Trump: Boycott Apple

SHANGHAI — An explosion that killed three workers and injured 15 others last week at a Chinese factory that supplies products to Apple was caused by combustible dust, according to a preliminary investigation by the local authorities.

iPad, which experts say was being produced at the Chengdu plant. The aftermath of the explosion is also the latest problem facing Foxconn, which last year experienced a rash of worker suicides at several of its Chinese facilities.

Apple and Foxconn, a division of the Hon Hai Group of Taiwan, issued statements after the explosion last Friday saying that they regretted the tragic accident and that the cause of the blast was under investigation.

But remember Obama praises Apple for these things!

Obama Praises Apple During State Of The Union Address | Cult of Mac
Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.
Aren't Apple products manufactured by FOXCONN in Taiwan?

I believe so, and I believe it's the place where they hang nets outside the building to catch workers trying to commit suicide.

Aren't these workers drug addicts that have been sentenced to work rehab? Why bother with nets?

I don't know how the workers are selected, but apparently FOXCONN is the Hotel California of factories, you can come in and work, but you can never leave..............................................
I think Apple should unlock this phone and any other that may be due to National Security issues, but Feds would have to prove each need.

Agree 100%. I totally oppose universal government encryption access. Court ordered access only.

Yes. I do applaud Apple for their protections of customers information.......but National Security must come first.
He's just appealing to the lowest informed voters in this country.
No, he's appealing to those smart enough to know that NATIONAL SECURITY trumps some company's desire to maximize it's profits - in this case by keeping their cell phones secure and private. While that may be a good thing for cell phone owners, the problem is some of those cell phone owners happen to be Muslim jihadist terrorists, killing people and plotting more terrorism. This isn't even debateable.
WTF? This guys a idiot.

Raise their taxes, close the loop holes and force them to build shit in America again...But to boycott? dumb.
Boycott. Smart. Apple's motivation to resist the FBI is economic. With encrypted cell phones, they ave more selling points, sell more phones, make more money. Boycotting takes that away by reducing sales. Good move by Trump.
The more Trump speaks, the more I cringe. Doesn't seem to be hurting him too much according to polls though.

I'll support the guy if he's the nominee, however I'll plug my nose and grit my teeth though.
HA HA. I know the feeling, but the national security content that Trump presents is enormous, and it's incredible how so many other candidates are lost on this # 1 important issue. Shows the difference between candidates dependent on money donors, and one who isn't.
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...
Aren't Apple phones made in China? Using nearly slave labor?. How jingoistic. If the supreme court issues a search warrant, Apple has no lawful reason to fight it. NONE. No ethical reason either. Who's side are they on. Criminals, terrorist or the law?
Apple CEO Tim Cook fires back at FBI in terror case

The order issued Tuesday would require Apple to create and install special software on an iPhone found near the site of the December massacre in California that killed 14 people, so that federal investigators can try to crack Apple’s security without risk of wiping the device’s contents. That drew an unusually harsh response from Cook, who slammed the government's move as "overreach" and questioned the FBI's reliance on on a centuries-old law in the case.

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"The FBI may use different words to describe this tool, but make no mistake: Building a version of iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeniably create a backdoor," the CEO wrote in a letter to Apple's customers posted online. "And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control."
What is there to lose, with Hillary Clinton giving away all our secrets anyway ?
Aren't Apple phones made in China? Using nearly slave labor?. How jingoistic. If the supreme court issues a search warrant, Apple has no lawful reason to fight it. NONE. No ethical reason either. Who's side are they on. Criminals, terrorist or the law?
They are on the side of maximizing their profits, no matter what the cost in human lives, or harm to the country. Despicable fiends.
To who's benefit is Apple ultimately trying to defend? Rights or profit? I won't buy another Apple product if Cook doesn't get his politically correct homosexual head out of his ass (metaphorically).
Wouldn't it be easier for the incoming Sanders regime to simply issue an executive order mandating that you send copies of all your emails and blog posts to his "justice" department for evaluation. What could you liberals possibly wrong with that?
The underlying issue is a serious one. Apple is embroiled in a dispute with the Justice Department over an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the shooters in the San Bernardino massacre of Dec. 2. The FBI is demanding that Apple develop technology to unlock the phone, so they can investigate information the shooter may have stored there.

Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple
Does anyone NOT want this phone unlocked?

Speak up?
i'm not certain it is constitutional should appeal, and once that program is developed it makes all iphones more susceptible to hacking....

the gvt messed up by changing the password on the phone, they could have gotten the cloud to back it up from the dude's house and had all the info they needed.... from what i just read....
Collision of elephants: Trump v. Apple

Boycott an American company, use your Korean Samsung phone.

Yeah, that's presidential.

Holy crap, this guy...

Yes Apple who's over priced electronics are made with Chinese slave labor..

How iPhone Is Made: The Global Assembly Line -

Looks like you dropped the ball big time with your failed thread!
It's an American company.

I expected spin for Trump, but wow, it's been on overdrive here. From the same side of the spectrum that claims it's so pro-American business. They should be able to maximize profits and shareholder value, they should be able to run their business as they choose, all that.

I guess it depends on the story. Samsung okay, Apple not okay. You folks are sounding like liberals.
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Apple CEO Tim Cook fires back at FBI in terror case

The order issued Tuesday would require Apple to create and install special software on an iPhone found near the site of the December massacre in California that killed 14 people, so that federal investigators can try to crack Apple’s security without risk of wiping the device’s contents. That drew an unusually harsh response from Cook, who slammed the government's move as "overreach" and questioned the FBI's reliance on on a centuries-old law in the case.

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"The FBI may use different words to describe this tool, but make no mistake: Building a version of iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeniably create a backdoor," the CEO wrote in a letter to Apple's customers posted online. "And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control."
What is there to lose, with Hillary Clinton giving away all our secrets anyway ?
2 wrongs don't make a right.................without a court order they don't need an endless gives the gov't continuous access to any of their cell phone customers data anytime they want...............If they want this terrorist data I have absolutely no problem with it............but not the code key to all.

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