Trump calls for cease-fire in northern Syria and imposes sanctions on Turkey

Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
Like I said we should never have been there to start with.

Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
WTF are you babbling about ?

We wouldn't be there supporting the Kurds to deny ISIS land, if Bush had not pull off the greatest military blunders of all time by invading and occupied Iraq.
Looking at a you suppose there could be repercussions for Israel thru an embattled Syria?

No I don't think so, the Golan Heights are on the other side of Syria.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
We have no business being involved in the Middle East, Muslims will be Muslims, they change sides of the drop of a hat. Let those fuckers fight each other... We cannot afford being the world’s police man.
Our presence is not needed in the middle east
Any news?
"The Trump administration called on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to implement an immediate cease-fire in northern Syria and imposed sanctions against Turkey on Monday in response to its military aggression, as the situation on the ground continued to deteriorate after President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces."

what do you think?
Trump thought Erdogan would hit only military targets? Really? Now with all the Republicans screaming that Trump was wrong, he's got to do something to look outraged. But it's pretty crazy foreign policy, seems to me.
I'm glad we're out of it, but we could have left more gracefully, I think.
"I'm glad we're out of it," you must be joking , if western Kurdistan ´d collapse who will take over eastern part of "Syria"? yes - IS, and other salafi-wahhabi gangs . so USA will have to return, but the next time without kurdish boots on the ground ....
So you want to stay and bomb ISIS ideology indefinitely? Why can't they take care of it?
ISIS has no chances in eastern Syria as long as Kurds have our small support
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
No problem........guess where you can stick any future requests for military aid from now on, tosser.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
We have no business being involved in the Middle East, Muslims will be Muslims, they change sides of the drop of a hat. Let those fuckers fight each other... We cannot afford being the world’s police man.
Our presence is not needed in the middle east
Just one word, oil. That's why you are there and have been since 1945.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
No problem........guess where you can stick any future requests for military aid from now on, tosser.
That will probably be either Russia or China then. Sadly with Trump in charge, America has started a terminal decline.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
We have no business being involved in the Middle East, Muslims will be Muslims, they change sides of the drop of a hat. Let those fuckers fight each other... We cannot afford being the world’s police man.
Our presence is not needed in the middle east
Just one word, oil. That's why you are there and have been since 1945.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
No problem........guess where you can stick any future requests for military aid from now on, tosser.
That will probably be either Russia or China then. Sadly with Trump in charge, America has started a terminal decline.
The Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism...
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
That's exactly what many of us are afraid of, vagabond.
I think most Americans realize we have not done much in foreign policy alone. Even WWII, which is considered by today's standards as our great achievement, was because we entered the fray with limitless men and equipment a couple of years after most of Europe was broke and exhausted from giving their all against the biggest and best military in the then world. And even our Revolution required French help. We became King of the Hill, and forgot all the unheralded aid we received...just like this very week when we forgot the Kurds did most of the dying to confine ISIS by about 367 to 1 (11K them vs 30 US). I do not minimize our efforts of the past, nor our pride in doing so, and we DID make the difference, but many of us are mindful that we have been lucky due to alliances.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
We have no business being involved in the Middle East, Muslims will be Muslims, they change sides of the drop of a hat. Let those fuckers fight each other... We cannot afford being the world’s police man.
Our presence is not needed in the middle east
Just one word, oil. That's why you are there and have been since 1945.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
No problem........guess where you can stick any future requests for military aid from now on, tosser.
That will probably be either Russia or China then. Sadly with Trump in charge, America has started a terminal decline.
That decline started when the Clinton's came to DC.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
We have no business being involved in the Middle East, Muslims will be Muslims, they change sides of the drop of a hat. Let those fuckers fight each other... We cannot afford being the world’s police man.
Our presence is not needed in the middle east
Just one word, oil. That's why you are there and have been since 1945.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
No problem........guess where you can stick any future requests for military aid from now on, tosser.
That will probably be either Russia or China then. Sadly with Trump in charge, America has started a terminal decline.
That decline started when the Clinton's came to DC.
There’s nothing more repugnant than a Clinton
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
I'm British, we have our own problems over here, but it's satisfying to see that you Yanks win hands down when it comes to levels of stupidity when it comes to foreign policy. Have fun driving Turkey into the open arms of China, Russia and Iran. So far Trump has managed to alienate Western Europe so if the proverbial hits the fan, you may well find yourself on your own.
That's exactly what many of us are afraid of, vagabond.
I think most Americans realize we have not done much in foreign policy alone. Even WWII, which is considered by today's standards as our great achievement, was because we entered the fray with limitless men and equipment a couple of years after most of Europe was broke and exhausted from giving their all against the biggest and best military in the then world. And even our Revolution required French help. We became King of the Hill, and forgot all the unheralded aid we received...just like this very week when we forgot the Kurds did most of the dying to confine ISIS by about 367 to 1 (11K them vs 30 US). I do not minimize our efforts of the past, nor our pride in doing so, and we DID make the difference, but many of us are mindful that we have been lucky due to alliances.
Agreed, no one gets anywhere without friends and allies. The times they are a changing and the political superpowers in years to come will be China, Russia, Turkey and Iran, unless of course, the world ends up as a radioactive cinder.
Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
The situation has changed since yesterday. Trump put Pence on a plane for Turkey to lay down the law to Erdogan, and now Erdogan says he will not meet with or talk to Pence or Pompeo or anybody but Trump. I suspect Erdogan is well aware of Trump's habit of giving himself 'plausible deniability' thru using others so he can deny involvement and toss them uder the bus if things go south, and I suspect Trump thinks that because he gave Erdogan what he wants Trump has the upper hand for a deal.

Lordy, the man just doesn't learn. Kim Jong Un, Xi, Dutarte, Putin and now Erdogan have all played him like a Strad. The whole admin warned him what would happen with Trump's betrayal of the Kurds, and a glass eye in a duck's butt could have seen it, but he just had to snare Erdogan with this small favor he could pass off as keeping a campaign promise so he could make a 'deal' to a beholden Erdogan, and it has backfired big time. Not that this will matter to his supporters. His failure to get Mexico to pay for a wall is proof that they don't care how much he lies. They knew it is a lie from the gitgo.
Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
The situation has changed since yesterday. Trump put Pence on a plane for Turkey to lay down the law to Erdogan, and now Erdogan says he will not meet with or talk to Pence or Pompeo or anybody but Trump. I suspect Erdogan is well aware of Trump's habit of giving himself 'plausible deniability' thru using others so he can deny involvement and toss them uder the bus if things go south, and I suspect Trump thinks that because he gave Erdogan what he wants Trump has the upper hand for a deal.

Lordy, the man just doesn't learn. Kim Jong Un, Xi, Dutarte, Putin and now Erdogan have all played him like a Strad. The whole admin warned him what would happen with Trump's betrayal of the Kurds, and a glass eye in a duck's butt could have seen it, but he just had to snare Erdogan with this small favor he could pass off as keeping a campaign promise so he could make a 'deal' to a beholden Erdogan, and it has backfired big time. Not that this will matter to his supporters. His failure to get Mexico to pay for a wall is proof that they don't care how much he lies. They knew it is a lie from the gitgo.

Erdogan will meet with VP and Foreign Minister Pompeo.
He won't meet with O'brien and James Jeffrey, they'll meet just with their counterparts in Turkish Government. So they're low in government level and it's not important to have a meeting with them on level of President.

News about rejection of meeting VP was from Sky News.
It was probably mistranslation.
Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
The situation has changed since yesterday. Trump put Pence on a plane for Turkey to lay down the law to Erdogan, and now Erdogan says he will not meet with or talk to Pence or Pompeo or anybody but Trump. I suspect Erdogan is well aware of Trump's habit of giving himself 'plausible deniability' thru using others so he can deny involvement and toss them uder the bus if things go south, and I suspect Trump thinks that because he gave Erdogan what he wants Trump has the upper hand for a deal.

Lordy, the man just doesn't learn. Kim Jong Un, Xi, Dutarte, Putin and now Erdogan have all played him like a Strad. The whole admin warned him what would happen with Trump's betrayal of the Kurds, and a glass eye in a duck's butt could have seen it, but he just had to snare Erdogan with this small favor he could pass off as keeping a campaign promise so he could make a 'deal' to a beholden Erdogan, and it has backfired big time. Not that this will matter to his supporters. His failure to get Mexico to pay for a wall is proof that they don't care how much he lies. They knew it is a lie from the gitgo.

Erdogan will meet with VP and Foreign Minister Pompeo.
He won't meet with O'brien and James Jeffrey, they'll meet just with their counterparts in Turkish Government. So they're low in government level and it's not important to have a meeting with them on level of President.

News about rejection of meeting VP was from Sky News.
It was probably mistranslation.
I appreciate the clarification. Thank you. What is "Sky News"?
does this man understand what he is doing ? its just mess , pure mess or this what putin is telling him to do ?
related Trump: Let Napoleon Bonaparte rescue Kurds
What’s your premise?
The only way to deal with Muslims is to kill them; exactly what they do to each other without our interference.
Our interference in the region is the cause of all the problems we are facing today. What goes around sooner or later comes around.
does this man understand what he is doing ? its just mess , pure mess or this what putin is telling him to do ?
related Trump: Let Napoleon Bonaparte rescue Kurds
What’s your premise?
The only way to deal with Muslims is to kill them; exactly what they do to each other without our interference.
Our interference in the region is the cause of all the problems we are facing today. What goes around sooner or later comes around.
Sure...just like the first Jihad under the whore Mohammed.
So please explain why Muslims are blowing up people in at least 21 nations, most of whom are not superpowers.

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