Trump Calls Out Iran as the Danger That it is

President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies

But not Saudi Arabia? Hmmm, how convenient.

What is Iran a danger to, exactly? The US's bullying in the Middle East?

Iran is a supporter of international terrorism----believe it or not

No its not. Never heard of a Shia terrorist in Europe or US.

oh-----the only people who deserve to live are Europeans and americans?. There,
certainly, ARE Shiite shit terrorists ------the sluts like to tie bombs on their asses
and jump into sunni weddling parties, holiday celebrations,, and even funerals
for the glorious purpose of blowing the brains out of sunni children.....for allah and
the little bastard in the well in QOM. In the real world-----ONE CRIME LEADS
TO THE NEXT--------ask any cop. I have no idea what sect is responsible for offing
Hindus in India-------Hezbollah has been implicated in lots of bloody terrorist acts
to your delight. Ask any Yemeni expat in the USA (if you can get his trust<<<
not likely) Those intricately constructed nail bombs do not come in boxes of CRACKER
JACK---------lots are Iranian made.

Hezbollah never bothers Israel unless Israel bothers Lebanon first. Also Israel feels free to bomb Hezbollah in Syria, yet we give Israel and SA weapons up the billions. Didn't jews first create the mail bombs??
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Trump is a fucking moron who has no concept of what is happening in the Middle East. Sort of like you.

What is our strategic interest in the Middle East? To put in puppet governments who will give us oil? That was Bush's plan.
I was over there. I understand what's going on over there. Obama was a fucking moron...unlike yourself whou is just a turd. Obama plan? No plan at all. Go to Middle East on an apology tour. Fucking pussy.

So you don't know of any plan Trump has in the Middle East? The idea behind invading Iraq was to create an oil rich, US friendly country. Instead, they freed Iran of their number one enemy & failed to create a US friendly Iraq.

Trump's plan is to get these dictatorships to help him fight ISIS & in exchange, they can continue their human right atrocities ithout US interference. He has no plan to fight ISIS like he promised months ago.

The nation of Iraq under Sadaam was devoted to international terrorism for the BAATHIST CAUSE----
which is a SUNNI MUSLIM UBER ALLES program. For that reason he not only fought Iran but
murdered Shiite children IN IRAQ and he also supported terrorism against the GREAT SATAN
(USA) and----the other satan---(da jooos) How do I know? He said so----I knew it way back
in the mid 1960s (interestingly enough I had a conversation with one of his side kicks here
in the USA ---on (??) MUHUMMAD MEHDI-----the original founder of that which BECAME CAIR
----it had a different name back then-----something like "American friends of arabs" Mehdi dropped
dead sometime circa 1999 (I cheered). As to Sadaam's intentions-----confirmed in my conversations
with ardent sunnis ------(interestingly enough including Pakistanis who CHEERED when Sadaam
invaded Kuwait-------he did it for the MUSLIM CAUSE
So, you agree that Bushed helped Iran when he took out Sadam.
municipal council elections in big cities is very important especially tehran.more social freedom in city
and they choose mayor .mayor of tehran is very very important
left won in most of big cities.all 21 council member of tehran are reformist now.

tehran council result
1:mohsen hashemi ( reformist) =1746568
22: chamran(conservative)= 653247

Reformists sweep Tehran, major cities in Iran municipal council elections
Reformists sweep Tehran, major cities in Iran municipal council elections

Long ago-----way back in the 1960s when I first ran into Iranians in the USA------ALL OF THEM
were from Teheran-------both the jews and the muslims. I was so accustomed to the
TEHERAN MINDSET -----that when the AYATOILETS came to power (Khomeini) and
then 1979 -----I thought "THIS WON'T LAST MORE THAN THREE YEARS" -----seems I was
iran-iraq war helped them.iran revolution gaurd is powerfull because of iran-iraq war
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Trump is a fucking moron who has no concept of what is happening in the Middle East. Sort of like you.

What is our strategic interest in the Middle East? To put in puppet governments who will give us oil? That was Bush's plan.
I was over there. I understand what's going on over there. Obama was a fucking moron...unlike yourself whou is just a turd. Obama plan? No plan at all. Go to Middle East on an apology tour. Fucking pussy.

So you don't know of any plan Trump has in the Middle East? The idea behind invading Iraq was to create an oil rich, US friendly country. Instead, they freed Iran of their number one enemy & failed to create a US friendly Iraq.

Trump's plan is to get these dictatorships to help him fight ISIS & in exchange, they can continue their human right atrocities ithout US interference. He has no plan to fight ISIS like he promised months ago.

The nation of Iraq under Sadaam was devoted to international terrorism for the BAATHIST CAUSE----
which is a SUNNI MUSLIM UBER ALLES program. For that reason he not only fought Iran but
murdered Shiite children IN IRAQ and he also supported terrorism against the GREAT SATAN
(USA) and----the other satan---(da jooos) How do I know? He said so----I knew it way back
in the mid 1960s (interestingly enough I had a conversation with one of his side kicks here
in the USA ---on (??) MUHUMMAD MEHDI-----the original founder of that which BECAME CAIR
----it had a different name back then-----something like "American friends of arabs" Mehdi dropped
dead sometime circa 1999 (I cheered). As to Sadaam's intentions-----confirmed in my conversations
with ardent sunnis ------(interestingly enough including Pakistanis who CHEERED when Sadaam
invaded Kuwait-------he did it for the MUSLIM CAUSE
So, you agree that Bushed helped Iran when he took out Sadam.

the benefit to Iran was an unintended consequence. Iran remains a significant obstacle to world
peace and decency
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies

But not Saudi Arabia? Hmmm, how convenient.

What is Iran a danger to, exactly? The US's bullying in the Middle East?

Iran is a supporter of international terrorism----believe it or not

No its not. Never heard of a Shia terrorist in Europe or US.

oh-----the only people who deserve to live are Europeans and americans?. There,
certainly, ARE Shiite shit terrorists ------the sluts like to tie bombs on their asses
and jump into sunni weddling parties, holiday celebrations,, and even funerals
for the glorious purpose of blowing the brains out of sunni children.....for allah and
the little bastard in the well in QOM. In the real world-----ONE CRIME LEADS
TO THE NEXT--------ask any cop. I have no idea what sect is responsible for offing
Hindus in India-------Hezbollah has been implicated in lots of bloody terrorist acts
to your delight. Ask any Yemeni expat in the USA (if you can get his trust<<<
not likely) Those intricately constructed nail bombs do not come in boxes of CRACKER
JACK---------lots are Iranian made.

Hezbollah never bothers Israel unless Israel bothers Lebanon first. Also Israel feels free to bomb Hezbollah in Syria, yet we give Israel and SA weapons up the billions. Didn't jews first create the mail bombs??

Penny dear-----you use the same sophist reasoning that Japan used to justify bombing Pearl Harbor.
Hezbollah is at war with Israel and engages in the techniques that delight you-----
obscene mutilation torture murder. You also use the same sophist reasoning that
justified your hero Salman Abedi. I do not know who created the "mail bomb"
Mail bombs do not kill unless they are USED to kill. The Chinese invented gun powder.
Iran is known to make nail bombs WHOLE SALE and ship them to Hamas and Hezbollah.
Nail bombs are SPECIFICALLY designed to kill children. The indwelling missiles
are particularly efficient in piecing the relatively soft skulls of children. Another DELIGHT
for you.
municipal council elections in big cities is very important especially tehran.more social freedom in city
and they choose mayor .mayor of tehran is very very important
left won in most of big cities.all 21 council member of tehran are reformist now.

tehran council result
1:mohsen hashemi ( reformist) =1746568
22: chamran(conservative)= 653247

Reformists sweep Tehran, major cities in Iran municipal council elections
Reformists sweep Tehran, major cities in Iran municipal council elections

Long ago-----way back in the 1960s when I first ran into Iranians in the USA------ALL OF THEM
were from Teheran-------both the jews and the muslims. I was so accustomed to the
TEHERAN MINDSET -----that when the AYATOILETS came to power (Khomeini) and
then 1979 -----I thought "THIS WON'T LAST MORE THAN THREE YEARS" -----seems I was
iran-iraq war helped them.iran revolution gaurd is powerfull because of iran-iraq war

silly Dani------the Iran Iraq war did not create the atrocity of 1979. Khomeini did not depend on it
municipal council elections in big cities is very important especially tehran.more social freedom in city
and they choose mayor .mayor of tehran is very very important
left won in most of big cities.all 21 council member of tehran are reformist now.

tehran council result
1:mohsen hashemi ( reformist) =1746568
22: chamran(conservative)= 653247

Reformists sweep Tehran, major cities in Iran municipal council elections
Reformists sweep Tehran, major cities in Iran municipal council elections

Long ago-----way back in the 1960s when I first ran into Iranians in the USA------ALL OF THEM
were from Teheran-------both the jews and the muslims. I was so accustomed to the
TEHERAN MINDSET -----that when the AYATOILETS came to power (Khomeini) and
then 1979 -----I thought "THIS WON'T LAST MORE THAN THREE YEARS" -----seems I was
iran-iraq war helped them.iran revolution gaurd is powerfull because of iran-iraq war

silly Dani------the Iran Iraq war did not create the atrocity of 1979. Khomeini did not depend on it
protect regime after 1979.why regime still here after 40 years? because of iran-iraq war
Trump is a fucking moron who has no concept of what is happening in the Middle East. Sort of like you.

What is our strategic interest in the Middle East? To put in puppet governments who will give us oil? That was Bush's plan.
I was over there. I understand what's going on over there. Obama was a fucking moron...unlike yourself whou is just a turd. Obama plan? No plan at all. Go to Middle East on an apology tour. Fucking pussy.

So you don't know of any plan Trump has in the Middle East? The idea behind invading Iraq was to create an oil rich, US friendly country. Instead, they freed Iran of their number one enemy & failed to create a US friendly Iraq.

Trump's plan is to get these dictatorships to help him fight ISIS & in exchange, they can continue their human right atrocities ithout US interference. He has no plan to fight ISIS like he promised months ago.

The nation of Iraq under Sadaam was devoted to international terrorism for the BAATHIST CAUSE----
which is a SUNNI MUSLIM UBER ALLES program. For that reason he not only fought Iran but
murdered Shiite children IN IRAQ and he also supported terrorism against the GREAT SATAN
(USA) and----the other satan---(da jooos) How do I know? He said so----I knew it way back
in the mid 1960s (interestingly enough I had a conversation with one of his side kicks here
in the USA ---on (??) MUHUMMAD MEHDI-----the original founder of that which BECAME CAIR
----it had a different name back then-----something like "American friends of arabs" Mehdi dropped
dead sometime circa 1999 (I cheered). As to Sadaam's intentions-----confirmed in my conversations
with ardent sunnis ------(interestingly enough including Pakistanis who CHEERED when Sadaam
invaded Kuwait-------he did it for the MUSLIM CAUSE
So, you agree that Bushed helped Iran when he took out Sadam.

the benefit to Iran was an unintended consequence. Iran remains a significant obstacle to world
peace and decency
Are you saying that US involvement in the Middle East caused more problems?
Well...that's never happened before.

Maybe they should just stay out.
I was over there. I understand what's going on over there. Obama was a fucking moron...unlike yourself whou is just a turd. Obama plan? No plan at all. Go to Middle East on an apology tour. Fucking pussy.

So you don't know of any plan Trump has in the Middle East? The idea behind invading Iraq was to create an oil rich, US friendly country. Instead, they freed Iran of their number one enemy & failed to create a US friendly Iraq.

Trump's plan is to get these dictatorships to help him fight ISIS & in exchange, they can continue their human right atrocities ithout US interference. He has no plan to fight ISIS like he promised months ago.

The nation of Iraq under Sadaam was devoted to international terrorism for the BAATHIST CAUSE----
which is a SUNNI MUSLIM UBER ALLES program. For that reason he not only fought Iran but
murdered Shiite children IN IRAQ and he also supported terrorism against the GREAT SATAN
(USA) and----the other satan---(da jooos) How do I know? He said so----I knew it way back
in the mid 1960s (interestingly enough I had a conversation with one of his side kicks here
in the USA ---on (??) MUHUMMAD MEHDI-----the original founder of that which BECAME CAIR
----it had a different name back then-----something like "American friends of arabs" Mehdi dropped
dead sometime circa 1999 (I cheered). As to Sadaam's intentions-----confirmed in my conversations
with ardent sunnis ------(interestingly enough including Pakistanis who CHEERED when Sadaam
invaded Kuwait-------he did it for the MUSLIM CAUSE
So, you agree that Bushed helped Iran when he took out Sadam.

the benefit to Iran was an unintended consequence. Iran remains a significant obstacle to world
peace and decency
Are you saying that US involvement in the Middle East caused more problems?
Well...that's never happened before.

Maybe they should just stay out.

No. Involvement in the middle east is unavoidable. I understand your POV-----I read
the Nazi propaganda that was promulgated in the 1930s thru the 1960s as a child
Trump is a fucking moron who has no concept of what is happening in the Middle East. Sort of like you.

What is our strategic interest in the Middle East? To put in puppet governments who will give us oil? That was Bush's plan.
I was over there. I understand what's going on over there. Obama was a fucking moron...unlike yourself whou is just a turd. Obama plan? No plan at all. Go to Middle East on an apology tour. Fucking pussy.

So you don't know of any plan Trump has in the Middle East? The idea behind invading Iraq was to create an oil rich, US friendly country. Instead, they freed Iran of their number one enemy & failed to create a US friendly Iraq.

Trump's plan is to get these dictatorships to help him fight ISIS & in exchange, they can continue their human right atrocities ithout US interference. He has no plan to fight ISIS like he promised months ago.

The nation of Iraq under Sadaam was devoted to international terrorism for the BAATHIST CAUSE----
which is a SUNNI MUSLIM UBER ALLES program. For that reason he not only fought Iran but
murdered Shiite children IN IRAQ and he also supported terrorism against the GREAT SATAN
(USA) and----the other satan---(da jooos) How do I know? He said so----I knew it way back
in the mid 1960s (interestingly enough I had a conversation with one of his side kicks here
in the USA ---on (??) MUHUMMAD MEHDI-----the original founder of that which BECAME CAIR
----it had a different name back then-----something like "American friends of arabs" Mehdi dropped
dead sometime circa 1999 (I cheered). As to Sadaam's intentions-----confirmed in my conversations
with ardent sunnis ------(interestingly enough including Pakistanis who CHEERED when Sadaam
invaded Kuwait-------he did it for the MUSLIM CAUSE
So, you agree that Bushed helped Iran when he took out Sadam.

the benefit to Iran was an unintended consequence. Iran remains a significant obstacle to world
peace and decency

Not unintended, ignored. Bush either did not grasp it or ignored it.
I was over there. I understand what's going on over there. Obama was a fucking moron...unlike yourself whou is just a turd. Obama plan? No plan at all. Go to Middle East on an apology tour. Fucking pussy.

So you don't know of any plan Trump has in the Middle East? The idea behind invading Iraq was to create an oil rich, US friendly country. Instead, they freed Iran of their number one enemy & failed to create a US friendly Iraq.

Trump's plan is to get these dictatorships to help him fight ISIS & in exchange, they can continue their human right atrocities ithout US interference. He has no plan to fight ISIS like he promised months ago.

The nation of Iraq under Sadaam was devoted to international terrorism for the BAATHIST CAUSE----
which is a SUNNI MUSLIM UBER ALLES program. For that reason he not only fought Iran but
murdered Shiite children IN IRAQ and he also supported terrorism against the GREAT SATAN
(USA) and----the other satan---(da jooos) How do I know? He said so----I knew it way back
in the mid 1960s (interestingly enough I had a conversation with one of his side kicks here
in the USA ---on (??) MUHUMMAD MEHDI-----the original founder of that which BECAME CAIR
----it had a different name back then-----something like "American friends of arabs" Mehdi dropped
dead sometime circa 1999 (I cheered). As to Sadaam's intentions-----confirmed in my conversations
with ardent sunnis ------(interestingly enough including Pakistanis who CHEERED when Sadaam
invaded Kuwait-------he did it for the MUSLIM CAUSE
So, you agree that Bushed helped Iran when he took out Sadam.

the benefit to Iran was an unintended consequence. Iran remains a significant obstacle to world
peace and decency

Not unintended, ignored. Bush either did not grasp it or ignored it.

Bush did not intend and Bush did not grasp-----amount to the same problem
So you don't know of any plan Trump has in the Middle East? The idea behind invading Iraq was to create an oil rich, US friendly country. Instead, they freed Iran of their number one enemy & failed to create a US friendly Iraq.

Trump's plan is to get these dictatorships to help him fight ISIS & in exchange, they can continue their human right atrocities ithout US interference. He has no plan to fight ISIS like he promised months ago.

The nation of Iraq under Sadaam was devoted to international terrorism for the BAATHIST CAUSE----
which is a SUNNI MUSLIM UBER ALLES program. For that reason he not only fought Iran but
murdered Shiite children IN IRAQ and he also supported terrorism against the GREAT SATAN
(USA) and----the other satan---(da jooos) How do I know? He said so----I knew it way back
in the mid 1960s (interestingly enough I had a conversation with one of his side kicks here
in the USA ---on (??) MUHUMMAD MEHDI-----the original founder of that which BECAME CAIR
----it had a different name back then-----something like "American friends of arabs" Mehdi dropped
dead sometime circa 1999 (I cheered). As to Sadaam's intentions-----confirmed in my conversations
with ardent sunnis ------(interestingly enough including Pakistanis who CHEERED when Sadaam
invaded Kuwait-------he did it for the MUSLIM CAUSE
So, you agree that Bushed helped Iran when he took out Sadam.

the benefit to Iran was an unintended consequence. Iran remains a significant obstacle to world
peace and decency

Not unintended, ignored. Bush either did not grasp it or ignored it.

Bush did not intend and Bush did not grasp-----amount to the same problem

To call it unintended implies no one knew it would happen. However, many Middle East experts did know it.
The nation of Iraq under Sadaam was devoted to international terrorism for the BAATHIST CAUSE----
which is a SUNNI MUSLIM UBER ALLES program. For that reason he not only fought Iran but
murdered Shiite children IN IRAQ and he also supported terrorism against the GREAT SATAN
(USA) and----the other satan---(da jooos) How do I know? He said so----I knew it way back
in the mid 1960s (interestingly enough I had a conversation with one of his side kicks here
in the USA ---on (??) MUHUMMAD MEHDI-----the original founder of that which BECAME CAIR
----it had a different name back then-----something like "American friends of arabs" Mehdi dropped
dead sometime circa 1999 (I cheered). As to Sadaam's intentions-----confirmed in my conversations
with ardent sunnis ------(interestingly enough including Pakistanis who CHEERED when Sadaam
invaded Kuwait-------he did it for the MUSLIM CAUSE
So, you agree that Bushed helped Iran when he took out Sadam.

the benefit to Iran was an unintended consequence. Iran remains a significant obstacle to world
peace and decency

Not unintended, ignored. Bush either did not grasp it or ignored it.

Bush did not intend and Bush did not grasp-----amount to the same problem

To call it unintended implies no one knew it would happen. However, many Middle East experts did know it.

I do not agree that the word "UNINTENDED" means that NO ONE WAS OF THE OPINION
that there would be negative consequences-------it just means that the people who decided on what
to do------did not INTEND for those consequences to HAPPEN.

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