Trump campaign is disgusting

Nice deflection back to Hillary, but i'm talking about Trump... How about you answer the question

Do you really think i'm going to fall for that shit?
There isn't anything to fall for... I've said plenty of critical and insulting things about Hillary on this thread, she is a very imperfect candidate and I recognize her faults. You deflect every critique back onto Hillary and have failed to show any kind of awareness of objectivity to the tremendous flaws of your candidate. How can anybody take you seriously then??

Just STFU...
Hillary's past is far more erroneous than Trumps and you know it.
This is nothing more than a last grasp at relevance on your part.

The panic among Hillary douche bags is palpable.

And enjoyable..
And over.
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke
If you've listened to both, then you also know that all Hildabeest does is bitch and complain, mostly about the same things that she has been bitching and complaining about for decades.

This raises the question; if things are still so horrible after all the decades of "help" from prog crackpots like her, what's the reason to pick her over the other incompetent nitwit?
When exactly have progressives been able to pass anything but ACA in the last 35 years? And remember a GOP meltdown is no time to mess with ANYTHING....
You really can't be serious? We have men in girls locker rooms you dumbass. Brought to you by the Obama administration for one and the most recent. I could name a lot more.
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke
If you've listened to both, then you also know that all Hildabeest does is bitch and complain, mostly about the same things that she has been bitching and complaining about for decades.

This raises the question; if things are still so horrible after all the decades of "help" from prog crackpots like her, what's the reason to pick her over the other incompetent nitwit?
When exactly have progressives been able to pass anything but ACA in the last 35 years? And remember a GOP meltdown is no time to mess with ANYTHING....

I gotta say thanks...every time I see your avi I I pass it by for the next post.
Do you really think i'm going to fall for that shit?
There isn't anything to fall for... I've said plenty of critical and insulting things about Hillary on this thread, she is a very imperfect candidate and I recognize her faults. You deflect every critique back onto Hillary and have failed to show any kind of awareness of objectivity to the tremendous flaws of your candidate. How can anybody take you seriously then??

Just STFU...
Hillary's past is far more erroneous than Trumps and you know it.
This is nothing more than a last grasp at relevance on your part.

The panic among Hillary douche bags is palpable.

And enjoyable..
"Bend" over.

FIFY.....grab your ankles.
Hillary Clinton led Republican Donald Trump by 6 percentage points among likely voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll released on Wednesday, the same advantage the Democratic presidential nominee held before an FBI announcement that reignited the controversy about her email practices.

The Oct. 28-Nov. 1 opinion poll was conducted almost entirely after FBI Director James Comey notified Congress last Friday his agency would examine newly discovered emails that might pertain to Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
Clinton leads Trump by 6 points, same as before FBI announcement: Reuters/Ipsos
The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English in all 50 states. It had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points.
Hillary Clinton led Republican Donald Trump by 6 percentage points among likely voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll released on Wednesday, the same advantage the Democratic presidential nominee held before an FBI announcement that reignited the controversy about her email practices.

The Oct. 28-Nov. 1 opinion poll was conducted almost entirely after FBI Director James Comey notified Congress last Friday his agency would examine newly discovered emails that might pertain to Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
Clinton leads Trump by 6 points, same as before FBI announcement: Reuters/Ipsos
The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English in all 50 states. It had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points.

Hillary Clinton led Republican Donald Trump by 6 percentage points among likely voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll released on Wednesday, the same advantage the Democratic presidential nominee held before an FBI announcement that reignited the controversy about her email practices.

The Oct. 28-Nov. 1 opinion poll was conducted almost entirely after FBI Director James Comey notified Congress last Friday his agency would examine newly discovered emails that might pertain to Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
Clinton leads Trump by 6 points, same as before FBI announcement: Reuters/Ipsos
The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English in all 50 states. It had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points.
FBI focusing on Clinton pay-for-play emails
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

Hillary is an low-class, disgusting, lying piece of shit. She is the one who has taken this election to a whole new level. Trump isn't married to a rapist. Trump didn't expose our secrets and lie about it. Trump isn't in bed with the media. Trump didn't rig the primaries. Trump didn't get debate questions ahead of time. Trump's top advisor isn't married to a pedophile.
Stop putting words in my mouth...
Tell you what, have the RNC release all of their email communications over the past 5 years and leak them out everyday on wikileaks for all the news agencies to rip into. Do you honestly thing they will be any different from what you are seeing in the DNC emails? I'm not making excuses for the stink that is uncovered... It's all part of a dirty system that both parties operate on. I'd love to see an overhaul to the entire system. I don't think Trump is going to make anything better, he is going to make it all much much worse.
I hate the duopoly. I hate the duopolys corruption. Fucking Rubio even said "it could be us next". But im not on here acting like one of those 2 blowhards are all good and shit.
They have released connections with her campaign and the DOJ. Get your head out of your ass.
I'm not acting like Hillary is a golden goddess. I think she is a very flawed candidate and i've said it many times. I don't like her and I would have easily voted for her opponent if there was a decent one running against her. I hate our system that brings two pieces of shit to the top because one has political influence and the other is a billionaire. I like to see the whole thing overhauled. Past all that crap, I just can not stand the thought of Trump winning and the fact that it is even possible should humiliating to Americans. He is a joke. Hillary as bad as she is, is still waaaaay better than Trump
Yes, government corruption and flat out repugnancy and disdain for half of America is always better than stupidity and flat out repugnancy.
Do you honestly think Trump lacks the same type of secrecy and corruption and willingness to lie and cover up mistakes, that Clinton has? Do you really thing he is going to be better in those areas? She is bad, but, I truly think he will be much worse.
IDK he isn't a career politician. He obviously is in his private life like most billionaires, but CLinton did that in one of the highest levels of our government.
Assuming never gets anyone anywhere.
Let me ask you, what makes Trump so much more worse?

Well let see.
1. Trump lie every day just to get elected. Dumb like you believe him all the way. See link.
2. Every thing are fucked up and we belong to 3rd world countries.
3. Putin puppet.
4. Racist. Divisiveness,
5. Economic policy sucks rated as F. Don't know shit about tariffs. Prices will sky rocket.
6. Foreign policy sucks. No plan to fight ISIS.
7. GOP Senators cannot even acknowledge that he is a good role model.
8. He demonstrated his ineptness.
Aside from that he is a good leader.

Hillary is not a good choice that I agree...... but Trump will fuck up my ( not your country) country and friendly nations. As far as I know he is probably more corrupt than Hillary because he cannot even show his tax returns. A good wheeler dealer.Maybe he is hiding his connections to mafia or Russia?

Who Tells More Lies, Hillary Clinton Or Donald Trump? A Truth-O-Meter Of The Two Nominees Is One-Sided

Who Tells More Lies, Hillary Clinton Or Donald Trump? A Truth-O-Meter Of The Two Nominees Is One-Sided
09/26/16 AT 4:23 PM

In Debate Trump Says He'll Release Tax Returns If Clinton Releases Deleted Emails

After their much-anticipated first debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, the two presidential nominees will be scrutinized by the press for how accurate they represented facts on Monday night. But Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton enters the debate with a clear edge over Republican nominee Donald Trump when it comes to honesty, according to research by

In PolitiFact scorecards, Clinton's comments were 22 percent "true," 28 percent "mostly true," 22 percent "half true," 15 percent "mostly false," and 11 percent "false," and 2 percent "pants on fire."

Those numbers fare much better than Trump's scorecard, in which his comments were 4 percent "true," 11 percent "mostly true," 15 percent "half true," 17 percent "mostly false," 34 percent "false," and 18 percent "pants on fire."
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

Trump repeatedly tells his record breaking large crowds that he's going to make America great again. clinton repeatedly tells her record breaking tiny crowds that she made a mistake on her emails, she's sorry, and says she won't do it again. I'll trust the guy that built an empire, and has never been involved in dozens of scams and outright murders like the clintons have.
Haha, you think trump is scam free? Check again
I hate the duopoly. I hate the duopolys corruption. Fucking Rubio even said "it could be us next". But im not on here acting like one of those 2 blowhards are all good and shit.
They have released connections with her campaign and the DOJ. Get your head out of your ass.
I'm not acting like Hillary is a golden goddess. I think she is a very flawed candidate and i've said it many times. I don't like her and I would have easily voted for her opponent if there was a decent one running against her. I hate our system that brings two pieces of shit to the top because one has political influence and the other is a billionaire. I like to see the whole thing overhauled. Past all that crap, I just can not stand the thought of Trump winning and the fact that it is even possible should humiliating to Americans. He is a joke. Hillary as bad as she is, is still waaaaay better than Trump
Yes, government corruption and flat out repugnancy and disdain for half of America is always better than stupidity and flat out repugnancy.
Do you honestly think Trump lacks the same type of secrecy and corruption and willingness to lie and cover up mistakes, that Clinton has? Do you really thing he is going to be better in those areas? She is bad, but, I truly think he will be much worse.
IDK he isn't a career politician. He obviously is in his private life like most billionaires, but CLinton did that in one of the highest levels of our government.
Assuming never gets anyone anywhere.
Let me ask you, what makes Trump so much more worse?

Well let see.
1. Trump lie every day just to get elected. Dumb like you believe him all the way. See link.
2. Every thing are fucked up and we belong to 3rd world countries.
3. Putin puppet.
4. Racist. Divisiveness,
5. Economic policy sucks rated as F. Don't know shit about tariffs. Prices will sky rocket.
6. Foreign policy sucks. No plan to fight ISIS.
7. GOP Senators cannot even acknowledge that he is a good role model.
8. He demonstrated his ineptness.
Aside from that he is a good leader.

Hillary is not a good choice that I agree...... but Trump will fuck up my ( not your country) country and friendly nations. As far as I know he is probably more corrupt than Hillary because he cannot even show his tax returns. A good wheeler dealer.Maybe he is hiding his connections to mafia or Russia?

Who Tells More Lies, Hillary Clinton Or Donald Trump? A Truth-O-Meter Of The Two Nominees Is One-Sided

Who Tells More Lies, Hillary Clinton Or Donald Trump? A Truth-O-Meter Of The Two Nominees Is One-Sided
09/26/16 AT 4:23 PM

In Debate Trump Says He'll Release Tax Returns If Clinton Releases Deleted Emails

After their much-anticipated first debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, the two presidential nominees will be scrutinized by the press for how accurate they represented facts on Monday night. But Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton enters the debate with a clear edge over Republican nominee Donald Trump when it comes to honesty, according to research by

In PolitiFact scorecards, Clinton's comments were 22 percent "true," 28 percent "mostly true," 22 percent "half true," 15 percent "mostly false," and 11 percent "false," and 2 percent "pants on fire."

Those numbers fare much better than Trump's scorecard, in which his comments were 4 percent "true," 11 percent "mostly true," 15 percent "half true," 17 percent "mostly false," 34 percent "false," and 18 percent "pants on fire."
According to MBC poll, trump is more honest. Also Check this out
FBI Behind Leaks?
There isn't anything to fall for... I've said plenty of critical and insulting things about Hillary on this thread, she is a very imperfect candidate and I recognize her faults. You deflect every critique back onto Hillary and have failed to show any kind of awareness of objectivity to the tremendous flaws of your candidate. How can anybody take you seriously then??

Just STFU...
Hillary's past is far more erroneous than Trumps and you know it.
This is nothing more than a last grasp at relevance on your part.

The panic among Hillary douche bags is palpable.

And enjoyable..
"Bend" over.

FIFY.....grab your ankles.
reported. Hillary's faults are mainly imaginary RW BS...
How old are you? And I ask that because I wonder how many years you have been around to watch democrats in action and still feel enamored enough with them to vote for them.
I'm 36 and i'm not a democrat... I was hoping to vote republican or independent this term, but there is no way with Trump as the option
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.

Ive already proven to you that you don't know shit about illegal migration. Set aside your hatred maybe you will understand.
How old are you? And I ask that because I wonder how many years you have been around to watch democrats in action and still feel enamored enough with them to vote for them.
I'm 36 and i'm not a democrat... I was hoping to vote republican or independent this term, but there is no way with Trump as the option
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.

Ive already proven to you that you don't know shit about illegal migration. Set aside your hatred maybe you will understand.
you have proven zilch
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke
If you've listened to both, then you also know that all Hildabeest does is bitch and complain, mostly about the same things that she has been bitching and complaining about for decades.

This raises the question; if things are still so horrible after all the decades of "help" from prog crackpots like her, what's the reason to pick her over the other incompetent nitwit?
You are right, Clinton and other politicians do it too... but not nearly as much, and not nearly as bad. She was on message speaking about her policies and uniting the country for weeks, until this FBI news release. Now she is back in the trenches with Trump. Differences is, Trump has never left the trenches and he is directly responsible for bringing the integrity of our election system lower than it has ever been. Have you ever seen candidates not able to shake hands before/after a debate? Back to my OP... It is disgusting what he has done.

Hillary has been in the gutter since day one. She can't open her mouth without making cracks about Trump's "character, misogyny" and a hundred other personal attacks. Hillary supporters who claim she talks about the issues are in the final stages of terminal denial.

She's done. Stick a fork in her.
Yeah she goes after his words and his messaging and his divisive policy and campaign. Trump goes after her health, her stamina, calls her a criminal, calls her colleagues stupid and incompetent... he is a populist joke
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke
If you've listened to both, then you also know that all Hildabeest does is bitch and complain, mostly about the same things that she has been bitching and complaining about for decades.

This raises the question; if things are still so horrible after all the decades of "help" from prog crackpots like her, what's the reason to pick her over the other incompetent nitwit?
When exactly have progressives been able to pass anything but ACA in the last 35 years? And remember a GOP meltdown is no time to mess with ANYTHING....
You really can't be serious? We have men in girls locker rooms you dumbass. Brought to you by the Obama administration for one and the most recent. I could name a lot more.
More like cute little effeminate boys who think they're girls...get a grip lol...
How old are you? And I ask that because I wonder how many years you have been around to watch democrats in action and still feel enamored enough with them to vote for them.
I'm 36 and i'm not a democrat... I was hoping to vote republican or independent this term, but there is no way with Trump as the option
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests

No. Hillary left four Americans to die in Benghazi, lied about it, had a man imprisoned over a video she says caused it then called the mothers of the victims liars. She is evil.

This is a dead story get over it. Republicans did their own investigations at least 7 times spent millions......... Trey Gowdy GOP head of the committee EEEEEEVEN admitted it's a waste of time. Trump likes to bring this up just to confused Americans and stir up lies.

GOP Benghazi Committee Chairman Gowdy Admits Investigation Was a Waste of Time

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