Trump Calls Biden Brainwashed Based On 2020 Democratic Platform?! At RNC, "Make America 2016 Again!" (Is The Platform!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)
Can't wait for the DNC's platform to be announced, Mascale! Defund the Police? Raise taxes? Raise the price of fossil fuels? Free college? No prisons? No more cash bails? Let's put Black Lives Matter in charge of the country! Yeah, that's the ticket!!!
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)

I thought Rump made America Great Again in his first 100 days? Oops. Newsflash, Rump: America is great but it's gotten a lot less great since you took over. Even your own handpicked Judges vote against your nonsense.
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)
Can't wait for the DNC's platform to be announced, Mascale! Defund the Police? Raise taxes? Raise the price of fossil fuels? Free college? No prisons? No more cash bails? Let's put Black Lives Matter in charge of the country! Yeah, that's the ticket!!!

Oohh, feel the fear and hate from this one. Screw facts, just scare the small children. Newsflash, there Gomer: Small children can't vote and the Adults ain't buying it anymore. Try something else. You see, the General Public is fed up with the mud slinging. But I want you to continue. It's helps get Rump gone.
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)

I thought Rump made America Great Again in his first 100 days? Oops. Newsflash, Rump: America is great but it's gotten a lot less great since you took over. Even your own handpicked Judges vote against your nonsense.
Those judges are one of the reasons he was elected. Where they get the lists from needs to be changed. This process of Americans running their country is going to be a long and slow process if we get the time to do it. Every friggin trick will be used. And it has worked with success.
Can't wait for the DNC's platform to be announced, Mascale! Defund the Police? Raise taxes? Raise the price of fossil fuels? Free college? No prisons? No more cash bails? Let's put Black Lives Matter in charge of the country! Yeah, that's the ticket!!!

The Dem platform is so popular with the people that Dems have to use tax increases, fines, and punishment to force people to OBEY and COMPLY with their world view. Notice that Republicans and President Trump didn't need to threaten or punish anyone to comply with a tax cut.
Everyone sees how the "MAGA-Ts" Pray--Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven! (Matthew 25: 14-30, of the Roman-Imperial, Baby Abandonment era, (and even pre-2016 to boot)?). Their arithmetic assures that low-income lives don't matter, even repeating the "Cast out of the Household" Dementia, keeping paying customers away from markets and stores.

BluesLegend poster and Oldestyle Poster, in the advance: 1. Opposed to The Stimulus, 2. Opposed to the enhanced unemployment benefits, 3. Opposed to the PPP program. 4. opposed to US Farmers in the matter of China tariffs-policy. 5. Not too up on US Intel, even in matters affecting Afghanistan. 6. Not too up on safe schools in the impending weeks. 7. Not too up North Korea.

No reason to make the list right away. The RNC is in support, or is unaware, of anything that happened!

RNC dropped out!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deity Confusion can in fact be alleged in Deut 23: 19-20, gouging and screwing all the neighbors!)
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)
The platform is more of the same that gave us the best economy in our history. Lowest unemployment, no new wars, and living a normal life.

Then Wuhan virus, and BLM lawlessness. Dems have shown they hate America, and want to punish the middle class.
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)
Can't wait for the DNC's platform to be announced, Mascale! Defund the Police? Raise taxes? Raise the price of fossil fuels? Free college? No prisons? No more cash bails? Let's put Black Lives Matter in charge of the country! Yeah, that's the ticket!!!
Indeed. We are but one vote away from Democrat utopia!
See What theHawk poster and Votto poster admit to ignoring: The Federal Deficit, subsequent $4.0 tril deficit spending alone, in 18 weeks!

All The Conservative Republicans are now on board with Tax Cuts!

"RNC: The Dementia Is With You--Morning Business poops take precedence even over Federal Policy, at the Administration!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For an ancient platform: The Imperial Roman era held the Civilization of Egypt in high regard and esteem, such the Deut 23, 19-20, could be read in the Acts 7 context--of any deity confusion!)
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See What Votto poster admits to ignoring: The Federal Deficit, subsequent $4.0 tril deficit spending alone, in 18 weeks!

All The Conservative Republicans are now on board with Tax Cuts!

"RNC: The Dementia Is With You--Morning Business poops take precedence even over Federal Policy, at the Administration!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For an ancient platform: The Imperial Roman era held the Civilization of Egypt in high regard and esteem, such the Deut 23, 19-20, could be read in the Acts 7 context--of any deity confusion!)
You're right of course, I think we would all be much better spending another $100 trillion to fight the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide that the Dems want to spend.

Oh, and shutting down the economy by restricting business along with it will be great fun as well.
The New Round Of Federal Income Tax Cuts is now with MAGA, Not With Biden: And so with any living Donald John Trump, if he can manage to stay out of prison, all henchmen--(not too many ladies)--considered.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So if Donald John Trump is for the new round Stimulus--the Democrats get all the credit!)
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)

"Make America 2016 again!"

You would be better to Make America The 1920s-1950s Again a TIME when things like FAMILY, FAITH, PATRIOTISM and RESPECT for AUTHORITY eg. the POLICE were taught to the youngest of children so that when they grew up they were GREAT AMERICAN CITIZENS and not Neo-Communist Traitor filth who want to DESTROY EVERYTHING that made America GREAT. WTF?! This comes from me a non-American who even from the OUTSIDE can see that Leftists are doing their BEST to DESTROY America via their HATE of the Nuclear Family, their HATE of Faith, their HATE of Patriotism and their HATE of Law Enforcement and in their place want to substitute Anti-Mother Nature Family, Athiesm, love of ANY other nation APART from America, holding up criminal THUGS like George Floyd while DEMANDING the Police are ABOLISHED and violent criminals are RELEASED from prison.
RE Lucy Hamilton Poster. Mostly America, 1920's to 1950's was actually Democrat--Roosevelt and Truman--New Deal Bail-out from the Great Depression. Popular Eisenhower would be President for Two terms. New Deal Legacies Kennedy and Johnson would follow that. Nixon created a Liberal Republican agenda--then made it bust apart. Republican Ford would commence a New Arithmetic in the $50.00 equal amount Tax Cuts, and then in the Per Child Tax Credit--equal amounts. By 1986, The Democrats in Congress were raising and Indexing the Standard Deduction and the Personal Exemptions--equal amounts--in that Tax Reform in the Reagan Presidency.Clinton would raise the Child Credit Amount. The deficit exploded to $300.0 bil. in just one year.

That had been forecast two decades before. The great recognition of "Fiat Money" was under way. "These people now have the bomb," (and from only a stone's throw away from Truman's famous Missouri). Cheney and Bush--in whatever order--would claim that the bomb was much closer than that: In Iraq, in fact(?). Bush had failed to notice that tax cuts were no longer a stimulus. Half the people filing suddenly owed nothing. Those were the people most likely to spend, and so likely the real main stimulus--as subsequent events would show.

Out of the New Deal, then arose a new arithmetic. Nixon imposed the New Deal level wage-price controls to combat inflation. McGovern had proposed an equal amount stimulus $1000 for every man, woman and child in America. Arithmetic was about to take over, and shown: Did take over.

And even moreso to get out of the Great Recession--avoiding a big one--in the Obama-Biden Administration. Then Just This Year--and Bi-Partisan: A whole lot bigger one was set in motion to get ready for one even way more unprecedented.

The Republicans took a Laissez-Faire approach to the Covid-19 crisis. That clearly failed.

The Great Disconnect became The RNC: Unable to hold even a virtual committee meeting--connected basements--to come up with a platform!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(See Matthew 20: 1-16, for more on recent current events!)
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Everyone sees how the "MAGA-Ts" Pray--Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven! (Matthew 25: 14-30, of the Roman-Imperial, Baby Abandonment era, (and even pre-2016 to boot)?). Their arithmetic assures that low-income lives don't matter, even repeating the "Cast out of the Household" Dementia, keeping paying customers away from markets and stores.

BluesLegend poster and Oldestyle Poster, in the advance: 1. Opposed to The Stimulus, 2. Opposed to the enhanced unemployment benefits, 3. Opposed to the PPP program. 4. opposed to US Farmers in the matter of China tariffs-policy. 5. Not too up on US Intel, even in matters affecting Afghanistan. 6. Not too up on safe schools in the impending weeks. 7. Not too up North Korea.

No reason to make the list right away. The RNC is in support, or is unaware, of anything that happened!

RNC dropped out!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deity Confusion can in fact be alleged in Deut 23: 19-20, gouging and screwing all the neighbors!)
Just a few nukes. Just a few....
"Fiat Money" is more about how currency can be thought about, more recently.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is now about how it should be thought about!)
"The Emperor Has No Platform(?)" should be regarded reminiscent of a famous childhood-level story. In fact, The RNC has exposed itself in public yet again. It has no 2020 Platform! So the Democrats came up with a multi-faction document, as is usual, for their platform. The Republicans seem to be admitting they have nothing to offer--in any compare and contrast.

The RNC can only go into the election campaign advertising, "They Have Masks They Wear Masks! They're For Testing! None of that is necessary with us around, anymore?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 tends to remind anyone that Moses was actually Egyptian-Arts skilled--of the Pharaohs--in the event of any deity confusions(?)!)
Biden isn't brain washed, he's brain dead.

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