Trump calls for "retribution" (violence?) against SNL for making fun of him

SNL is unwatchable nowadays.
It was funny years ago, but now it's just pathetic left wing hate.
Was it watchable when Trump hosted the show?
Trump was on SNL once?
I didn't know that.
I stopped watching it when Bush was president.
BTW Alec Baldwin is creepy, not funny.

Trump loved SNL when he appeared on it

Baldwin nails Trump ...that is why SNL is so popular
SNL is popular because that is where progressives gets their news.

No, we get our NEWS from media sources with journalistic standards and integrity. Who fire people like Sean Hannity who deliberately file stories which they know to be false and misleading, and which impugn the reputation of everyone who participates in the dissemination of lies and deceptions. FOX News has no such standards, but then it's foreign owners have their own agenda for lying to and misleading the American people. Rupert Murdoch has been tried for his crimes against the government in the UK, and been placed on a very short leash there. In the US, he hides his deceptions behind "freedom of the press".

WAPO, NTY, CBS News, ABC - all are owned by huge corporations, but at least they're American corporations.
Right wing authoritarians have always struggled with comedy.
View attachment 246488
When is the last time you watched?
/—-/ I stopped in the mid 1980s. Not worth staying up. When I finally bought a VHS and taped it, it wasn’t funny anymore, even TV critics said it sucked.

It did for a long time. For a while it was such a bunch of sophmoric sex skits. Not funny. Good political humour requires smart writing, and deft impersonations. Finding that the little physical gestures, the language and attitude that can be distilled into an instantly recognizable impersonation takes a great deal of talent.

SNL has taken a lot of heat since Trump became President, for it's casting of name actors to play staffers and others. The criticism has been that using name actors hasn't allowed this iteration of the cast to shine. All of the previous Presidential impersonators have come out of the ranks of the SNL cast members. Baldwin was hired to play Trump. Ben Still is doing Michael Cohen, Robert DiNiro is doing Robert Mueller, and the cast is relegated to background roles, like playing Washington Post reporters, but the revolving door of White House staff makes it hard for the cast to keep up. The Mooch had come and gone before the cast had time to come up with a decent impression. Similarly Sean Spicer. Lesley Jones did Omarosa, but again she had a minor job in the White House and wasn't there long.

Baldwin has responded to the President's tweet by asking if Trump was threatening him and the cast? It's a reasonable response.

Scarlette Johansson plays Ivanka. Jimmy Fallon plays Jared Kushner

SNL cast members play the Trump boys, Cessily Strong plays Melania.

It's an SNL cast member who plays Jeff Session and Mike Pence.


I love the guys who plan Don Jr. and Eric.
/—-/ I stopped in the mid 1980s. Not worth staying up. When I finally bought a VHS and taped it, it wasn’t funny anymore, even TV critics said it sucked.

It did for a long time. For a while it was such a bunch of sophmoric sex skits. Not funny. Good political humour requires smart writing, and deft impersonations. Finding that the little physical gestures, the language and attitude that can be distilled into an instantly recognizable impersonation takes a great deal of talent.

SNL has taken a lot of heat since Trump became President, for it's casting of name actors to play staffers and others. The criticism has been that using name actors hasn't allowed this iteration of the cast to shine. All of the previous Presidential impersonators have come out of the ranks of the SNL cast members. Baldwin was hired to play Trump. Ben Still is doing Michael Cohen, Robert DiNiro is doing Robert Mueller, and the cast is relegated to background roles, like playing Washington Post reporters, but the revolving door of White House staff makes it hard for the cast to keep up. The Mooch had come and gone before the cast had time to come up with a decent impression. Similarly Sean Spicer. Lesley Jones did Omarosa, but again she had a minor job in the White House and wasn't there long.

Baldwin has responded to the President's tweet by asking if Trump was threatening him and the cast? It's a reasonable response.

Scarlette Johansson plays Ivanka. Jimmy Fallon plays Jared Kushner

SNL cast members play the Trump boys, Cessily Strong plays Melania.

It's an SNL cast member who plays Jeff Session and Mike Pence.


I love the guys who plan Don Jr. and Eric.
They do a great job. The guy who plays Eric plays him like he's a total idiot. LOL. Must kill him.
SNL is unwatchable nowadays.
It was funny years ago, but now it's just pathetic left wing hate.
Was it watchable when Trump hosted the show?
Trump was on SNL once?
I didn't know that.
I stopped watching it when Bush was president.
BTW Alec Baldwin is creepy, not funny.

Trump loved SNL when he appeared on it

Baldwin nails Trump ...that is why SNL is so popular
SNL is popular because that is where progressives gets their news.

No, we get our NEWS from media sources with journalistic standards and integrity. Who fire people like Sean Hannity who deliberately file stories which they know to be false and misleading, and which impugn the reputation of everyone who participates in the dissemination of lies and deceptions. FOX News has no such standards, but then it's foreign owners have their own agenda for lying to and misleading the American people. Rupert Murdoch has been tried for his crimes against the government in the UK, and been placed on a very short leash there. In the US, he hides his deceptions behind "freedom of the press".

WAPO, NTY, CBS News, ABC - all are owned by huge corporations, but at least they're American corporations.
Which mexican billionaire bought the NYT?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.
Right wing authoritarians have always struggled with comedy.
View attachment 246488
When is the last time you watched?
/—-/ I stopped in the mid 1980s. Not worth staying up. When I finally bought a VHS and taped it, it wasn’t funny anymore, even TV critics said it sucked.

It did for a long time. For a while it was such a bunch of sophmoric sex skits. Not funny. Good political humour requires smart writing, and deft impersonations. Finding that the little physical gestures, the language and attitude that can be distilled into an instantly recognizable impersonation takes a great deal of talent.

SNL has taken a lot of heat since Trump became President, for it's casting of name actors to play staffers and others. The criticism has been that using name actors hasn't allowed this iteration of the cast to shine. All of the previous Presidential impersonators have come out of the ranks of the SNL cast members. Baldwin was hired to play Trump. Ben Still is doing Michael Cohen, Robert DiNiro is doing Robert Mueller, and the cast is relegated to background roles, like playing Washington Post reporters, but the revolving door of White House staff makes it hard for the cast to keep up. The Mooch had come and gone before the cast had time to come up with a decent impression. Similarly Sean Spicer. Lesley Jones did Omarosa, but again she had a minor job in the White House and wasn't there long.

Baldwin has responded to the President's tweet by asking if Trump was threatening him and the cast? It's a reasonable response.
Like you Baldwin and his ilk are treasonous lairs. I'd love to see the SS loading them up paddy wagons.
Conflating "retribution" with "violence" is silly, and belies the OP's intent to malign Trump by any means possible.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Changing the channel is violence? What do you call shooting Republicans on a softball field then?
Conservatives are as dishonest and as reprehensible as Trump, if not more so.
Was it watchable when Trump hosted the show?
Trump was on SNL once?
I didn't know that.
I stopped watching it when Bush was president.
BTW Alec Baldwin is creepy, not funny.

Trump loved SNL when he appeared on it

Baldwin nails Trump ...that is why SNL is so popular
SNL is popular because that is where progressives gets their news.

No, we get our NEWS from media sources with journalistic standards and integrity. Who fire people like Sean Hannity who deliberately file stories which they know to be false and misleading, and which impugn the reputation of everyone who participates in the dissemination of lies and deceptions. FOX News has no such standards, but then it's foreign owners have their own agenda for lying to and misleading the American people. Rupert Murdoch has been tried for his crimes against the government in the UK, and been placed on a very short leash there. In the US, he hides his deceptions behind "freedom of the press".

WAPO, NTY, CBS News, ABC - all are owned by huge corporations, but at least they're American corporations.
Which mexican billionaire bought the NYT?

Russian propaganda outlets are not relyablr sources. That you chose a Russian Media outlet as a source at all outs YOU as a Russian troll.
The NYT is owned by a publically traded American corporation. The Mexican businessman owns 17% of that American corporation which means he neither “owns” nor “controls” the NYT, even though he is the largest shareholder.

American Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. owns 13% of the paper and sits as the Chairman of the Board which makes him the guy overseeing the officers and protecting the owners of the 83% of shares in the paper that the Mexican doesn’t own.

If Slim tried to promote ideas or interests which went against America’s best interests, I’m pretty sure he could muster enough American shareholders to back him up and prevent it. His stake in the corporation is just 4% less than Slim’s. He can out vote Slim with just 5% of the shares.

Rupert Murdoch crested FOX News as a propaganda organ for the Republican Party to promote the election of a pro-wealthy government in Washington, to increase his power and influence around the world.

He’s been charged with big time crimes in Great Britain, including bribery and extortion of public officials, and slander. He’s employed similar tactics in the USA with impunity.

FOX’s greatest hits include Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, which promoted a false narrative which lead to 7 Congressional Investigations which desperately tried and failed utterly to prove a single one of the FOX News daily talking point lies which posters on this board cling to until this day.

Uranium One - see Benghazi post above. Change name of scandal. Wash, rinse, repeat. They’ve launched two more investigations of this one since Trump was elected. Including the Judicial Way Watch Complaint to the IRS, I count 6 investigations in total.

Seth Rich - wash rinse repeat.

Caravans of death - wash rinse repeat.
From what I can see, if the Trumpets want, they can do their own SNL type show. Shoot, have some of the out of work "Conservative" comedians put it together. You can make a troop called third City like the others made second city. Trust me, there is enough material out there to work with. Okay, there isn't a Trump so you will have to spread it out a bit more but there is still enough material out there for some pretty hilarious skits. That is, if you can find enough rwnutjobs with humor glands installed.
How about this. For equality demand a parallel cable TV service that is not progressive socialist jaded. Their own TV dramas and comedies. their own news programs. Their own sports shows. their own military, science and other comparable channels and much much more. You get yours. They get theirs. Do you have an issue with that? Freedom of choice!

Nope, I don't have a problem with that. Do YOU have a problem with them NOT doing it themselves (you included)? Why hasn't this been done before? Archie Bunker was a gem and was extremely successful. The so called "Conservatives" used to have a sense of humor and could laugh at themselves. Now we have a new group called "Conservative Enough's" that are in control that have had their humor glands surgically removed. Ask yourself why Last Man Standing is doing so well. It's not because of the "Conservative Enough's", it's because everyone else enjoys good comedy and can laugh at ourselves. The point being is, there can NEVER be the type of programming that you want because it will never succeed. Not because of the Liberals but because of the lack of the humor chemical in the "Conservative Enough's" brain.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
When some nut shoots Baldwin will trump mend his ways ?

If his Ex-Wife does Trump may not mend his own ways but Baldwin just might.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.

The show is funny as hell. It's been completely rejuvenated by the Trump Presidency, because you have a President who is a complete and total ass. Their casting is spot on, and the writing inspired.

Trump has always been a buffoon. New Yorkers have been publically laughing at him for decades. Especially his desperation to been seen as a big time real estate mogul, and a celebrity. Comedians have been making fun of him for decades because he's always been RIDICULOUS. Trump truly believed that once he was President, that all of that would stop, and people who have found him to be RIDICULOUS for decades, would suddenly fall at his feet in their obsequeiousness and portray him in glowing terms.

The entire GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS laughed in Trump's face when he claimed he was the greatest President in history. The leaders of the NATO ALLIANCE laughed in his face when he said that NATO owes the American taxpayers billions, because it simply wasn't true and saying it made Trump look ill-informed, stupid, and to lazy to have bothered to read the Treaty or the Amending Agreements ancilliary thereto. In other words RIDICULOUS.

Never in the history of the world, has there been such a RIDICULOUS buffoon of a world leader. Trump is the white equivalent of Idi Amin, who proclaimed himself the "King of Scotland", or Khadafi. Both men seemed straight out of Central Casting, in terms of being laughable, but neither were very funny at all for their countrymen.

The unfunny part of the Trump Presidency, is the total incompetence, and criminal corruption he brings with his stupidty, arrogance, narciscism, selfishness, greed, and inhumanity. While Trump gets into pissing contests with Nancy Peloi over a useless border wall, 6,000 Americans are dying every month because of opioid overdoses, which Trump lies to the public about and blames on lax border security, when in fact, Big Pharma in the USA is making billions addicting the American public to opiods. Not surprisingly, they are now recommending a life-saving prescription for an overdose anti-dote |(at $4,000 per pop), be added to each new presription for opioids. That "Epi-pen" for overdoses costs $40 to produce.

Trump may not be butchering his people like Idi Amin or Khadafi, but if he is doing nothing about real people dying from lack of access to health care, or from the real causes of opiod abuse, while having both the means and the resources to do something about both of these issues, is he really that much different?

35,000 people have died, just from opioid abuse alone while Trump tweets about how mean SNL is to him, and fights imaginary boogey men on the southern border, and calls the Russia Investigation a "witch hunt".
Listen up....Trump ran on Borders......Language.....and....Culture! That is our history. And it changes with immigrants entering. You live off of globalism. With no borders, many cultures, languages and a tower of Babel way. All of the SNL and the rest are sell outs to the new world order. You live in an amazing way where we up until recent decades could speak one language crossing three thousand miles in multiple states. That is slowly changing. About drug deaths. You lie! decades of lying from these scum suckers doing nothing.

Then do something about the worst cases. Do a better job at bagging the overstaying Visas, do a better job at the entry points. Do a better job at stopping the cargo planes flying into the South Western States from the Caribbean Islands, convict and either send to prison or heavily fine out of existence businesses that keep hiring illegals, etc.. And those are the real National Emergencies. Not the lack of Border Walls that Trump didn't build even though they were funded already. If the Walls/Barrier is a National Emergency then the person that was in charge of building the already paid for construction should be fired not rewarded.
SNL is unwatchable nowadays.
It was funny years ago, but now it's just pathetic left wing hate.
Was it watchable when Trump hosted the show?
Trump was on SNL once?
I didn't know that.
I stopped watching it when Bush was president.
BTW Alec Baldwin is creepy, not funny.

George H.W. Bush was also on SNL, as was Bill Clinton. Bush appeared on camera in a split screen while Dana Carvey impersonated him and said "I really don't do that thing with my hands, do I", while doing that thing with his hands. Carvey never ever let up on him, and he even made the President laugh. They became good friends in real life.

I don't see that happening with this President and any of the comedians mocking him. He hates Baldwin because Alec Baldwin has nailed his impersonation, and is probably the BEST Presidential impersonation on SNL ever. Trump hates it because he knows he's a stupid criminal who's in way over his head, and he now wishes he had never run for President. We can see it in his face, and his whole defeated demeanor when he declared a national emergency.

Trump's raging against SNL is just the flailings of a loser trying to keep his face off the canvas.
No, Baldwin is just another dumb liberal bigot.
He's not funny because hate is not funny.

The only "hate" Baldwin is portraying is Donald Trump's hatred for the American Constitution, the American Rule of Law, and his arrogance to think most people don't see through it. Trump hates Baldwin's portayal because he sees the mirror it reflects back at him.

Mr. Tiny hands has skin so thin, it's a wonder that spanking Stormy gave him didn't do permanent damage.
Right wing authoritarians have always struggled with comedy.
View attachment 246488
When is the last time you watched?
/—-/ I stopped in the mid 1980s. Not worth staying up. When I finally bought a VHS and taped it, it wasn’t funny anymore, even TV critics said it sucked.

It did for a long time. For a while it was such a bunch of sophmoric sex skits. Not funny. Good political humour requires smart writing, and deft impersonations. Finding that the little physical gestures, the language and attitude that can be distilled into an instantly recognizable impersonation takes a great deal of talent.

SNL has taken a lot of heat since Trump became President, for it's casting of name actors to play staffers and others. The criticism has been that using name actors hasn't allowed this iteration of the cast to shine. All of the previous Presidential impersonators have come out of the ranks of the SNL cast members. Baldwin was hired to play Trump. Ben Still is doing Michael Cohen, Robert DiNiro is doing Robert Mueller, and the cast is relegated to background roles, like playing Washington Post reporters, but the revolving door of White House staff makes it hard for the cast to keep up. The Mooch had come and gone before the cast had time to come up with a decent impression. Similarly Sean Spicer. Lesley Jones did Omarosa, but again she had a minor job in the White House and wasn't there long.

Baldwin has responded to the President's tweet by asking if Trump was threatening him and the cast? It's a reasonable response.
Like you Baldwin and his ilk are treasonous lairs. I'd love to see the SS loading them up paddy wagons.

What kind of lairs? Like a bear's den? Or maybe Al Capone's hideout? Won't the SS have to find those secret lairs before they can arrest anyone>
I have not watched snl since it became malignant.

I don't either but I do like to see some of their snappier sketches. That's what youtube is there for. And I do like to laugh at the SNL portrayal of Trump because the real Trump is downright scary. It helps to laugh.
Trump calls for "retribution" (violence?) against SNL for making fun of him

thats mob boss lingo ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Vinny - youz and Guido go and have a conversation wit dem SNL writer guys - make sure they see it my way...... if dey can still see


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