Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

Did he bleach his electronics to avoid prosecution too?

IT seems to me that it didn't work and nothing was illegal either way. Trump on the other hand really did break laws and probably will keep being fined or charged for doing so.
Right wingers are having a VERY difficult time in trying to "defend" the indefensible.....Poor babies.....LOL
The stupidest thing about them is how they all think Clinton was supposed to personally set up the IT systems at state.

Look at the job description for SoS. Is the phrase "personally set up Department of State IT systems" in it? Why no, it's not. Hence, it's profoundly stupid to be quizzing Clinton on State IT systems. If you want to talk about State IT systems, a sane person would talk to the State IT people.

Alas, treasonous political hacks, like the Clinton-haters, see things differently. There were long-standing issues with State IT practices ... hence, it was solely Clinton's fault, and she's a criminal, even though there are no crimes. Yep, they really are that dishonest, and proud of it.

For anyone not named "Clinton", what she did wouldn't even have risen to a letter of reprimand. At the absolute worst, it would have resulted in a supervisor saying "be more careful." So why do the Clinton-haters say otherwise? Because they're pathologically dishonest pieces of shit.

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