Trump campaign is disgusting

How old are you? And I ask that because I wonder how many years you have been around to watch democrats in action and still feel enamored enough with them to vote for them.
I'm 36 and i'm not a democrat... I was hoping to vote republican or independent this term, but there is no way with Trump as the option
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
Stop putting words in my mouth...
Tell you what, have the RNC release all of their email communications over the past 5 years and leak them out everyday on wikileaks for all the news agencies to rip into. Do you honestly thing they will be any different from what you are seeing in the DNC emails? I'm not making excuses for the stink that is uncovered... It's all part of a dirty system that both parties operate on. I'd love to see an overhaul to the entire system. I don't think Trump is going to make anything better, he is going to make it all much much worse.
I hate the duopoly. I hate the duopolys corruption. Fucking Rubio even said "it could be us next". But im not on here acting like one of those 2 blowhards are all good and shit.
They have released connections with her campaign and the DOJ. Get your head out of your ass.
I'm not acting like Hillary is a golden goddess. I think she is a very flawed candidate and i've said it many times. I don't like her and I would have easily voted for her opponent if there was a decent one running against her. I hate our system that brings two pieces of shit to the top because one has political influence and the other is a billionaire. I like to see the whole thing overhauled. Past all that crap, I just can not stand the thought of Trump winning and the fact that it is even possible should humiliating to Americans. He is a joke. Hillary as bad as she is, is still waaaaay better than Trump
Yes, government corruption and flat out repugnancy and disdain for half of America is always better than stupidity and flat out repugnancy.
Do you honestly think Trump lacks the same type of secrecy and corruption and willingness to lie and cover up mistakes, that Clinton has? Do you really thing he is going to be better in those areas? She is bad, but, I truly think he will be much worse.

I LOLed when you called em mistakes......
Sorry what should i say instead?
I hate the duopoly. I hate the duopolys corruption. Fucking Rubio even said "it could be us next". But im not on here acting like one of those 2 blowhards are all good and shit.
They have released connections with her campaign and the DOJ. Get your head out of your ass.
I'm not acting like Hillary is a golden goddess. I think she is a very flawed candidate and i've said it many times. I don't like her and I would have easily voted for her opponent if there was a decent one running against her. I hate our system that brings two pieces of shit to the top because one has political influence and the other is a billionaire. I like to see the whole thing overhauled. Past all that crap, I just can not stand the thought of Trump winning and the fact that it is even possible should humiliating to Americans. He is a joke. Hillary as bad as she is, is still waaaaay better than Trump
Yes, government corruption and flat out repugnancy and disdain for half of America is always better than stupidity and flat out repugnancy.
Do you honestly think Trump lacks the same type of secrecy and corruption and willingness to lie and cover up mistakes, that Clinton has? Do you really thing he is going to be better in those areas? She is bad, but, I truly think he will be much worse.

I LOLed when you called em mistakes......
Sorry what should i say instead?

Her intentional abuse of power would work.
I'm 36 and i'm not a democrat... I was hoping to vote republican or independent this term, but there is no way with Trump as the option
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?
Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke

So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

As has been mentioned multiple times.
We know for certain hillary is a corrupt piece of shit.

She has a thirty year track record you're trying to gloss over and I find it pathetic and desperate on your part.
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

Doubling down on the "mistake" play again eh.....?
You willfully blind buffoons never fail to amuse.
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

Like this...

I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

Like this...

View attachment 96487

Represents Trump and his supporters well.
Standing tall for America.
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

So you think that because Trump is so bad, we should ignore crimes committed by Hillary?

Nice try.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

So you think that because Trump is so bad, we should ignore crimes committed by Hillary?

Nice try.
Pure insanity, isn't it.....
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

So you think that because Trump is so bad, we should ignore crimes committed by Hillary?

Nice try.
Pure insanity, isn't it.....
Fucking retards. The KGB had it right..useful idiots. They will deny reality up until their masters mow them down.
Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke

So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

As has been mentioned multiple times.
We know for certain hillary is a corrupt piece of shit.

She has a thirty year track record you're trying to gloss over and I find it pathetic and desperate on your part.
Nice deflection back to Hillary, but i'm talking about Trump... How about you answer the question
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests
If you care about illegal immigration at all you can't vote for Democrats.
i'm not a single issue voter and it takes an act of congress to make anything major happen. You are fulling yourself if you really think we are going to build a wall across the entire border, have Mexico pay for it, then deport 17 million people.

In this election it is a single issue,the single issue that will fix all the others....corruption.
And you don't think that Trump is a corrupt person? You don't think he would lie, manipulate, leverage his power, or do whatever else it would take to cover up a mistake or foul play? Really think about it and be honest... How do you think he would act?

So you think that because Trump is so bad, we should ignore crimes committed by Hillary?

Nice try.
did I say that?

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