Trump calls ICE raids "very successful"

prove it - dispute the numbers with facts from a credible source


I have proved it many times before...I've proven it for you but you can't fix stupid....and I will never shut up...This is my country asswipe.....
Does anyone else here see the similarities between ICE raids rounding up men, women and children and putting them in concentration camps for the crime of wanting to live in the United States, to rounding up Jews in Nazi Germany. This is terrorizing people who represent no threat to you. These are Storm Trooper tactics of harassment of immigrant communities.


No, no similarities at all.

This kind of stupid shit does not help your cause, it just makes you look like a fucking moron.

The Jews were legal residents , the illegal immigrants are not.

The Jews were being rounded up to be killed, the the illegal immigrants are not.

Sorry Golfing Gator there goes you reputation because I am going to agree with your post to Dragonbreath...
Oh yeah, lots of cult members call Obama the 2nd worst POTUS ever in the history of the country!

Fuck you cultist are funny as hell
Obama took Carter's worst president trophy....

True, he was worse than Carter, but Bush II was worse than both of them. Nothing either of them did compares to invading the wrong country.
True, he was worse than Carter, but Bush II was worse than both of them. Nothing either of them did compares to invading the wrong country.
I will never defend Bush or his father but just to say the alternative was frightening at the time.....
True, he was worse than Carter, but Bush II was worse than both of them. Nothing either of them did compares to invading the wrong country.
I will never defend Bush or his father but just to say the alternative was frightening at the time.....

I have felt that way about both choices the duopoly has given us for the last 30 years
True, he was worse than Carter, but Bush II was worse than both of them. Nothing either of them did compares to invading the wrong country.
I will never defend Bush or his father but just to say the alternative was frightening at the time.....

I have felt that way about both choices the duopoly has given us for the last 30 years
Trump is the first and probably the last outsider in my lifetime and he must get a second term to put the nail into the two headed monster in DC....but you don't see that for some reason....if Trump loses we are all screwed....
True, he was worse than Carter, but Bush II was worse than both of them. Nothing either of them did compares to invading the wrong country.
I will never defend Bush or his father but just to say the alternative was frightening at the time.....

I have felt that way about both choices the duopoly has given us for the last 30 years
Trump is the first and probably the last outsider in my lifetime and he must get a second term to put the nail into the two headed monster in DC....but you don't see that for some reason....if Trump loses we are all screwed....

if he wins Congress will be in gridlock for another 4 years ...
True, he was worse than Carter, but Bush II was worse than both of them. Nothing either of them did compares to invading the wrong country.
I will never defend Bush or his father but just to say the alternative was frightening at the time.....

I have felt that way about both choices the duopoly has given us for the last 30 years
Trump is the first and probably the last outsider in my lifetime and he must get a second term to put the nail into the two headed monster in DC....but you don't see that for some reason....if Trump loses we are all screwed....

if he wins Congress will be in gridlock for another 4 years ...
Do you have a gram of reality in your empty skull?
True, he was worse than Carter, but Bush II was worse than both of them. Nothing either of them did compares to invading the wrong country.
I will never defend Bush or his father but just to say the alternative was frightening at the time.....

I have felt that way about both choices the duopoly has given us for the last 30 years
Trump is the first and probably the last outsider in my lifetime and he must get a second term to put the nail into the two headed monster in DC....but you don't see that for some reason....if Trump loses we are all screwed....

if he wins Congress will be in gridlock for another 4 years ...
Do you have a gram of reality in your empty skull?

HELL, when Trump had both chambers of Congress he couldnt pass the shit he promised during his campaign.

maybe he can pass a fart if his old lady aint in the same room ..
True, he was worse than Carter, but Bush II was worse than both of them. Nothing either of them did compares to invading the wrong country.
I will never defend Bush or his father but just to say the alternative was frightening at the time.....

I have felt that way about both choices the duopoly has given us for the last 30 years
Trump is the first and probably the last outsider in my lifetime and he must get a second term to put the nail into the two headed monster in DC....but you don't see that for some reason....if Trump loses we are all screwed....

Trump has been part of the game for decades, he is not an "outsider" like you claim.

Also, Trump brought in a good number of outsiders when he took office, his cabinet had a nice "out of the beltway" feel. Now almost all of them are gone, replaced with DC insiders. Nothing will change if Trump gets 4 more years, he has already been swallowed up by the swamp, if he was not to begin with.

I will vote for neither Trump nor the Dem baring some miracle.

You know the parable of the frog and the scorpion, right?

The short version:

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

A tale of character, something that both the scorpion and our illustrious president lack...
I will never defend Bush or his father but just to say the alternative was frightening at the time.....

I have felt that way about both choices the duopoly has given us for the last 30 years
Trump is the first and probably the last outsider in my lifetime and he must get a second term to put the nail into the two headed monster in DC....but you don't see that for some reason....if Trump loses we are all screwed....

if he wins Congress will be in gridlock for another 4 years ...
Do you have a gram of reality in your empty skull?

HELL, when Trump had both chambers of Congress he couldnt pass the shit he promised during his campaign.

maybe he can pass a fart if his old lady aint in the same room ..
Memory problems?
The Globalists hate Trump and both parties are owned by them.
I have felt that way about both choices the duopoly has given us for the last 30 years
Trump is the first and probably the last outsider in my lifetime and he must get a second term to put the nail into the two headed monster in DC....but you don't see that for some reason....if Trump loses we are all screwed....

if he wins Congress will be in gridlock for another 4 years ...
Do you have a gram of reality in your empty skull?

HELL, when Trump had both chambers of Congress he couldnt pass the shit he promised during his campaign.

maybe he can pass a fart if his old lady aint in the same room ..
Memory problems?
The Globalists hate Trump and both parties are owned by them.

It is all part of the game.
Trump is the first and probably the last outsider in my lifetime and he must get a second term to put the nail into the two headed monster in DC....but you don't see that for some reason....if Trump loses we are all screwed....

if he wins Congress will be in gridlock for another 4 years ...
Do you have a gram of reality in your empty skull?

HELL, when Trump had both chambers of Congress he couldnt pass the shit he promised during his campaign.

maybe he can pass a fart if his old lady aint in the same room ..
Memory problems?
The Globalists hate Trump and both parties are owned by them.

It is all part of the game.

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