Trump campaign is disgusting

America thinks you're disgusting....wait a week an I will prove it to you.....
But you won't bet me? Coward
bet you what again bobo?
You can't talk politics or elections for five days after the election if you lose. And you can't talk politics in any other forum. No commenting to me mocking you.

And I'm sure you won't be honorable if you take the bet you'll be a renigger
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system
The problem with the system is the lying thieving no compromise no honeymoon New BS GOP.

You mean you hate when the Republicans fight back?

Sucks to be a Dim in this election, doesn't it?
Nope. The New BS GOP and DC has been insane since Rush and Newt took over, and Senators and everyone else couldn't DUI...Now the brainwashed have taken over the party lol...

The brainwashed voted for Kasich and Jeb Bush.
America thinks you're disgusting....wait a week an I will prove it to you.....
But you won't bet me? Coward
bet you what again bobo?
You can't talk politics or elections for five days after the election if you lose. And you can't talk politics in any other forum. No commenting to me mocking you.

And I'm sure you won't be honorable if you take the bet you'll be a renigger

That's "renegger," you racist dumbass.
Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system
The problem with the system is the lying thieving no compromise no honeymoon New BS GOP.

You mean you hate when the Republicans fight back?

Sucks to be a Dim in this election, doesn't it?
Nope. The New BS GOP and DC has been insane since Rush and Newt took over, and Senators and everyone else couldn't DUI...Now the brainwashed have taken over the party lol...

The brainwashed voted for Kasich and Jeb Bush.
Those are moderates. Trump beat them by parroting the brainwash...
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system
The problem with the system is the lying thieving no compromise no honeymoon New BS GOP.

You mean you hate when the Republicans fight back?

Sucks to be a Dim in this election, doesn't it?
Nope. The New BS GOP and DC has been insane since Rush and Newt took over, and Senators and everyone else couldn't DUI...Now the brainwashed have taken over the party lol...

The brainwashed voted for Kasich and Jeb Bush.
Those are moderates. Trump beat them by parroting the brainwash...

"Moderate" must be a leftwing euphemism meaning "brainwashed."
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

And hilary's goal is to do absolutely anything to achieve power....destroy the women her husband raped and sexually assaulted, steal money from Haitians suffering from the earthquake, sell strategic uranium reserves to the Russians for 23.5 million dollars, and use an illegal, secret and unsecured server to hide her laundering money taken as bribes from domestic and foreign donors thru the clinton foundation.....

The vile, disgusting human being is hilary...........there is no competition here, she wins vile human being of the century easily....
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

And hilary's goal is to do absolutely anything to achieve power....destroy the women her husband raped and sexually assaulted, steal money from Haitians suffering from the earthquake, sell strategic uranium reserves to the Russians for 23.5 million dollars, and use an illegal, secret and unsecured server to hide her laundering money taken as bribes from domestic and foreign donors thru the clinton foundation.....

The vile, disgusting human being is hilary...........there is no competition here, she wins vile human being of the century easily....
Sad thing is, I truly believe that you believe all of what you just said... millions of people truly believe, with the same conviction, that your statement is full of shit. Neither side really knows the truth. Perhaps we can all be honest about that
Ummm have you been listening to Hillary lately? Cant help but assume you haven't..
"join the campaign of fear" LMAO
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke

So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system

Whinny butt hurt. Deal with reality sissy.
I've been listening to both. All Trump does is bitch and complain, I was amused at first, now I can't make it through one of his BS speeches, as he reads his teleprompter like an elementary schooler and add libs every few seconds to cover up his studders. Remember when he made fun of teleprompter politicians? Remember when he criticized Clinton for not doing press conferences? Now look at him... He's a joke

So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system

Whinny butt hurt. Deal with reality sissy.
Reality is clinton is still the favorite to win. It's likely you'll be needing to take your own advice
The problem with the system is the lying thieving no compromise no honeymoon New BS GOP.

You mean you hate when the Republicans fight back?

Sucks to be a Dim in this election, doesn't it?
Nope. The New BS GOP and DC has been insane since Rush and Newt took over, and Senators and everyone else couldn't DUI...Now the brainwashed have taken over the party lol...

The brainwashed voted for Kasich and Jeb Bush.
Those are moderates. Trump beat them by parroting the brainwash...

"Moderate" must be a leftwing euphemism meaning "brainwashed."
In the New BS GOP, Moderates don't believe brainwash like ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: and stuff TRump goes on about: illegals killing and raping, Nafta was a failure- bs
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!

And hilary's goal is to do absolutely anything to achieve power....destroy the women her husband raped and sexually assaulted, steal money from Haitians suffering from the earthquake, sell strategic uranium reserves to the Russians for 23.5 million dollars, and use an illegal, secret and unsecured server to hide her laundering money taken as bribes from domestic and foreign donors thru the clinton foundation.....

The vile, disgusting human being is hilary...........there is no competition here, she wins vile human being of the century easily....
THERE is the brainwash you dupes believe...ALL total bs. Con man Trump can parrot that crap but YOU LOSE.
So you want to ride the bulldyke? Why? Because she is clean, honest, straightforward, and not in politics to enrich herself at the expense of the people? Look, we have only TWO choices. This nonsense about crying about what the other has done is silly and childish. Be an adult and declare which party better represents your core values and vote accordingly. Stop bitching and whining about their imperfections. It's easy, do you want a more liberal or conservative Supreme Court? Liberal, vote Bulldyke. Conservative, vote orange clown. Now drink your warm milk and go to bed already.
Well thats the dilemma, I supported Obama but think our political system is in need of some Conservative balance, especially fiscally. There is a lot of waste in our government programs i'd like to see cleaned up. Not a complete overhaul... Not tearing apart everything that has been done because your side can't acknowledge any of your opponents successes. I would most likely have voted republican this cycle... There is no way I can vote for a guy like Trump, that part is easy. Clinton isn't the cleanest candidate but she isn't as bad as you all paint her to be... You get mad at her calling you deplorable as you call her a bulldyke... perhaps there is some truth in her statement then.

Sounds to me like you have not identified any core values relevant to the political sides, and that is why you are in a quandary. There are numerous test/quizzes online you can take to determine which party best represents your interest and values. Keep in mind however, if you vote based on the person you like the best or the one you hate the least, then party affiliation is irrelevant. BTW- the attitude of voting for the person you like the best is one of political immaturity and very naive, IMO.
I despise the political party system. I have my own core values and beliefs, and I address each issue at face value. I identify with elements of both ideologies which so I don't play the all or nothing game. You can't make smart and effective laws and policies of you are constantly posturing for a parties base. It's one of the major problems with our political system

Whinny butt hurt. Deal with reality sissy.
Reality is clinton is still the favorite to win. It's likely you'll be needing to take your own advice
That was a scary week end tho, until you could figure out that Comey actually said NOTHING lol...What crap media we have...exploding heads for ratings.
The way Trump has conducted himself during this campaign is a disgusting embarrassment. I understand the anger and frustration that many Americans feel towards our government. I understand that Clinton is not a shining example of honesty and integrity. And I understand that there are many changes that need to be done in our political system. However, Trump is playing off this anger and fueling hatred, partisanship, and divide. The focus of his campaign since the primary has been to belittle and degrade his opponents. He does so through childish nicknames and outright lies, where he and his surrogates grossly misrepresent their opponents to make them look as bad as possible. The Dems did the same thing to Romney in the last election, which I objected to as well, however, Trump is taking it to a whole new level. We need a mandate against this type of behavior as it is only going to make things worse for our country.

If you really think that Trump is going to drain the swamp, if you really think that he won't say and do whatever it takes to cover his ass or deflect blame, if you really think that he is any less corrupt than our current politicians... Then you are living in a fantasy world. He is the worse thing that can happen to our country. He will lead his own administration of lies and corruption. He doesn't know what he is doing... If you support him then, Wake up, he is playing you!!!!
The chicks are alright.- that guy's a total idiot...
I think this is the dirtiest campaign in American history ever, including the filthy corrupt campaigns of the 19th century.

The best US parallel is the Quincy-Jackson campaign (the best parallel in general is the German election of 1933)
Jackson was a showman, politically incorrect, and self imposed tough guy ( unlike Trump, Jackson actually lived the persona). The people loved him and cheered on his blatant disregard for the government and the constitution. Whereas Quincy was a hated bureaucrat , and many of the the complaints lobbied against Clinton today were voiced against Quincy back then. That election is generally regarded by historians as being a circus.

History repeats itself. Every page we turn is the same as the old page with some insignificant changes.

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