Trump brilliant on 60 minutes. Why i will vote for him

No one has to dig up the dirt. It pours out of his mouth. What you see is what you get with Trump, an amateur politician, who has little or no knowledge of how government functions, and even less knowledge of foreign affairs. He's avoided military service, has no experience in public service, and thinks he can run the government the way he runs his businesses. The fact that anyone thinks Trump has what it takes to be president is a said comment on the state of American politics.

And those lawyers and professional politicians, with all the knowledge about government functions and foreign affairs, and with all back room deals economic wisdom, created the shit we're in right now. Still wanna go with them?

If better qualified people can't solve the problem, then let's try someone unqualified and see what happens. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

At least Trump wants to solve the problem. The so-called "more qualified" Obama doesn't. He is the problem.

If elected president Hillary is promising the people a suck ass shit life living on government handouts. Meanwhile she'll get the illegals do the work...wait for it...yeah for the same amount of money to have a suck ass shit life. lmao these libs are dense.
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on th
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on their own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.

eir own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.
The people that are saying the wall is not needed to control illegal immigration are the people responsible for preventing it.

You mean the people who say the wall isn't necessary are the same ones who failed to stop illegal immigration. Why should we listen to anything they have to say?

First of all, almost half of the illegal immigrants entered this country legally. Secondly, the wall will not stop illegals from entering the country. It will simply slow them down. It will require a large increase in personnel to patrol the wall. And if the wall is successful, it would put more pressure on the Coast Guard to stop illegals coming in by water which has been on rise with increase in boarder security.

it's more like 40% have over-stayed their visas. That means the wall would solve 60% of the problem. Where is it written than the wall has to solve the entire problem? This stupid logic of monumental proportions. It's a meme conceived of by the open-borders assholes.

If we really want stop illegal immigration, then as a boarder patrol official said, stop hiring them.

Dumb solution. That's like solving crimes by telling criminals to stop stealing and robbing.

Essentially everything Trump has promised to do to eliminate illegal immigrants can not be done by the president. Congress would have allocate the funds to build a wall and staff it. The immigration laws would have to be changed to eliminate a number of legal defenses in the law that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the country, expand E-Verity, require all employers to verify citizenship, and expand ICE powers and funding to enforce status violations (Visa Expiration). In order for Trump to force Mexico to pay for the wall, Congress would have to break NAFTA. Then to actually find and deport massive numbers of illegals, local law enforcement would have to be forced to cooperate.

BTW The Israeli wall is only about 10% of the what Trump is proposing.

It's true that he can't do it alone, but as we've already seen, an open-borders asshole like Obama can stop anything from being done and even facilitate more illegals to come here. If there's one thing we don't need, it's some open-borders asshole like you to get elected.

The immigration laws don't have to be changed. They just have to be enforced. Obama could deport every single illegal alien without a single change in the laws. He simply chooses no to do so.

Trump has already said he intends to dump NAFTA into the trash bin. NAFTA isn't part of the Constitution, as all you open-borders assholes like to pretend. The U.S. has violated thousands of treaties in the past. It do so in the future.

Local law enforcement can be forced to cooperate simply by withholding funds from any city that chooses not to cooperate.
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on th
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on their own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.

eir own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.
The people that are saying the wall is not needed to control illegal immigration are the people responsible for preventing it. First of all, almost half of the illegal immigrants entered this country legally. Secondly, the wall will not stop illegals from entering the country. It will simply slow them down. It will require a large increase in personnel to patrol the wall. And if the wall is successful, it would put more pressure on the Coast Guard to stop illegals coming in by water which has been on rise with increase in boarder security.

If we really want stop illegal immigration, then as a boarder patrol official said, stop hiring them.

Essentially everything Trump has promised to do to eliminate illegal immigrants can not be done by the president. Congress would have allocate the funds to build a wall and staff it. The immigration laws would have to be changed to eliminate a number of legal defenses in the law that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the country, expand E-Verity, require all employers to verify citizenship, and expand ICE powers and funding to enforce status violations (Visa Expiration). In order for Trump to force Mexico to pay for the wall, Congress would have to break NAFTA. Then to actually find and deport massive numbers of illegals, local law enforcement would have to be forced to cooperate.

BTW The Israeli wall is only about 10% of the what Trump is proposing.

Yes, of course the wall sows down he illegal immigrants, forcing them to take other routes through, but then again, if you had any security training you would know that that is all that any security system does. It slows down the perps till due authorities can arrive and arrest them.

And political appointees say the wall is not needed but the guys who actually do patrol say it is.

And Trump can force Mexico to pay for the wall by simply deducting it from the financial aid we give them every ear, duh.

You rely haven't thought this through much at all, have you?
Oh, Trump doesn't want to put tariffs on Mexican goods to pay for the wall any more and start a trade war with Mexico. Well that's great. House Republicans have already proposed cutting off foreign aid to Mexico which would amount to $265. That would pay for only 5% to 7% of the wall.

Apparent Trump didn't bother to ask where that foreign aid actually goes in Mexico. As it turns out over 75% of it goes to reduce drug trafficking, coordinating boarder control activities with the US, and assisting the US in anti-terrorist activities. Most US foreign paid to Mexico as well as other countries buys assistance we need. I wonder what Trump's next hair brain scheme will be.

As Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano declares, "You show me a 50-foot wall, and I'll show you a 51-foot ladder at the border," the answer is fairly straightforward: You show me a 51-foot ladder, and I'll show you a guardsman standing on the other side of the wall waiting to arrest the person using it. Building a wall is one thing, making it work is another matter.

Only the open-borders assholes have suggested we would build a wall without manning it. Such suggestions only indicate how incredibly stupid they are.
No JB I am not a diehard Trump fan, but I am a,huge,fan of what he is doing. I have said from the gitgo that Trump will not be,the nominee, but,he is laying the groundwork, he,is,showing other candidates how to do it, paving the way. He's on point.
Showing other candidates how to do what? Make promises that people want to hear with no chance of fulfilling those promises? Showing candidates that Americans are so gullible that they will equate bluster, arrogance,misogyny, and incivility with courage?

The only promises Obama made are the ones no one wanted him to keep. He made far more grandiose promises than Trump. At least Trump is wiling to try to fix the problem. Anyone who babbles about "comprehensive immigration reform" is announcing the intend to do nothing, and in fact they intend to make the problem worse.
No JB I am not a diehard Trump fan, but I am a,huge,fan of what he is doing. I have said from the gitgo that Trump will not be,the nominee, but,he is laying the groundwork, he,is,showing other candidates how to do it, paving the way. He's on point.
Showing other candidates how to do what? Make promises that people want to hear with no chance of fulfilling those promises? Showing candidates that Americans are so gullible that they will equate bluster, arrogance,misogyny, and incivility with courage?

Showing how not to take shit from lefties and fall into their narrative.

The same here, I did not like Trump and his "you're fired" attitude, but I love how he stirred the pot and pissing off both, left and right establishments and shutting off autopilot politics.
I don't understand your reasoning. Pissing off the very people needed to fulfill campaign promises is certainly stirring the pot. However, maybe who you really want elected is someone who will use the presidency as a platform to attack the political establishment instead of actually running the government and solving problems in domestic and foreign policy.

Actually solving problems is the surest way to piss off the political establishment.
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on th
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on their own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.

eir own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.
The people that are saying the wall is not needed to control illegal immigration are the people responsible for preventing it.

You mean the people who say the wall isn't necessary are the same ones who failed to stop illegal immigration. Why should we listen to anything they have to say?

First of all, almost half of the illegal immigrants entered this country legally. Secondly, the wall will not stop illegals from entering the country. It will simply slow them down. It will require a large increase in personnel to patrol the wall. And if the wall is successful, it would put more pressure on the Coast Guard to stop illegals coming in by water which has been on rise with increase in boarder security.

it's more like 40% have over-stayed their visas. That means the wall would solve 60% of the problem. Where is it written than the wall has to solve the entire problem? This stupid logic of monumental proportions. It's a meme conceived of by the open-borders assholes.

If we really want stop illegal immigration, then as a boarder patrol official said, stop hiring them.

Dumb solution. That's like solving crimes by telling criminals to stop stealing and robbing.

Essentially everything Trump has promised to do to eliminate illegal immigrants can not be done by the president. Congress would have allocate the funds to build a wall and staff it. The immigration laws would have to be changed to eliminate a number of legal defenses in the law that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the country, expand E-Verity, require all employers to verify citizenship, and expand ICE powers and funding to enforce status violations (Visa Expiration). In order for Trump to force Mexico to pay for the wall, Congress would have to break NAFTA. Then to actually find and deport massive numbers of illegals, local law enforcement would have to be forced to cooperate.

BTW The Israeli wall is only about 10% of the what Trump is proposing.

It's true that he can't do it alone, but as we've already seen, an open-borders asshole like Obama can stop anything from being done and even facilitate more illegals to come here. If there's one thing we don't need, it's some open-borders asshole like you to get elected.

The immigration laws don't have to be changed. They just have to be enforced. Obama could deport every single illegal alien without a single change in the laws. He simply chooses no to do so.

Trump has already said he intends to dump NAFTA into the trash bin. NAFTA isn't part of the Constitution, as all you open-borders assholes like to pretend. The U.S. has violated thousands of treaties in the past. It do so in the future.

Local law enforcement can be forced to cooperate simply by withholding funds from any city that chooses not to cooperate.
If the wall is so important, why doesn't the Republican-controlled Congress fund it? The bill to build the wall is passed -- all that is need at this point is funding it. Yet Republicans refuse to do so. Instead, morons like you blame the left. :cuckoo:
I don't dispute those figures. My point is that having babies in the US is not a significant factor in illegal immigration. Child bearing is not why they come to the US. Eliminate birthright citizenship, and there would little impact on the number of people entering the US illegally. This is why I say anchor babies and birthright citizenship should not part of a debate on illegal immigration.

I do not grasp how you think that 300k anchor babies annually is not significant. Simply because there are even worse aspects to the problem with illegal immigrants doesn't mean that anchor babies are irrelevant.

However, the number of undocumented immigrants would increase significantly without birthright citizenship.. Using Pew's figures, we would have several million more undocumented immigrants living in the US. Republicans might be happy with this because they wouldn't be registering to vote and voting for Democrats. However, having more disenfranchised poor people living in the country creates more social problems.

It is a complex issue, but we should still enforce the laws as much as it is practically possible, by reporting illegals for deportation when they register their kids for school, after giving them free medical care, when caught in traffic stops, etc.

But here is the real mystery to me about all this. Each job held by illegal aliens or H1-B visa serfs is a job that wont be held by working class citizenry who would be inclined to vote Democrat once they were nationalized. By protecting the illegals from being sent out of the country, Democrats are blocking the entry of future legal Democrat voters. Right now they have been hoping that they could get an amnesty for all these illegals, but I don't think that is going to fly any more. Far too many Americans are dead set against that ever happening. So the real winners of the black market labor and serf labor are the corporations at the expense of working class Americans and the Democratic Party.

And yet the Democratic Party continues to run interference on enforcing immigration laws. I have long known that the Democrats were willing to trade off the national interests for their own party interests, but now they are trading off their own party's interests as well. I cant make up my mind if this is because the Democrats are being manipulated by exploitative international corporations and the Catholic Church, or if it is because Democrats are using these illegals to cast votes, like the dead have long been doing in Chicago and elsewhere.

With the GOP getting more and more keen on the illegal voting, it sounds increasingly like the Democrats are simply doing the bidding of the Roman Catholic Church bishops and Microsoft. And they just cant help it.
Too many points in your post to address all of them.

As you said, it's a complex problem. The reason people don't report undocumented immigrants for deportation is summed up in the August 2015 Gallup Poll. in which an astounding 79% to 19% of Americans favor immigration reform that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country. In the same poll 65% of Americas favor a path to citizenship. In a 2011 Gallup poll, 81% of Americans do not favor deporting all illegal immigrants. So Jose and his family are not likely to be sent back to Mexico by the school regardless of what Trump may promise.

I believe we passed the tipping point on illegal immigrants years ago. Although there are only an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, most of these people have been here for years. They have families, friends, classmates, and fellow employees, many being legal residents or citizens that don't want to see them deported. Even people that have little association with undocumented immigrants don't want to lose their maids, gardeners, construction workers or field hands who work long hours for low pay.

Unfortunately, politics is a major consideration in dealing with illegal immigration. Democrats benefit and Republicans suffer from more Hispanic voters. However, both parties are guilty of not enforcing the laws because the laws themselves are not really enforceable. Most people do not support the laws therefore local law enforcement doesn't either and without local enforcement and community support, immigration officials can't do their jobs. The situation is similar to prohibition. Laws without the support of the people aren't enforceable and become a mockery of justice..

That's pure horseshit.

- Poll: Americans Want More Aggressive Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

Just 16% of Likely U.S. Voters think the U.S. government is too aggressive in deporting those who are in the country illegally. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% believe the government is not aggressive enough in deporting these illegal immigrants, up from 52% a year ago and 56% in November. Fifteen percent (15%) feel the current number of deportations is about right.

Thirty-two percent (32%) believe illegal immigrants who have American-born children should be exempt from deportation, an element of Obama’s plan, but 51% now disagree. In November, voters were much more closely divided: 38% said they should be exempt from deportation, and only 42% disagreed. Seventeen percent (17%) remain undecided.

But then most voters (54%) continue to feel that a child born to an illegal immigrant mother in the United States should not automatically become a U.S. citizen, as is now the case. Thirty-eight percent (38%) favor the current policy of automatic citizenship for these children. Opposition has ranged from 51% to 65% in surveys since April 2006. Support has been in the 28% to 41% range in that same period.

An overwhelming 83% of voters think someone should be required to prove they are legally allowed in the United States before receiving local, state or federal government services. Just 12% disagree. These findings have changed little over the past four years.
I don't dispute those figures. My point is that having babies in the US is not a significant factor in illegal immigration. Child bearing is not why they come to the US. Eliminate birthright citizenship, and there would little impact on the number of people entering the US illegally. This is why I say anchor babies and birthright citizenship should not part of a debate on illegal immigration.

I do not grasp how you think that 300k anchor babies annually is not significant. Simply because there are even worse aspects to the problem with illegal immigrants doesn't mean that anchor babies are irrelevant.

However, the number of undocumented immigrants would increase significantly without birthright citizenship.. Using Pew's figures, we would have several million more undocumented immigrants living in the US. Republicans might be happy with this because they wouldn't be registering to vote and voting for Democrats. However, having more disenfranchised poor people living in the country creates more social problems.

It is a complex issue, but we should still enforce the laws as much as it is practically possible, by reporting illegals for deportation when they register their kids for school, after giving them free medical care, when caught in traffic stops, etc.

But here is the real mystery to me about all this. Each job held by illegal aliens or H1-B visa serfs is a job that wont be held by working class citizenry who would be inclined to vote Democrat once they were nationalized. By protecting the illegals from being sent out of the country, Democrats are blocking the entry of future legal Democrat voters. Right now they have been hoping that they could get an amnesty for all these illegals, but I don't think that is going to fly any more. Far too many Americans are dead set against that ever happening. So the real winners of the black market labor and serf labor are the corporations at the expense of working class Americans and the Democratic Party.

And yet the Democratic Party continues to run interference on enforcing immigration laws. I have long known that the Democrats were willing to trade off the national interests for their own party interests, but now they are trading off their own party's interests as well. I cant make up my mind if this is because the Democrats are being manipulated by exploitative international corporations and the Catholic Church, or if it is because Democrats are using these illegals to cast votes, like the dead have long been doing in Chicago and elsewhere.

With the GOP getting more and more keen on the illegal voting, it sounds increasingly like the Democrats are simply doing the bidding of the Roman Catholic Church bishops and Microsoft. And they just cant help it.
Too many points in your post to address all of them.

As you said, it's a complex problem. The reason people don't report undocumented immigrants for deportation is summed up in the August 2015 Gallup Poll. in which an astounding 79% to 19% of Americans favor immigration reform that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country. In the same poll 65% of Americas favor a path to citizenship. In a 2011 Gallup poll, 81% of Americans do not favor deporting all illegal immigrants. So Jose and his family are not likely to be sent back to Mexico by the school regardless of what Trump may promise.

I believe we passed the tipping point on illegal immigrants years ago. Although there are only an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, most of these people have been here for years. They have families, friends, classmates, and fellow employees, many being legal residents or citizens that don't want to see them deported. Even people that have little association with undocumented immigrants don't want to lose their maids, gardeners, construction workers or field hands who work long hours for low pay.

Unfortunately, politics is a major consideration in dealing with illegal immigration. Democrats benefit and Republicans suffer from more Hispanic voters. However, both parties are guilty of not enforcing the laws because the laws themselves are not really enforceable. Most people do not support the laws therefore local law enforcement doesn't either and without local enforcement and community support, immigration officials can't do their jobs. The situation is similar to prohibition. Laws without the support of the people aren't enforceable and become a mockery of justice.

Most immigration polls are variations on the one taken by the liberal Brookings Institution last March. Although it has been endlessly cited for allegedly showing that a majority of Americans support amnesty, the poll never asked about amnesty, or any real policy.

Rather, the poll gave respondents only two options, neither of which have been proposed by either political party or are up for a vote anywhere in America.

The options were:

"The best way to solve the country's illegal immigration problem is to secure our borders and arrest and deport all those who are here illegally";


"The best way to solve the country's illegal immigration problem is to both secure our borders and provide an earned path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the U.S."

Neither of those choices describes the position of anyone on either side of the immigration debate. Amnesty proponents have no intention of either securing the border or making illegals do anything to "earn" citizenship. Meanwhile, not a single amnesty opponent has proposed any program to "arrest and deport" illegals.

But amnesty proponents turn around and cite this fraudulent poll as proof that a majority of Americans support "a path to legalization."

This is how the left uses polls to manipulate public opinion, rather than find out what it is. They provide the ingredients for today's political discussion and we're not allowed to pick any items off the menu.
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on th
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on their own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.

eir own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.
The people that are saying the wall is not needed to control illegal immigration are the people responsible for preventing it.

You mean the people who say the wall isn't necessary are the same ones who failed to stop illegal immigration. Why should we listen to anything they have to say?

First of all, almost half of the illegal immigrants entered this country legally. Secondly, the wall will not stop illegals from entering the country. It will simply slow them down. It will require a large increase in personnel to patrol the wall. And if the wall is successful, it would put more pressure on the Coast Guard to stop illegals coming in by water which has been on rise with increase in boarder security.

it's more like 40% have over-stayed their visas. That means the wall would solve 60% of the problem. Where is it written than the wall has to solve the entire problem? This stupid logic of monumental proportions. It's a meme conceived of by the open-borders assholes.

If we really want stop illegal immigration, then as a boarder patrol official said, stop hiring them.

Dumb solution. That's like solving crimes by telling criminals to stop stealing and robbing.

Essentially everything Trump has promised to do to eliminate illegal immigrants can not be done by the president. Congress would have allocate the funds to build a wall and staff it. The immigration laws would have to be changed to eliminate a number of legal defenses in the law that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the country, expand E-Verity, require all employers to verify citizenship, and expand ICE powers and funding to enforce status violations (Visa Expiration). In order for Trump to force Mexico to pay for the wall, Congress would have to break NAFTA. Then to actually find and deport massive numbers of illegals, local law enforcement would have to be forced to cooperate.

BTW The Israeli wall is only about 10% of the what Trump is proposing.

It's true that he can't do it alone, but as we've already seen, an open-borders asshole like Obama can stop anything from being done and even facilitate more illegals to come here. If there's one thing we don't need, it's some open-borders asshole like you to get elected.

The immigration laws don't have to be changed. They just have to be enforced. Obama could deport every single illegal alien without a single change in the laws. He simply chooses no to do so.

Trump has already said he intends to dump NAFTA into the trash bin. NAFTA isn't part of the Constitution, as all you open-borders assholes like to pretend. The U.S. has violated thousands of treaties in the past. It do so in the future.

Local law enforcement can be forced to cooperate simply by withholding funds from any city that chooses not to cooperate.
If the wall is so important, why doesn't the Republican-controlled Congress fund it? The bill to build the wall is passed -- all that is need at this point is funding it. Yet Republicans refuse to do so. Instead, morons like you blame the left. :cuckoo:

Obviously because Obama won't sign it, and even if he did sign it, he would simply decline to build the wall. We already had a bill to build 700 miles of wall. Only a small fraction of it was ever built.
Just about everything Trump says is a knee jerk reaction, simple solutions for complex problem with no consideration of the consequence nor whether it's even possible.

Trump says he will deport all illegal immigrants, do away with birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on th
Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on their own cost and effort.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.

eir own cost and effort.

The reality is that 69% to 80% of Americans do not support mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 200 cities and towns within the US are considered sanctuary cities; that is they don't help ICE find and deport illegals. Try to deport all illegal immigrants and the little cooperation ICE gets would drop to zero making mass deportations impossible. Then there are changes in existing immigration laws that would have to be made by by congressmen in his own party that are openly hostile and democrats that think he's a lunatic.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

His plan to do away with birthright citizenship which the majority of Americans oppose and which would require support from congress which Trump doesn't have, and the blessing of SCOTUS is laughable.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Build a wall that Homeland Security says is too costly, will not be effective, and try to make Mexico pay for it is nuts. This is talk you expect to hear in a local bar after a half dozen beers.
Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.
The people that are saying the wall is not needed to control illegal immigration are the people responsible for preventing it.

You mean the people who say the wall isn't necessary are the same ones who failed to stop illegal immigration. Why should we listen to anything they have to say?

First of all, almost half of the illegal immigrants entered this country legally. Secondly, the wall will not stop illegals from entering the country. It will simply slow them down. It will require a large increase in personnel to patrol the wall. And if the wall is successful, it would put more pressure on the Coast Guard to stop illegals coming in by water which has been on rise with increase in boarder security.

it's more like 40% have over-stayed their visas. That means the wall would solve 60% of the problem. Where is it written than the wall has to solve the entire problem? This stupid logic of monumental proportions. It's a meme conceived of by the open-borders assholes.

If we really want stop illegal immigration, then as a boarder patrol official said, stop hiring them.

Dumb solution. That's like solving crimes by telling criminals to stop stealing and robbing.

Essentially everything Trump has promised to do to eliminate illegal immigrants can not be done by the president. Congress would have allocate the funds to build a wall and staff it. The immigration laws would have to be changed to eliminate a number of legal defenses in the law that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the country, expand E-Verity, require all employers to verify citizenship, and expand ICE powers and funding to enforce status violations (Visa Expiration). In order for Trump to force Mexico to pay for the wall, Congress would have to break NAFTA. Then to actually find and deport massive numbers of illegals, local law enforcement would have to be forced to cooperate.

BTW The Israeli wall is only about 10% of the what Trump is proposing.

It's true that he can't do it alone, but as we've already seen, an open-borders asshole like Obama can stop anything from being done and even facilitate more illegals to come here. If there's one thing we don't need, it's some open-borders asshole like you to get elected.

The immigration laws don't have to be changed. They just have to be enforced. Obama could deport every single illegal alien without a single change in the laws. He simply chooses no to do so.

Trump has already said he intends to dump NAFTA into the trash bin. NAFTA isn't part of the Constitution, as all you open-borders assholes like to pretend. The U.S. has violated thousands of treaties in the past. It do so in the future.

Local law enforcement can be forced to cooperate simply by withholding funds from any city that chooses not to cooperate.
If the wall is so important, why doesn't the Republican-controlled Congress fund it? The bill to build the wall is passed -- all that is need at this point is funding it. Yet Republicans refuse to do so. Instead, morons like you blame the left. :cuckoo:

Obviously because Obama won't sign it, and even if he did sign it, he would simply decline to build the wall. We already had a bill to build 700 miles of wall. Only a small fraction of it was ever built.
Your answer is laughable. Obama won't sign a bill repealing ObamaCare but that hasn't stopped the Republicans from passing dozens of bills anyway.

So now that we see that Republicans pass bills even knowing Obama will veto them, why do they refuse to fund the wall? The bill to build it was passed. All it needs now is Congress to fund it.

G'head -- this is where you blame the left again.... :lol:
Make hiring more than one illegal a felony and then hit the employers with RICO violations and start by seizing the companies profits and property. Employment of illegals will dry up over night and with no jobs and no welfare, which should require ID by then, and the illegals will go back to their home countries on th
eir own cost and effort.

When polled on whether they think illegal aliens should get citizenship via 'anchor babies' most AMericans say no, and most want the immigration laws enforced. With the high unemployment/underemployment and off the working rolls numbers that we see today, there is no justification for allowing continued use of black market labor nor H1-B visa serfs.

Support for anchor babies has never been higher than 41% and the vast majority oppose it.

Americans have opposed birthright citizenship for anchor babies since at least 2006 - Liberty Unyielding

Homeland security is full of Dimbocrat political hacks so what the hell do you expect them to say? 'Yes it makes sense we can do it but our president is too stupid and corrupt to enforce the law?

And Isreal demonstrates with the wall they built that yes indeed, walls can be very effective at keeping out criminals.

Lol, and I have never heard anyone talk like this at a bar after 6 beers, you fucking liar.
The people that are saying the wall is not needed to control illegal immigration are the people responsible for preventing it.

You mean the people who say the wall isn't necessary are the same ones who failed to stop illegal immigration. Why should we listen to anything they have to say?

First of all, almost half of the illegal immigrants entered this country legally. Secondly, the wall will not stop illegals from entering the country. It will simply slow them down. It will require a large increase in personnel to patrol the wall. And if the wall is successful, it would put more pressure on the Coast Guard to stop illegals coming in by water which has been on rise with increase in boarder security.

it's more like 40% have over-stayed their visas. That means the wall would solve 60% of the problem. Where is it written than the wall has to solve the entire problem? This stupid logic of monumental proportions. It's a meme conceived of by the open-borders assholes.

If we really want stop illegal immigration, then as a boarder patrol official said, stop hiring them.

Dumb solution. That's like solving crimes by telling criminals to stop stealing and robbing.

Essentially everything Trump has promised to do to eliminate illegal immigrants can not be done by the president. Congress would have allocate the funds to build a wall and staff it. The immigration laws would have to be changed to eliminate a number of legal defenses in the law that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the country, expand E-Verity, require all employers to verify citizenship, and expand ICE powers and funding to enforce status violations (Visa Expiration). In order for Trump to force Mexico to pay for the wall, Congress would have to break NAFTA. Then to actually find and deport massive numbers of illegals, local law enforcement would have to be forced to cooperate.

BTW The Israeli wall is only about 10% of the what Trump is proposing.

It's true that he can't do it alone, but as we've already seen, an open-borders asshole like Obama can stop anything from being done and even facilitate more illegals to come here. If there's one thing we don't need, it's some open-borders asshole like you to get elected.

The immigration laws don't have to be changed. They just have to be enforced. Obama could deport every single illegal alien without a single change in the laws. He simply chooses no to do so.

Trump has already said he intends to dump NAFTA into the trash bin. NAFTA isn't part of the Constitution, as all you open-borders assholes like to pretend. The U.S. has violated thousands of treaties in the past. It do so in the future.

Local law enforcement can be forced to cooperate simply by withholding funds from any city that chooses not to cooperate.
If the wall is so important, why doesn't the Republican-controlled Congress fund it? The bill to build the wall is passed -- all that is need at this point is funding it. Yet Republicans refuse to do so. Instead, morons like you blame the left. :cuckoo:

Obviously because Obama won't sign it, and even if he did sign it, he would simply decline to build the wall. We already had a bill to build 700 miles of wall. Only a small fraction of it was ever built.
Your answer is laughable. Obama won't sign a bill repealing ObamaCare but that hasn't stopped the Republicans from passing dozens of bills anyway.

G'head -- this is where you blame the left again.... :lol:

So now that we see that Republicans pass bills even knowing Obama will veto them, why do they refuse to fund the wall? The bill to build it was passed. All it needs now is Congress to fund it.

G'head -- this is where you blame the left again.... :lol:

Those bills were diversions to keep the wrath of Republican voters off their heads. They refused to use the leverage they had to stop Obamacare - meaning they really weren't serious about repealing it.
The people that are saying the wall is not needed to control illegal immigration are the people responsible for preventing it.

You mean the people who say the wall isn't necessary are the same ones who failed to stop illegal immigration. Why should we listen to anything they have to say?

First of all, almost half of the illegal immigrants entered this country legally. Secondly, the wall will not stop illegals from entering the country. It will simply slow them down. It will require a large increase in personnel to patrol the wall. And if the wall is successful, it would put more pressure on the Coast Guard to stop illegals coming in by water which has been on rise with increase in boarder security.

it's more like 40% have over-stayed their visas. That means the wall would solve 60% of the problem. Where is it written than the wall has to solve the entire problem? This stupid logic of monumental proportions. It's a meme conceived of by the open-borders assholes.

If we really want stop illegal immigration, then as a boarder patrol official said, stop hiring them.

Dumb solution. That's like solving crimes by telling criminals to stop stealing and robbing.

Essentially everything Trump has promised to do to eliminate illegal immigrants can not be done by the president. Congress would have allocate the funds to build a wall and staff it. The immigration laws would have to be changed to eliminate a number of legal defenses in the law that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the country, expand E-Verity, require all employers to verify citizenship, and expand ICE powers and funding to enforce status violations (Visa Expiration). In order for Trump to force Mexico to pay for the wall, Congress would have to break NAFTA. Then to actually find and deport massive numbers of illegals, local law enforcement would have to be forced to cooperate.

BTW The Israeli wall is only about 10% of the what Trump is proposing.

It's true that he can't do it alone, but as we've already seen, an open-borders asshole like Obama can stop anything from being done and even facilitate more illegals to come here. If there's one thing we don't need, it's some open-borders asshole like you to get elected.

The immigration laws don't have to be changed. They just have to be enforced. Obama could deport every single illegal alien without a single change in the laws. He simply chooses no to do so.

Trump has already said he intends to dump NAFTA into the trash bin. NAFTA isn't part of the Constitution, as all you open-borders assholes like to pretend. The U.S. has violated thousands of treaties in the past. It do so in the future.

Local law enforcement can be forced to cooperate simply by withholding funds from any city that chooses not to cooperate.
If the wall is so important, why doesn't the Republican-controlled Congress fund it? The bill to build the wall is passed -- all that is need at this point is funding it. Yet Republicans refuse to do so. Instead, morons like you blame the left. :cuckoo:

Obviously because Obama won't sign it, and even if he did sign it, he would simply decline to build the wall. We already had a bill to build 700 miles of wall. Only a small fraction of it was ever built.
Your answer is laughable. Obama won't sign a bill repealing ObamaCare but that hasn't stopped the Republicans from passing dozens of bills anyway.

G'head -- this is where you blame the left again.... :lol:

So now that we see that Republicans pass bills even knowing Obama will veto them, why do they refuse to fund the wall? The bill to build it was passed. All it needs now is Congress to fund it.

G'head -- this is where you blame the left again.... :lol:

Those bills were diversions to keep the wrath of Republican voters off their heads. They refused to use the leverage they had to stop Obamacare - meaning they really weren't serious about repealing it.
Like the border, they don't really want to build the wall. Like you said, they just want to keep lying to their base to get their votes.

Thanks for confirming! :thup:
You mean the people who say the wall isn't necessary are the same ones who failed to stop illegal immigration. Why should we listen to anything they have to say?

it's more like 40% have over-stayed their visas. That means the wall would solve 60% of the problem. Where is it written than the wall has to solve the entire problem? This stupid logic of monumental proportions. It's a meme conceived of by the open-borders assholes.

Dumb solution. That's like solving crimes by telling criminals to stop stealing and robbing.

It's true that he can't do it alone, but as we've already seen, an open-borders asshole like Obama can stop anything from being done and even facilitate more illegals to come here. If there's one thing we don't need, it's some open-borders asshole like you to get elected.

The immigration laws don't have to be changed. They just have to be enforced. Obama could deport every single illegal alien without a single change in the laws. He simply chooses no to do so.

Trump has already said he intends to dump NAFTA into the trash bin. NAFTA isn't part of the Constitution, as all you open-borders assholes like to pretend. The U.S. has violated thousands of treaties in the past. It do so in the future.

Local law enforcement can be forced to cooperate simply by withholding funds from any city that chooses not to cooperate.
If the wall is so important, why doesn't the Republican-controlled Congress fund it? The bill to build the wall is passed -- all that is need at this point is funding it. Yet Republicans refuse to do so. Instead, morons like you blame the left. :cuckoo:

Obviously because Obama won't sign it, and even if he did sign it, he would simply decline to build the wall. We already had a bill to build 700 miles of wall. Only a small fraction of it was ever built.
Your answer is laughable. Obama won't sign a bill repealing ObamaCare but that hasn't stopped the Republicans from passing dozens of bills anyway.

G'head -- this is where you blame the left again.... :lol:

So now that we see that Republicans pass bills even knowing Obama will veto them, why do they refuse to fund the wall? The bill to build it was passed. All it needs now is Congress to fund it.

G'head -- this is where you blame the left again.... :lol:

Those bills were diversions to keep the wrath of Republican voters off their heads. They refused to use the leverage they had to stop Obamacare - meaning they really weren't serious about repealing it.
Like the border, they don't really want to build the wall. Like you said, they just want to keep lying to their base to get their votes.

Thanks for confirming! :thup:

I think that's exactly what they said. The rank-and-file want the wall to be built. Politicians only want to pander to Hispanics.
If Trump were to be elected, he might be able to persuade members of Congress to go along with him. Then again, he's never worked in government, especially in our federal government. He might not be able to convince anyone of anything, and then he would be just like everyone else, not being able to accomplish anything. Trump is used to buying his way. You can't do that as President.

One thing is certain both establishment parties are convinced the real problems can't be fixed, they are convinced its hopeless without even trying. Trump is upsetting that narrative. We saw it on 60 minutes again tonight, they told Trump you can't deport 10 million illegals and he said oh yes I can. They told Trump you can't build a wall and he said oh yes I can and we will. The MSM and establishment have lost control over these carefully crafted 'can't, its impossible' narratives.

Sure we could deport 10 million illegals. It would have a devastating impact on our economy, but we could do it.

Unauthorized immigrants made up 5.2% (about 8 million) of the U.S. workforce in 2010, according to a report from theAmerican Immigration Council's Strength In Diversity report.

The same year, the American Immigration Council and American Progress estimated that deporting all unauthorized immigrants from the country and sealing the borders to future unauthorized immigration would "reduce the U.S. GDP by 1.46% annually—or $2.6 trillion in lost GDP over 10 years."

These States Will Lose Billions If Their Illegal Immigrants Are Deported - Business Insider

Many will argue this, but if you think about it seriously, the logical conclusion is that it would hurt our economy much more than it would help it.

How does the replacement of black market labor with fully paid legal labor not help the tax base, the secondary and tertiary economy and the consumer market of those locales?

Sometimes you open borders people are worse than socialist ideologues with your refusal to look at the whole picture

The problem is that you won't replace that labor. It will be lost completely. That is why estimates show a loss in GDP of upwards of 2%. Why not take that base of people and allow them to have their earnings taxed by making them legal. We don't necessarily have to make them citizens to make them legal.

So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.

Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.
One thing is certain both establishment parties are convinced the real problems can't be fixed, they are convinced its hopeless without even trying. Trump is upsetting that narrative. We saw it on 60 minutes again tonight, they told Trump you can't deport 10 million illegals and he said oh yes I can. They told Trump you can't build a wall and he said oh yes I can and we will. The MSM and establishment have lost control over these carefully crafted 'can't, its impossible' narratives.

Sure we could deport 10 million illegals. It would have a devastating impact on our economy, but we could do it.

Unauthorized immigrants made up 5.2% (about 8 million) of the U.S. workforce in 2010, according to a report from theAmerican Immigration Council's Strength In Diversity report.

The same year, the American Immigration Council and American Progress estimated that deporting all unauthorized immigrants from the country and sealing the borders to future unauthorized immigration would "reduce the U.S. GDP by 1.46% annually—or $2.6 trillion in lost GDP over 10 years."

These States Will Lose Billions If Their Illegal Immigrants Are Deported - Business Insider

Many will argue this, but if you think about it seriously, the logical conclusion is that it would hurt our economy much more than it would help it.

How does the replacement of black market labor with fully paid legal labor not help the tax base, the secondary and tertiary economy and the consumer market of those locales?

Sometimes you open borders people are worse than socialist ideologues with your refusal to look at the whole picture

The problem is that you won't replace that labor. It will be lost completely. That is why estimates show a loss in GDP of upwards of 2%. Why not take that base of people and allow them to have their earnings taxed by making them legal. We don't necessarily have to make them citizens to make them legal.

So developers will stop building houses the minute all the Mexicans are deported? I think they'll find plenty of natural born Americans to take those jobs. They're employers will have to pay higher wages, however.

Take 12 million people who spend their money out of the economy, and jobs will be lost, and growth will slow or actually turn negative. Cons really do not understand economics. Of course that is obvious since they still believe trickle down is pro growth economic policy.

OMG the irony, did you get your accounting degree by mail order? :laugh: Since you flunked history also let me catch you up, the first illegal amnesty was analyzed at year 10 and determined to be a net loss to the US economy and it held down middle class wages OH SNAP! The current crop of illegal losers 50% are on some form of public assistance so subtract that. Subtract what it cost us to educate them, feed, house, clothe them, what it cost to provide them with healthcare. Subtract the cost to imprison the lawless thugs. Subtract $4 billion a year they are scamming out of taxpayers via illegal child tax credit refunds. Subtract the money they send out of the US back home. Subtract the cost of their anchor babies cradle to grave. Now run back to your leftists camp with your tail tucked between your legs.
You read it here First ..Trump The Donald will never be the President of the USA . Wow I can not believe some of the comments ....oh never mind yes yes I can.
You read it here First ..Trump The Donald will never be the President of the USA . Wow I can not believe some of the comments ....oh never mind yes yes I can.

Oh, yeah, some of the comments here by the libtards are just hilariously stupid.

Did you see Audits post that when the illegals leave no one will EVER again be able to fill those jobs? Why its an economic collapse!

You libtards are so full of shit, you stink to the highest clouds.

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