Trump Bucks

These are apparently a real thing, apparently another way the Trump campaign has got its grift on. Has anyone here ever purchased any of these?

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There are artists on ebay that create ANY kind of "legal" paper bill you want, with any photo of any person you want on it.

It's easy to do, and has been around for decades now.



They will put anybody you want on a dollar bill.
Here is the REAL currency with Donnie J's face on it.

They are legitimate currency and also collectibles and curiosities that can be saved for the metal content, like all other collectible rounds and coins.

Here is the REAL currency with Donnie J's face on it.

They are legitimate currency and also collectibles and curiosities that can be saved for the metal content, like all other collectible rounds and coins.

View attachment 715117

Anyone's face can be put on a silver coin, your God being on a silver coin is no different than Donald Duck being on a silver coin, which you can also purchase, along with any other figure you might worship.

If you weren't so broke you would probably buy some of these Trumpster coins. They are worth their weight in precious metal, but you cannot purchase something in a store that accepts legal tender with these coins, unless someone there deems the exchange equal.
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Anyone's face can be put on a silver coin, your God being on a silver coin is no different than Donald Duck being on a silver coin, which you can also purchase, along with any other figure you might worship.

If you weren't so broke you would probably buy some of these Trumpster coins. They are worth their weight in precious metal, but you cannot purchase something in a store that accepts legal tender with these coins, unless someone there deems the exchange equal.

Check your ego at the door Susan.................nobody gives a shit about your idiocy anymore.

The ones that are minted as actual coins......THEY ARE CALLED SILVER DOLLARS. Are LEGAL MONEY minted by the US MINT. They come in silver, gold, and painted. There are also LEGAL TENDER $2 BILLS, which most presidents have gotten minted.

If you're lack of intellect wasn't so laughably pathetic, I'd say you're just brain damaged from all the Democrat asscracks you've had your nose glued to for so long. But that means you'd have HAD to have a brain in the first place!!!
The ones that are minted as actual coins......THEY ARE CALLED SILVER DOLLARS. Are LEGAL MONEY minted by the US MINT. They come in silver, gold, and painted. There are also LEGAL TENDER $2 BILLS, which most presidents have gotten minted.


You're an idiot, no wonder you're almost homeless.
I wonder if the number of TDS threads will decrease in 2 weeks?

They will decrease when Trumps stops being relevant in politics. ATM, Trumpbots are praying he'll announce his bid for POTUS. Trump keeps having rally's.
Everyone and their dog expects Trump to announce he's running. Trumpbots don't want everyone to stop talking about Trump. Yall just want everyone to stop talking bad about him.

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