Trump Can Fund Wall Without Congressional Approval

Did it violate the Constitution when Obama sent $1.4 billion to Iran?

Then I guess Trump can have $$$ for the wall huh?

Possibly, but only from uncommitted defense dollars and only if he declares a national emergency. Those other budget gimmicks listed in the OP have never been tested by the courts. Selling debt? That is some pretty serious stuff.
He needed 35 day’s for his people to show him all his spending options. He simply ran out the clock on Democrats in the House. He’s a crafty devil. :dev3:

That may be the dumbest thing you’ve ever written and that covers a lot of ground
Reality check. Washington DC politics.

Other presidents have had shutdowns and didn’t need anywhere near 35 days to understand the options. Trump must be as dumb as you are

Funny and I agree. Thanks.
Let me shoot you both down. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany declared war on us 4 day’s after Japs bombed Pearl Harbor. You people are dimwits. Trump has the authority and power to build the wall. Nancy Fucking Pelosi doesn’t run this country.

Maybe you ought to read Art. II in COTUS.
Reality check. Washington DC politics.

Other presidents have had shutdowns and didn’t need anywhere near 35 days to understand the options. Trump must be as dumb as you are

Funny and I agree. Thanks.
Let me shoot you both down. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany declared war on us 4 day’s after Japs bombed Pearl Harbor. You people are dimwits. Trump has the authority and power to build the wall. Nancy Fucking Pelosi doesn’t run this country.


When a parliamentarian casts a vote for a bill to fund program X, she is voting to fund program/department X. She isn’t voting to fund whatever the executive deems necessary.

You simply don’t know what you’re talking about.

As for emergency powers, it’s a murky subject. He may be able to take DoD funds and build the wall out of the body armor for troops allocation or the food for the troops or take their pay raises from them. He cannot take money from the EPA (if there is any) and use it for a border wall.
Even the use of DoD funding would incur a court battle however.

It is good seeing you come unglued though. Women have really messed you around, haven’t they pee wee?
Your an idiot. These are not line item expenditures and that bug eyed bitch don’t run our country. Just a disgraceful district in San Francisco.

Its "you're" not "your" fuck face.

The vote to fund the Department of Agriculture was to fund the department of Agriculture, not the Executive Branch at large.

That Nancy is ruining your life is hilarious. You should summon some of your manhood (and a microscope so someone could see it) and act like one.

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