Trump campaign is disgusting

Do you really think i'm going to fall for that shit?
There isn't anything to fall for... I've said plenty of critical and insulting things about Hillary on this thread, she is a very imperfect candidate and I recognize her faults. You deflect every critique back onto Hillary and have failed to show any kind of awareness of objectivity to the tremendous flaws of your candidate. How can anybody take you seriously then??

Just STFU...
Hillary's past is far more erroneous than Trumps and you know it.
This is nothing more than a last grasp at relevance on your part.

The panic among Hillary douche bags is palpable.

And enjoyable..

Yes, I do enjoy it. They will be crying for the next 8 years, and I will rub their nose in it every single day.
You sound like a real winner!
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

Hillary is an low-class, disgusting, lying piece of shit. She is the one who has taken this election to a whole new level. Trump isn't married to a rapist. Trump didn't expose our secrets and lie about it. Trump isn't in bed with the media. Trump didn't rig the primaries. Trump didn't get debate questions ahead of time. Trump's top advisor isn't married to a pedophile.
Boy, you fall for all the bs hate propaganda. Bill is lusty and affectionate, not a rapist. Monica seduced HIM. Didn't expose secrets. Staffers bsing in e-mails is not rigging. Weiner is not a pedophile. Hater dupe. Trump is a self proclaimed and proven sexual assaulter and scumbag.
Do you honestly think Trump lacks the same type of secrecy and corruption and willingness to lie and cover up mistakes, that Clinton has? Do you really thing he is going to be better in those areas? She is bad, but, I truly think he will be much worse.
IDK he isn't a career politician. He obviously is in his private life like most billionaires, but CLinton did that in one of the highest levels of our government.
Assuming never gets anyone anywhere.
Let me ask you, what makes Trump so much more worse?
I hate to use this word as it is overused... but it is his temperament and his lack of character/integrity that disqualifies him for me. I know egotistical, do no wrong, bully's like Trump. I've done business with them and I know how they think and operate. They fight opposition with aggression and often have their lawyers joined at their hips. They use their money and power to squash opponents in court and they screw people out of money and opportunity for their own self gain. This is how Trump operates and a person like this does not deserve to be elevated to the highest office in the land. Also, I think our country needs to regain respect and unity and a cooperative spirit. Trump with destroy any possibility at achieving this, and will further the polarized divide. This is what I consider sinking the ship.
I do not believe it will ever happen. I witnessed the left's ill treatment of President Bus through eight years and especially on obama's Inauguration Day. Obama and the democrats have continued to divide us according to race, wealth, party, and ideology. Everything is the Republicans fault. Hillary will be no different she's blamed a vast right wing conspiracy for all her crap for years. I am forever done with Democrats.
Funny you bring up Bush... Did you know that Bush 41 is voting for Hillary and Bush 43 is saying it's a secret, which I believe says it all...

The elder President Bush and the Clintons are good friends. It does not negate the behavior of democrats towards Bush on obama's Inauguration Day.

Laura Bush and her 2 daughters are voting Hillary.
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke
If you've listened to both, then you also know that all Hildabeest does is bitch and complain, mostly about the same things that she has been bitching and complaining about for decades.

This raises the question; if things are still so horrible after all the decades of "help" from prog crackpots like her, what's the reason to pick her over the other incompetent nitwit?
You are right, Clinton and other politicians do it too... but not nearly as much, and not nearly as bad. She was on message speaking about her policies and uniting the country for weeks, until this FBI news release. Now she is back in the trenches with Trump. Differences is, Trump has never left the trenches and he is directly responsible for bringing the integrity of our election system lower than it has ever been. Have you ever seen candidates not able to shake hands before/after a debate? Back to my OP... It is disgusting what he has done.
I call it how I see it. If you disagree go ahead and state your case... yelling Spin Spin or Liar Liar is straight from Trump elementary.
Trump is just retaliating the the nasty attacks liberals do against republicans. Fight fire with fire.
It's not even close, he took it to a whole new low
Yeah i'm starting to freak out, you bet i am... I just can't believe that so many people in this country are supporting such an idiotic, transparent, and disgraceful person to be our president. I will speak my mind for this week and if Trump gets elected I will do my best to support him, but its gonna hurt to see such an ugly person win the most prestigious office in the world. It would be a very embarrassing representation of our country

Yep, Trump is bad news.

Thing is, as bad as he is, he is NOT a traitor and a felon.

Hillary is. She should be in prison and can by NO MEANS be allowed to be the chief executive of the nation. We cannot hand the country over to the Mafia.

Why don't you try to defend Trump? Or at least explain...... why you are voting for this naziclown pussy grabber?
Funny you mentioned mafia. Wondering what is Trump connection today.

Video shows Trump with mob figure he denied knowing

Video shows Trump with mob figure he denied knowing
Michael Isikoff 16 hours ago

New video emerges of Donald Trump with mob-linked gambler
On Tuesday, November 1, 2016, Yahoo News and Finance Anchor Bianna Golodryga spoke with Yahoo News Chief Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff about a new video that shows Donald Trump standing side by side with New Jersey mobster, Robert Libutti, in Atlantic City in 1988. Trump has previously denied having a relationship with Libutti.
A newly uncovered video appears to contradict Donald Trump’s claim that he never knew a high-stakes gambler who was banned from New Jersey casinos for alleged ties to organized crime.

The reputed mob figure, Robert LiButti, can be seen standing alongside Trump in the front row of a 1988 “WrestleMania” match in Atlantic City, N.J. LiButti wasn’t there by accident, according to his daughter, Edith Creamer, who also attended the event. “We were his guests,” she told Yahoo News in a text message this week.
Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke

So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

YEah, right. You would have voted Republican - swear on a stack of Bibles. But whenever you are confronted with an actual Republican, you just can't do it!
Trumps not an actual republican, he is a pure New York douchebag
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!
Pretty much, yeah.

I can understand the frustration with politicians in general, no doubt about it. But this is not the guy. He's just the wrong messenger on multiple levels.

The problem is, his supporters have been whipped into a frenzy and simply do not care about his myriad flaws. Add to that their hatred of Hillary (no gem herself) and you simply cannot communicate with them on a reasonable level. All you get when you try is the standard talk radio talking points.

What a disaster. Two terrible candidates who are both extremely lucky that they're running against each other. The country is the loser either way it goes.
This kind of talk from you democrats is exactly why I can categorically claim that the divide is permanent.

And what kind of talk..... that you babbling that make us unite? I was a republican for life but people like you make me puke of your divisiveness and stupidity.
Just STFU...
Hillary's past is far more erroneous than Trumps and you know it.
This is nothing more than a last grasp at relevance on your part.

The panic among Hillary douche bags is palpable.

And enjoyable..
"Bend" over.

FIFY.....grab your ankles.
reported. Hillary's faults are mainly imaginary RW BS...

Sorry. I told you I changed it try again.
Hillarys faults are about to get her indicted.
Anyone who thinks the corrupt political elitist Hillary Clinton is going to be any different or better is naive and being played. I have little faith in Trump doing anything he's promising but I zero faith in Hillary following through on any of hers.
I say give Trump a chance. The standard DC politician will not do a thing, Trump has one chance to show he can do what he says he can do.

If we give your role model a chance........ can you please say something what can he do to this great nation? I mean realistically.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

So you think that because Trump is so bad, we should ignore crimes committed by Hillary?

Nice try.

What is the charge or indictment?
Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke

So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system
I'm not acting like Hillary is a golden goddess. I think she is a very flawed candidate and i've said it many times. I don't like her and I would have easily voted for her opponent if there was a decent one running against her. I hate our system that brings two pieces of shit to the top because one has political influence and the other is a billionaire. I like to see the whole thing overhauled. Past all that crap, I just can not stand the thought of Trump winning and the fact that it is even possible should humiliating to Americans. He is a joke. Hillary as bad as she is, is still waaaaay better than Trump
Yes, government corruption and flat out repugnancy and disdain for half of America is always better than stupidity and flat out repugnancy.
Do you honestly think Trump lacks the same type of secrecy and corruption and willingness to lie and cover up mistakes, that Clinton has? Do you really thing he is going to be better in those areas? She is bad, but, I truly think he will be much worse.
IDK he isn't a career politician. He obviously is in his private life like most billionaires, but CLinton did that in one of the highest levels of our government.
Assuming never gets anyone anywhere.
Let me ask you, what makes Trump so much more worse?

Well let see.
1. Trump lie every day just to get elected. Dumb like you believe him all the way. See link.
2. Every thing are fucked up and we belong to 3rd world countries.
3. Putin puppet.
4. Racist. Divisiveness,
5. Economic policy sucks rated as F. Don't know shit about tariffs. Prices will sky rocket.
6. Foreign policy sucks. No plan to fight ISIS.
7. GOP Senators cannot even acknowledge that he is a good role model.
8. He demonstrated his ineptness.
Aside from that he is a good leader.

Hillary is not a good choice that I agree...... but Trump will fuck up my ( not your country) country and friendly nations. As far as I know he is probably more corrupt than Hillary because he cannot even show his tax returns. A good wheeler dealer.Maybe he is hiding his connections to mafia or Russia?

Who Tells More Lies, Hillary Clinton Or Donald Trump? A Truth-O-Meter Of The Two Nominees Is One-Sided

Who Tells More Lies, Hillary Clinton Or Donald Trump? A Truth-O-Meter Of The Two Nominees Is One-Sided
09/26/16 AT 4:23 PM

In Debate Trump Says He'll Release Tax Returns If Clinton Releases Deleted Emails

After their much-anticipated first debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, the two presidential nominees will be scrutinized by the press for how accurate they represented facts on Monday night. But Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton enters the debate with a clear edge over Republican nominee Donald Trump when it comes to honesty, according to research by

In PolitiFact scorecards, Clinton's comments were 22 percent "true," 28 percent "mostly true," 22 percent "half true," 15 percent "mostly false," and 11 percent "false," and 2 percent "pants on fire."

Those numbers fare much better than Trump's scorecard, in which his comments were 4 percent "true," 11 percent "mostly true," 15 percent "half true," 17 percent "mostly false," 34 percent "false," and 18 percent "pants on fire."
According to MBC poll, trump is more honest. Also Check this out
FBI Behind Leaks?

You asked a question. What made you think Trump Is much worse? I made a list and you are deflecting.
I will deal with that stupid leak later.
Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke

So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system
The problem with the system is the lying thieving no compromise no honeymoon New BS GOP.
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke

So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system
The problem with the system is the lying thieving no compromise no honeymoon New BS GOP.

You mean you hate when the Republicans fight back?

Sucks to be a Dim in this election, doesn't it?
The problem with the system is the lying thieving no compromise no honeymoon New BS GOP.
There is no and never will be a compromise to the constitution and our liberty and capitalism. Your socialistic dreams will never become a reality.
So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system
The problem with the system is the lying thieving no compromise no honeymoon New BS GOP.

You mean you hate when the Republicans fight back?

Sucks to be a Dim in this election, doesn't it?
Nope. The New BS GOP and DC has been insane since Rush and Newt took over, and Senators and everyone else couldn't DUI...Now the brainwashed have taken over the party lol...

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