Trump campaign is disgusting

If you've listened to both, then you also know that all Hildabeest does is bitch and complain, mostly about the same things that she has been bitching and complaining about for decades.

This raises the question; if things are still so horrible after all the decades of "help" from prog crackpots like her, what's the reason to pick her over the other incompetent nitwit?
You are right, Clinton and other politicians do it too... but not nearly as much, and not nearly as bad. She was on message speaking about her policies and uniting the country for weeks, until this FBI news release. Now she is back in the trenches with Trump. Differences is, Trump has never left the trenches and he is directly responsible for bringing the integrity of our election system lower than it has ever been. Have you ever seen candidates not able to shake hands before/after a debate? Back to my OP... It is disgusting what he has done.
I call it how I see it. If you disagree go ahead and state your case... yelling Spin Spin or Liar Liar is straight from Trump elementary.
Trump is just retaliating the the nasty attacks liberals do against republicans. Fight fire with fire.
It's not even close, he took it to a whole new low
Oh no, democrats take it to a new low every year. Decades of sexual accusations, only to find out that democrats are the leading source of being guilty. Like ole Bill said, Hillary has gotten more pussy than me.
I think this is the dirtiest campaign in American history ever, including the filthy corrupt campaigns of the 19th century.

The best US parallel is the Quincy-Jackson campaign (the best parallel in general is the German election of 1933)
Jackson was a showman, politically incorrect, and self imposed tough guy ( unlike Trump, Jackson actually lived the persona). The people loved him and cheered on his blatant disregard for the government and the constitution. Whereas Quincy was a hated bureaucrat , and many of the the complaints lobbied against Clinton today were voiced against Quincy back then. That election is generally regarded by historians as being a circus.

History repeats itself. Every page we turn is the same as the old page with some insignificant changes.
They didn't have 24/7 newsiness...and bs propaganda like this.
You are right, Clinton and other politicians do it too... but not nearly as much, and not nearly as bad. She was on message speaking about her policies and uniting the country for weeks, until this FBI news release. Now she is back in the trenches with Trump. Differences is, Trump has never left the trenches and he is directly responsible for bringing the integrity of our election system lower than it has ever been. Have you ever seen candidates not able to shake hands before/after a debate? Back to my OP... It is disgusting what he has done.
I call it how I see it. If you disagree go ahead and state your case... yelling Spin Spin or Liar Liar is straight from Trump elementary.
Trump is just retaliating the the nasty attacks liberals do against republicans. Fight fire with fire.
It's not even close, he took it to a whole new low
Oh no, democrats take it to a new low every year. Decades of sexual accusations, only to find out that democrats are the leading source of being guilty. Like ole Bill said, Hillary has gotten more pussy than me.
Speaking of RW garbage bs propaganda...Jackson's wife actually DIED from being accused of bigamy....
I think this is the dirtiest campaign in American history ever, including the filthy corrupt campaigns of the 19th century.

The best US parallel is the Quincy-Jackson campaign (the best parallel in general is the German election of 1933)
Jackson was a showman, politically incorrect, and self imposed tough guy ( unlike Trump, Jackson actually lived the persona). The people loved him and cheered on his blatant disregard for the government and the constitution. Whereas Quincy was a hated bureaucrat , and many of the the complaints lobbied against Clinton today were voiced against Quincy back then. That election is generally regarded by historians as being a circus.

History repeats itself. Every page we turn is the same as the old page with some insignificant changes.
There are changes for SURE, but you can learn from the past. Damn crazy anarchists lol
There are changes for SURE, but you can learn from the past. Damn crazy anarchists lol

I agree. That is why we should embrace anarchy and stop the savagery that is statism.

We have had 5000 years of states, and all of the same bullshit has been occurring on loop. Time to learn from our mistakes, because this has gone on for far too fucking long.
I call it how I see it. If you disagree go ahead and state your case... yelling Spin Spin or Liar Liar is straight from Trump elementary.
Trump is just retaliating the the nasty attacks liberals do against republicans. Fight fire with fire.
It's not even close, he took it to a whole new low
Oh no, democrats take it to a new low every year. Decades of sexual accusations, only to find out that democrats are the leading source of being guilty. Like ole Bill said, Hillary has gotten more pussy than me.
Speaking of RW garbage bs propaganda...Jackson's wife actually DIED from being accused of bigamy....
Jackson's wife?
So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system

Whinny butt hurt. Deal with reality sissy.
Reality is clinton is still the favorite to win. It's likely you'll be needing to take your own advice

Interesting and telling that you would say that. I suspect you have very little in the way of core values, but are a front runner, an insecure person who just wants to be on the winning side.
There are changes for SURE, but you can learn from the past. Damn crazy anarchists lol

I agree. That is why we should embrace anarchy and stop the savagery that is statism.

We have had 5000 years of states, and all of the same bullshit has been occurring on loop. Time to learn from our mistakes, because this has gone on for far too fucking long.
Long live United World Federalism! lol
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system

Whinny butt hurt. Deal with reality sissy.
Reality is clinton is still the favorite to win. It's likely you'll be needing to take your own advice

Interesting and telling that you would say that. I suspect you have very little in the way of core values, but are a front runner, an insecure person who just wants to be on the winning side.
You aren't very keen with your observation skills, not that your gonna believe anything I say. I'm a Dolphins fan btw
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

If I didn't know better I'd say this was a description of Obama's administration. You downplay Clinton as well, because you're bias "I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity."
There are changes for SURE, but you can learn from the past. Damn crazy anarchists lol

I agree. That is why we should embrace anarchy and stop the savagery that is statism.

We have had 5000 years of states, and all of the same bullshit has been occurring on loop. Time to learn from our mistakes, because this has gone on for far too fucking long.
Long live United World Federalism! lol
That's when the nuclear powers make everyone peaceful and democratic...
Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system

Whinny butt hurt. Deal with reality sissy.
Reality is clinton is still the favorite to win. It's likely you'll be needing to take your own advice

Interesting and telling that you would say that. I suspect you have very little in the way of core values, but are a front runner, an insecure person who just wants to be on the winning side.
You aren't very keen with your observation skills, not that your gonna believe anything I say. I'm a Dolphins fan btw
I din't think tooth has any reason to say that. And I' a Bills fan. I think the dupes have totally forgotten the normal issues....
I think this is the dirtiest campaign in American history ever, including the filthy corrupt campaigns of the 19th century.

The best US parallel is the Quincy-Jackson campaign (the best parallel in general is the German election of 1933)
Jackson was a showman, politically incorrect, and self imposed tough guy ( unlike Trump, Jackson actually lived the persona). The people loved him and cheered on his blatant disregard for the government and the constitution. Whereas Quincy was a hated bureaucrat , and many of the the complaints lobbied against Clinton today were voiced against Quincy back then. That election is generally regarded by historians as being a circus.

History repeats itself. Every page we turn is the same as the old page with some insignificant changes.
Here's another ominous parallel, looming over our heads: the Trail of Tears and what Trump has said about Mexicans.
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!
Pretty much, yeah.

I can understand the frustration with politicians in general, no doubt about it. But this is not the guy. He's just the wrong messenger on multiple levels.

The problem is, his supporters have been whipped into a frenzy and simply do not care about his myriad flaws. Add to that their hatred of Hillary (no gem herself) and you simply cannot communicate with them on a reasonable level. All you get when you try is the standard talk radio talking points.

What a disaster. Two terrible candidates who are both extremely lucky that they're running against each other. The country is the loser either way it goes.
This kind of talk from you democrats is exactly why I can categorically claim that the divide is permanent.

And what kind of talk..... that you babbling that make us unite? I was a republican for life but people like you make me puke of your divisiveness and stupidity.
You most likely puke when you look in your mirror. You are not and never have been a Republican.
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

Hillary is an low-class, disgusting, lying piece of shit. She is the one who has taken this election to a whole new level. Trump isn't married to a rapist. Trump didn't expose our secrets and lie about it. Trump isn't in bed with the media. Trump didn't rig the primaries. Trump didn't get debate questions ahead of time. Trump's top advisor isn't married to a pedophile.
Boy, you fall for all the bs hate propaganda. Bill is lusty and affectionate, not a rapist. Monica seduced HIM. Didn't expose secrets. Staffers bsing in e-mails is not rigging. Weiner is not a pedophile. Hater dupe. Trump is a self proclaimed and proven sexual assaulter and scumbag.

An young intern seduced the most powerful man in the world and made him perjure himself? You lost all credibility on that one statement alone.
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

If I didn't know better I'd say this was a description of Obama's administration. You downplay Clinton as well, because you're bias "I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity."
I've said plenty of critical things about Clinton, of course I'm not going to go into full attack mode as I think she is the better option to lead our country. I think the news from the FBI that's happening this week could cost her the election and the prospect and growing likely hood of seeing a president Trump thoroughly disgusts me. Not because of ideology but because of character and the type of person that he is... Both parties should be ashamed at the candidates they brought forth. It baffles me that we couldn't nominate better options.
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

Hillary is an low-class, disgusting, lying piece of shit. She is the one who has taken this election to a whole new level. Trump isn't married to a rapist. Trump didn't expose our secrets and lie about it. Trump isn't in bed with the media. Trump didn't rig the primaries. Trump didn't get debate questions ahead of time. Trump's top advisor isn't married to a pedophile.
Boy, you fall for all the bs hate propaganda. Bill is lusty and affectionate, not a rapist. Monica seduced HIM. Didn't expose secrets. Staffers bsing in e-mails is not rigging. Weiner is not a pedophile. Hater dupe. Trump is a self proclaimed and proven sexual assaulter and scumbag.

An young intern seduced the most powerful man in the world and made him perjure himself? You lost all credibility on that one statement alone.
Told her fellow GOP GFs in Beverly Hills 'I'm packing my presidential knee pads" ...what about the thong thing? You people live in a alternate universe, dupe.

Ex-Intern Allegedly Boasted of Sex
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

Hillary is an low-class, disgusting, lying piece of shit. She is the one who has taken this election to a whole new level. Trump isn't married to a rapist. Trump didn't expose our secrets and lie about it. Trump isn't in bed with the media. Trump didn't rig the primaries. Trump didn't get debate questions ahead of time. Trump's top advisor isn't married to a pedophile.
Boy, you fall for all the bs hate propaganda. Bill is lusty and affectionate, not a rapist. Monica seduced HIM. Didn't expose secrets. Staffers bsing in e-mails is not rigging. Weiner is not a pedophile. Hater dupe. Trump is a self proclaimed and proven sexual assaulter and scumbag.

An young intern seduced the most powerful man in the world and made him perjure himself? You lost all credibility on that one statement alone.
Who said she made perjure himself? That was what I was always told a gentleman would do. Too bad she was such a gd IDIOT. lol. BFD. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

Can you possibly compare this to Hillary's lies, Pay for Play in the Clinton Foundation? Destroying emails that were subpoenaed? LYing about the devices she used, which were ALL unsecured, open to our enemies and containing our secrets?

All you have, is that "Trump talks mean!" Really? REALLY????
Yes, all of your claims about Clinton are over-exaggerated rhetoric and after a year long investigation by the FBI was deemed to be careless but not criminal. All else is just spin. I never said Trump talk mean... I said Trump is a lying manipulative douche who doesn't know what he is talking about half the time. He is a threat to our nation
You want someone proven to be at the very least careless with her finger on the button? Lol.

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