Trump Can Fund Wall Without Congressional Approval

Where in our Constitution does it say a President can’t fund a wall.

I know you can’t do I realize you will not respond, that is your MO.

Why is our wall a concern for you?

Article 1 which says all spending appropriations must originate in the House.

Course Obama ignored this with Obamacare but I’d like to think conservatives care more about liberty than communists
Originate in the House...goes to Senate...President signs it...Departments spend it. Send Homeland Security $$$, Drug seizure $$$, and as Commander in Chief the Army Corps of Engineers. Trump would not have signed it if he didn’t already know he could get the wall built. He is shrewd. :badgrin:

Mexico is going to send that check anyday now...right? LOL
Progressive socialists got working class people to send massive numbers of checks in the Obamacare fiasco. Never forget. But you did. Reid will be with McCain soon.

It's already been block for taxpayers to contribute directly to the build the wall fund so where are you going to get those massive checks from?

Trump is screwing himself out of that 1.3 billion that would normally be included in any bill for border security that would automatically be included in any appropriation bill. In 3 weeks, that is all that will be offered because that is all, by law, they are required to offer by law. That is the amount he was given for fiscal year 2017 and 2018. Both Obama and Bush, Jr. used that sum to build an average of 70 new miles of Wall/Security Fence per year while they were in office. Trump built ZERO inches of new wall increases in the 2 years he has been in office. He isn't in need of 5.7 billion dollars for new construction, he's in bad need of an audit.
President Trump is near alone in his agendas. The hate for him is so venomous that even the corrupted men and women in that city do not care anymore about screwing over the taxpayer. Bad decisions from decades before cause issues as time moves on. We were warned about succeeding generations being less prosperous and now it is here. We are warned about losing our competitive edge and are losing it. And within a couple of decades the Far East will be the leading region of the world. Its easier to be uncivil and violent then to be educated and live with rules for the common good. Maybe he should stop the influx of dangerous people and gangs completely since that is what you want. Watching beat downs and murder is entertaining in this modern age.
Ahhhh so Chinese man. You-ah say da Far East rule world someday. For now you stick to buffet restaurant and shut fuck up.
If you can find a way that’s constitutional be my guest.

If he tries to circumvent the constitution I will oppose him.

I’d rather have the constitution with no wall than a wall with no constitution
He is not circumventing the Constitution. Show me where the Constitution says the Congress can tell him exactly how the $$$ will be spent.
If you can find a way that’s constitutional be my guest.

If he tries to circumvent the constitution I will oppose him.

I’d rather have the constitution with no wall than a wall with no constitution
He is not circumventing the Constitution. Show me where the Constitution says the Congress can tell him exactly how the $$$ will be spent.

Congressional bills that are signed into laws are hemmed in by the texts of the bills that become law.
For example, if you pass a bill funding NASA, that money is earmarked for NASA. Those who voted for the bill in Congress voted to fund NASA, not a border wall. This wouldn't be mentioned in the Constitution.

By extension, if Congress declared war on Italy, it does not authorize war to be made on Botswana at the whim of the Commander in Chief.

It may be time that you learned that there are rules in our government and the blob merely saying something does not carry the weight you think it does.
Department heads just have to be creative with spending. Homeland Security, border is terrorism threat = mo money....Department of Defense, training exercise on how fast Army Corps of Engineers can build a defensive position = mo money...Department of Interior, illegals coming across pollute border with trash and plastics = mo money...Department of HHH...illegals bringing tuberculosis into our nation = mo money. You idiots don’t understand there is a million ways to play this game and Trump wouldn’t have agreed to end shut down unless he had already won.
If you can find a way that’s constitutional be my guest.

If he tries to circumvent the constitution I will oppose him.

I’d rather have the constitution with no wall than a wall with no constitution
He is not circumventing the Constitution. Show me where the Constitution says the Congress can tell him exactly how the $$$ will be spent.

Congressional bills that are signed into laws are hemmed in by the texts of the bills that become law.
For example, if you pass a bill funding NASA, that money is earmarked for NASA. Those who voted for the bill in Congress voted to fund NASA, not a border wall. This wouldn't be mentioned in the Constitution.

By extension, if Congress declared war on Italy, it does not authorize war to be made on Botswana at the whim of the Commander in Chief.

It may be time that you learned that there are rules in our government and the blob merely saying something does not carry the weight you think it does.
Again...there is much latitude on how money will be spent. These are not line item categorical grants. Trump will win this game. Watch. :auiqs.jpg:
You fucking anti Trump dolts need to realize that for years the federal government played games with the budget.
Hammer = “vertical impact device”.
Ketchup packets = “Packaged vegetables”
Milk = ( and this is no shit ) classified as an “oil”

President has more games than Milton Bradley that he can play. He wouldn’t have signed a TSM unless he had already won the game. You people will never learn :auiqs.jpg:
If you can find a way that’s constitutional be my guest.

If he tries to circumvent the constitution I will oppose him.

I’d rather have the constitution with no wall than a wall with no constitution
He is not circumventing the Constitution. Show me where the Constitution says the Congress can tell him exactly how the $$$ will be spent.

Congressional bills that are signed into laws are hemmed in by the texts of the bills that become law.
For example, if you pass a bill funding NASA, that money is earmarked for NASA. Those who voted for the bill in Congress voted to fund NASA, not a border wall. This wouldn't be mentioned in the Constitution.

By extension, if Congress declared war on Italy, it does not authorize war to be made on Botswana at the whim of the Commander in Chief.

It may be time that you learned that there are rules in our government and the blob merely saying something does not carry the weight you think it does.
He needed 35 day’s for his people to show him all his spending options. He simply ran out the clock on Democrats in the House. He’s a crafty devil. :dev3:
Department heads just have to be creative with spending. Homeland Security, border is terrorism threat = mo money....Department of Defense, training exercise on how fast Army Corps of Engineers can build a defensive position = mo money...Department of Interior, illegals coming across pollute border with trash and plastics = mo money...Department of HHH...illegals bringing tuberculosis into our nation = mo money. You idiots don’t understand there is a million ways to play this game and Trump wouldn’t have agreed to end shut down unless he had already won.
Not bringing just TB, now they have guys with flesh eating bacteria...
If you can find a way that’s constitutional be my guest.

If he tries to circumvent the constitution I will oppose him.

I’d rather have the constitution with no wall than a wall with no constitution
He is not circumventing the Constitution. Show me where the Constitution says the Congress can tell him exactly how the $$$ will be spent.

Congressional bills that are signed into laws are hemmed in by the texts of the bills that become law.
For example, if you pass a bill funding NASA, that money is earmarked for NASA. Those who voted for the bill in Congress voted to fund NASA, not a border wall. This wouldn't be mentioned in the Constitution.

By extension, if Congress declared war on Italy, it does not authorize war to be made on Botswana at the whim of the Commander in Chief.

It may be time that you learned that there are rules in our government and the blob merely saying something does not carry the weight you think it does.
Again...there is much latitude on how money will be spent. These are not line item categorical grants. Trump will win this game. Watch. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, okay. Define specifically what a win is.
If you can find a way that’s constitutional be my guest.

If he tries to circumvent the constitution I will oppose him.

I’d rather have the constitution with no wall than a wall with no constitution
He is not circumventing the Constitution. Show me where the Constitution says the Congress can tell him exactly how the $$$ will be spent.

Congressional bills that are signed into laws are hemmed in by the texts of the bills that become law.
For example, if you pass a bill funding NASA, that money is earmarked for NASA. Those who voted for the bill in Congress voted to fund NASA, not a border wall. This wouldn't be mentioned in the Constitution.

By extension, if Congress declared war on Italy, it does not authorize war to be made on Botswana at the whim of the Commander in Chief.

It may be time that you learned that there are rules in our government and the blob merely saying something does not carry the weight you think it does.
He needed 35 day’s for his people to show him all his spending options. He simply ran out the clock on Democrats in the House. He’s a crafty devil. :dev3:

That may be the dumbest thing you’ve ever written and that covers a lot of ground

Then why the hell did he shut down the government for 35 days?

He was trying to give Nancy and Chuck a chance to prove they supported border security. They failed miserably.
I can hear his speech to the nation right now: “ Congressional Democrats were given 35 day’s to show they support border security and security for the American people.So that is why, because I took an oath to defend this nation, I am forced to declare a state of emergency...”
If you can find a way that’s constitutional be my guest.

If he tries to circumvent the constitution I will oppose him.

I’d rather have the constitution with no wall than a wall with no constitution
He is not circumventing the Constitution. Show me where the Constitution says the Congress can tell him exactly how the $$$ will be spent.

Congressional bills that are signed into laws are hemmed in by the texts of the bills that become law.
For example, if you pass a bill funding NASA, that money is earmarked for NASA. Those who voted for the bill in Congress voted to fund NASA, not a border wall. This wouldn't be mentioned in the Constitution.

By extension, if Congress declared war on Italy, it does not authorize war to be made on Botswana at the whim of the Commander in Chief.

It may be time that you learned that there are rules in our government and the blob merely saying something does not carry the weight you think it does.
Again...there is much latitude on how money will be spent. These are not line item categorical grants. Trump will win this game. Watch. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, okay. Define specifically what a win is.
When the border wall is complete.
If you can find a way that’s constitutional be my guest.

If he tries to circumvent the constitution I will oppose him.

I’d rather have the constitution with no wall than a wall with no constitution
He is not circumventing the Constitution. Show me where the Constitution says the Congress can tell him exactly how the $$$ will be spent.

Congressional bills that are signed into laws are hemmed in by the texts of the bills that become law.
For example, if you pass a bill funding NASA, that money is earmarked for NASA. Those who voted for the bill in Congress voted to fund NASA, not a border wall. This wouldn't be mentioned in the Constitution.

By extension, if Congress declared war on Italy, it does not authorize war to be made on Botswana at the whim of the Commander in Chief.

It may be time that you learned that there are rules in our government and the blob merely saying something does not carry the weight you think it does.
He needed 35 day’s for his people to show him all his spending options. He simply ran out the clock on Democrats in the House. He’s a crafty devil. :dev3:

That may be the dumbest thing you’ve ever written and that covers a lot of ground
Reality check. Washington DC politics.
His poll numbers were plummeting. His FBI director was decrying the dysfunction. The nation’s air travel was in chaos. Federal workers were lining up at food banks. Economic growth was at risk of flatlining, and even some Republican senators were in open revolt.

Thats why he caved!

Elected as a self-proclaimed master dealmaker and business wizard who would bend Washington to his will and stand firm on his campaign promises — chief among them the wall — Trump risks being exposed as ineffective

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