Trump Calls Out Iran as the Danger That it is

True. But after we were there Iran should not have targeted our troops.
The US had always been belligerent to Iran...they didn't want them taking over Iraq.
Add religion on top of that...
Don't forget about the hostage crisis 79-80.
Or the 1953 CIA-led coup of democratically elected Mossadeq.
Which was justified under the Cold War context in which it took place.
Don't forget about the hostage crisis 79-80.
Or the 1953 CIA-led coup of democratically elected Mossadeq.

try again-----the coup was accomplished by IRANIANS who were "royalists" There are still
lots of Iranians mourning the loss of their <giggle> SHAH
Oh...that's right...Alternative Facts.
I forget sometimes.

yeah-----I have my facts from Iranians-------an ALTERNATIVE history for you and your
hero AYATOILETS (for reality you would have had to know real Iranians long before
The ayatollah came about because of the CIA meddling.
Nothing to do with being my hero.
Oh that bad old United States rears its ugly head again.
Or the 1953 CIA-led coup of democratically elected Mossadeq.

try again-----the coup was accomplished by IRANIANS who were "royalists" There are still
lots of Iranians mourning the loss of their <giggle> SHAH
Oh...that's right...Alternative Facts.
I forget sometimes.

yeah-----I have my facts from Iranians-------an ALTERNATIVE history for you and your
hero AYATOILETS (for reality you would have had to know real Iranians long before
The ayatollah came about because of the CIA meddling.
Nothing to do with being my hero.
Oh that bad old United States rears its ugly head again.
You're looking for reasons why Iran might want to be mean to your soldiers...
try again-----the coup was accomplished by IRANIANS who were "royalists" There are still
lots of Iranians mourning the loss of their <giggle> SHAH
Oh...that's right...Alternative Facts.
I forget sometimes.

yeah-----I have my facts from Iranians-------an ALTERNATIVE history for you and your
hero AYATOILETS (for reality you would have had to know real Iranians long before
The ayatollah came about because of the CIA meddling.
Nothing to do with being my hero.
Oh that bad old United States rears its ugly head again.
You're looking for reasons why Iran might want to be mean to your soldiers...
Nope. They started it...we will end it. Don't start none if your ass don't want none.
Oh...that's right...Alternative Facts.
I forget sometimes.

yeah-----I have my facts from Iranians-------an ALTERNATIVE history for you and your
hero AYATOILETS (for reality you would have had to know real Iranians long before
The ayatollah came about because of the CIA meddling.
Nothing to do with being my hero.
Oh that bad old United States rears its ugly head again.
You're looking for reasons why Iran might want to be mean to your soldiers...
Nope. They started it...we will end it. Don't start none if your ass don't want none.
Riiiggghhht...because the US is so good at starting and finishing fights!
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies

As he sold billions of weapons to the Saudi regime, and accused Iran of giving weapons to their allies. Everyone knows ISIS are Sunnis, not Shia's.
You do understand that not all Sunnis are the same, right?

You must think Muslims are all monolithic.
Interesting that Trump focuses on Iran, a Shiite Muslim country when all the terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by Sunnis. And he made the speech in the home of Wahhabism where 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers came from. With friends like Saudi Arabia, who needs enemies?
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies

As he sold billions of weapons to the Saudi regime, and accused Iran of giving weapons to their allies. Everyone knows ISIS are Sunnis, not Shia's.
You do understand that not all Sunnis are the same, right?

You must think Muslims are all monolithic.
Interesting that Trump focuses on Iran, a Shiite Muslim country when all the terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by Sunnis. And he made the speech in the home of Wahhabism where 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers came from. With friends like Saudi Arabia, who needs enemies?

wrong again-----while it is true that the 9-11 atrocity was carried out by SUNNI terrorists------there are lot and lots
of Hezbollah Shiite sluts with bombs on their whorish asses murdering children for the glory of allah
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies
The ankle-biters on the left want to focus on Russia and Curtsies.
Obama allowed Iran to become unleashed on the Middle East.

What, by invading Iraq?

Yes folks, history has changed. It wuz Obama who done it.
Certainly Iran is a concern- but it is interesting to note that Iranian troops are in Iraq helping combat ISIS.

And Saudi Arabian troops are not.
I know it is convoluted but if the Saudis stepped in militarily all hell would break loose. The problem is and has always been Iran. Obama became a surrogate for Iran. That is when the Arab world turned away from Obama. They saw his Iran deal for what it was, a grab at a legacy.
This inter Muslim conflict is not so much a Shiite vs Sunni battle as it is a regional Arab vs Persian battle......
Certainly Iran is a concern- but it is interesting to note that Iranian troops are in Iraq helping combat ISIS.

And Saudi Arabian troops are not.
I know it is convoluted but if the Saudis stepped in militarily all hell would break loose. The problem is and has always been Iran. Obama became a surrogate for Iran. That is when the Arab world turned away from Obama. They saw his Iran deal for what it was, a grab at a legacy.
This inter Muslim conflict is not so much a Shiite vs Sunni battle as it is a regional Arab vs Persian battle......

LOL- Iran has been working with Iraq in combating ISIS.
How Iran helped create a 'kill box' around ISIS' last stronghold in Iraq

And of course Iran supports Syria- an Arab power.

This inter Muslim conflict is not so much a Arab vs. Persian battle- as a Iran versus Gulf States battle.
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies

As he sold billions of weapons to the Saudi regime, and accused Iran of giving weapons to their allies. Everyone knows ISIS are Sunnis, not Shia's.
You do understand that not all Sunnis are the same, right?

You must think Muslims are all monolithic.

isis=wahabism salafi=suidia arabia

do you remember paris attack ?

Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism
Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism | News | DW | 21.11.2015
But Saudi Arabia is not a "state sponsor " of terror. Dude I don't like Sunni terrorist either, but they are financed by individuals in most cases.

suidi have more than 10000 princess . bin laden was too.
suidi king havnt full control.suidi oil money isnt just for king.
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies
He knows how to play to the crowd.

That must be why he forgot to mention Radical Islamic Terrorists...or remind the Saudis that they blew up the WTC...or remind them that "You talk about women and women's rights? So these are people that push gays off business, off buildings. These are people that kill women and treat women horribly"...
How does Iran treat gays like you?
i know more than 100 gay in my town . they are ok.
iran regime close his eyes.
for proof in law :4 people should watch gay sex action by their eyes .
if gay dont fuck eachother in street or dont rape kids. no problem for them.
you can find news about hang gay in iran.
for example this news. but they were kidfucker. they abused school boys
but propaganda fake news :

Teens killed by hanging for being gay in Iran - YouTube
upload_2017-5-24_14-30-50.jpeg▶ 5:00
8, 2013 - Uploaded by Tural Azerbaijan
Mahmud Əsgəri (16 yaş) və Ayaz Marhoni (18 yaş) gey olduqları üçün İranda edam edildilər. 2004-cü ilin məhz ...
True. But after we were there Iran should not have targeted our troops.
The US had always been belligerent to Iran...they didn't want them taking over Iraq.
Add religion on top of that...
Don't forget about the hostage crisis 79-80.

usa had plan and scenario for change iran regime.
what happend in egypt after revoluton ? they had this plan for iran too
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies
He knows how to play to the crowd.

That must be why he forgot to mention Radical Islamic Terrorists...or remind the Saudis that they blew up the WTC...or remind them that "You talk about women and women's rights? So these are people that push gays off business, off buildings. These are people that kill women and treat women horribly"...
How does Iran treat gays like you?
i know more than 100 gay in my town . they are ok.
iran regime close his eyes.
for proof in law :4 people should watch gay sex action by their eyes .
if gay dont fuck eachother in street or dont rape kids. no problem for them.
you can find news about hang gay in iran.
for example this news. but they were kidfucker. they abused school boys
but propaganda fake news :

Teens killed by hanging for being gay in Iran - YouTube
View attachment 128510▶ 5:00
8, 2013 - Uploaded by Tural Azerbaijan
Mahmud Əsgəri (16 yaş) və Ayaz Marhoni (18 yaş) gey olduqları üçün İranda edam edildilər. 2004-cü ilin məhz ...


The Islamic Republic of Iran arrested more than 30 men suspected of being homosexuals at a private party last week in the Esfahan province, the prominent Canadian NGO Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees reported on Thursday.

“IRQR received several reports in the last few days and we were able to confirm that police attacked guests and physically beat them. Police detained the men, ages 16 to 30, at the Basij [Revolutionary Guard Militia] Station and then transferred them to Esfahan’s Dastgerd Prison. A few people managed to escape and we received reports that there were several heterosexual individuals among those arrested,” the human rights NGO wrote on its website Thursday.

Is this not true Dani, I seldom believe much of what I read in the JP about Iran or Syria.
President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies

But not Saudi Arabia? Hmmm, how convenient.

What is Iran a danger to, exactly? The US's bullying in the Middle East?

Iran is a supporter of international terrorism----believe it or not
True. But after we were there Iran should not have targeted our troops.
The US had always been belligerent to Iran...they didn't want them taking over Iraq.
Add religion on top of that...
Don't forget about the hostage crisis 79-80.

usa had plan and scenario for change iran regime.
what happend in egypt after revoluton ? they had this plan for iran too

both Egyptians and Iranians are SO STUPID they happily dance to America's flute

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