Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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See now, maybe it wasn't just my imagination that you harbor animosity toward me. Does this mean our friendship is on the rocks? The very thought that you don't like me is more than I can bear. Say it isn't so..Snif snif....bwaa!

You are just a paid troll of the Soros army. I have no idea who you actually are. Some peasant in Venezuela? Perhaps Iran? Hard to say.

I hold animosity toward the treason you are engaged in to try and overthrow the government of the United States. Either you are a hostile foreign agent waging war, or you are a traitor. Either way, you are the enemy, and yeah, that makes you a bad person. You seek to end the United States Constitution and establish a totalitarian. I hold animosity toward you Marxists for adopting the methods of the Khmer Rouge, using children as the shock troops of your Bolshevik revolution. Both Ho Chi Mihn and Pol Pot advocated turning children against their parents to destabilize society and allow you thugs to seize power.

We saw that in action yesterday.

I hear the term "unhinged" when folks describe Trump but I didn't realize it was as much of a contagion as it has become for you have truly become "unhinged." BTW I'm a 3 yr old Guatemalan girl with designs on taking down your govt because I don't like orange people. They scare me and my little dog Pedro and my hamster, Goliath.

But he is being very quiet with th Stormy issue. He knows that the $130,000 could be a violation of election laws. Mueller is watching. Cohen may be in legal jeopody...Mueller WILL put pressure on him.

so he screwed a porn star 12 years ago and recently she breached a silence contract. BFD. You libs are the biggest hypocrites in the world, you said it was just fine when Clinton got a BJ from a 20 year old employee in the oval office while he was president, and now you want to condemn Trump for a consensual affair before he even ran for president.
Who’s condemning him for it? Who’s calling for his impeachment for it?

Yeah, LOL it isn't like there aren't enough other reasons to impeach him. I thought Bill was a scumbag for doing what he did. He doesn't get a pass from me and he didn't get one from congress, but there are degrees of bad behavior and what Clinton did pales in comparison to what Trump and his A-team have been up to. He was gonna drain the swamp but he took out all the frogs and replaced them with crocodiles and anacondas.
You are just a paid troll of the Soros army. I have no idea who you actually are. Some peasant in Venezuela? Perhaps Iran? Hard to say.

I hold animosity toward the treason you are engaged in to try and overthrow the government of the United States. Either you are a hostile foreign agent waging war, or you are a traitor. Either way, you are the enemy, and yeah, that makes you a bad person. You seek to end the United States Constitution and establish a totalitarian. I hold animosity toward you Marxists for adopting the methods of the Khmer Rouge, using children as the shock troops of your Bolshevik revolution. Both Ho Chi Mihn and Pol Pot advocated turning children against their parents to destabilize society and allow you thugs to seize power.

We saw that in action yesterday.

I hear the term "unhinged" when folks describe Trump but I didn't realize it was as much of a contagion as it has become for you have truly become "unhinged." BTW I'm a 3 yr old Guatemalan girl with designs on taking down your govt because I don't like orange people. They scare me and my little dog Pedro and my hamster, Goliath.

But he is being very quiet with th Stormy issue. He knows that the $130,000 could be a violation of election laws. Mueller is watching. Cohen may be in legal jeopody...Mueller WILL put pressure on him.

so he screwed a porn star 12 years ago and recently she breached a silence contract. BFD. You libs are the biggest hypocrites in the world, you said it was just fine when Clinton got a BJ from a 20 year old employee in the oval office while he was president, and now you want to condemn Trump for a consensual affair before he even ran for president.
Who’s condemning him for it? Who’s calling for his impeachment for it?

Yeah, LOL it isn't like there aren't enough other reasons to impeach him. I thought Bill was a scumbag for doing what he did. He doesn't get a pass from me and he didn't get one from congress, but there are degrees of bad behavior and what Clinton did pales in comparison to what Trump and his A-team have been up to. He was gonna drain the swamp but he took out all the frogs and replaced them with crocodiles and anacondas.

I prefer to call it an open sewer....
The Lie of the Decade....

President Trump Says, Wrongly, That He Won't Benefit From the GOP Tax Bill

It is getting to the point that the truth is the opposite of whatever he says. He has turned lying into an art....the Liar in Chief!

since you are so fricken brilliant, tell us specifically how he personally will benefit from the tax bill. Be specific, give us details, not bullshit from some left wing blogger, real data, or STFU.

You are showing your ignorance. 80% of the tax cut goes to the 1%. Besides the additional benefits for reduced business taxes....his family will reap MILLIONS off of the repeal of a so called "death tax. trump does NOTHING without it benefiting he or his family. Try reading...
It could help you from looking stupid.

At least we know he pays a lot of taxes. He couldn't get a tax cut off he didn't.

Is English a second language for you? We're gonna find out just how much he pays in taxes and we'll find out how much he hides from the IRS. Mueller's team includes some of the top forensic accountants in the country. Experts at following money trails and at uncovering fraud. That's just one of the many things he's freaking out about. He knows he's a scumbag even if you don't. He always thinks he's a step ahead of everyone and he's gonna find out that he's not as smart as he is in his mini-mind. And, I for one will enjoy every second of the look on his smug mug when he has that epiphany.

Is logic something you employ? If Trump gets a huge benefit from a tax cut that benefits only those who pay a lot of taxes, then he pays a lot of taxes. You can't have it both ways.

How would I know how much tax he paid? He doesn't want that to come to light and for good reason. I never said the cut only benefits the rich. I said the cuts are weighted heavily toward the wealthy. Because it is. Someone earning 40K will get a pittance and the Trumps of this world will get hundreds of thousands or millions. He got much richer and the working man got crumbs meant to keep us quiet. And now we have to make up for the loss in revenue and guess what will get cut. That's right, benefits for the working poor. Many will wish they never heard of the tax cut. Keep in mind that Trump Never does anything that doesn't enrich him and he doesn't care one rat's ass about the hard working people. Have you seen the video entitled "You've been Trumped?" Check it out. You'll see very clearly what kind of a guy you voted for.
When the righties and Trump suckers get this riled, we know they are getting desperate. Just makes us want to keep educating them about their daddy. However, the final exam will be scored by Mueller and the majority of Americans. So, keep the insults coming Trumpers and Trumpettes, we love it.

Sweet Dreams snowflake

Snowflake? I guess that makes me unique and beautiful. Thanks.

unique and beautiful ... Like a green snot rocket

Hey, don't be so hard on snot rockets. They are very colorful and unique in their own right. And if you get really good at shooting them out, you can take out an eye or two of a Republican as he stands at a podium to lie his ass off. The trick is to press the opposing nostril closed really tight before lettin' one fly.
When the righties and Trump suckers get this riled, we know they are getting desperate. Just makes us want to keep educating them about their daddy. However, the final exam will be scored by Mueller and the majority of Americans. So, keep the insults coming Trumpers and Trumpettes, we love it.

Sweet Dreams snowflake

Snowflake? I guess that makes me unique and beautiful. Thanks.

unique and beautiful ... Like a green snot rocket

Hey, don't be so hard on snot rockets. They are very colorful and unique in their own right. And if you get really good at shooting them out, you can take out an eye or two of a Republican as he stands at a podium to lie his ass off. The trick is to press the opposing nostril closed really tight before lettin' one fly.

Had alot of practice have you ?
When the righties and Trump suckers get this riled, we know they are getting desperate. Just makes us want to keep educating them about their daddy. However, the final exam will be scored by Mueller and the majority of Americans. So, keep the insults coming Trumpers and Trumpettes, we love it.

Sweet Dreams snowflake

Snowflake? I guess that makes me unique and beautiful. Thanks.

unique and beautiful ... Like a green snot rocket

Hey, don't be so hard on snot rockets. They are very colorful and unique in their own right. And if you get really good at shooting them out, you can take out an eye or two of a Republican as he stands at a podium to lie his ass off. The trick is to press the opposing nostril closed really tight before lettin' one fly.

Had alot of practice have you ?

All I can say is make sure to wear glasses when you leave the house.
Cute :> and make sure to not walk in that yellow rain - you migt be getting
' trickled down on '
since you are so fricken brilliant, tell us specifically how he personally will benefit from the tax bill. Be specific, give us details, not bullshit from some left wing blogger, real data, or STFU.

You are showing your ignorance. 80% of the tax cut goes to the 1%. Besides the additional benefits for reduced business taxes....his family will reap MILLIONS off of the repeal of a so called "death tax. trump does NOTHING without it benefiting he or his family. Try reading...
It could help you from looking stupid.

At least we know he pays a lot of taxes. He couldn't get a tax cut off he didn't.

Is English a second language for you? We're gonna find out just how much he pays in taxes and we'll find out how much he hides from the IRS. Mueller's team includes some of the top forensic accountants in the country. Experts at following money trails and at uncovering fraud. That's just one of the many things he's freaking out about. He knows he's a scumbag even if you don't. He always thinks he's a step ahead of everyone and he's gonna find out that he's not as smart as he is in his mini-mind. And, I for one will enjoy every second of the look on his smug mug when he has that epiphany.

Is logic something you employ? If Trump gets a huge benefit from a tax cut that benefits only those who pay a lot of taxes, then he pays a lot of taxes. You can't have it both ways.

How would I know how much tax he paid? He doesn't want that to come to light and for good reason. I never said the cut only benefits the rich. I said the cuts are weighted heavily toward the wealthy. Because it is. Someone earning 40K will get a pittance and the Trumps of this world will get hundreds of thousands or millions. He got much richer and the working man got crumbs meant to keep us quiet. And now we have to make up for the loss in revenue and guess what will get cut. That's right, benefits for the working poor. Many will wish they never heard of the tax cut. Keep in mind that Trump Never does anything that doesn't enrich him and he doesn't care one rat's ass about the hard working people. Have you seen the video entitled "You've been Trumped?" Check it out. You'll see very clearly what kind of a guy you voted for.

Has it sunk in yet that the only way Trump gets a big benefit from a tax cut is if he was paying a lot of taxes before it went into effect?
You are showing your ignorance. 80% of the tax cut goes to the 1%. Besides the additional benefits for reduced business taxes....his family will reap MILLIONS off of the repeal of a so called "death tax. trump does NOTHING without it benefiting he or his family. Try reading...
It could help you from looking stupid.

At least we know he pays a lot of taxes. He couldn't get a tax cut off he didn't.

Is English a second language for you? We're gonna find out just how much he pays in taxes and we'll find out how much he hides from the IRS. Mueller's team includes some of the top forensic accountants in the country. Experts at following money trails and at uncovering fraud. That's just one of the many things he's freaking out about. He knows he's a scumbag even if you don't. He always thinks he's a step ahead of everyone and he's gonna find out that he's not as smart as he is in his mini-mind. And, I for one will enjoy every second of the look on his smug mug when he has that epiphany.

Is logic something you employ? If Trump gets a huge benefit from a tax cut that benefits only those who pay a lot of taxes, then he pays a lot of taxes. You can't have it both ways.

How would I know how much tax he paid? He doesn't want that to come to light and for good reason. I never said the cut only benefits the rich. I said the cuts are weighted heavily toward the wealthy. Because it is. Someone earning 40K will get a pittance and the Trumps of this world will get hundreds of thousands or millions. He got much richer and the working man got crumbs meant to keep us quiet. And now we have to make up for the loss in revenue and guess what will get cut. That's right, benefits for the working poor. Many will wish they never heard of the tax cut. Keep in mind that Trump Never does anything that doesn't enrich him and he doesn't care one rat's ass about the hard working people. Have you seen the video entitled "You've been Trumped?" Check it out. You'll see very clearly what kind of a guy you voted for.

Has it sunk in yet that the only way Trump gets a big benefit from a tax cut is if he was paying a lot of taxes before it went into effect?
Who says trump doesn't pay a lot in taxes??

Trump Paid About $38 Million In Federal Taxes In 2005, Leaked Returns Say
since you are so fricken brilliant, tell us specifically how he personally will benefit from the tax bill. Be specific, give us details, not bullshit from some left wing blogger, real data, or STFU.

You are showing your ignorance. 80% of the tax cut goes to the 1%. Besides the additional benefits for reduced business taxes....his family will reap MILLIONS off of the repeal of a so called "death tax. trump does NOTHING without it benefiting he or his family. Try reading...
It could help you from looking stupid.

At least we know he pays a lot of taxes. He couldn't get a tax cut off he didn't.

We have no idea how much taxes he pays. The Liar refuses the release his returns. And you are stupid enough to believe the a
Audit Lie....are u embarrassed for be fooled?

How does he benefit from a tax cut that only benefits those who pay a lot of taxes if he doesn't pay a lot of taxes? You can't have it both ways.

Nobody knows how much taxes he pays. The Audit....The Audit....The Audit....the Liar....

So which way are you going? Either Trump pays little in taxes and doesn't get a big benefit from the tax cut or he does get a big benefit because he pays a lot of taxes. You can't have it both ways.
At least we know he pays a lot of taxes. He couldn't get a tax cut off he didn't.

Is English a second language for you? We're gonna find out just how much he pays in taxes and we'll find out how much he hides from the IRS. Mueller's team includes some of the top forensic accountants in the country. Experts at following money trails and at uncovering fraud. That's just one of the many things he's freaking out about. He knows he's a scumbag even if you don't. He always thinks he's a step ahead of everyone and he's gonna find out that he's not as smart as he is in his mini-mind. And, I for one will enjoy every second of the look on his smug mug when he has that epiphany.

Is logic something you employ? If Trump gets a huge benefit from a tax cut that benefits only those who pay a lot of taxes, then he pays a lot of taxes. You can't have it both ways.

How would I know how much tax he paid? He doesn't want that to come to light and for good reason. I never said the cut only benefits the rich. I said the cuts are weighted heavily toward the wealthy. Because it is. Someone earning 40K will get a pittance and the Trumps of this world will get hundreds of thousands or millions. He got much richer and the working man got crumbs meant to keep us quiet. And now we have to make up for the loss in revenue and guess what will get cut. That's right, benefits for the working poor. Many will wish they never heard of the tax cut. Keep in mind that Trump Never does anything that doesn't enrich him and he doesn't care one rat's ass about the hard working people. Have you seen the video entitled "You've been Trumped?" Check it out. You'll see very clearly what kind of a guy you voted for.

Has it sunk in yet that the only way Trump gets a big benefit from a tax cut is if he was paying a lot of taxes before it went into effect?
Who says trump doesn't pay a lot in taxes??

Trump Paid About $38 Million In Federal Taxes In 2005, Leaked Returns Say

Oh, it was a common complaint back when someone discovered that Trump took advantage of a legal loophole that allowed him to reduce his tax bill for a bit several decades ago. Naturally, the haters went batty insisting that he doesn't pay any taxes at all.
Is English a second language for you? We're gonna find out just how much he pays in taxes and we'll find out how much he hides from the IRS. Mueller's team includes some of the top forensic accountants in the country. Experts at following money trails and at uncovering fraud. That's just one of the many things he's freaking out about. He knows he's a scumbag even if you don't. He always thinks he's a step ahead of everyone and he's gonna find out that he's not as smart as he is in his mini-mind. And, I for one will enjoy every second of the look on his smug mug when he has that epiphany.

Is logic something you employ? If Trump gets a huge benefit from a tax cut that benefits only those who pay a lot of taxes, then he pays a lot of taxes. You can't have it both ways.

How would I know how much tax he paid? He doesn't want that to come to light and for good reason. I never said the cut only benefits the rich. I said the cuts are weighted heavily toward the wealthy. Because it is. Someone earning 40K will get a pittance and the Trumps of this world will get hundreds of thousands or millions. He got much richer and the working man got crumbs meant to keep us quiet. And now we have to make up for the loss in revenue and guess what will get cut. That's right, benefits for the working poor. Many will wish they never heard of the tax cut. Keep in mind that Trump Never does anything that doesn't enrich him and he doesn't care one rat's ass about the hard working people. Have you seen the video entitled "You've been Trumped?" Check it out. You'll see very clearly what kind of a guy you voted for.

Has it sunk in yet that the only way Trump gets a big benefit from a tax cut is if he was paying a lot of taxes before it went into effect?
Who says trump doesn't pay a lot in taxes??

Trump Paid About $38 Million In Federal Taxes In 2005, Leaked Returns Say

Oh, it was a common complaint back when someone discovered that Trump took advantage of a legal loophole that allowed him to reduce his tax bill for a bit several decades ago. Naturally, the haters went batty insisting that he doesn't pay any taxes at all.
Well if I'm not mistaken, it was Trump himself who claimed he doesn't pay taxes. So perhaps they were merely echoing his claims? That I can't say with any certainty since I speak for no one but myself.

But then his 2005 tax return got leaked and while it showed he did write off quite a bit, he still paid some $38 million.

He does lie a lot, in case you haven't noticed.
Is logic something you employ? If Trump gets a huge benefit from a tax cut that benefits only those who pay a lot of taxes, then he pays a lot of taxes. You can't have it both ways.

How would I know how much tax he paid? He doesn't want that to come to light and for good reason. I never said the cut only benefits the rich. I said the cuts are weighted heavily toward the wealthy. Because it is. Someone earning 40K will get a pittance and the Trumps of this world will get hundreds of thousands or millions. He got much richer and the working man got crumbs meant to keep us quiet. And now we have to make up for the loss in revenue and guess what will get cut. That's right, benefits for the working poor. Many will wish they never heard of the tax cut. Keep in mind that Trump Never does anything that doesn't enrich him and he doesn't care one rat's ass about the hard working people. Have you seen the video entitled "You've been Trumped?" Check it out. You'll see very clearly what kind of a guy you voted for.

Has it sunk in yet that the only way Trump gets a big benefit from a tax cut is if he was paying a lot of taxes before it went into effect?
Who says trump doesn't pay a lot in taxes??

Trump Paid About $38 Million In Federal Taxes In 2005, Leaked Returns Say

Oh, it was a common complaint back when someone discovered that Trump took advantage of a legal loophole that allowed him to reduce his tax bill for a bit several decades ago. Naturally, the haters went batty insisting that he doesn't pay any taxes at all.
Well if I'm not mistaken, it was Trump himself who claimed he doesn't pay taxes. So perhaps they were merely echoing his claims? That I can't say with any certainty since I speak for no one but myself.

But then his 2005 tax return got leaked and while it showed he did write off quite a bit, he still paid some $38 million.

He does lie a lot, in case you haven't noticed.
Yes, he was responding to a complaint from Hillary, if I remember correctly. She was whining that he didn't pay taxes, so he flipped it and threw it back in her lap.

But that's Irrelevant to the fun that can be had tweaking hysterical partisans, and this is one of the more fun issues, because they get so mad their little whiskers get all a'quiver.

Yes, Trump says grandiose things about himself and his accomplishments. A lot of presidents have done so, in case you didn't notice. I remember, in fact, Obama claiming he was going to stop the oceans from rising. Now THAT is an overinflated, lying ego.
How would I know how much tax he paid? He doesn't want that to come to light and for good reason. I never said the cut only benefits the rich. I said the cuts are weighted heavily toward the wealthy. Because it is. Someone earning 40K will get a pittance and the Trumps of this world will get hundreds of thousands or millions. He got much richer and the working man got crumbs meant to keep us quiet. And now we have to make up for the loss in revenue and guess what will get cut. That's right, benefits for the working poor. Many will wish they never heard of the tax cut. Keep in mind that Trump Never does anything that doesn't enrich him and he doesn't care one rat's ass about the hard working people. Have you seen the video entitled "You've been Trumped?" Check it out. You'll see very clearly what kind of a guy you voted for.

Has it sunk in yet that the only way Trump gets a big benefit from a tax cut is if he was paying a lot of taxes before it went into effect?
Who says trump doesn't pay a lot in taxes??

Trump Paid About $38 Million In Federal Taxes In 2005, Leaked Returns Say

Oh, it was a common complaint back when someone discovered that Trump took advantage of a legal loophole that allowed him to reduce his tax bill for a bit several decades ago. Naturally, the haters went batty insisting that he doesn't pay any taxes at all.
Well if I'm not mistaken, it was Trump himself who claimed he doesn't pay taxes. So perhaps they were merely echoing his claims? That I can't say with any certainty since I speak for no one but myself.

But then his 2005 tax return got leaked and while it showed he did write off quite a bit, he still paid some $38 million.

He does lie a lot, in case you haven't noticed.
Yes, he was responding to a complaint from Hillary, if I remember correctly. She was whining that he didn't pay taxes, so he flipped it and threw it back in her lap.

But that's Irrelevant to the fun that can be had tweaking hysterical partisans, and this is one of the more fun issues, because they get so mad their little whiskers get all a'quiver.

Yes, Trump says grandiose things about himself and his accomplishments. A lot of presidents have done so, in case you didn't notice. I remember, in fact, Obama claiming he was going to stop the oceans from rising. Now THAT is an overinflated, lying ego.

Please provide a link for Obama's claim to stop the oceans from rising. I would like to read it. His point, I am sure is, our continued participation in climate change efforts would slow the rise of the ocean. But since your orange clown has assured that we the US are the only developed nation in the world to NOT be part of the Paris accords....all bets are off.

China is now the number one producer of solar panels and is leading the world in sustainable energy...while the Liar in Chief wants us to return to the 1930's by drilling for oil off our coast. This man is setting back the status of the United States about three decades. Now....Vladimir Putin....his the most powerful man in the world.

World leaders laugh at the US, electing an illiterate carnival barker. Oh....and thanks for promoting this Thread. I guess you are harboring a real hate for your Liar in Chief.

Speaking of oil. The gasoline price in my area shot up 7 cents in only one day. Inflation in on the rise and the idiot in the WH is fueling a tariff war. evidence, no crime, no illegal collusion (by Trump).....but, like Mueller's meaningless witch hunt, the thread goes on and on and on and on.......

Has it sunk in yet that the only way Trump gets a big benefit from a tax cut is if he was paying a lot of taxes before it went into effect?
Who says trump doesn't pay a lot in taxes??

Trump Paid About $38 Million In Federal Taxes In 2005, Leaked Returns Say

Oh, it was a common complaint back when someone discovered that Trump took advantage of a legal loophole that allowed him to reduce his tax bill for a bit several decades ago. Naturally, the haters went batty insisting that he doesn't pay any taxes at all.
Well if I'm not mistaken, it was Trump himself who claimed he doesn't pay taxes. So perhaps they were merely echoing his claims? That I can't say with any certainty since I speak for no one but myself.

But then his 2005 tax return got leaked and while it showed he did write off quite a bit, he still paid some $38 million.

He does lie a lot, in case you haven't noticed.
Yes, he was responding to a complaint from Hillary, if I remember correctly. She was whining that he didn't pay taxes, so he flipped it and threw it back in her lap.

But that's Irrelevant to the fun that can be had tweaking hysterical partisans, and this is one of the more fun issues, because they get so mad their little whiskers get all a'quiver.

Yes, Trump says grandiose things about himself and his accomplishments. A lot of presidents have done so, in case you didn't notice. I remember, in fact, Obama claiming he was going to stop the oceans from rising. Now THAT is an overinflated, lying ego.

Please provide a link for Obama's claim to stop the oceans from rising. I would like to read it. His point, I am sure is, our continued participation in climate change efforts would slow the rise of the ocean. But since your orange clown has assured that we the US are the only developed nation in the world to NOT be part of the Paris accords....all bets are off.

China is now the number one producer of solar panels and is leading the world in sustainable energy...while the Liar in Chief wants us to return to the 1930's by drilling for oil off our coast. This man is setting back the status of the United States about three decades. Now....Vladimir Putin....his the most powerful man in the world.

World leaders laugh at the US, electing an illiterate carnival barker. Oh....and thanks for promoting this Thread. I guess you are harboring a real hate for your Liar in Chief.

Speaking of oil. The gasoline price in my area shot up 7 cents in only one day. Inflation in on the rise and the idiot in the WH is fueling a tariff war.
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