Trump calls Ms. Universe "Miss Piggy"- classy guy.

Time to Press Donald on Whether He Raped His Wife?
With Trump's top GOP supporters now saying his deportation was never real and is actually just a matter of issuing undocumented immigrants with new paperwork, there's a growing list of questions reporters should really start asking Trump. But Trump himself has now moved on from immigration politics to dredging up allegations about Bill Clinton that range from unsubstantiated to discredited to ridiculous. But here's the thing: Trump's former wife Ivana said Trump raped her in a sworn deposition. Given how central a role rape accusations have played in Trump's campaign - against Mexicans, political opponents, etc. it is clearly a highly germane question, as frankly it would be for any presidential candida

Trump is DEFINITELY going to release the pictures of Bill fucking the 16 year old sex slaves on Epstein's Island
This is the swell guy you guys want to make President.

Former Miss Universe: Trump called me 'Miss Piggy'

Trump publicly called Machado an “eating machine” in an interview with Howard Stern and, according the Times report, invited nearly 100 media outlets to watch her exercise in a gym.


“She weighed 118 pounds or 117 pounds and she went to 160 or 170. So this is somebody that likes to eat,” Trump said then.

But he went even further in his criticism of her diet in private, according to Machado.

“He called me Miss Piggy,” Machado tells Inside Edition. “I was very depressed in that moment.”

Machado said Trump not only made her feel “so fat,” but he also ridiculed her English-speaking ability, calling her “Miss Housekeeping.” The model and telenovela star said her weight issues led to years of eating disorders — anorexia and bulimia — that required therapy.

Class defined by you people is your guy in a power position who requests a woman to come to his hotel suite so he can drop his pants for her......and then have the guy's wife and her minions call the woman "trailer trash". Classy guy and gal.


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No, he shouldn't have called her ANYTHING.

Now you might have a valid issue that her job required her to maintain a certain weight.

That doesn't mean you call her names or publically humiliate her, like Trump did.

Why don't you lecture Bill Clinton, asshole. He not only degrades women verbally, he actually sticks his dick into them. The younger the better too.
Get fucked.
When 200 Stranded Marines Needed A Plane Ride Home, Here’s How Donald Trump Responded

When Corporal Ryan Stickney and 200 of his fellow Marines prepared to return to their families after Operation Desert Storm in 1991, a logistics error forced them to turn to a surprising source for a ride home: Donald J. Trump.

Today, Stickney would like to say "thank you."

Stickney (left), was a squad leader in a TOW company of a Marine reserve unit based in Miami, FL and spent approximately six months in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War between 1990 and 1991.

Upon his unit’s return to the United States, the former Marine says the group spent several weeks decompressing at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina before heading back to Miami.

Stickney recalls being told that a mistake had been made within the logistics unit and that an aircraft wasn’t available to take the Marines home on their scheduled departure date.

This—according to Stickney—is where Donald Trump comes in.

"The way the story was told to us was that Mr. Trump found out about it and sent the airline down to take care of us. And that’s all we knew….I remember asking 'Who is Donald Trump?' I truly didn't know anything about him," the former Marine said.

Corporal Stickney snapped a photo to remember the day by:

The Trump campaign has confirmed to that Mr. Trump did indeed send his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami, Florida to transport over 200 Gulf War Marines back home. No further details were provided.

The Marine says he and his family are—to this day—grateful for Trump’s kind gesture. "It may not seem like much to most people, but it was very important to a bunch of jar heads and more importantly their families waiting for them on the hot tarmac."

Stickney says that his father—a Korean War veteran and former Eastern Airlines captain—claimed to have never seen a 727 turn around and refuel so quickly. His father was so appreciative of Mr. Trump's help; he said he would fly for Trump for free to thank him for what he did.

Stickney says that in his 28 years of public service, he has yet to see this kind of support for the troops from any of the other candidates running for president: "I have not seen a Clinton or Sanders plane, or anything else for that matter, sent to support the troops."
That kind of response usually means there is no link. Who did Hillary call trailer trash?
I just love it when Liberals demand to be proven wrong...and then are:

"She (Hillary Clinton) also led efforts to undermine Gennifer Flowers, whom she referred to as "trailer trash."
- Why Hillary Clinton Won't Pay for Disparaging Her Husband's Accusers

James Carville, who later admitted he was paid by the Clintons to lie and say anything he could to prevent the Clintons from receiving negative press during the slick Willy Scandals, declared at the time, “If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” he said at the time. Carville even went so far as to set up a web site for the exclusive purpose of personally smearing Paula Jones and other Clinton victims and skeptics.
- REALLY GREAT article about Bill Clinton's criminal sexual deviancy and actions taken to protect him and smear his victims:
Hillary Clinton Is No Friend To Sexual Assault Survivors

Yeah, Hillary is a real 'champion' for women....
"One victim of Clinton’s wrath was Monica Lewinsky, whom Clinton called anarcissistic loony toonin private conversations with close friend Diane Blair."

- Hillary Clinton’s Long History of Targeting Women
- also in the article cited above

Hillary Clinton has never been accused of any rape ..........

I don't know which is worse / more pathetic, the fact that you felt you had to declare this or the fact that you felt you had to 'shout' it. :p

No one has ever accused Hillary of rape. No, she has been proven to have facilitated and defended her husband's sexual assaults, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedophilia as well as demonizing, attacking, slandering, intimidating, bullying, and attempting to silence his victims...and still has the gall to claim she is not nor has ever waged a 'War on Women', that she is a 'champion for women'.

This, by the way, is the same woman that has refused to pay women equal pay as men who work at her organization and the same woman who has taken millions from nations that oppress women, treat them as property, stone them for being raped, and engage in the mutilation of female genitalia.
So? Obama referred to Sarah Palin as a pig.

Libs think that is an mysoginisic insult all of a sudden?

Boo hoo.
That kind of response usually means there is no link. Who did Hillary call trailer trash?
I just love it when Liberals demand to be proven wrong...and then are:

"She (Hillary Clinton) also led efforts to undermine Gennifer Flowers, whom she referred to as "trailer trash."
- Why Hillary Clinton Won't Pay for Disparaging Her Husband's Accusers

James Carville, who later admitted he was paid by the Clintons to lie and say anything he could to prevent the Clintons from receiving negative press during the slick Willy Scandals, declared at the time, “If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” he said at the time. Carville even went so far as to set up a web site for the exclusive purpose of personally smearing Paula Jones and other Clinton victims and skeptics.
- REALLY GREAT article about Bill Clinton's criminal sexual deviancy and actions taken to protect him and smear his victims:
Hillary Clinton Is No Friend To Sexual Assault Survivors

Yeah, Hillary is a real 'champion' for women....
"One victim of Clinton’s wrath was Monica Lewinsky, whom Clinton called anarcissistic loony toonin private conversations with close friend Diane Blair."

- Hillary Clinton’s Long History of Targeting Women
- also in the article cited above
Your link does not give anything other than a small and unsubstantiated claim by a single reporter that Clinton allegedly referred to any of the women as trailer trash. No details or specifics or sources are supplied. The article is in a highly agenda driven conservative publication.
Hillary referred to one of bill's victims as a “narcissistic loony toon”, referred to another as 'trailer trash', and labeled them all as 'Bimbo's...and Obama called Palin a 'pig'.

Neither Obama nor Hillary paid women on their staffs the same as they paid the men doing equal work.

Hillary was taking millions (and still reportedly is) from nations that oppress, abuse, torture, and murder women...

...yet Liberals squeal that it is the Conservatives who are sexists and who is waging the B$ 'War on Women'.

(Also notice how the liberal womens' rights groups suddenly lose their voices and outrage when these liberals mistreat and disparage women in such a way...)

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