaths linked to the terrorist who had the phone.

It is like this. Suppose you had 100 rental houses. One resident committed horrible crimes. Law enforcement wants access to that house. You open it for them and give them complete access. But they want keys to ALL your houses, in case there are criminals or terrorists in them. They claim it is a matter of national security that they be able to access any of your houses.

Apple is cooperating with the one phone. They are refusing to give the gov't access to all their phones. And rightfully so.

EvilCorp is NOT cooperating with the one phone, they are obstructing justice to protect the activities of a terrorist.
Thats not what this is about. If you goofy bastards think that there isnt a school full of teens who could unlock this phone in a second you're stupid. If you think the FBI cant unlock this phone you're stupid.

What the FBI wants is for Apple to create a master key that can unlock ALL IPHONES and they promise with a cherry on top they wont abuse this super powerful tool. Scouts honor.

^^ If you believe they want a new tool for terror and their promise to not abuse it, you're stupid
They SHOULD be able to unlock ALL iPhones and ALL cell phones in existence. Whose side are you on ? The American people or the terrorists ?

We are on the side of the American people. Fear mongering to give the gov't more control is anti-American.

You know, there is no guarantee that the terrorists would use smart phone features. The gov't can already intercept cell tranmission. With a warrant. What you, and others like you, want is the ability to intrude on our privacy without a warrant. That is blatantly unconstitutional.

There is one way to increase national security exponentially. The terrorists may not use cell phones. But every plan was hatched, every bomb built & stored in a building. Put gov't controlled cameras in every room of every building. They could catch almost all the terrorists before anyone was hurt at all.
I guess you have forgotten the 4th Amendment?

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

And if our gov't, with all its resources, can't hack an iPhone, while there are teenagers that can do it, we have already lost. This is not about data on a single phone (or 150 phones).
The underlying issue is a serious one. Apple is embroiled in a dispute with the Justice Department over an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the shooters in the San Bernardino massacre of Dec. 2. The FBI is demanding that Apple develop technology to unlock the phone, so they can investigate information the shooter may have stored there.

Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple
Does anyone NOT want this phone unlocked?

Speak up?

Thats not what this is about. If you goofy bastards think that there isnt a school full of teens who could unlock this phone in a second you're stupid. If you think the FBI cant unlock this phone you're stupid.

What the FBI wants is for Apple to create a master key that can unlock ALL IPHONES and they promise with a cherry on top they wont abuse this super powerful tool. Scouts honor.

^^ If you believe they want a new tool for terror and their promise to not abuse it, you're stupid

Evidently, you are not keeping up with this story, because that is exactly what they did.

The White House appears to be willing to compromise with Apple in its fight with the tech giant to comply with a federal court order to provide “reasonable technical assistance” in the government’s investigation of the locked iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino gunmen.

The Obama administration told a magistrate judge Friday it would be willing to allow Apple to retain possession of and later destroy specialized software it was ordered to create to help federal authorities hack into the encrypted iPhone belong to Syed Rizwan Farook.

DOJ would allow Apple to keep or destroy software to help FBI hack iPhone | Fox News


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