Trump brilliant on 60 minutes. Why i will vote for him

No JB I am not a diehard Trump fan, but I am a,huge,fan of what he is doing. I have said from the gitgo that Trump will not be,the nominee, but,he is laying the groundwork, he,is,showing other candidates how to do it, paving the way. He's on point.
Showing other candidates how to do what? Make promises that people want to hear with no chance of fulfilling those promises? Showing candidates that Americans are so gullible that they will equate bluster, arrogance,misogyny, and incivility with courage?

Showing how not to take shit from lefties and fall into their narrative.

The same here, I did not like Trump and his "you're fired" attitude, but I love how he stirred the pot and pissing off both, left and right establishments and shutting off autopilot politics.
The entire Anchor Baby issue has no place in an intelligent debate over illegal immigration because very few illegally immigrants enter the US to have babies. Conservatives have tried to make anchor babies and birthright citizenship part of the debate over illegal immigration. However, what this is really about is not illegal immigration but the increasing numbers of legal Hispanic voters who vote Democrat in most elections. If Republicans want to solve their problem with the Hispanic-American vote, then they need to address the issues that are important to them, not attempt to reduce the number of legal Hispanic-American voters.

"According to a report by the Pew Hispanic Center, a think tank that has done extensive research on immigration policy, 3.8 million undocumented immigrants have at least one child who is a citizen. "Most children of unauthorized immigrants -- 73 percent in 2008 -- are U.S. citizens by birth," the center says. That's up from 63 percent in 2003.

These statistics suggest not only that the number is large, but is also growing."

Fact-checking the claims about 'anchor babies' and whether illegal immigrants 'drop and leave'
I don't dispute those figures. My point is that having babies in the US is not a significant factor in illegal immigration. Child bearing is not why they come to the US. Eliminate birthright citizenship, and there would little impact on the number of people entering the US illegally. This is why I say anchor babies and birthright citizenship should not part of a debate on illegal immigration. However, the number of undocumented immigrants would increase significantly without birthright citizenship.. Using Pew's figures, we would have several million more undocumented immigrants living in the US. Republicans might be happy with this because they wouldn't be registering to vote and voting for Democrats. However, having more disenfranchised poor people living in the country creates more social problems.
2010, both the Pew Research Center and the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that more than 300,000 such children were born in the United States every year. Pew pegged the figure at 340,000 in 2008, while CIS gave a range of 300,000 to 400,000. Under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, all were recognized as U.S. citizens at birth.

Pew estimated that four out of every five children born to at least one authorized immigrant parent were born in the United States, for a total of 4 million in 2009. That number has probably grown by an additional 2 million in the past six years.

women who come to the United States on tourist visas — and thus are on U.S. soil legally — but for the express purpose of having the child born in the United States.

The Washington Post wrote about the trend in 2010, noting that the regulations do not permit the State Department to refuse visas simply because a woman is pregnant. Rolling Stone magazine recently documentedthe case of a Chinese couple who paid $20,000 to be housed in a small hotel in Los Angeles while they were awaiting the birth of the child. The main motivation — ensuring the child could be educated in the United States.

Camarota of CIS in 2015 estimated the number of “birth tourists” was about 36,000, after comparing the data for the number of foreign-born mothers who gave birth during the year against the number of such women who showed up in the U.S. Census. The gap was almost 36,000, but he cautioned that it was a very rough estimate.

Camarota, in an interview, said the largest share of birth tourists was probably from East Asia, but many also came from Eastern Europe (such as Russia) and Nigeria. A report in Vice says that a handful of pregnant women board every flight from Moscow to Miami, which is apparently a popular spot for Russian birth tourists.

The Huffington Post, quoting Chinese sources, said the total number of Chinese birth tourists is projected to be 60,000 in 2014, a sixfold increase over 2012 — apparently spurred on by a romantic comedy, “Finding Mr. Right,” about a Chinese woman who flew to Seattle so she could have an American baby (and also go shopping).
‘Birth tourists’ and ‘anchor babies:’ What Trump and Bush got right

You stand corrected.
And with Oprah Winfrey as Trump's VP pick--no one would stand a chance--LOL
Election 2016: Donald Trump: Oprah would be a "great" vice president - CBS News

He was joking around about that, not seriously proposing she get the VP slot.

Why are you libtards so stupid? :D
I don't dispute those figures. My point is that having babies in the US is not a significant factor in illegal immigration. Child bearing is not why they come to the US. Eliminate birthright citizenship, and there would little impact on the number of people entering the US illegally. This is why I say anchor babies and birthright citizenship should not part of a debate on illegal immigration.

I do not grasp how you think that 300k anchor babies annually is not significant. Simply because there are even worse aspects to the problem with illegal immigrants doesn't mean that anchor babies are irrelevant.

However, the number of undocumented immigrants would increase significantly without birthright citizenship.. Using Pew's figures, we would have several million more undocumented immigrants living in the US. Republicans might be happy with this because they wouldn't be registering to vote and voting for Democrats. However, having more disenfranchised poor people living in the country creates more social problems.

It is a complex issue, but we should still enforce the laws as much as it is practically possible, by reporting illegals for deportation when they register their kids for school, after giving them free medical care, when caught in traffic stops, etc.

But here is the real mystery to me about all this. Each job held by illegal aliens or H1-B visa serfs is a job that wont be held by working class citizenry who would be inclined to vote Democrat once they were nationalized. By protecting the illegals from being sent out of the country, Democrats are blocking the entry of future legal Democrat voters. Right now they have been hoping that they could get an amnesty for all these illegals, but I don't think that is going to fly any more. Far too many Americans are dead set against that ever happening. So the real winners of the black market labor and serf labor are the corporations at the expense of working class Americans and the Democratic Party.

And yet the Democratic Party continues to run interference on enforcing immigration laws. I have long known that the Democrats were willing to trade off the national interests for their own party interests, but now they are trading off their own party's interests as well. I cant make up my mind if this is because the Democrats are being manipulated by exploitative international corporations and the Catholic Church, or if it is because Democrats are using these illegals to cast votes, like the dead have long been doing in Chicago and elsewhere.

With the GOP getting more and more keen on the illegal voting, it sounds increasingly like the Democrats are simply doing the bidding of the Roman Catholic Church bishops and Microsoft. And they just cant help it.
No JB I am not a diehard Trump fan, but I am a,huge,fan of what he is doing. I have said from the gitgo that Trump will not be,the nominee, but,he is laying the groundwork, he,is,showing other candidates how to do it, paving the way. He's on point.
Showing other candidates how to do what? Make promises that people want to hear with no chance of fulfilling those promises? Showing candidates that Americans are so gullible that they will equate bluster, arrogance,misogyny, and incivility with courage?

Showing how not to take shit from lefties and fall into their narrative.

The same here, I did not like Trump and his "you're fired" attitude, but I love how he stirred the pot and pissing off both, left and right establishments and shutting off autopilot politics.
I don't understand your reasoning. Pissing off the very people needed to fulfill campaign promises is certainly stirring the pot. However, maybe who you really want elected is someone who will use the presidency as a platform to attack the political establishment instead of actually running the government and solving problems in domestic and foreign policy.
And with Oprah Winfrey as Trump's VP pick--no one would stand a chance--LOL
Election 2016: Donald Trump: Oprah would be a "great" vice president - CBS News

He was joking around about that, not seriously proposing she get the VP slot.

Why are you libtards so stupid? :D

No--I don't know if he was "joking" and neither do you. I think he is having a wonderful time making FOOLS out of the people that support him.

He's topped out at 32% support--now he's at 23% support--heading down--meaning that approximately 70% are saying Oh Hell No to Donald Trump.

There's a reason Trump is often referred to as the "Liberals Liberal"

1. Donald Trump supported Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News
2. Trump is for single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
3. Trump has a real love affair with eminent domain.
Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House
4. He sure didn't support a WALL in 2012--because he blasted Romney for losing, citing the reason was he was too-mean spirited toward illegals.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Finally: Trump doesn't want to disclose his foreign policy--wants it to be unpredictable--LOL

And with Oprah Winfrey as Trump's VP pick--no one would stand a chance--LOL
Election 2016: Donald Trump: Oprah would be a "great" vice president - CBS News
He was joking around about that, not seriously proposing she get the VP slot.

Why are you libtards so stupid? :D

No--I don't know if he was "joking" and neither do you.

No, I think the context and his explanation later make it apparent that he was joking.

That is why you libtards will never understand other people who are not libtards. You don't try to understand them by their own statements and behavior, but you make up things that you feel comfortable with and choose to believe that instead.
People either think he is awesome or they think he's a prick. The latter outnumber the former so he's a loser

A prick may be exactly what is needed to get our Country back.

One day the organs of a mans sleeping body got into an argument about who was most important.
'I am the most important' said the eyes, 'because without me the man cant see.'
'I am the most important' said the brain, 'because without me the man cant think.'
'I am the most important' said the lungs, 'because without me the man cant breath or live.'
'I am the most important' said the heart, 'because without me he cant live either.'

'No, I am the most important' said the asshole and the other organs all laughed hysterically.

But when the man awoke and began his day, the asshole refuse to do his job. By the end of the day the man was suffering. By the end of the week his eyes couldn't see, his heart and lungs were weak, and his brain couldn't think.

'WE GIVE UP!' they all cried, 'YOU ARE RIGHT, ASS HOLE!'

The morale to the story of course is one should never underestimate the importance of a real ass hole.
The entire Anchor Baby issue has no place in an intelligent debate over illegal immigration because very few illegally immigrants enter the US to have babies. Conservatives have tried to make anchor babies and birthright citizenship part of the debate over illegal immigration. However, what this is really about is not illegal immigration but the increasing numbers of legal Hispanic voters who vote Democrat in most elections. If Republicans want to solve their problem with the Hispanic-American vote, then they need to address the issues that are important to them, not attempt to reduce the number of legal Hispanic-American voters.

"According to a report by the Pew Hispanic Center, a think tank that has done extensive research on immigration policy, 3.8 million undocumented immigrants have at least one child who is a citizen. "Most children of unauthorized immigrants -- 73 percent in 2008 -- are U.S. citizens by birth," the center says. That's up from 63 percent in 2003.

These statistics suggest not only that the number is large, but is also growing."

Fact-checking the claims about 'anchor babies' and whether illegal immigrants 'drop and leave'
I don't dispute those figures. My point is that having babies in the US is not a significant factor in illegal immigration. Child bearing is not why they come to the US. Eliminate birthright citizenship, and there would little impact on the number of people entering the US illegally. This is why I say anchor babies and birthright citizenship should not part of a debate on illegal immigration. However, the number of undocumented immigrants would increase significantly without birthright citizenship.. Using Pew's figures, we would have several million more undocumented immigrants living in the US. Republicans might be happy with this because they wouldn't be registering to vote and voting for Democrats. However, having more disenfranchised poor people living in the country creates more social problems.
2010, both the Pew Research Center and the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that more than 300,000 such children were born in the United States every year. Pew pegged the figure at 340,000 in 2008, while CIS gave a range of 300,000 to 400,000. Under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, all were recognized as U.S. citizens at birth.

Pew estimated that four out of every five children born to at least one authorized immigrant parent were born in the United States, for a total of 4 million in 2009. That number has probably grown by an additional 2 million in the past six years.

women who come to the United States on tourist visas — and thus are on U.S. soil legally — but for the express purpose of having the child born in the United States.

The Washington Post wrote about the trend in 2010, noting that the regulations do not permit the State Department to refuse visas simply because a woman is pregnant. Rolling Stone magazine recently documentedthe case of a Chinese couple who paid $20,000 to be housed in a small hotel in Los Angeles while they were awaiting the birth of the child. The main motivation — ensuring the child could be educated in the United States.

Camarota of CIS in 2015 estimated the number of “birth tourists” was about 36,000, after comparing the data for the number of foreign-born mothers who gave birth during the year against the number of such women who showed up in the U.S. Census. The gap was almost 36,000, but he cautioned that it was a very rough estimate.

Camarota, in an interview, said the largest share of birth tourists was probably from East Asia, but many also came from Eastern Europe (such as Russia) and Nigeria. A report in Vice says that a handful of pregnant women board every flight from Moscow to Miami, which is apparently a popular spot for Russian birth tourists.

The Huffington Post, quoting Chinese sources, said the total number of Chinese birth tourists is projected to be 60,000 in 2014, a sixfold increase over 2012 — apparently spurred on by a romantic comedy, “Finding Mr. Right,” about a Chinese woman who flew to Seattle so she could have an American baby (and also go shopping).
‘Birth tourists’ and ‘anchor babies:’ What Trump and Bush got right

You stand corrected.
As I said in my post, I agree with the Pew Research study. However, I don't believe childbirth is a significant reason why people illegally enter the US.

Without birthright citizenship, these children will just add to the number undocumented immigrants in the US and the resulting social problems. Under current immigration laws, these children wouldn't be deportable because they did not enter the country illegally and they did violate immigration status.
As I said in my post, I agree with the Pew Research study. However, I don't believe childbirth is a significant reason why people illegally enter the US.

Not even 300,000 of them per year? roflmao

Without birthright citizenship, these children will just add to the number undocumented immigrants in the US and the resulting social problems. Under current immigration laws, these children wouldn't be deportable because they did not enter the country illegally and they did violate immigration status.

That is not adding up. You are implying that the vast majority of illegals born here did not enter the country illegally? You think they all entered on visas and over stayed?
I don't dispute those figures. My point is that having babies in the US is not a significant factor in illegal immigration. Child bearing is not why they come to the US. Eliminate birthright citizenship, and there would little impact on the number of people entering the US illegally. This is why I say anchor babies and birthright citizenship should not part of a debate on illegal immigration.

I do not grasp how you think that 300k anchor babies annually is not significant. Simply because there are even worse aspects to the problem with illegal immigrants doesn't mean that anchor babies are irrelevant.

However, the number of undocumented immigrants would increase significantly without birthright citizenship.. Using Pew's figures, we would have several million more undocumented immigrants living in the US. Republicans might be happy with this because they wouldn't be registering to vote and voting for Democrats. However, having more disenfranchised poor people living in the country creates more social problems.

It is a complex issue, but we should still enforce the laws as much as it is practically possible, by reporting illegals for deportation when they register their kids for school, after giving them free medical care, when caught in traffic stops, etc.

But here is the real mystery to me about all this. Each job held by illegal aliens or H1-B visa serfs is a job that wont be held by working class citizenry who would be inclined to vote Democrat once they were nationalized. By protecting the illegals from being sent out of the country, Democrats are blocking the entry of future legal Democrat voters. Right now they have been hoping that they could get an amnesty for all these illegals, but I don't think that is going to fly any more. Far too many Americans are dead set against that ever happening. So the real winners of the black market labor and serf labor are the corporations at the expense of working class Americans and the Democratic Party.

And yet the Democratic Party continues to run interference on enforcing immigration laws. I have long known that the Democrats were willing to trade off the national interests for their own party interests, but now they are trading off their own party's interests as well. I cant make up my mind if this is because the Democrats are being manipulated by exploitative international corporations and the Catholic Church, or if it is because Democrats are using these illegals to cast votes, like the dead have long been doing in Chicago and elsewhere.

With the GOP getting more and more keen on the illegal voting, it sounds increasingly like the Democrats are simply doing the bidding of the Roman Catholic Church bishops and Microsoft. And they just cant help it.
Too many points in your post to address all of them.

As you said, it's a complex problem. The reason people don't report undocumented immigrants for deportation is summed up in the August 2015 Gallup Poll. in which an astounding 79% to 19% of Americans favor immigration reform that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country. In the same poll 65% of Americas favor a path to citizenship. In a 2011 Gallup poll, 81% of Americans do not favor deporting all illegal immigrants. So Jose and his family are not likely to be sent back to Mexico by the school regardless of what Trump may promise.

I believe we passed the tipping point on illegal immigrants years ago. Although there are only an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, most of these people have been here for years. They have families, friends, classmates, and fellow employees, many being legal residents or citizens that don't want to see them deported. Even people that have little association with undocumented immigrants don't want to lose their maids, gardeners, construction workers or field hands who work long hours for low pay.

Unfortunately, politics is a major consideration in dealing with illegal immigration. Democrats benefit and Republicans suffer from more Hispanic voters. However, both parties are guilty of not enforcing the laws because the laws themselves are not really enforceable. Most people do not support the laws therefore local law enforcement doesn't either and without local enforcement and community support, immigration officials can't do their jobs. The situation is similar to prohibition. Laws without the support of the people aren't enforceable and become a mockery of justice.

He wont let the filth media get away with anything. He is the greatest.

No promises, lot can still happen, but if he gets the nomination I might register to vote for thwe first time in my life and vote for him. No one viable and attractive on the other side as yet. Would seriously consider registering just to vote against Clinton if she gets the nod.
Thanks for the well written and thought out response.

As you said, it's a complex problem. The reason people don't report undocumented immigrants for deportation is summed up in the August 2015 Gallup Poll. in which an astounding 79% to 19% of Americans favor immigration reform that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country. In the same poll 65% of Americas favor a path to citizenship. In a 2011 Gallup poll, 81% of Americans do not favor deporting all illegal immigrants. So Jose and his family are not likely to be sent back to Mexico by the school regardless of what Trump may promise.

Another battle of the polls that hinges on just how the poll was done. My impression after reading a wide number of polls is that most Americans do not want ALL illegals deported, that is without any exceptions at all. But most people do want most illegals deported and that percentage goes up if the illegal is single without a family, or is a felon, or got here recently. Most people are wanting to let long term resident illegals with kids in our schools to be able to stay if they pay their back taxes and any fines that are normal.

I believe we passed the tipping point on illegal immigrants years ago. Although there are only an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, most of these people have been here for years. They have families, friends, classmates, and fellow employees, many being legal residents or citizens that don't want to see them deported. Even people that have little association with undocumented immigrants don't want to lose their maids, gardeners, construction workers or field hands who work long hours for low pay.

No, we are not past the tipping point because, whether it is due to an ailing black market drained economy or just a fed up middle class driving immigration laws being enforced, the current rate of immigration will come to a trickle and Hispanic birthrates will slow. And then, since most Hispanics are white, they will eventually assimilate into the broader American society anyway and wont be voting on the basis of their ethnic group.

And believe it or not most Americans don't have gardeners or maids on their personal payrolls, lol.

Unfortunately, politics is a major consideration in dealing with illegal immigration. Democrats benefit and Republicans suffer from more Hispanic voters. However, both parties are guilty of not enforcing the laws because the laws themselves are not really enforceable. Most people do not support the laws therefore local law enforcement doesn't either and without local enforcement and community support, immigration officials can't do their jobs. The situation is similar to prohibition. Laws without the support of the people aren't enforceable and become a mockery of justice.

The laws are enforceable, but the place to start is with the corporations and bidnesses that are hiring the black market labor. When hiring illegals becomes a felony and RICO laws are used to confiscate bidness assets, the hiring will collapse, and these folks will self-deport.
As I said in my post, I agree with the Pew Research study. However, I don't believe childbirth is a significant reason why people illegally enter the US.

Not even 300,000 of them per year? roflmao

Without birthright citizenship, these children will just add to the number undocumented immigrants in the US and the resulting social problems. Under current immigration laws, these children wouldn't be deportable because they did not enter the country illegally and they did violate immigration status.

That is not adding up. You are implying that the vast majority of illegals born here did not enter the country illegally? You think they all entered on visas and over stayed?
We aren't communicating here. Children born in the US of illegal immigrants would not be US citizens if we did not have birthright citizenship. Therefore they would joint the ranks of undocumented immigrants just increasing the social problems.

In fact, without birthright citizenship these children born of illegal immigrants would be a new class of undocumented residents. They would not be illegal immigrants because they have not violated immigration law; that is, they have not entered the country illegally nor have they violated immigration status. Therefore they would not be deportable.
Thanks for the well written and thought out response.

As you said, it's a complex problem. The reason people don't report undocumented immigrants for deportation is summed up in the August 2015 Gallup Poll. in which an astounding 79% to 19% of Americans favor immigration reform that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country. In the same poll 65% of Americas favor a path to citizenship. In a 2011 Gallup poll, 81% of Americans do not favor deporting all illegal immigrants. So Jose and his family are not likely to be sent back to Mexico by the school regardless of what Trump may promise.

Another battle of the polls that hinges on just how the poll was done. My impression after reading a wide number of polls is that most Americans do not want ALL illegals deported, that is without any exceptions at all. But most people do want most illegals deported and that percentage goes up if the illegal is single without a family, or is a felon, or got here recently. Most people are wanting to let long term resident illegals with kids in our schools to be able to stay if they pay their back taxes and any fines that are normal.

I believe we passed the tipping point on illegal immigrants years ago. Although there are only an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, most of these people have been here for years. They have families, friends, classmates, and fellow employees, many being legal residents or citizens that don't want to see them deported. Even people that have little association with undocumented immigrants don't want to lose their maids, gardeners, construction workers or field hands who work long hours for low pay.

No, we are not past the tipping point because, whether it is due to an ailing black market drained economy or just a fed up middle class driving immigration laws being enforced, the current rate of immigration will come to a trickle and Hispanic birthrates will slow. And then, since most Hispanics are white, they will eventually assimilate into the broader American society anyway and wont be voting on the basis of their ethnic group.

And believe it or not most Americans don't have gardeners or maids on their personal payrolls, lol.

Unfortunately, politics is a major consideration in dealing with illegal immigration. Democrats benefit and Republicans suffer from more Hispanic voters. However, both parties are guilty of not enforcing the laws because the laws themselves are not really enforceable. Most people do not support the laws therefore local law enforcement doesn't either and without local enforcement and community support, immigration officials can't do their jobs. The situation is similar to prohibition. Laws without the support of the people aren't enforceable and become a mockery of justice.

The laws are enforceable, but the place to start is with the corporations and bidnesses that are hiring the black market labor. When hiring illegals becomes a felony and RICO laws are used to confiscate bidness assets, the hiring will collapse, and these folks will self-deport.
By Tipping point, I meant undocumented immigrants are far more integrated into society today than in the past. The chance of anyone reporting them to the ICE is remote. They marry into families of legal Hispanics and Anglos families, work in jobs along side legal resident. Their kids go to public schools, learn English and have both Anglo and Hispanic friends This was not always the case.

I agree, business should be using E-Verify to weed out illegals from consideration for jobs. However, a lot more needs to change.
Flopper you are playing fast and loose with the polls. The poll question said do you favor a path to citizenship if illegals have to pay taxes and meet a number of requirements. There is no informal sure let them all in sentiment in this country. Super majorities believe in enforcing our borders. Super majorities believe corporations should be punished for hiring illegals. Unlike your statement, a majority believes the laws should be enforced. By overwhelming numbers Americans believe immigrants should learn how to speak English. Also majorities believe we should have less immigration, not more. Basically Americans are fine with legal immigration but opposed to people who break the law. Your suggestions that Americans no longer think this is a big deal are false.
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™
60 Minutes: You can't do that
Trump: Yes I can

60 Minutes: It can't be done
Trump: Yes it can

60 Minutes: How on earth would you do that?
Trump: Don't worry yourself about it, leave it to me.

It was hilarious.

If Trump were to be elected, he might be able to persuade members of Congress to go along with him. Then again, he's never worked in government, especially in our federal government. He might not be able to convince anyone of anything, and then he would be just like everyone else, not being able to accomplish anything. Trump is used to buying his way. You can't do that as President.

One thing is certain both establishment parties are convinced the real problems can't be fixed, they are convinced its hopeless without even trying. Trump is upsetting that narrative. We saw it on 60 minutes again tonight, they told Trump you can't deport 10 million illegals and he said oh yes I can. They told Trump you can't build a wall and he said oh yes I can and we will. The MSM and establishment have lost control over these carefully crafted 'can't, its impossible' narratives.

Sure we could deport 10 million illegals. It would have a devastating impact on our economy, but we could do it.

Unauthorized immigrants made up 5.2% (about 8 million) of the U.S. workforce in 2010, according to a report from theAmerican Immigration Council's Strength In Diversity report.

The same year, the American Immigration Council and American Progress estimated that deporting all unauthorized immigrants from the country and sealing the borders to future unauthorized immigration would "reduce the U.S. GDP by 1.46% annually—or $2.6 trillion in lost GDP over 10 years."

These States Will Lose Billions If Their Illegal Immigrants Are Deported - Business Insider

Many will argue this, but if you think about it seriously, the logical conclusion is that it would hurt our economy much more than it would help it.

How does the replacement of black market labor with fully paid legal labor not help the tax base, the secondary and tertiary economy and the consumer market of those locales?

Sometimes you open borders people are worse than socialist ideologues with your refusal to look at the whole picture

The problem is that you won't replace that labor. It will be lost completely. That is why estimates show a loss in GDP of upwards of 2%. Why not take that base of people and allow them to have their earnings taxed by making them legal. We don't necessarily have to make them citizens to make them legal.

So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.
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No one has to dig up the dirt. It pours out of his mouth. What you see is what you get with Trump, an amateur politician, who has little or no knowledge of how government functions, and even less knowledge of foreign affairs. He's avoided military service, has no experience in public service, and thinks he can run the government the way he runs his businesses. The fact that anyone thinks Trump has what it takes to be president is a said comment on the state of American politics.

And those lawyers and professional politicians, with all the knowledge about government functions and foreign affairs, and with all back room deals economic wisdom, created the shit we're in right now. Still wanna go with them?

If better qualified people can't solve the problem, then let's try someone unqualified and see what happens. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

At least Trump wants to solve the problem. The so-called "more qualified" Obama doesn't. He is the problem.
People either think he is awesome or they think he's a prick. The latter outnumber the former so he's a loser.

That is what they said about him when he entered, that he would never be in the lead and would never poll more than a few percentage points.


I suspect he will be pressured out of the race though because the establishment will dig up some kind of dirt on him, like violating some laws on zoning, building codes, whatever and put him under indictment and kill his campaign with the DA's office.
No one has to dig up the dirt. It pours out of his mouth. What you see is what you get with Trump, an amateur politician, who has little or no knowledge of how government functions, and even less knowledge of foreign affairs. He's avoided military service, has no experience in public service, and thinks he can run the government the way he runs his businesses. The fact that anyone thinks Trump has what it takes to be president is a said comment on the state of American politics.

I think we all know how government functions, and it isn't pretty. We need someone who wants to change the way government functions, not someone who is content with business as usual.

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