Trump campaign lawyer forced to admit no fraud found

I can't speak for anyone else......
But neither harris NOR Bidet will ever be my president.
I have this thing where I only accept leaders who faithfully follow the Constitution, put America first and are honest and transparent.
I won't speak for Mr. Trump....but I can say for certain there are ZERO democrat officials who are any of those.
I can't go for that....noooooo, no can do

PS...can we get some artists to create nude statutes of harris and Biden and place them across America like they did for Trump?
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
The transition was held up for nearly six weeks in 2000, over a couple counties in one state....Funny how y'all want us to have patience for a week while the votes are being counted ballot boxes are being stuffed, but then want everything brought to a total halt when you get the reult you want.
The 2000 election came down to 500 votes in one state. This election is a bigger blow out than Trumps win over Clinton. We did Trump move forward with his transition after the media called it? What’s different here
This election was a "blow out" going the other way, when the vote counting and reporting came to a screeching halt last Wednesday morning....And don't try to say otherwise, because I was watching it in real time.

The media doesn't call elections.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
The transition was held up for nearly six weeks in 2000....Funny how y'all want us to have patience for a week while the votes are being counted ballot boxes are being stuffed, but then want everything brought to a total halt when you get the reult you want.

You ever think about maybe rejoining reality some day?
Like you'd know what reality is.
Well you would say that from waaaay over there in lala land, wouldn't you.
They're switching the argument from one of an accusation of widespread fraud to one of just wanting an audit to see if there was fraud, LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are you afraid of?

If there is no evidence, an audit will net the same fucking result.

You're scared. We know. Your responses are proof.

Why are you changing the goalpost of there was fraud to "we just want to see and audit?" I have no fear of any audit, its going to verify the results and then what after that? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic

And yall wonder why I keep asking for evidence, his lawyers admit there is none:

"During a Pennsylvania court hearing this week on one of the many election lawsuits brought by President Donald Trump, a judge asked a campaign lawyer whether he had found any signs of fraud from among the 592 ballots challenged.

The answer was no.

“Accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” said the lawyer, Jonathan Goldstein. “We’re all just trying to get an election done.”

Trump has not been so cautious, insisting without evidence that the election was stolen from him even when election officials nationwide from both parties say there has been no conspiracy."

He said NO, but you right wingers keep saying yes, lol

Simply wanting something to be true does not make it so. However, we are entertained by your grandstanding across the forum.

The lawyer said NO when asked.........................:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic
Then there's also nothing wrong with telling your boi to sit down, STFU, and let the process play out, like we had to in 2000.

But it's totally (D)ifferent now....Right?
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic
Good. Fine.

Let us all see for ourselves.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?

STHU with your right wing rantring BS, either put up or shut up with facts and evidence.

That's their problem.

Every time they have the opportunity to present honest and factual evidence of fraud to a judge in one of their many cases, they present ZERO evidence or proof.

When it counts the most. In the one place that can acutally do something about any fraud, the republicans present ZERO evidence or proof.

Sure it's easy to get on TV and lie. Or go on the internet and lie. A person won't face any consequences for it.

It's a totally different situation in a court of law. If a lawyer knowingly lies in a court of law that lawyer has lost their law license for life and are disbarred. If a person knowingly lies in a court of law they end up facing a lot of legal problems including prison.

So they get in front of cameras and on the internet and lie through their teeth. There is no price to pay or no consequences to face for it.

Meanwhile all they are doing is harming our nation even more.
I can't speak for anyone else......
But neither harris NOR Bidet will ever be my president.
I have this thing where I only accept leaders who faithfully follow the Constitution, put America first and are honest and transparent.
I won't speak for Mr. Trump....but I can say for certain there are ZERO democrat officials who are any of those.
I can't go for that....noooooo, no can do

PS...can we get some artists to create nude statutes of harris and Biden and place them across America like they did for Trump?

Tens of millions of us will never accept a Biden presidency. To accept such a thing is to accept the further and perhaps final victory of evil over our America. To hell with any and all Americans who meekly want to "take the high road" and make nice with the child killers and child mutilators who are taking over our nation.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
The transition was held up for nearly six weeks in 2000, over a couple counties in one state....Funny how y'all want us to have patience for a week while the votes are being counted ballot boxes are being stuffed, but then want everything brought to a total halt when you get the reult you want.
The 2000 election came down to 500 votes in one state. This election is a bigger blow out than Trumps win over Clinton. We did Trump move forward with his transition after the media called it? What’s different here
This election was a "blow out" going the other way, when the vote counting and reporting came to a screeching halt last Wednesday morning....And don't try to say otherwise, because I was watching it in real time.

The media doesn't call elections.
The media does call elections. They use the reported number of votes counted plus math. It’s not an official call but it’s been done for decades. It was done for Trump last election and he pranced around as president elect afterwards and started his transition. Remember?

Who the hell cares about Wednesday morning?? There were still millions of ballots that hadn’t been counted.

And yall wonder why I keep asking for evidence, his lawyers admit there is none:

"During a Pennsylvania court hearing this week on one of the many election lawsuits brought by President Donald Trump, a judge asked a campaign lawyer whether he had found any signs of fraud from among the 592 ballots challenged.

The answer was no.

“Accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” said the lawyer, Jonathan Goldstein. “We’re all just trying to get an election done.”

Trump has not been so cautious, insisting without evidence that the election was stolen from him even when election officials nationwide from both parties say there has been no conspiracy."

He said NO, but you right wingers keep saying yes, lol
Again....more fake news from Yahoo.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
The transition was held up for nearly six weeks in 2000, over a couple counties in one state....Funny how y'all want us to have patience for a week while the votes are being counted ballot boxes are being stuffed, but then want everything brought to a total halt when you get the reult you want.
The 2000 election came down to 500 votes in one state. This election is a bigger blow out than Trumps win over Clinton. We did Trump move forward with his transition after the media called it? What’s different here
This election was a "blow out" going the other way, when the vote counting and reporting came to a screeching halt last Wednesday morning....And don't try to say otherwise, because I was watching it in real time.

The media doesn't call elections.
The media does call elections. They use the reported number of votes counted plus math. It’s not an official call but it’s been done for decades. It was done for Trump last election and he pranced around as president elect afterwards and started his transition. Remember?

Who the hell cares about Wednesday morning?? There were still millions of ballots that hadn’t been counted.
The media makes predictions, which are not legal or binding upon anyone.....Why hasn't RCP called anything yet?
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well, everybody admits that there were many cases of irregularities all over the place.

You wouldn't mind if we have a quick look at it, would you? Just to be sure?

Nope, not 1 bit.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic
Then there's also nothing wrong with telling your boi to sit down, STFU, and let the process play out, like we had to in 2000.

But it's totally (D)ifferent now....Right?
Yes it’s completely different than 2000. Are you retarded? Have you looked at the margins? Trump needs to flip multiple states that he’s losing by 10s of thousands of votes. Pull your head out of your ass
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
The transition was held up for nearly six weeks in 2000, over a couple counties in one state....Funny how y'all want us to have patience for a week while the votes are being counted ballot boxes are being stuffed, but then want everything brought to a total halt when you get the reult you want.
The 2000 election came down to 500 votes in one state. This election is a bigger blow out than Trumps win over Clinton. We did Trump move forward with his transition after the media called it? What’s different here
This election was a "blow out" going the other way, when the vote counting and reporting came to a screeching halt last Wednesday morning....And don't try to say otherwise, because I was watching it in real time.

The media doesn't call elections.
lol. what a completely brainwashed retard. grow up.
I have to admit......
The left has worked relentlessly for nearly a century to get to this point.
Great job of perverting a Christian nation. heck, you even blurred the lines of gender!
Crushed the Constitution and successfully demonized politicians who are pro American.

Who is to blame? The Tyrants or the Sheeple for doing nothing?
What does this post have to do with Trump lying about there being evidence of fraud and making false claims that the Dems stole the election?
Well if there's no evidence, then it should be no problem whatsoever turning all the Dominion tabulators over to a third party for a little audit....Right?
Yes it is no problem to investigate these things. It is a problem to hold up the transition and to call the election a fraud without any evidence of this happening
A lot of Americans saw irregularities play out on election coverage. Something doesn't seem right.

Pre-election poll numbers were WAY the fuck off. Ridiculous.

Shouldn't we let these audits play out to restore or bolster people's confidence in the system?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure. The transition team can wait until the election is certified.
I’ve said half a dozen times that there is nothing wrong with recounts, audits, and even lawsuits to investigate fraud. That’s how we make our system better. What I’m saying is there is not evidence to swing the election, something showing widespread fraud, is not there. Clinton did recounts and lawsuits after the 2016 election. The right wing railed her for it. But she also conceded, asked her supporters to welcome and support Trump. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and others did the same thing. Trump started his transition. That’s how adults act. Trump has poopy diapers and you all are running around making excuses for him. It’s pathetic
Good. Fine.

Let us all see for ourselves.
No shit. We will see. We know what we are going to see. This little tantrum that you all are throwing right now denying the legitimacy of the election couldn’t be any more unAmerican. You thought the Dems were bad with Resist?? It’s appears you’ve stepped that up with “Deny” way to go!

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