Trump campaign is disgusting

Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
What's so pathetic is that you people make no effort to defend Trump in threads like this. All you can do is deflect to bitching about Hillary.
We've had many, many decades of the same shitty career politician behavior. They are 100% the reason why this country is fucked up. Electing another career politician Is gonna change anything?
The colostomy bag in a pant suit is going to make the swamp much more vile... fact
See this is the point I am trying to make on this thread. All you can do is talk about how bad of an idea it is to elect Hillary. You are making no effort whatsoever to defend Trump and it's ridiculous.
We already know what we're going to get with Hildabeast - corruption, cronyism, backroom deals, more debt, more pruning of paper, stupidly retarded gun control laws… The list goes on. Lol
Lol you're something else man. Is it really so hard for you to even try to defend Trump.
Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
What's so pathetic is that you people make no effort to defend Trump in threads like this. All you can do is deflect to bitching about Hillary.
We've had many, many decades of the same shitty career politician behavior. They are 100% the reason why this country is fucked up. Electing another career politician Is gonna change anything?
The colostomy bag in a pant suit is going to make the swamp much more vile... fact
See this is the point I am trying to make on this thread. All you can do is talk about how bad of an idea it is to elect Hillary. You are making no effort whatsoever to defend Trump and it's ridiculous.
We already know what we're going to get with Hildabeast - corruption, cronyism, backroom deals, more debt, more pruning of paper, stupidly retarded gun control laws… The list goes on. Lol
Lol you're something else man. Is it really so hard for you to even try to defend Trump.
He is just like Trump. If he isn't criticizing he has nothing to say.
There is one reason I am voting Trump. Well two. He ain't Hillary and illegal immigration.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests

No. Hillary left four Americans to die in Benghazi, lied about it, had a man imprisoned over a video she says caused it then called the mothers of the victims liars. She is evil.
And here I thought you were capable being objective. Your statements are one sided, distorted, and just not accurate.
They are absolutely accurate.
yeah, its all true according to what you read or see on TV. Try switching stations... Fact is you don't really know anything, none of us do, and the media paints the picture on both sides.
Typical democrat. So unwilling to believe any evil of Hillary and democrats but so willing to believe Trump is the bad guy. You gave it a good try but in the end we shall sing about Your True Colors.
Yeah i'm starting to freak out, you bet i am... I just can't believe that so many people in this country are supporting such an idiotic, transparent, and disgraceful person to be our president. I will speak my mind for this week and if Trump gets elected I will do my best to support him, but its gonna hurt to see such an ugly person win the most prestigious office in the world. It would be a very embarrassing representation of our country

Yep, Trump is bad news.

Thing is, as bad as he is, he is NOT a traitor and a felon.

Hillary is. She should be in prison and can by NO MEANS be allowed to be the chief executive of the nation. We cannot hand the country over to the Mafia.
I respect your views and wish Hillary would take a harder stance with illegal immigration, but I think Trumps solution to the problem is impossible... He is simply saying what the hardliners want to hear. Consider that and all the other horrible attributes of the man, I just don't see how people can trust and support him. It's like electing the idiotic school bully as class president over the valedictorian who cheated on a couple tests

No. Hillary left four Americans to die in Benghazi, lied about it, had a man imprisoned over a video she says caused it then called the mothers of the victims liars. She is evil.
And here I thought you were capable being objective. Your statements are one sided, distorted, and just not accurate.
They are absolutely accurate.
yeah, its all true according to what you read or see on TV. Try switching stations... Fact is you don't really know anything, none of us do, and the media paints the picture on both sides.
Typical democrat. So unwilling to believe any evil of Hillary and democrats but so willing to believe Trump is the bad guy. You gave it a good try but in the end we shall sing about Your True Colors.
I dont Know what youve been reading but I've been pretty clear about my critique of Hillary. I don't need to believe anything about Trump, I've seen it with my own eyes
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!
Pretty much, yeah.

I can understand the frustration with politicians in general, no doubt about it. But this is not the guy. He's just the wrong messenger on multiple levels.

The problem is, his supporters have been whipped into a frenzy and simply do not care about his myriad flaws. Add to that their hatred of Hillary (no gem herself) and you simply cannot communicate with them on a reasonable level. All you get when you try is the standard talk radio talking points.

What a disaster. Two terrible candidates who are both extremely lucky that they're running against each other. The country is the loser either way it goes.
IDK he isn't a career politician. He obviously is in his private life like most billionaires, but CLinton did that in one of the highest levels of our government.
Assuming never gets anyone anywhere.
Let me ask you, what makes Trump so much more worse?
I hate to use this word as it is overused... but it is his temperament and his lack of character/integrity that disqualifies him for me. I know egotistical, do no wrong, bully's like Trump. I've done business with them and I know how they think and operate. They fight opposition with aggression and often have their lawyers joined at their hips. They use their money and power to squash opponents in court and they screw people out of money and opportunity for their own self gain. This is how Trump operates and a person like this does not deserve to be elevated to the highest office in the land. Also, I think our country needs to regain respect and unity and a cooperative spirit. Trump with destroy any possibility at achieving this, and will further the polarized divide. This is what I consider sinking the ship.
Jesus. Sounds just like Clinton. So what makes Trump so much more worse?
It is funny, however, how you bring up division. Clinton has alienated almost everyone in the country except for limp wrists. She has claimed 25% of the country is deplorable and some more shit.
Hillary might be more temperamental than trump but that isn't saying much. She isn't temperamental at all. Remember her "what difference does it make?" Or her 50 points video? yes, she actually made that fucking video..
What Clinton has done for division and polarization isn't even close to what Trump has done. I don't think anybody in modern political history has been as polarizing as Trump. I'd think thats something that his supporters like about him. The deplorable statement is a joke, I'd suggest you don't use it any more if you want to be taken seriously... We all know she was talking about people who are racist, bigots, xenophobes, etc etc etc. Trump supporters who do not share those views SHE WASN'T TALKING ABOUT!!!
Are you voting for hitlery? Why are you embarrassed to tell us?
I already answer you... now i'm finished with your childish questions... comeback if you have something of substance
Except, you did not tell us who you are voting for.....

Why are you so embarrassed?

I don't like Hillary and don't think she is going to do a great deal to fix many of the things i'd like to see fixed. I also don't think Trump is going to do anything useful either. Clinton is a shitty choice but she will keep the ship afloat. Trump is a horrendous choice who will either sink the ship or knock us even further off course.

Hillary is not going to do anything.

After her defeat next Tuesday, the fervor surrounding her criminal acts will subside. Around December 31st, Barack Obama will grant her an unconditional pardon for all past crimes. Then she will vanish from the public view. No doubt her vast criminal enterprise will continue, it is a major Mafia family, but it will be greatly diminished as she no longer has access to state secrets to sell or federal funds to embezzle.
Anyone who thinks the corrupt political elitist Hillary Clinton is going to be any different or better is naive and being played. I have little faith in Trump doing anything he's promising but I zero faith in Hillary following through on any of hers.
Yeah i'm starting to freak out, you bet i am... I just can't believe that so many people in this country are supporting such an idiotic, transparent, and disgraceful person to be our president. I will speak my mind for this week and if Trump gets elected I will do my best to support him, but its gonna hurt to see such an ugly person win the most prestigious office in the world. It would be a very embarrassing representation of our country

Yep, Trump is bad news.

Thing is, as bad as he is, he is NOT a traitor and a felon.

Hillary is. She should be in prison and can by NO MEANS be allowed to be the chief executive of the nation. We cannot hand the country over to the Mafia.
I guess you know more than the FBI, ok
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!
Pretty much, yeah.

I can understand the frustration with politicians in general, no doubt about it. But this is not the guy. He's just the wrong messenger on multiple levels.

The problem is, his supporters have been whipped into a frenzy and simply do not care about his myriad flaws. Add to that their hatred of Hillary (no gem herself) and you simply cannot communicate with them on a reasonable level. All you get when you try is the standard talk radio talking points.

What a disaster. Two terrible candidates who are both extremely lucky that they're running against each other. The country is the loser either way it goes.
This kind of talk from you democrats is exactly why I can categorically claim that the divide is permanent.
Anyone who thinks the corrupt political elitist Hillary Clinton is going to be any different or better is naive and being played. I have little faith in Trump doing anything he's promising but I zero faith in Hillary following through on any of hers.
I say give Trump a chance. The standard DC politician will not do a thing, Trump has one chance to show he can do what he says he can do.
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!
Pretty much, yeah.

I can understand the frustration with politicians in general, no doubt about it. But this is not the guy. He's just the wrong messenger on multiple levels.

The problem is, his supporters have been whipped into a frenzy and simply do not care about his myriad flaws. Add to that their hatred of Hillary (no gem herself) and you simply cannot communicate with them on a reasonable level. All you get when you try is the standard talk radio talking points.

What a disaster. Two terrible candidates who are both extremely lucky that they're running against each other. The country is the loser either way it goes.
This kind of talk from you democrats is exactly why I can categorically claim that the divide is permanent.
I don't think most Democrats would describe Hillary as I did.
Hillary supporters have lost their goddamn minds. No shit.
"Hillary is running a good campaign"
Bullshit you fucking hacks. Her campaign is ENVELOPED IN CORRUPTION. You slimy fucks are sick.
Stop putting words in my mouth...
Tell you what, have the RNC release all of their email communications over the past 5 years and leak them out everyday on wikileaks for all the news agencies to rip into. Do you honestly thing they will be any different from what you are seeing in the DNC emails? I'm not making excuses for the stink that is uncovered... It's all part of a dirty system that both parties operate on. I'd love to see an overhaul to the entire system. I don't think Trump is going to make anything better, he is going to make it all much much worse.

Why would they do that? They aren't under investigation.
Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke
Drumpf can't read....that's why he can't use a teleprompter properly......people, important people, are saying this.

Shouldnt you be polishing your wallet chain?

Yes. The one that said there was no criminal activity, not even close. And now have to go through 650k emails found in a back up

Problem is, the statement was made on the absurd claim their was a lack of intent.

Problem is;



They have intent + crime = treason...

Hillary supporters have lost their goddamn minds. No shit.
"Hillary is running a good campaign"
Bullshit you fucking hacks. Her campaign is ENVELOPED IN CORRUPTION. You slimy fucks are sick.
Stop putting words in my mouth...
Tell you what, have the RNC release all of their email communications over the past 5 years and leak them out everyday on wikileaks for all the news agencies to rip into. Do you honestly thing they will be any different from what you are seeing in the DNC emails? I'm not making excuses for the stink that is uncovered... It's all part of a dirty system that both parties operate on. I'd love to see an overhaul to the entire system. I don't think Trump is going to make anything better, he is going to make it all much much worse.
I hate the duopoly. I hate the duopolys corruption. Fucking Rubio even said "it could be us next". But im not on here acting like one of those 2 blowhards are all good and shit.
They have released connections with her campaign and the DOJ. Get your head out of your ass.
I'm not acting like Hillary is a golden goddess. I think she is a very flawed candidate and i've said it many times. I don't like her and I would have easily voted for her opponent if there was a decent one running against her. I hate our system that brings two pieces of shit to the top because one has political influence and the other is a billionaire. I like to see the whole thing overhauled. Past all that crap, I just can not stand the thought of Trump winning and the fact that it is even possible should humiliating to Americans. He is a joke. Hillary as bad as she is, is still waaaaay better than Trump
Yes, government corruption and flat out repugnancy and disdain for half of America is always better than stupidity and flat out repugnancy.
Do you honestly think Trump lacks the same type of secrecy and corruption and willingness to lie and cover up mistakes, that Clinton has? Do you really thing he is going to be better in those areas? She is bad, but, I truly think he will be much worse.

I LOLed when you called em mistakes......

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