Trump calls for cease-fire in northern Syria and imposes sanctions on Turkey

Rambo II was completely fake.....but I bet you didn't know that.
God your so full of pompous ignorance!
Trump is tired of flag-draped coffins and crying relatives over a mess Bush and Obama got us into.
That'll be the day! Are you talking about the kid in Niger whose wife got slammed by Trump and her Representative by Kelly over a lie they created about the Congresswoman?
That is just what he is saying-enough blood for nothing! Maybe if death were less romantic, we would want less of it.
Rambo II was completely fake.....but I bet you didn't know that.
God your so full of pompous ignorance!
Trump is tired of flag-draped coffins and crying relatives over a mess Bush and Obama got us into.
That'll be the day! Are you talking about the kid in Niger whose wife got slammed by Trump and her Representative by Kelly over a lie they created about the Congresswoman?
Whatever.... Phfffffffffffft folks on the left think a Green Beret is some kind of Superman.
They're flesh and blood like everyone else.
Expecting them to stand up to armored units only shows how clueless you really are.
It's amazing how Trump has turned the pseudocons into cut and run Democrats just like Trump was during the Iraq war.

Now all the pseudocons sound like Barack Obama! :disbelief:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

How does that make sense?

Trump CAUSED this bloodshed
No.....tribal ignorance and Islamic extremism caused whatever bloodshed is taking place. Our troops are there to try to end it or control it. Sometimes the muzzies don't listen...which is most of the time.
The Kurds are communists and are friends with the Russians anyway. The left keeps trying to pretend Trump is in cahoots with Russia, but in reality, it's them. It always has been. Kurds are our enemies and have trained antifa to go out and prosper. Screw them, their commie friends can protect them. We weren't protecting them anyway. The dems just placed a few soldiers there so they could justify canoodling with the reds.

Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election
Trumpybear, water bucket in hand, rushes and pours it all on the smoldering barn he just burnt down.
Like I said we should never have been there to start with.

Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
Like I said we should never have been there to start with.

Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
WTF are you babbling about ?
Like I said we should never have been there to start with.

Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
WTF are you babbling about ?
No doubt....
progressives are easily confused
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
If your idol, Obama did the same thing you would still suck his cock and worship the piece of shit... lol
Like I said we should never have been there to start with.

Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
WTF are you babbling about ?

We wouldn't be there supporting the Kurds to deny ISIS land, if Bush had not pull off the greatest military blunders of all time by invading and occupied Iraq.
Way to go Mr President, drive Turkey out of NATO, oh by the way don't forget to ask for your nuclear weapons back when the Turks kick you out.
I think we should give them to the Turks.

Just set the timers bury them in cement and leave. Remembering not to stare directly at the flash.
Like I said we should never have been there to start with.

Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
WTF are you babbling about ?

We wouldn't be there supporting the Kurds to deny ISIS land, if Bush had not pull off the greatest military blunders of all time by invading and occupied Iraq.
Bush is a Globalist like the Democrats.
Why else would he be friends with the Clintons and sitting in luxury boxes with Ellen?
Like I said we should never have been there to start with.

Agreed, but after the blunderous invasion and occupation of Iraq, ISIS formed. Wasn't this territory their last stronghold. Syria didn't take them on. Turkey didn't take them on. The Kurd did with our support.

Turkey wins. Syria wins, Russia wins. Iran wins. Kurd lose. US Soldiers ordered by CiC to tuck tail and run.

With friends like ol'Trumpybear, who needs enemies?
WTF are you babbling about ?

We wouldn't be there supporting the Kurds to deny ISIS land, if Bush had not pull off the greatest military blunders of all time by invading and occupied Iraq.
Looking at a you suppose there could be repercussions for Israel thru an embattled Syria?

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