Trump brilliant on 60 minutes. Why i will vote for him

Sure we could deport 10 million illegals. It would have a devastating impact on our economy, but we could do it.

These States Will Lose Billions If Their Illegal Immigrants Are Deported - Business Insider

Many will argue this, but if you think about it seriously, the logical conclusion is that it would hurt our economy much more than it would help it.

How does the replacement of black market labor with fully paid legal labor not help the tax base, the secondary and tertiary economy and the consumer market of those locales?

Sometimes you open borders people are worse than socialist ideologues with your refusal to look at the whole picture

The problem is that you won't replace that labor. It will be lost completely. That is why estimates show a loss in GDP of upwards of 2%. Why not take that base of people and allow them to have their earnings taxed by making them legal. We don't necessarily have to make them citizens to make them legal.

So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.

Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?
How does the replacement of black market labor with fully paid legal labor not help the tax base, the secondary and tertiary economy and the consumer market of those locales?

Sometimes you open borders people are worse than socialist ideologues with your refusal to look at the whole picture

The problem is that you won't replace that labor. It will be lost completely. That is why estimates show a loss in GDP of upwards of 2%. Why not take that base of people and allow them to have their earnings taxed by making them legal. We don't necessarily have to make them citizens to make them legal.

So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.

Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
How does the replacement of black market labor with fully paid legal labor not help the tax base, the secondary and tertiary economy and the consumer market of those locales?

Sometimes you open borders people are worse than socialist ideologues with your refusal to look at the whole picture

The problem is that you won't replace that labor. It will be lost completely. That is why estimates show a loss in GDP of upwards of 2%. Why not take that base of people and allow them to have their earnings taxed by making them legal. We don't necessarily have to make them citizens to make them legal.

So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.

Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? [emoji23] Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?
All the money taxed out of the economy no longer produces jobs. Government spending destroys more jobs than it creates. Furthermore, the money is now going to parasites rather than productive people.

Rather than demonstrate your mastery of economics, all you did is demonstrate that you're a collar all sucker.

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The problem is that you won't replace that labor. It will be lost completely. That is why estimates show a loss in GDP of upwards of 2%. Why not take that base of people and allow them to have their earnings taxed by making them legal. We don't necessarily have to make them citizens to make them legal.

So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.

Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.

So when the government collects taxes and uses that money to buy fighter planes for the Air Force, no jobs are being created? And when all those people get paid for building those planes and spend their money, that doesn't create jobs? How about all the suppliers for the company building the planes? You are a blithering idiot who has zero understanding of how the economy works. You actually think giving tax breaks to the super wealthy so they can invest their money overseas is going to create jobs because "the wealthy are the job creators". To understand why our economy ended up in such a mess under Bush, all one need do is listen to you, because your idea about economics is exactly what caused the Great Recession, and to this day cons still want more tax cuts for the wealthy to "help improve the economy".
The problem is that you won't replace that labor. It will be lost completely. That is why estimates show a loss in GDP of upwards of 2%. Why not take that base of people and allow them to have their earnings taxed by making them legal. We don't necessarily have to make them citizens to make them legal.

So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.

Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
Too funny.

You just utterly destroyed 40 years of rightwing rhetoric about supply side economics which insists that cutting taxes creates jobs and grows the economy.

Congrats! You've just completed step #1 in the 12 step Conservative Anonymous program. :thup:

Watch out though, step #2 is a bit tougher ... you have to accept that Carter wasn't worse than Bush.
So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.

Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
Too funny.

You just utterly destroyed 40 years of rightwing rhetoric about supply side economics which insists that cutting taxes creates jobs and grows the economy.

Congrats! You've just completed step #1 in the 12 step Conservative Anonymous program. :thup:

Watch out though, step #2 is a bit tougher ... you have to accept that Carter wasn't worse than Bush.

God I'm attracting idiot liberals like a magnet today. Government does not create net new wealth with tax money, it just moves that money around. Go contemplate how to create net new wealth maybe you will figure it out.
People either think he is awesome or they think he's a prick. The latter outnumber the former so he's a loser.

That is what they said about him when he entered, that he would never be in the lead and would never poll more than a few percentage points.


I suspect he will be pressured out of the race though because the establishment will dig up some kind of dirt on him, like violating some laws on zoning, building codes, whatever and put him under indictment and kill his campaign with the DA's office.
Nope. His life is an open book.

He's been out there too long.
Flopper you are playing fast and loose with the polls. The poll question said do you favor a path to citizenship if illegals have to pay taxes and meet a number of requirements. There is no informal sure let them all in sentiment in this country. Super majorities believe in enforcing our borders. Super majorities believe corporations should be punished for hiring illegals. Unlike your statement, a majority believes the laws should be enforced. By overwhelming numbers Americans believe immigrants should learn how to speak English. Also majorities believe we should have less immigration, not more. Basically Americans are fine with legal immigration but opposed to people who break the law. Your suggestions that Americans no longer think this is a big deal are false.
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™
I said, "In the same poll 65% of Americas favor a path to citizenship." They favor a path to citizenship, not just handing out citizenship. Most of the of the proposals I have seen require that the person register, pay a fee, any back taxes owned, live in the country for a number of years, be free of criminal convictions. Others proposals include maintaining employment, public service, learning the language, citizenship classes, etc.

I think the polls make it pretty clear that most Americans want our immigration laws enforced but also want them changed. They want a path to citizenship for those that have lived in the country a number of years free of crime and have contributed to the community. They don't want all illegal immigrants deported but they certainly want convicted felons thrown out.
Last edited:
Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
Too funny.

You just utterly destroyed 40 years of rightwing rhetoric about supply side economics which insists that cutting taxes creates jobs and grows the economy.

Congrats! You've just completed step #1 in the 12 step Conservative Anonymous program. :thup:

Watch out though, step #2 is a bit tougher ... you have to accept that Carter wasn't worse than Bush.

God I'm attracting idiot liberals like a magnet today. Government does not create net new wealth with tax money, it just moves that money around. Go contemplate how to create net new wealth maybe you will figure it out.

Is it possible to be more dense than you? If you give a tax cut to the wealthy, and they actually invest that money into an American business, which is not what usually happens, then they will create jobs. If the government spends that money on companies that build our military weapons or if they invest it into building roads, then the government is doing the same exact thing. The difference is that the government actually puts the money back into play in the US economy, where many times tax breaks for the wealthy get invested overseas. How can you not understand something so simple? Tax breaks for the wealthy and trickle down economics has been the biggest failure of our lifetime. Wake up for God's sake.
People either think he is awesome or they think he's a prick. The latter outnumber the former so he's a loser.

That is what they said about him when he entered, that he would never be in the lead and would never poll more than a few percentage points.


I suspect he will be pressured out of the race though because the establishment will dig up some kind of dirt on him, like violating some laws on zoning, building codes, whatever and put him under indictment and kill his campaign with the DA's office.
No one has to dig up the dirt. It pours out of his mouth. What you see is what you get with Trump, an amateur politician, who has little or no knowledge of how government functions, and even less knowledge of foreign affairs. He's avoided military service, has no experience in public service, and thinks he can run the government the way he runs his businesses. The fact that anyone thinks Trump has what it takes to be president is a said comment on the state of American politics.

I think we all know how government functions, and it isn't pretty. We need someone who wants to change the way government functions, not someone who is content with business as usual.
The president can propose and influence the function of government but it is congress that really makes the decisions and holds the purse strings. Any major change in function of government must come from congress.
Flopper you are playing fast and loose with the polls. The poll question said do you favor a path to citizenship if illegals have to pay taxes and meet a number of requirements. There is no informal sure let them all in sentiment in this country. Super majorities believe in enforcing our borders. Super majorities believe corporations should be punished for hiring illegals. Unlike your statement, a majority believes the laws should be enforced. By overwhelming numbers Americans believe immigrants should learn how to speak English. Also majorities believe we should have less immigration, not more. Basically Americans are fine with legal immigration but opposed to people who break the law. Your suggestions that Americans no longer think this is a big deal are false.
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™
I said, "In the same poll 65% of Americas favor a path to citizenship." They favor a path to citizenship, not just handing out citizenship. Most of the of the proposals I have seen require that the person register, pay a fee, any back taxes owned, live in the country for a number of years, be free of criminal convictions. Others proposals include maintaining employment, public service, learning the language, citizenship classes, etc.

I think the polls make it pretty the most Americans want our immigration laws enforced but also want them changed. They want a path to citizenship for those that have lived in the country a number of years free of crime and have contributed to the community. They don't want all illegal immigrants deported but they certainly want convicted felons thrown out.

Problem with the path to citizenship is that it encourages others to come illegally. Why not just a path to remaining in this country legally, but why let them vote and having the rights of citizens? It insults those that spent money and years to emigrate here by playing by the rules. This path to legality should be accompanied by enforcement of laws already on the books that fines employers who hire the 'undocumented'. Otherwise, the gate crashers will keep breaking our laws by coming here and later demanding their so called rights.
He wont let the filth media get away with anything. He is the greatest.

Is he really this good?

Truly I am in the middle of nowhere and I am only getting feed from you guys.

Is he really this awesome?
The best thing about Trump is he's not already part of the establishment.

Every single one of the other candidates, save Ben Carson, will sell us out......particularly Bush. He's already on their payroll.
Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
Too funny.

You just utterly destroyed 40 years of rightwing rhetoric about supply side economics which insists that cutting taxes creates jobs and grows the economy.

Congrats! You've just completed step #1 in the 12 step Conservative Anonymous program. :thup:

Watch out though, step #2 is a bit tougher ... you have to accept that Carter wasn't worse than Bush.

God I'm attracting idiot liberals like a magnet today. Government does not create net new wealth with tax money, it just moves that money around. Go contemplate how to create net new wealth maybe you will figure it out.
So you don't believe in supply side economics? You know you're going to forfeit your conservative membership card, right?

So you believe lowering a corporation's taxes doesn't inspire them to hire new employees, is that right? You believe lowering tariffs doesn't increase trade, is that right? Or like another poster mentioned, when the government hires contractors to build military equipment, you believe that doesn't generate jobs, is that right?

You sure do have a lot of nerve calling others an idiot.
OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
Too funny.

You just utterly destroyed 40 years of rightwing rhetoric about supply side economics which insists that cutting taxes creates jobs and grows the economy.

Congrats! You've just completed step #1 in the 12 step Conservative Anonymous program. :thup:

Watch out though, step #2 is a bit tougher ... you have to accept that Carter wasn't worse than Bush.

God I'm attracting idiot liberals like a magnet today. Government does not create net new wealth with tax money, it just moves that money around. Go contemplate how to create net new wealth maybe you will figure it out.

Is it possible to be more dense than you? If you give a tax cut to the wealthy, and they actually invest that money into an American business, which is not what usually happens, then they will create jobs. If the government spends that money on companies that build our military weapons or if they invest it into building roads, then the government is doing the same exact thing. The difference is that the government actually puts the money back into play in the US economy, where many times tax breaks for the wealthy get invested overseas. How can you not understand something so simple? Tax breaks for the wealthy and trickle down economics has been the biggest failure of our lifetime. Wake up for God's sake.

You have a fundamental brain failure on so many key points its basically hopeless, please refrain from voting or driving a motor vehicle.
OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.

Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
Too funny.

You just utterly destroyed 40 years of rightwing rhetoric about supply side economics which insists that cutting taxes creates jobs and grows the economy.

Congrats! You've just completed step #1 in the 12 step Conservative Anonymous program. :thup:

Watch out though, step #2 is a bit tougher ... you have to accept that Carter wasn't worse than Bush.

God I'm attracting idiot liberals like a magnet today. Government does not create net new wealth with tax money, it just moves that money around. Go contemplate how to create net new wealth maybe you will figure it out.
So you don't believe in supply side economics? You know you're going to forfeit your conservative membership card, right?

So you believe lowering a corporation's taxes doesn't inspire them to hire new employees, is that right? You believe lowering tariffs doesn't increase trade, is that right? Or like another poster mentioned, when the government hires contractors to build military equipment, you believe that doesn't generate jobs, is that right?

You sure do have a lot of nerve calling others an idiot.

You seem to be arguing with yourself in circles, why don't you regroup and return when you are more rational. For the rest of you libs...

I had $10,000 in my pocket I could have used to generate net new wealth and jobs in the private sector. Instead government confiscated my money, they wasted $1,000, gave $9,000 to a contractor, then taxed the $9,000 they gave him again leaving the contractor with $7,000.

The bigger government has become, the more money they siphon off from the private sector, the worse off the poor and middle class have become. Government moving money around does not create net new wealth and every time the money moves government federal, state, local is there at the transaction wanting a cut.
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on th
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on their own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.

eir own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.
The people that are saying the wall is not needed to control illegal immigration are the people responsible for preventing it.

You mean the people who say the wall isn't necessary are the same ones who failed to stop illegal immigration. Why should we listen to anything they have to say?

First of all, almost half of the illegal immigrants entered this country legally. Secondly, the wall will not stop illegals from entering the country. It will simply slow them down. It will require a large increase in personnel to patrol the wall. And if the wall is successful, it would put more pressure on the Coast Guard to stop illegals coming in by water which has been on rise with increase in boarder security.

it's more like 40% have over-stayed their visas. That means the wall would solve 60% of the problem. Where is it written than the wall has to solve the entire problem? This stupid logic of monumental proportions. It's a meme conceived of by the open-borders assholes.

If we really want stop illegal immigration, then as a boarder patrol official said, stop hiring them.

Dumb solution. That's like solving crimes by telling criminals to stop stealing and robbing.

Essentially everything Trump has promised to do to eliminate illegal immigrants can not be done by the president. Congress would have allocate the funds to build a wall and staff it. The immigration laws would have to be changed to eliminate a number of legal defenses in the law that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the country, expand E-Verity, require all employers to verify citizenship, and expand ICE powers and funding to enforce status violations (Visa Expiration). In order for Trump to force Mexico to pay for the wall, Congress would have to break NAFTA. Then to actually find and deport massive numbers of illegals, local law enforcement would have to be forced to cooperate.

BTW The Israeli wall is only about 10% of the what Trump is proposing.

It's true that he can't do it alone, but as we've already seen, an open-borders asshole like Obama can stop anything from being done and even facilitate more illegals to come here. If there's one thing we don't need, it's some open-borders asshole like you to get elected.

The immigration laws don't have to be changed. They just have to be enforced. Obama could deport every single illegal alien without a single change in the laws. He simply chooses no to do so.

Trump has already said he intends to dump NAFTA into the trash bin. NAFTA isn't part of the Constitution, as all you open-borders assholes like to pretend. The U.S. has violated thousands of treaties in the past. It do so in the future.

Local law enforcement can be forced to cooperate simply by withholding funds from any city that chooses not to cooperate.
I don't think Homeland Security said the wall wouldn't reduce the number illegal immigrants entering the country. They said it was too costly. There are better ways to reduce illegal immigration.

NAFTA unlike the Iranian nuclear deal which is an executive agreement, was approved by Congress. The president is not free to establishes tariffs counter to the treaty. It would require approval of congress which is very unlikely because if we start breaking our treaties and withdrawing from them, people will no longer trust our word in those agreements. The immediate effect would be a trade war in which everyone loose, some more than others but everyone would loose in the long run.
Again, you simply do not understand how the economy works. All those tax dollars used to support the education of illegals creates jobs. All of that money ends up back into the private sector. If you remove those people, you lose all of that economic activity, which leads to a loss in GDP. How can you be so dumb as not to understand something so basic?

Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
Too funny.

You just utterly destroyed 40 years of rightwing rhetoric about supply side economics which insists that cutting taxes creates jobs and grows the economy.

Congrats! You've just completed step #1 in the 12 step Conservative Anonymous program. :thup:

Watch out though, step #2 is a bit tougher ... you have to accept that Carter wasn't worse than Bush.

God I'm attracting idiot liberals like a magnet today. Government does not create net new wealth with tax money, it just moves that money around. Go contemplate how to create net new wealth maybe you will figure it out.
So you don't believe in supply side economics? You know you're going to forfeit your conservative membership card, right?

So you believe lowering a corporation's taxes doesn't inspire them to hire new employees, is that right? You believe lowering tariffs doesn't increase trade, is that right? Or like another poster mentioned, when the government hires contractors to build military equipment, you believe that doesn't generate jobs, is that right?

You sure do have a lot of nerve calling others an idiot.

You seem to be arguing with yourself in circles, why don't you regroup and return when you are more rational. For the rest of you libs...

I had $10,000 in my pocket I could have used to generate net new wealth and jobs in the private sector. Instead government confiscated my money, they wasted $1,000, gave $9,000 to a contractor, then taxed the $9,000 they gave him again leaving the contractor with $7,000.

The bigger government has become, the more money they siphon off from the private sector, the worse off the poor and middle class have become. Government moving money around does not create net new wealth and every time the money moves government federal, state, local is there at the transaction wanting a cut.
You're demented to think my position changed. :cuckoo: Regardless, I can't help but notice you avoided answering every single question I asked. But then how could you answer them without exposing how stupid your position is?
Sorry I'm not in the habit of listening to blithering idiots like you. Where the hell do you think tax dollars come from, government takes money from the people who earned it and they move the money around they don't create any net new wealth or jobs. Good grief.
Too funny.

You just utterly destroyed 40 years of rightwing rhetoric about supply side economics which insists that cutting taxes creates jobs and grows the economy.

Congrats! You've just completed step #1 in the 12 step Conservative Anonymous program. :thup:

Watch out though, step #2 is a bit tougher ... you have to accept that Carter wasn't worse than Bush.

God I'm attracting idiot liberals like a magnet today. Government does not create net new wealth with tax money, it just moves that money around. Go contemplate how to create net new wealth maybe you will figure it out.
So you don't believe in supply side economics? You know you're going to forfeit your conservative membership card, right?

So you believe lowering a corporation's taxes doesn't inspire them to hire new employees, is that right? You believe lowering tariffs doesn't increase trade, is that right? Or like another poster mentioned, when the government hires contractors to build military equipment, you believe that doesn't generate jobs, is that right?

You sure do have a lot of nerve calling others an idiot.

You seem to be arguing with yourself in circles, why don't you regroup and return when you are more rational. For the rest of you libs...

I had $10,000 in my pocket I could have used to generate net new wealth and jobs in the private sector. Instead government confiscated my money, they wasted $1,000, gave $9,000 to a contractor, then taxed the $9,000 they gave him again leaving the contractor with $7,000.

The bigger government has become, the more money they siphon off from the private sector, the worse off the poor and middle class have become. Government moving money around does not create net new wealth and every time the money moves government federal, state, local is there at the transaction wanting a cut.
You're demented to think my position changed. :cuckoo: Regardless, I can't help but notice you avoided answering every single question I asked. But then how could you answer them without exposing how stupid your position is?

You didn't ask a question you attempted to construct a straw man and I destroyed it.

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