Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

I deal in a world of FACTS... Get some.. You don't have any.. Your feelings and pathological lying is not generating facts of anything other than your problems.

Hahahaha....I can't stop laughing at your ludicrous statement. Your own facts don't can have your own opinion but not your own facts. Keep're only fooling yourself. You can't back up any of your bullshit with facts/links.....just lies, like Trump's lies.

Must be exhausting to have to keep defending yourself against the whole world.

On the weekend leading up to 2016's first presidential debate, four news organizations came to a similar and sweeping conclusion: Donald Trump lies more often than Hillary Clinton.
The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar

He is the nominee for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
Donald Trump's file

That is astonishing, given that Donald Trump’s entire life has been an extended exercise in deception.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies

America has just lived through another presidential campaign week dominated by Donald Trump’s racist lies.

Your sources lack any credibility Miss Piggy. Yes National Review lacks any credibility.

Yeah right....because you only read and every Trump supporter lacks credibility.

Stay away from your cousins this shows you have been inbreeding.
Hillary's lies, her murder's, her shaming of the women her husband raped don't bother you in the least.

Do you have something to prove that Bill raped these women?
Hillary shaming and attacking these women that have sex with Bill is normal. They know that Bill is married......... isn't it
JUST AN EXAMPLE.......... if you caught your wife cheating. What would be your normal reaction? Angry and furious you want to kill this stud because you have limp dick. Correct?
AGAIN JUST AN EXAMPLE............ If your wife caught you cheating. What do you think will be her reaction? Angry and furious. Probably kill your gf or mistress. Correct? END OF EXAMPLE.............

Hillary reaction against these women is normal. I know my wife will kill me and my girlfriendS.

For starters:
Woman who saw Juanita Broaddrick after Bill Clinton 'raped' her says ...

Trump has decency to divorce when the marriage is going south... Clintons cheat instead.

About sums up the life philosophy, they are crooks.

Dumping your wife for a younger model is decent?

Your wife getting older should not be grounds for your marriage going south

Clinton was giving his sperm into a chicks mouth while his wife and child were upstairs at 1600.

Trump did the same

So did Gingrich, and he has the audacity to ridicule Bill. He also served his wife with divorce papers while she lay in a hospital bed. But the sanctimonious conservatives seem to overlook it. Such hypocrisy.

This hypocrite is the man who served his first wife with divorce papers while she lay in a hospital bed. He divorced his second wife after his screwing of a House staffer became public while he was Speaker of the House and leading the GOP charge against Clinton.

This is the same Newt Gingrich who used to take campaign volunteers back to his car and so they could give him blow jobs.

Sex scandals, blow jobs and the ’stench of hypocrisy’

This is going to sting.
The Gingrich Divorce Myth -
No it wont sting because it has all been gone over a million times and Gingrich is not running for President.

Trump, Johnson, Stein and a lying treasonous bitch are.
Hahahaha....I can't stop laughing at your ludicrous statement. Your own facts don't can have your own opinion but not your own facts. Keep're only fooling yourself. You can't back up any of your bullshit with facts/links.....just lies, like Trump's lies.

Must be exhausting to have to keep defending yourself against the whole world.

On the weekend leading up to 2016's first presidential debate, four news organizations came to a similar and sweeping conclusion: Donald Trump lies more often than Hillary Clinton.
The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar

He is the nominee for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
Donald Trump's file

That is astonishing, given that Donald Trump’s entire life has been an extended exercise in deception.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies

America has just lived through another presidential campaign week dominated by Donald Trump’s racist lies.

Your sources lack any credibility Miss Piggy. Yes National Review lacks any credibility.

Yeah right....because you only read and every Trump supporter lacks credibility.

Stay away from your cousins this shows you have been inbreeding.
Hillary's lies, her murder's, her shaming of the women her husband raped don't bother you in the least.

Do you have something to prove that Bill raped these women?
Hillary shaming and attacking these women that have sex with Bill is normal. They know that Bill is married......... isn't it
JUST AN EXAMPLE.......... if you caught your wife cheating. What would be your normal reaction? Angry and furious you want to kill this stud because you have limp dick. Correct?
AGAIN JUST AN EXAMPLE............ If your wife caught you cheating. What do you think will be her reaction? Angry and furious. Probably kill your gf or mistress. Correct? END OF EXAMPLE.............

Hillary reaction against these women is normal. I know my wife will kill me and my girlfriendS.

For starters:
Woman who saw Juanita Broaddrick after Bill Clinton 'raped' her says ...

Garbage......... if this is true. Did you ask Sean Hannity?
Your sources lack any credibility Miss Piggy. Yes National Review lacks any credibility.

Yeah right....because you only read and every Trump supporter lacks credibility.

Stay away from your cousins this shows you have been inbreeding.
Hillary's lies, her murder's, her shaming of the women her husband raped don't bother you in the least.

Do you have something to prove that Bill raped these women?
Hillary shaming and attacking these women that have sex with Bill is normal. They know that Bill is married......... isn't it
JUST AN EXAMPLE.......... if you caught your wife cheating. What would be your normal reaction? Angry and furious you want to kill this stud because you have limp dick. Correct?
AGAIN JUST AN EXAMPLE............ If your wife caught you cheating. What do you think will be her reaction? Angry and furious. Probably kill your gf or mistress. Correct? END OF EXAMPLE.............

Hillary reaction against these women is normal. I know my wife will kill me and my girlfriendS.

For starters:
Woman who saw Juanita Broaddrick after Bill Clinton 'raped' her says ...

Garbage......... if this is true. Did you ask Sean Hannity?

No, Bill Cosby.
Miss Universe can't be fat and wear the crown, just as Odell Beckham can't run a 12 second 40 and expect to be the starter (that's a football/wide receiver analogy) These are obvious facts.

Stating the obvious is somehow 'wrong'?

The woman got fat, she represents Miss Universe, it becomes a problem. If she became a raging alcoholic and made erratic appearances should she not be criticized? Don't want to upset anyone because she's a woman? Nonsense. Some things just are.

Not the point. He called her Miss Piggy and Miss House keeping, too. And that IS a problem as you'll see with his numbers.
No..he ALLEDGEDLY called her that. There's no proof at all.
Miss Universe can't be fat and wear the crown, just as Odell Beckham can't run a 12 second 40 and expect to be the starter (that's a football/wide receiver analogy) These are obvious facts.

Stating the obvious is somehow 'wrong'?

The woman got fat, she represents Miss Universe, it becomes a problem. If she became a raging alcoholic and made erratic appearances should she not be criticized? Don't want to upset anyone because she's a woman? Nonsense. Some things just are.

Not the point. He called her Miss Piggy and Miss House keeping, too. And that IS a problem as you'll see with his numbers.
No..he ALLEDGEDLY called her that. There's no proof at all.

Circumstantial evidence suggests he did. And going by his current record, I believe it 100 percent. The guy is a toe rag.
Miss Universe can't be fat and wear the crown, just as Odell Beckham can't run a 12 second 40 and expect to be the starter (that's a football/wide receiver analogy) These are obvious facts.

Stating the obvious is somehow 'wrong'?

The woman got fat, she represents Miss Universe, it becomes a problem. If she became a raging alcoholic and made erratic appearances should she not be criticized? Don't want to upset anyone because she's a woman? Nonsense. Some things just are.

Not the point. He called her Miss Piggy and Miss House keeping, too. And that IS a problem as you'll see with his numbers.
No..he ALLEDGEDLY called her that. There's no proof at all.

Circumstantial evidence suggests he did. And going by his current record, I believe it 100 percent. The guy is a toe rag.

Trump's big heart. Stricken ex-beauty queen emotionally thanks Trump
hey OP- whats worse that or Hillary calling millions deplorable and unredeemable?

Not sure what that's supposed to link to --- I've learned to not trust USMB's permalinks. When I click it goes to post 23. :dunno:

But scroll down to the next post (24) to see exactly what this is all about.

Meanwhile, back at the topic ranch:

>> The would-be commander in chief — whose own health records would indicate he is overweight — has long made clear his preferences in body types. He has repeatedly referred to former co-host of “The View” Rosie O’Donnell as a “big fat pig,” and during Monday night’s debate he affirmed, “I said tough things to her and I think everybody would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her.”

Last year he despaired that supermodel Heidi Klum is “sadly, no longer a 10.” He doesn’t limit his disgust to just women, either — in 2015, after he had a man kicked out of a rally in Massachusetts, he told the crowd, “You know, it’s amazing. I mention food stamps and that guy who’s seriously overweight went crazy.” And Monday night, he envisioned a potential hacker as “somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds, OK?”

In contrast, he’s famously supportive of those who conform to his ideal body mass index, saying several years ago of his child, “She does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” << --- Salon
It occurs to me, just to play devil's advocate (in other words in Rump's sort-of defense) that even this Machado affair is not necessarily indicative of misogyny per se, at least not directly. It could be that, being an owner of the meat market, Rump is simply so callous and heartless that he saw Machado not as a human but as an investment, an investment to which he saw a threat by the weight gain (which of course, like the meat market itself, depends on objectifying women in the first place). Therefore with a threat to his profit, and seeing no humanity in the "investment", he denigrates the investment on the same dehumanized scale he would denigrate, say, a flood that washed one of his golf courses away.

As I noted elsewhere --- Rump has no heart. He doesn't need one.... he simply has blood coming out of his Wherever.
:lol: :lol:

Since you can't seem to read the perma-linked post I'll quote what it says :lol:
You're assuming he called her that. It's alleged and there's no proof.

^^^^^^^ I said that

You and Valerie need to follow along :lol:

OK but ---- what's your point?

Post 24 illustrates mine.
My point is that a Miss Universe winner must represent the pageant in a positive way and part of that is not getting all bloated and fat. When she won she was around 118 lbs and she ballooned up to 160 or 170. We're not talking Miss Universe Plus here.....the pageant has an image winners must uphold.

...And Trump handled it the wrong way. If Trump can't handle a simple thing like a pageant winner gaining some weight in a professional manner, how can we trust something as important as a Nuclear Arms deal or something like that in him?

how can you trust Hillary with all her shit? She actually harmed the US, not just talk.
Not sure what that's supposed to link to --- I've learned to not trust USMB's permalinks. When I click it goes to post 23. :dunno:

But scroll down to the next post (24) to see exactly what this is all about.

Meanwhile, back at the topic ranch:

>> The would-be commander in chief — whose own health records would indicate he is overweight — has long made clear his preferences in body types. He has repeatedly referred to former co-host of “The View” Rosie O’Donnell as a “big fat pig,” and during Monday night’s debate he affirmed, “I said tough things to her and I think everybody would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her.”

Last year he despaired that supermodel Heidi Klum is “sadly, no longer a 10.” He doesn’t limit his disgust to just women, either — in 2015, after he had a man kicked out of a rally in Massachusetts, he told the crowd, “You know, it’s amazing. I mention food stamps and that guy who’s seriously overweight went crazy.” And Monday night, he envisioned a potential hacker as “somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds, OK?”

In contrast, he’s famously supportive of those who conform to his ideal body mass index, saying several years ago of his child, “She does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” << --- Salon
It occurs to me, just to play devil's advocate (in other words in Rump's sort-of defense) that even this Machado affair is not necessarily indicative of misogyny per se, at least not directly. It could be that, being an owner of the meat market, Rump is simply so callous and heartless that he saw Machado not as a human but as an investment, an investment to which he saw a threat by the weight gain (which of course, like the meat market itself, depends on objectifying women in the first place). Therefore with a threat to his profit, and seeing no humanity in the "investment", he denigrates the investment on the same dehumanized scale he would denigrate, say, a flood that washed one of his golf courses away.

As I noted elsewhere --- Rump has no heart. He doesn't need one.... he simply has blood coming out of his Wherever.
:lol: :lol:

Since you can't seem to read the perma-linked post I'll quote what it says :lol:
You're assuming he called her that. It's alleged and there's no proof.

^^^^^^^ I said that

You and Valerie need to follow along :lol:

OK but ---- what's your point?

Post 24 illustrates mine.
My point is that a Miss Universe winner must represent the pageant in a positive way and part of that is not getting all bloated and fat. When she won she was around 118 lbs and she ballooned up to 160 or 170. We're not talking Miss Universe Plus here.....the pageant has an image winners must uphold.

...And Trump handled it the wrong way. If Trump can't handle a simple thing like a pageant winner gaining some weight in a professional manner, how can we trust something as important as a Nuclear Arms deal or something like that in him?

how can you trust Hillary with all her shit? She actually harmed the US, not just talk.

...and I never said I trusted Hillary?

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