Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Hey Dumb Ass..

hillary paid the Russians for the FAKE DOSSIER

to fraudulently get the FISA warrant to spy on

and try and Frame Trump…

It’s the left that colluded with the Russians.
Having 130+ plus staffers with no clearance, many of whom are routinely handling material outside of their clearance for more than a year after their applications, is not only grossly negligent, it's dangerously incompetent.

Certainly, if Clinton was guilty, the Trump team is orders of magnitude worse.

If people with no security clearance are handling classified data, they should be prosecuted. Can you give us a list of the 130 people who are doing this? If you have the list please send it to the FBI.

Yes, everyone who violates classified data laws should be prosecuted including Clinton, Huma, Lynch, Comey, et. al.

I don't have names.

so you made it up. thanks for your honesty.

No,dope. Where have you been?

More than 100 WH staffers still worked on temporary security clearance a year after election: report

yep, "temporary security clearance" It takes months for a full clearance to be processed. That is normal procedure.

Stop buying the bullshit from the dems and the media. They are lying to you and making you look like a fool

It doesn't take this long at all. Show me an example of any other administration having this problem on this scale.

Kelly admitted it's a problem.
Chief of Staff John Kelly orders overhaul of White House security clearance process
Are you addressing me?
There is a response function.
No I'm not if I was I would have used the response function.

Then what "logic" are you referring to?
The logic being put out by the OP that because Tump Junior meet with a Russian lawyer who claimed she had dirt on Hillary that was collusion going by that logic then the Clinton camp using former British spy Christopher Steele to get dirt on Trump is also collusion.

You're forgetting the existing conspiracy by the Russian govt to interfere in our election. That meeting was under the pretense of getting information directly from the Russian govt to those ends.

There is no such conspiracy on the other side.
Christopher Steele got information for his dossier in part from Russian contacts those would be high ranking people so yes there is. So I'm going to bottom line this people can believe both sides engaged in collusion, neither side did, or go with the standard it's only wrong when the other side does it I suspect most will go with number 3.

There was no organized effort by the Russians to elect Clinton, dope.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
I think you need to see the definition of collusion, idiot.

Definition of collusion
: secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose
  • acting in collusion with the enemy
Simply taking a meeting with somebody you've never met before is more in kind to a blind-date.....not making some sort of agreement to carry out an illegal act.
There is no law against meeting a Russian national. Democrats have done it in public on numerous occasions.
there is nothing illegal about doing business with foreign banks. Rich americans, like Pelosi, Clinton, Gates, Buffet, Soros, Kochs, etc do it every day. So do most American corporations. nice try, but FAIL

NO,Mr.Tuna....If you DO business with foreign banks you should OPENLY admit that you do.......especially when those banks are within a country under SANCTIONS.......(speaking of "fail").

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017
there is nothing illegal about doing business with foreign banks. Rich americans, like Pelosi, Clinton, Gates, Buffet, Soros, Kochs, etc do it every day. So do most American corporations. nice try, but FAIL

NO,Mr.Tuna....If you DO business with foreign banks you should OPENLY admit that you do.......especially when those banks are within a country under SANCTIONS.......(speaking of "fail").

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017

the Wash post lies, so does the NY times, so does CNN, and yes, so does Fox but not quite as much.

It is not illegal to do business with foreign banks, there were and are, no bank sanctions against Russian banks.
how would you know since your TV never leaves CNN. The lying Clinton news network.

Actually, I DO tune in FOX......Just as a prelude to what morons like you will be stating on here.....LOL

Fox is the only network that gives equal time to both sides, your problem is that when both sides are heard equally, your side always loses because your entire ideology is based on a fraud.
Attempted conspiracy to

Dumbass, conspiracy happens as soon as the "attempting" beings.

Conspiracy to commit murder for example is a charge that does not require any successful murder.

Exactly....I get so tired of hearing Congressional Repubs and the Orange Clown say there was NO COLLUSION. YES THERE WAS!!!

The Junior meeting proves that there was. It may have been the beginning. Whether that meeting was part of a criminal collusion leading to outright what Mueller is looking for. If something is there, he will find it.
He also has his family in the WH without payment, due to nepotism laws. None of them have classified clearance but the GOP doesn't care. I'm sure that the Kushner's are getting many perks.

He also has his family in the WH without payment, due to nepotism laws. None of them have classified clearance but the GOP doesn't care. I'm sure that the Kushner's are getting many perks.

They see themselves as America's Royal Family
He also has his family in the WH without payment, due to nepotism laws. None of them have classified clearance but the GOP doesn't care. I'm sure that the Kushner's are getting many perks.

He also has his family in the WH without payment, due to nepotism laws. None of them have classified clearance but the GOP doesn't care. I'm sure that the Kushner's are getting many perks.

They see themselves as America's Royal Family



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This is really old news, like over a year already, why hasn't JR been indicted for attempted conspiracy to collude?
If Junior walked away from the Russia meeting with ONE PIECE OF PAPER that the Russia lawyer gave him....that is Treason. I think there was much more information exchanged. Mueller will find out.

To think...the Russians may not only have the peepee tape hanging over Trump. They probably now have evidence of treason.

Do you still wonder why the Russian sanctions have not been fully implemented? Really!!???
This is really old news, like over a year already, why hasn't JR been indicted for attempted conspiracy to collude?

You're so "impatient,"

The steps of the ladder to climb?.....

First, Manafort, then
Kushner, then
Jr., then
If Junior walked away from the Russia meeting with ONE PIECE OF PAPER that the Russia lawyer gave him....that is Treason. I think there was much more information exchanged. Mueller will find out.

To think...the Russians may not only have the peepee tape hanging over Trump. They probably now have evidence of treason.

Do you still wonder why the Russian sanctions have not been fully implemented? Really!!???

Steve Bannon Was Accusing Donald Trump Jr. of Treason, 'Fire and ...
Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in ...

Bannon: 2016 Trump Tower meeting was 'treasonous' - CNNPolitics
there is nothing illegal about doing business with foreign banks. Rich americans, like Pelosi, Clinton, Gates, Buffet, Soros, Kochs, etc do it every day. So do most American corporations. nice try, but FAIL

NO,Mr.Tuna....If you DO business with foreign banks you should OPENLY admit that you do.......especially when those banks are within a country under SANCTIONS.......(speaking of "fail").

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017

the Wash post lies, so does the NY times, so does CNN, and yes, so does Fox but not quite as much.

It is not illegal to do business with foreign banks, there were and are, no bank sanctions against Russian banks.

there were and are, no bank sanctions against Russian banks.

LOL....You're as dumb as fingerboi.

List of Russian Banks and Oil Companies Under Sanction - MarketPulse

Russia sanctions: What you need to know - CNN
This is really old news, like over a year already, why hasn't JR been indicted for attempted conspiracy to collude?

You're so "impatient,"

The steps of the ladder to climb?.....

First, Manafort, then
Kushner, then
Jr., then

Mueller is methodically taking it one step at a time. There will be no escaping justice for the Orange Clown and his crime family.

Junior is certainly going to have to either be pardoned or serve serious jail time.
If Junior walked away from the Russia meeting with ONE PIECE OF PAPER that the Russia lawyer gave him....that is Treason. I think there was much more information exchanged. Mueller will find out.

To think...the Russians may not only have the peepee tape hanging over Trump. They probably now have evidence of treason.

Do you still wonder why the Russian sanctions have not been fully implemented? Really!!???

Steve Bannon Was Accusing Donald Trump Jr. of Treason, 'Fire and ...
Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in ...

Bannon: 2016 Trump Tower meeting was 'treasonous' - CNNPolitics

These people are snakes!
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