Trump campaign lawyer forced to admit no fraud found

I can't speak for anyone else......
But neither harris NOR Bidet will ever be my president.
I have this thing where I only accept leaders who faithfully follow the Constitution, put America first and are honest and transparent.
I won't speak for Mr. Trump....but I can say for certain there are ZERO democrat officials who are any of those.
I can't go for that....noooooo, no can do

PS...can we get some artists to create nude statutes of harris and Biden and place them across America like they did for Trump?

Tens of millions of us will never accept a Biden presidency. To accept such a thing is to accept the further and perhaps final victory of evil over our America. To hell with any and all Americans who meekly want to "take the high road" and make nice with the child killers and child mutilators who are taking over our nation.
The media does call elections.
They can call the ball, for all I care. None of that is official.

Let the audits play out.
Yes, let the audits play out. In the mean time, let Biden execute his transition with support from the admin. Also throw a cork in Trumps mouth and just stop with the false claims that he won and the election was stolen.
i was watching teevee and my team was in the lead. i squaffed my tenth pbr and ate cold cheeseburger from the carpet. then the other team scored and scored and scored. must be fraud!

in reality this dynamic was predicted and was explained many times.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?

What a load of bullshit. The Democrats haven't been systematically lying to the American people about the effects of their policies on the economy and on working Americans.

Republican economic policies have transferred 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 20% while impoverishing working Americans and the middle class, and instead of accepting responsibility for crashing the economy 3 times in the past 40 years, Republicans continue to blame Democrats and inner city poverty for the nation's problems.

Three economic crashes in the past 40 years are the SOURCE of the nations economic problems. Income and wealth inequity, which has been engineered as a feature, not a flaw, in the system. The Republican economy exists to funnel the maximum amount of capital to the fewest number of people possible.
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!!
You know how to tell when republicans are lying?

Their lips are moving!

This is why I don't have my friends over. Dad. They thought your eight year old humor was funny, when we were eight ...

I just checked again, and your opinion still makes no difference to me at all.

Have a nice day!

Whoa! Burned! You really never most past eight year old, do you?

You sure are screaming hysterically for someone who doesn't care, LOL
The media does call elections.
They can call the ball, for all I care. None of that is official.

Let the audits play out.
Yes, let the audits play out. In the mean time, let Biden execute his transition with support from the admin. Also throw a cork in Trumps mouth and just stop with the false claims that he won and the election was stolen.
let the trump campaign pay for the audits in states where a recount is not mandated.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic
Then there's also nothing wrong with telling your boi to sit down, STFU, and let the process play out, like we had to in 2000.

But it's totally (D)ifferent now....Right?
Yes it’s completely different than 2000. Are you retarded? Have you looked at the margins? Trump needs to flip multiple states that he’s losing by 10s of thousands of votes. Pull your head out of your ass

Of course it's (D)iffernt now....That's my point.

The "10s of thousands of votes" are very rightly suspect of not being legitimate...Sit down, STFU, and let the process play out.

Now, when do we get to auditing the Dominion tabulators?....If you want right-now results, lets get to the right-now auditing process.

C'mon, hop to it!....Light a fire under the asses of your team to get this process finished so we can move on!

Or do you really want this shit dragged on and on and on and on?

And yall wonder why I keep asking for evidence, his lawyers admit there is none:

"During a Pennsylvania court hearing this week on one of the many election lawsuits brought by President Donald Trump, a judge asked a campaign lawyer whether he had found any signs of fraud from among the 592 ballots challenged.

The answer was no.

“Accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” said the lawyer, Jonathan Goldstein. “We’re all just trying to get an election done.”

Trump has not been so cautious, insisting without evidence that the election was stolen from him even when election officials nationwide from both parties say there has been no conspiracy."

He said NO, but you right wingers keep saying yes, lol

Statistics proves there is fraud. The number of States that end up in a statistical tie and yet go to the Democrats is not mathematically possible.

The big city Democrat machines keep "counting" votes until their States are blue. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada. Suddenly red goes tiny, tiny blue then they stop counting, they have the result they wanted
Is that your expert analysis?
“The more they count, the more we lose. It must be fraud!”
Kind of like, “The more we test, the more cases we have”

Go shop around for a better excuse.
They're switching the argument from one of an accusation of widespread fraud to one of just wanting an audit to see if there was fraud, LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are you afraid of?

If there is no evidence, an audit will net the same fucking result.

You're scared. We know. Your responses are proof.

Why are you changing the goalpost of there was fraud to "we just want to see and audit?" I have no fear of any audit, its going to verify the results and then what after that? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Most Non Progs are American Football...Most Progs are Soccer with all the drama that comes with it. Goalposts!

And yall wonder why I keep asking for evidence, his lawyers admit there is none:

"During a Pennsylvania court hearing this week on one of the many election lawsuits brought by President Donald Trump, a judge asked a campaign lawyer whether he had found any signs of fraud from among the 592 ballots challenged.

The answer was no.

“Accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” said the lawyer, Jonathan Goldstein. “We’re all just trying to get an election done.”

Trump has not been so cautious, insisting without evidence that the election was stolen from him even when election officials nationwide from both parties say there has been no conspiracy."

He said NO, but you right wingers keep saying yes, lol
This is another taste of what they're finding.....

The media does call elections.
They can call the ball, for all I care. None of that is official.

Let the audits play out.
Yes, let the audits play out. In the mean time, let Biden execute his transition with support from the admin. Also throw a cork in Trumps mouth and just stop with the false claims that he won and the election was stolen.
let the trump campaign pay for the audits in states where a recount is not mandated.
In advance. Because we know Trump doesn’t pay his bills. Just ask cities still waiting on him to pay the bill for rallies that required extra police and the shutting down of streets.
And as usual....the Fascists always think it's funny to see the destruction of a good society. Pleases them in a sadistic, evil loving way.

How is the USA a "good society"?
  • You took small children away from their parents, on purpose;
  • You're letting hundreds of thousands of people die on a "herd immunity" theory;
  • You've started multiple wars based on lies told by your President and his staff;
  • You have more people in prison than any other nation in the world;
  • Police are allowed to shoot people and murder citizens with impunity, in broad daylight;
  • Cities over 100,000 people paid out over $300 million dollars in "excessive force" settlements each year;
  • American police shoot and kill over 1000 people per year. France is number #2, among first world countries, and they killed 26 people last year - 8 of them in a terrorist attack;
  • Inner city children are sent to schools with insufficient resources to properly educate them for the 21st century economy;
  • 80% of the wealth of the nation flows to 20% of the people;
  • there have been 9 increases to the federal minimum wage since 1980, while executive salaries have risen over 1000% during the same time frame;
  • Hundreds of thousands of people are protesting the lack of justice for minorities, and police bruality.
The media does call elections.
They can call the ball, for all I care. None of that is official.

Let the audits play out.
Yes, let the audits play out. In the mean time, let Biden execute his transition with support from the admin. Also throw a cork in Trumps mouth and just stop with the false claims that he won and the election was stolen.
let the trump campaign pay for the audits in states where a recount is not mandated.
Of course, I think that’s the rules. He is trying to raise funds for the lawsuits but it appears he is using that money to pay off campaign debt

And yall wonder why I keep asking for evidence, his lawyers admit there is none:

"During a Pennsylvania court hearing this week on one of the many election lawsuits brought by President Donald Trump, a judge asked a campaign lawyer whether he had found any signs of fraud from among the 592 ballots challenged.

The answer was no.

“Accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” said the lawyer, Jonathan Goldstein. “We’re all just trying to get an election done.”

Trump has not been so cautious, insisting without evidence that the election was stolen from him even when election officials nationwide from both parties say there has been no conspiracy."

He said NO, but you right wingers keep saying yes, lol

Statistics proves there is fraud. The number of States that end up in a statistical tie and yet go to the Democrats is not mathematically possible.

The big city Democrat machines keep "counting" votes until their States are blue. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada. Suddenly red goes tiny, tiny blue then they stop counting, they have the result they wanted
Is that your expert analysis?
“The more they count, the more we lose. It must be fraud!”
Kind of like, “The more we test, the more cases we have”

Go shop around for a better excuse.

that's a sssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

That wasn't my argument. Another government educated failure. Try reading it again. Sound out the words. Feel free to move your lips if you have to
Then there's this......many people showed up to vote on election day, yet were told they already voted.

The media does call elections.
They can call the ball, for all I care. None of that is official.

Let the audits play out.
Yes, let the audits play out. In the mean time, let Biden execute his transition with support from the admin. Also throw a cork in Trumps mouth and just stop with the false claims that he won and the election was stolen.
let the trump campaign pay for the audits in states where a recount is not mandated.

The States have automatic Audits already. And that is being done or have been done. What the Rumpsters are wanting is full recounts. You are 100% correct on who pays. If it's outside the automatic recount area then the party or person that calls for it must pay for it. In fact, if it's outside a certain point a party nor a person can't force a recount even if they are willing to pay for it. Many states that went Red and Blue are outside all the recount requirements. And only GA is inside the Automatic Recount area.
Last edited:
The media does call elections.
They can call the ball, for all I care. None of that is official.

Let the audits play out.
Yes, let the audits play out. In the mean time, let Biden execute his transition with support from the admin. Also throw a cork in Trumps mouth and just stop with the false claims that he won and the election was stolen.
let the trump campaign pay for the audits in states where a recount is not mandated.
Of course, I think that’s the rules. He is trying to raise funds for the lawsuits but it appears he is using that money to pay off campaign debt
And you have proof of this?
Did you know that any recounts have to be paid for by the campaign in many states?

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