Trump campaign lawyer forced to admit no fraud found

I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?

What a load of bullshit. The Democrats haven't been systematically lying to the American people about the effects of their policies on the economy and on working Americans.

Republican economic policies have transferred 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 20% while impoverishing working Americans and the middle class, and instead of accepting responsibility for crashing the economy 3 times in the past 40 years, Republicans continue to blame Democrats and inner city poverty for the nation's problems.

Three economic crashes in the past 40 years are the SOURCE of the nations economic problems. Income and wealth inequity, which has been engineered as a feature, not a flaw, in the system. The Republican economy exists to funnel the maximum amount of capital to the fewest number of people possible.

I agree with you except for the three times.

It has been four. In fact every republican president we've had since 1981 has crashed the economy. Including trump.

reagan crashed the economy when he first became president. He was the one who put us on the path we've been on for the last 40 years.

He went on a spending spree never seen since WWII. Only he didn't have a war to deal with. He spent like there was no tomorrow.

The first bush crashed our economy and had it on the verge of collapse in 1992.

All the jobs reagan/bush created were dependent on tax dollars from all that out of control spending.

The Cold War ended. When that happened, all the money for the military industrial complex dried up. The budgets were slashed with the republicans calling it the "peace dividend."

So we were back to where we were when reagan crashed the economy.

America voted Clinton into office and he cleaned up the mess.

The bush boy became president in 2001. He collapsed our economy and the whole house of cards came crashing down.

Obama was elected. He cleaned up the mess the bush boy left behind.

trump was elected in 2016. He crashed the economy this year.

So the total of republicans who crashed the economy is 4. Not 3.

Biden will come behind trump to clean up the mess.

America's history is littered with many republicans destroying the economy with democrats coming after them to clean the mess up.

I just wish Americans would wake up. Avoid all the suffering and not elect republicans into power to implement their very irresponsible and destructive economic and social policies.
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!!
You know how to tell when republicans are lying?

Their lips are moving!

This is why I don't have my friends over. Dad. They thought your eight year old humor was funny, when we were eight ...

I just checked again, and your opinion still makes no difference to me at all.

Have a nice day!

Whoa! Burned! You really never most past eight year old, do you?

You sure are screaming hysterically for someone who doesn't care, LOL

I said "good day" .


Poor guy, the Internet just endlessly triggers you, doesn't it?
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!!
You know how to tell when republicans are lying?

Their lips are moving!

This is why I don't have my friends over. Dad. They thought your eight year old humor was funny, when we were eight ...

I just checked again, and your opinion still makes no difference to me at all.

Have a nice day!

Whoa! Burned! You really never most past eight year old, do you?

You sure are screaming hysterically for someone who doesn't care, LOL

I said "good day" .


Poor guy, the Internet just endlessly triggers you, doesn't it?

You have no real connection to reality, do you.
Will you eat crow if this is report by MIT data analysts is established?
They will try to delay this till it's too late to do anything about it.
No one is trying to delay anything. If Trump thinks there’s election fraud, he needs to get his shit together and present evidence that is legitimate, not the bullshit he’s been putting in his lawsuits so far.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic
Good. Fine.

Let us all see for ourselves.
No shit. We will see. We know what we are going to see. This little tantrum that you all are throwing right now denying the legitimacy of the election couldn’t be any more unAmerican. You thought the Dems were bad with Resist?? It’s appears you’ve stepped that up with “Deny” way to go!
We want to CONFIRM the legitimacy of the election.

Quit trying to spin it. NOBODY can deny several irregularities.

It may be nothing, but would you rather have us all believe that no fair election is possible and our Union is gone forever?
Listen man, please read this slowly cause I’m tired of repeating myself. I understand you fell for Trumps latest con and think this election is a fraud. That’s fine. Do your audits and court cases and whatever you want. But 1. Stop lying and saying the election was stolen when you have no evidence proving it. And 2. Allow Biden to move forward with transition.

Clinton lost and wanted recounts but she conceded while her lawyers went through that process and Obama supported trumps transition

If by some miracle Trump actually does find fraud and over turns The election then Biden can stop the transition. But there is no reason to hold him up at this point... he should be given all the resources and support to be best prepared to take over. Dont you agree?
Yes, let the audits play out. In the mean time, let Biden execute his transition with support from the admin. Also throw a cork in Trumps mouth and just stop with the false claims that he won and the election was stolen.
So you are only comfortable with a constant stream of anti Trump memes and blatant falsehoods which helped fuel the anti Trump movement which has culminated with this blatant lie of an election?
And Trump should not be able to speak on the corruption he sees all around him?

Well that seems about as "fair" as what we've seen from the left ever since Trump assumed the office
of President.
I’m comfortable with calling Trump out on his lies which is what much of the so called “fake news” does. I don’t condone real fake news which doesn’t happen as often as you pretend it does.

And no Trump should not be lying to the American people and saying he won the election. He didn’t win and he has no proof that it was stolen. Y’all look like fools

And yall wonder why I keep asking for evidence, his lawyers admit there is none:

"During a Pennsylvania court hearing this week on one of the many election lawsuits brought by President Donald Trump, a judge asked a campaign lawyer whether he had found any signs of fraud from among the 592 ballots challenged.

The answer was no.

“Accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” said the lawyer, Jonathan Goldstein. “We’re all just trying to get an election done.”

Trump has not been so cautious, insisting without evidence that the election was stolen from him even when election officials nationwide from both parties say there has been no conspiracy."

He said NO, but you right wingers keep saying yes, lol

Check some of the threads on the board there pard. Seems there is lots of evidence out there. MIT found a load with the Dominion machines. Loads of proof out there. Look around.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic
Good. Fine.

Let us all see for ourselves.
No shit. We will see. We know what we are going to see. This little tantrum that you all are throwing right now denying the legitimacy of the election couldn’t be any more unAmerican. You thought the Dems were bad with Resist?? It’s appears you’ve stepped that up with “Deny” way to go!
We want to CONFIRM the legitimacy of the election.

Quit trying to spin it. NOBODY can deny several irregularities.

It may be nothing, but would you rather have us all believe that no fair election is possible and our Union is gone forever?
Listen man, please read this slowly cause I’m tired of repeating myself. I understand you fell for Trumps latest con and think this election is a fraud. That’s fine. Do your audits and court cases and whatever you want. But 1. Stop lying and saying the election was stolen when you have no evidence proving it. And 2. Allow Biden to move forward with transition.

Clinton lost and wanted recounts but she conceded while her lawyers went through that process and Obama supported trumps transition.
100% fabrication.

The recount in Michigan demanded by Jill Stein was suddenly halted because it showed blatant cheating.

If by some miracle Trump actually does find fraud and over turns The election then Biden can stop the transition. But there is no reason to hold him up at this point... he should be given all the resources and support to be best prepared to take over. Dont you agree?
That's not how it works....You're legally declared the winner or your opponent concedes before you have any right to anything.

That's how it went in 2000, so you can suck it up and deal with it today.
I’m comfortable with calling Trump out on his lies which is what much of the so called “fake news” does. I don’t condone real fake news which doesn’t happen as often as you pretend it does.

And no Trump should not be lying to the American people and saying he won the election. He didn’t win and he has no proof that it was stolen. Y’all look like fools
Donald Trump has the same right to look around at all the fraud that has been uncovered in even a casual
examination and claim he won as anyone else has.

He certainly has the same right as ALL the media whores who declared Joe Biden the new president
have. The only difference is Trump increasingly has a legitimate reason to declare victory
while Biden and his surrogates just want him to be called the president and end this fraud.
What happened to counting every vote?

The Trump campaign had a lead in every swing state until the counting was suddenly stopped and then
when the voting started up again Trump's lead was magically erased and Joe Biden was even more
magically in the lead suddenly with an advantage of thousands of votes. Amazing...right?

Leftists are scared shitless to hold a manual recount and it's really not difficult to figure out why.
Everyone who wants this process truncated and ended in Joe Biden's favor simply are admitting they
are frightened and want to end this fraud before their crimes are found out.
Last edited:
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!!
You know how to tell when republicans are lying?

Their lips are moving!

This is why I don't have my friends over. Dad. They thought your eight year old humor was funny, when we were eight ...

I just checked again, and your opinion still makes no difference to me at all.

Have a nice day!

Whoa! Burned! You really never most past eight year old, do you?

You sure are screaming hysterically for someone who doesn't care, LOL

I said "good day" .


Poor guy, the Internet just endlessly triggers you, doesn't it?

You have no real connection to reality, do you.

From the guy who keeps responding when you don't care, LOL

And yall wonder why I keep asking for evidence, his lawyers admit there is none:

"During a Pennsylvania court hearing this week on one of the many election lawsuits brought by President Donald Trump, a judge asked a campaign lawyer whether he had found any signs of fraud from among the 592 ballots challenged.

The answer was no.

“Accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” said the lawyer, Jonathan Goldstein. “We’re all just trying to get an election done.”

Trump has not been so cautious, insisting without evidence that the election was stolen from him even when election officials nationwide from both parties say there has been no conspiracy."

He said NO, but you right wingers keep saying yes, lol

So 592 of the millions of elections seem to be legitimate? lol

You are so fucking stupid
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!!
You know how to tell when republicans are lying?

Their lips are moving!

This is why I don't have my friends over. Dad. They thought your eight year old humor was funny, when we were eight ...

I just checked again, and your opinion still makes no difference to me at all.

Have a nice day!

Whoa! Burned! You really never most past eight year old, do you?

You sure are screaming hysterically for someone who doesn't care, LOL

I said "good day" .


Poor guy, the Internet just endlessly triggers you, doesn't it?

You have no real connection to reality, do you.

From the guy who keeps responding when you don't care, LOL

Being mildly amused is not really caring, is it?
Will you eat crow if this is report by MIT data analysts is established?
View attachment 415142

Why is he announcing it on Twitter and not giving the information to his lawyers to present in a court of law?

Why has none of the so called evidence you people spew been presented in a court of law to a judge?

Why has every single one of the trump cases of fraud been thrown out of court with absolutely ZERO evidence of fraud presented to the court by trump's lawyers?

It's very easy to go on Twitter and lie. There are no consequences to it.

It's a very different thing to lie in a court of law to a judge. The lawyer faces serious consequences to that crime. Including being disbarred and losing their law license. Anyone who commits perjury will face legal problems with possible prison time.

Apparently none of trump's lawyers are willing to totally destroy their careers for him. Which is why none of them have brought any of the lies and conspiracies that trump and the far right has been trying to peddle to a court of law.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic
Good. Fine.

Let us all see for ourselves.
No shit. We will see. We know what we are going to see. This little tantrum that you all are throwing right now denying the legitimacy of the election couldn’t be any more unAmerican. You thought the Dems were bad with Resist?? It’s appears you’ve stepped that up with “Deny” way to go!
We want to CONFIRM the legitimacy of the election.

Quit trying to spin it. NOBODY can deny several irregularities.

It may be nothing, but would you rather have us all believe that no fair election is possible and our Union is gone forever?
Listen man, please read this slowly cause I’m tired of repeating myself. I understand you fell for Trumps latest con and think this election is a fraud. That’s fine. Do your audits and court cases and whatever you want. But 1. Stop lying and saying the election was stolen when you have no evidence proving it. And 2. Allow Biden to move forward with transition.

Clinton lost and wanted recounts but she conceded while her lawyers went through that process and Obama supported trumps transition.
100% fabrication.

The recount in Michigan demanded by Jill Stein was suddenly halted because it showed blatant cheating.

If by some miracle Trump actually does find fraud and over turns The election then Biden can stop the transition. But there is no reason to hold him up at this point... he should be given all the resources and support to be best prepared to take over. Dont you agree?
That's not how it works....You're legally declared the winner or your opponent concedes before you have any right to anything.

That's how it went in 2000, so you can suck it up and deal with it today.
Haha. Show me where it says an opponents concession legally declares the winner?! You’re pulling shit out of your ass like you did with the rest of your nonsense post
Last edited:
And in Arizona....

Who are these people you're relying on as "sources"? Random people on twitter. If there was actual, real evidence of wrong doing, why is Trump unablel to present it in court?

Those wascally Amewicans, huh Mrs. Kravitz? What are they up to now?


Anyway, you can relax, it is going to court.

Funny how you never had this standard for Mueller after years and years of investigating, huh?

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