Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

Thousands of people suing this piece of shit and he is facing real charges!!!! He is the most corrupt piece of fucking shit!
No one that is a christian should vote for Donald Trump. It should be against your religion and block your way into heaven by doing so.
The media is finally calling the Bondi donation a bribe and not just pay-to-play!

Source: Vanity Fair
Did Donald Trump Bribe an Attorney General to Protect Trump University?
Donald Trump has long boasted that his past political contributions have given him unique insight into the way Washington is rigged. “I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me,” he bragged during the first presidential debate. Trump’s candor won him fans, and burnished the billionaire’s claim to be the one candidate who both understands how the donor-donee relationship really works while not being beholden to donors himself.

Now, with just two months until Election Day, the Republican presidential nominee’s claims to have worked the system to his advantage are coming back to haunt him. Over the Labor Day weekend, Trump faced renewed questioning about why his family foundation had donated $25,000 to a political group supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi in 2013—in violation of federal rules preventing foundations from donating to political candidates—at the same time that her office was considering whether to investigate Trump University for alleged fraud. Bondi, according to reporting by the Associated Press in July, “personally solicited” the political contribution, just before she declined to move forward with the Trump University case. (Trump also donated $35,000 to the gubernatorial campaign of Greg Abbott, three years after the then-Texas attorney general also declined to pursue an investigation into Trump University.)

Trump, who once declared that he could have gotten casino gambling legalized in Florida, if he had wanted to, by donating to the right people and calling favors, denied Monday that his donation to Bondi’s group was a bribe, and said that he simply admired her for the “amazing job” she was doing as attorney general.

News of Trump’s eyebrow-raising contribution to the pro-Bondi group had been reported earlier this year. It was also previously reported that the Donald J. Trump Foundation had categorized its contribution to the I.R.S. as to another group with a similar-sounding name, effectively disguising the contribution, whether intentionally or not. (Trump paid a $2,500 penalty to the I.R.S. for misreporting the contribution, and the Trump Organization claimed that an employee had mistakenly listed Trump’s personal donation as one from the Foundation.) But Trump’s latest denial introduces a new twist to the scandal. As the Associated Press revealed earlier this summer, Bondi made a personal phone call to the real-estate mogul to solicit a donation, according to an aide, Marc Reichelderfer. Trump’s claim never to have spoken to Bondi means there are now two conflicting stories about how the donation came about. And at least one of the three—Trump, Bondi, and Reichelderfer—is not telling the truth.

Did Donald Trump Bribe an Attorney General to Protect Trump University?
Trump for prison!!!!!!! Trump for Prison!!!! Trump for Prison1!!!!!
Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

Source: Talking Points Memo
The Donald Trump campaign Tuesday walked back remarks the GOP nominee made Monday denying any communications with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi before his 2013 donation in support of her campaign.

According to Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, when Trump told reporters he "never" spoke to Bondi about "it," he meant that he never spoke to her about Trump University, which Bondi was considering suing at the time of the contribution. “His comments were in reference to any discussion about Trump University — not the donation,” Hicks told Politico.

In a separate AP report Tuesday, Hicks was unable to elaborate on the content of their conversation.

"I don't think this was a lengthy, memorable call," Hicks said. "Mr. Trump talks to a hundred people in any given day. So, I don't know if I will be able to provide that information. That's not exactly a realistic or reasonable request."


Read more: Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

What he did was illegal as hell and if it is found to be a BRIBE = prison time.

Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

Source: Talking Points Memo
The Donald Trump campaign Tuesday walked back remarks the GOP nominee made Monday denying any communications with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi before his 2013 donation in support of her campaign.

According to Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, when Trump told reporters he "never" spoke to Bondi about "it," he meant that he never spoke to her about Trump University, which Bondi was considering suing at the time of the contribution. “His comments were in reference to any discussion about Trump University — not the donation,” Hicks told Politico.

In a separate AP report Tuesday, Hicks was unable to elaborate on the content of their conversation.

"I don't think this was a lengthy, memorable call," Hicks said. "Mr. Trump talks to a hundred people in any given day. So, I don't know if I will be able to provide that information. That's not exactly a realistic or reasonable request."


Read more: Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

What he did was illegal as hell and if it is found to be a BRIBE = prison time.

That is real pay-to-play - and both Trump and Bondi should be prosecuted.
Then prosecute.

He has already been charged 2,500 dollars and likely will be prosecuted if the entire justice system isn't on his pay roll.
And Hillary?

Justice and the White House as an ally.
Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

Source: Talking Points Memo
The Donald Trump campaign Tuesday walked back remarks the GOP nominee made Monday denying any communications with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi before his 2013 donation in support of her campaign.

According to Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, when Trump told reporters he "never" spoke to Bondi about "it," he meant that he never spoke to her about Trump University, which Bondi was considering suing at the time of the contribution. “His comments were in reference to any discussion about Trump University — not the donation,” Hicks told Politico.

In a separate AP report Tuesday, Hicks was unable to elaborate on the content of their conversation.

"I don't think this was a lengthy, memorable call," Hicks said. "Mr. Trump talks to a hundred people in any given day. So, I don't know if I will be able to provide that information. That's not exactly a realistic or reasonable request."


Read more: Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

What he did was illegal as hell and if it is found to be a BRIBE = prison time.

Is there a legitimate source for this?

Hate sites are notoriously unreliable.
It's finally being reported on all the major networks.

The story broke in June but no one was interested in following it. After the AP released it's false hatchet job on the Clinton Foundation and Chris Chris Cillizza wrote his hatchet piece based on said story, the AP had to walk back the story.

The Truth Comes Out As CNN Admits They Are Going Easy On Donald Trump

On MSNBC, Eric Boehlert Calls Out The "Amazing Double Standard" In Media Coverage Of Clinton And Trump Foundations

The Clinton Foundation has been falsely accused of everything from "selling uranium" to "half of everyone Mrs. Clinton met with was a donor". That came from the AP. The truth was she met with over 17,000 people in the four years she was SOS and only met with 85 people that donated to the Clinton Foundation. How do they know? Because every single donor is listed in the foundation's tax returns. Similar to the ones Donald won't release.

So people in Florida filed complaints about being scammed by Trump U.

The Attorney General talked to Trump (he denies it, she disagrees) and told him about the case.

Four days later she received a check for $25,000.00 and then dropped the case saying she had no complaints. The press reported multiple complaints and no one payed any attention.

The money was paid from the not for profit and tax exempt Trump Foundation. Something highly illegal.

Until now.

The IRS found the $25,000.00 bribe payment and fined the Trump family $2500 dollars.

Now that the story became news, the Attorney General of Florida tried to give the money back, the Trump foundation refused it.

Now that Trump has accused the Clinton Foundation of pay for play with no evidence and we know Trump actually committed pay for play, the story is suddenly news and people are asking about the double standard.

We'll see what happens next.
Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

Source: Talking Points Memo
The Donald Trump campaign Tuesday walked back remarks the GOP nominee made Monday denying any communications with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi before his 2013 donation in support of her campaign.

According to Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, when Trump told reporters he "never" spoke to Bondi about "it," he meant that he never spoke to her about Trump University, which Bondi was considering suing at the time of the contribution. “His comments were in reference to any discussion about Trump University — not the donation,” Hicks told Politico.

In a separate AP report Tuesday, Hicks was unable to elaborate on the content of their conversation.

"I don't think this was a lengthy, memorable call," Hicks said. "Mr. Trump talks to a hundred people in any given day. So, I don't know if I will be able to provide that information. That's not exactly a realistic or reasonable request."


Read more: Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

What he did was illegal as hell and if it is found to be a BRIBE = prison time.

That is real pay-to-play - and both Trump and Bondi should be prosecuted.
Then prosecute.

He has already been charged 2,500 dollars and likely will be prosecuted if the entire justice system isn't on his pay roll.
And Hillary?

Justice and the White House as an ally.

Hillary was completely cleared. It was dropped all together...

Trump was already fined in this case for 2,500 dollars and probably will be investigated now that it is out in the open for giving bribes to protect his ass.
827 Floridians joined NY's case against Trump U because Pam Bondi, FL attorney general,

said she found no case worth pursuing in her state. She said that AFTER her office said they were investigating Trump University and BEFORE her campaign received $25K from the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

This is an article by the Florida reporter who's been investigating and reporting on this story since 2013.

Maxwell: New records show Bondi needs probing in Trump mess
Imagine you were robbed and the prosecutor gave the suspect a pass after taking $25,000 from him.


This week, I looked at the records in the New York case and found complaints from several Floridians. A North Lauderdale man said he spent $8,750 and never got a promised mentor. A Miami resident said she lost "more than $40,000" paying for services that weren't provided. A Hollywood man said he quickly determined the seminars were "a complete scam" and was denied his "satisfaction guarantee" refund (a key detail in all this).


Earlier this year, I filed a public-records request, asking for any documentation that might prove Bondi's office conducted any hard-hitting investigating.

They responded with 8,491 pages of documents — a records dump that seemed like an attempt to cover up a lack of investigation with an avalanche of paperwork.

Still, I went through it. And while I found plenty of largely meaningless papers — including 39 copies of a single email I sent the office three years earlier — there was scant evidence of office investigators actually vetting the complaints, interviewing witnesses or ferreting out the validity of the complaints.

In one instance, Bondi's office told a man who said he lost $26,000 that he might be better off surfing the Internet. "I encourage you to visit an Internet search engine such as or Google to search for information on any class action lawsuits you may benefit from," wrote one Bondi staffer.
How many people have to be fucked over by this man for you republicans to realize that maybe it isn't right to vote for him?

WASHINGTON ― In March 2014, Donald Trump opened his 126-room Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, for a $3,000-per-person fundraiser for Pam Bondi, the Florida attorney general who had recently decided not to investigate Trump University and was facing a tough re-election campaign.

Trump, whose personal foundation had given $25,000 to a pro-Bondi group the previous fall, did not write a check to the attorney general that night. But by hosting her at Mar-a-Lago and bringing in some of his own high-profile Florida contacts, he provided her campaign with a nice financial boost.


SCREEN SHOT The invitation to Donald Trump’s March 14, 2014, fundraiser for Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Trump has claimed that Bondi was merely a candidate he knew well and supported politically. But his fundraising efforts were extensive: In addition to the $25,000 donation, Trump and his daughter Ivanka gave $500 each to Bondi in the fall of 2013. The following year, Ivanka and her father donated a total of $125,000 to the Republican Party of Florida.

Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation
Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

Source: Talking Points Memo
The Donald Trump campaign Tuesday walked back remarks the GOP nominee made Monday denying any communications with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi before his 2013 donation in support of her campaign.

According to Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, when Trump told reporters he "never" spoke to Bondi about "it," he meant that he never spoke to her about Trump University, which Bondi was considering suing at the time of the contribution. “His comments were in reference to any discussion about Trump University — not the donation,” Hicks told Politico.

In a separate AP report Tuesday, Hicks was unable to elaborate on the content of their conversation.

"I don't think this was a lengthy, memorable call," Hicks said. "Mr. Trump talks to a hundred people in any given day. So, I don't know if I will be able to provide that information. That's not exactly a realistic or reasonable request."


Read more: Trump Camp Walks Back His Claim That He 'Never' Spoke With FL AG Pam Bondi

What he did was illegal as hell and if it is found to be a BRIBE = prison time.
Just more stupid stuff from the desperate Clinton campaign. Bondi's office released all the records relating to this case and i showed her office had received exactly one complaint about a Trump related business and that issue was already being litigated in a New York class action lawsuit which this person could join so there was no reason for Florida to open another investigation. Just more desperate lies from Hillary.
How many Secs. of State have been caught taking hammers to their 13+ electronic devices? You consider that normal behavior?

Stop trying to derail every thread that exposes the rank corruption and dishonesty of your hero. We get it. You're as corrupt and dishonest as Trump, and you're following orders to divert attention away from his many crimes by lying on an epic scale about Clinton. I hope you're not under the impression that's not obvious.

Oh, claiming Clinton personally does her own IT work is stupid. You actually think she picked up a hammer herself? Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

And to answer your question, it's quite normal to sanitize such devices by smashing them, so the answer is yes, it is absolutely normal behavior.
Trump dismisses questions about improper gift to Florida attorney general

Trump's words.
“I never spoke to her, first of all. She’s a fine person, beyond reproach. I never even spoke to her about it at all. She’s a fine person. Never spoken to her about it, never,” Trump said Monday while campaigning in Ohio. “Many of the attorney generals turned that case down because I’ll win that case in court. Many turned that down. I never spoke to her.”

Here's another photo of Trump "not speaking" to Bondi.


Trump obviously is the most corrupt and most dishonest person to ever run for president. Nobody else even comes close. The guy flat out brags about his bribery. When someone tells you what they do, believe them.

"I’ve got to give (campaign donations) to them because when I want something I get it. When I call they kiss my ass. It’s true. They kiss my ass. It’s true."
--- Donald Trump
Department Of Justice Complaint Filed Against Trump And Pam Bondi In Bribery Scandal

Department Of Justice Complaint Filed Against Trump And Pam Bondi In Bribery Scandal

By Jason Easley
on Wed, Sep 7th, 2016 at 10:11 pm

A complaint has been filed with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division against Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over allegations that Trump bribed Bondi to get her drop an investigation into Trump University.


The complaint filed by the Democratic Coalition Against Trump asks for a DOJ investigation into Trump and Bondi, “The complaint read: “We believe that Pam Bondi, Florida Attorney General, and Donald Trump have violated federal voting laws including but not limited to bribery across state lines by way of a $25,000 campaign contribution from Trump to Bondi during her 2013 election by way of the Trump Foundation in return for AG Bondi dropping an investigation into Trump University. We ask the DOJ to investigate this matter and appreciate their rapid response. Thank you.”

Calls for a criminal probe are growing on both the left and the right. Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post asked why Trump wasn’t already under investigation for bribery.

Rubin wrote, “One cannot miss the giant red flag. Why is a charity giving money to aid a pol with whom the foundation’s head has pending legal business? Recall that after the gift was received an official act occurred, the very act Trump had been seeking, namely the decision not to proceed with the case against Trump University. Right there you have a prima facie case of bribery– a payment (an illegal one at that) and a quid pro quo.”

What Trump and Bondi did was about a clear a case of bribing a public official as it gets. Trump should have already been under investigation for bribery, and his status as one of the two people who could be elected as the next US president makes it vital for the FBI or the Department of Justice to put potential concerns about partisan howls aside and investigate the possible criminal activity of the Republican nominee.

The link didn't say those were the ONLY things that could happen.


You hacks are melting down.

Yesterday was a VERY bad day for traitor Hillary.

How ANYONE, even a mindless hack like you, could vote for her after her failed performance just astounds me.

{“As a naval flight officer, I held a top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance, and that provided me access to materials and information highly sensitive to our war-fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself, who were and are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president, when you clearly corrupted our national security?”}

I get that you hold party above all; I get that you lack integrity - but have you no care for the nation at all?

Vet to Hillary: 'You Clearly Corrupted Our National Security,' If I Handled Classified Intel Improperly, I'd Be Imprisoned - Breitbart
No one that is a christian should vote for Donald Trump. It should be against your religion and block your way into heaven by doing so.

Says the fuckwad pile of shit who will vote for Crooked Hillary.

{“As a naval flight officer, I held a top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance, and that provided me access to materials and information highly sensitive to our war-fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself, who were and are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president, when you clearly corrupted our national security?”}

Vet to Hillary: 'You Clearly Corrupted Our National Security,' If I Handled Classified Intel Improperly, I'd Be Imprisoned - Breitbart

You are truly gutter scum, hack.
Department Of Justice Complaint Filed Against Trump And Pam Bondi In Bribery Scandal

Department Of Justice Complaint Filed Against Trump And Pam Bondi In Bribery Scandal

By Jason Easley
on Wed, Sep 7th, 2016 at 10:11 pm

A complaint has been filed with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division against Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over allegations that Trump bribed Bondi to get her drop an investigation into Trump University.


The complaint filed by the Democratic Coalition Against Trump asks for a DOJ investigation into Trump and Bondi, “The complaint read: “We believe that Pam Bondi, Florida Attorney General, and Donald Trump have violated federal voting laws including but not limited to bribery across state lines by way of a $25,000 campaign contribution from Trump to Bondi during her 2013 election by way of the Trump Foundation in return for AG Bondi dropping an investigation into Trump University. We ask the DOJ to investigate this matter and appreciate their rapid response. Thank you.”

Calls for a criminal probe are growing on both the left and the right. Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post asked why Trump wasn’t already under investigation for bribery.

Rubin wrote, “One cannot miss the giant red flag. Why is a charity giving money to aid a pol with whom the foundation’s head has pending legal business? Recall that after the gift was received an official act occurred, the very act Trump had been seeking, namely the decision not to proceed with the case against Trump University. Right there you have a prima facie case of bribery– a payment (an illegal one at that) and a quid pro quo.”

What Trump and Bondi did was about a clear a case of bribing a public official as it gets. Trump should have already been under investigation for bribery, and his status as one of the two people who could be elected as the next US president makes it vital for the FBI or the Department of Justice to put potential concerns about partisan howls aside and investigate the possible criminal activity of the Republican nominee.

You're lying, hack.

Your own link says that a hate group, "The Democratic Coalition Against Trump" asked that Obama's department of corruption launch a witch hunt. No such investigation has been launched.

Bitter and stupid, yep - you're all in with Traitor Hillary.

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