Trump cannot make the Russian investigation go away


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Trump believes he can make the Russian investigation go away.

By firing Comey yesterday, he did the one push that moves the whole event closer to a special prosecutor.

He's angry, he's mad, and he's unaware of how Americans view him: a growing danger.

How his party reacts to all of this may well make Pelosi Speaker of the House next year.
The same people who watched like a hawk making sure that the GOP didn't cheat during the Cruz/ Trump election, are now watching this Russian investigation like a hawk..

The GOP seem to forget that they hated Trump and tried their best to change the results, even Fox news hated him..

It was the independents, and many democrats who kept him in the race...

The same thing that helped Trump, may just bring him down.. He is a lying scumbag who pissed off a lot of people... it is so obvious what he and his cronies are doing.
Trump believes he can make the Russian investigation go away.

By firing Comey yesterday, he did the one push that moves the whole event closer to a special prosecutor.

He's angry, he's mad, and he's unaware of how Americans view him: a growing danger.

How his party reacts to all of this may well make Pelosi Speaker of the House next year.

Kind of hard to make something go away when there is "no there..there"!

And I'm not saying it! Here is what Obama said:
Obama echoed those sentiments Tuesday, saying there's "no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections."
Obama: Trump's rigged election claim 'whining before the games even over' -

There's Just One Problem With Those Russia Collusion Charges: No Evidence
There's Just One Problem With Those Russia Collusion Charges: No Evidence
Hey I think you are right! Special prosecutor to :
Investigate this as well!

Hillary Clinton signed non-disclosure agreement to protect classified info while secretary of state
But because Hillary and her people were so dumb this is why there were emails on Abedin's computer!

Because Clinton preferred to read documents on paper rather than on a screen, emails and other files were often printed out and provided to her either at her office or home, where they were delivered in a diplomatic pouch by a security agent.
Abedin informed the FBI in April that, like many State Department officials, she found the government network technology cumbersome, and she had great trouble printing documents there, investigative records show. As a result, she sometimes transferred emails from her unclassified State Department account to either her Yahoo account or her account on Clinton’s server, and printed the emails from there. A person close to the case said she does not appear to have ever forwarded emails to her Gmail account for printing.

Abedin would use this procedure for printing documents when she received emails she believed Clinton needed to see and when the secretary forwarded emails to her for printing. Abedin told the FBI she would often print these emails without reading them. Abedin printed a large number of emails this way, in part because, investigative records show, other staff members considered her Clinton’s “gatekeeper” and often sent Abedin electronic communications they wanted the secretary to see. The evening of Comey’s announcement, a government official told Newsweek that this procedure for printing documents appeared to be how the emails ended up on the laptop shared by Abedin and her husband
Duplicates, personal emails: Here's what the FBI found on Anthony Weiner's laptop
Trump believes he can make the Russian investigation go away.

By firing Comey yesterday, he did the one push that moves the whole event closer to a special prosecutor.

He's angry, he's mad, and he's unaware of how Americans view him: a growing danger.

How his party reacts to all of this may well make Pelosi Speaker of the House next year.

Not like he is trying.
Somehow the democrats have managed to make what the DNC leaks exposed go away by distracting people with this whole Russian collusion bullshit.

A conspiracy without a shred of evidence.

stop trying to distract by blaming the Russians for exposing what the DNC and Crooked Hillary were doing.

You lost the election because of Crooked Hillary and the DNC, not because the Russians purportedly exposed what they were doing.
Trump believes he can make the Russian investigation go away.

By firing Comey yesterday, he did the one push that moves the whole event closer to a special prosecutor.

He's angry, he's mad, and he's unaware of how Americans view him: a growing danger.

How his party reacts to all of this may well make Pelosi Speaker of the House next year.

Actually, only you feel that he is a growing danger. After all, America being made great again is your greatest fear.

Rest are very pleased as Trump wins for the people, and makes America great again.

The investigation never contributed to anything but pure DNC porn and also acted as a way to cover up how Hillary sacrificed the America uranium to Russia. The chem-trail theory is more credible than the allegations.
The same people who watched like a hawk making sure that the GOP didn't cheat during the Cruz/ Trump election, are now watching this Russian investigation like a hawk..

The GOP seem to forget that they hated Trump and tried their best to change the results, even Fox news hated him..

It was the independents, and many democrats who kept him in the race...

The same thing that helped Trump, may just bring him down.. He is a lying scumbag who pissed off a lot of people... it is so obvious what he and his cronies are doing.

Comey had been covering for his own self interests and power. Comey was the corrupt one.
Trump believes he can make the Russian investigation go away.

By firing Comey yesterday, he did the one push that moves the whole event closer to a special prosecutor.

He's angry, he's mad, and he's unaware of how Americans view him: a growing danger.

How his party reacts to all of this may well make Pelosi Speaker of the House next year.

By firing Comey there will likely be no more cover up for the Hussein goon squad and their spy ring.

It's already been established that Flynn never broke any laws when speaking with the Russian Ambassador. Dems got nothing and the lid can finally be blown off the Hussein hacks and their abuse of FISA wiretaps, and the illegal unmasking of Flynn.
If there is a story on O or C, fine, if the story on Trump comes fully out and he goes fully out of office.

The trumpertootians are shaking in their boots.
The Russian thing is just false alt lefty news.
Obviously not since Trump just fired the guy leading the investigation against him.

So who is lying? Comey who according to Trump informed Trump 3 times he is not under investigation or Trump who wrote the below?
Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 11.47.41 AM.png
At least one other Kremlin leader has suggested he successfully influenced a U.S. election.
That happened at the height of the Cold War, in 1961, when Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev met the then-recently elected John F. Kennedy in Vienna.

According to Khrushchev's memoirs, he told the U.S. president: "You know, Mr. Kennedy, we voted for you." The comment (which was also published in a slightly different wording in a later version of the memoirs) was described as a joke. But beneath that humor lay a serious point.
Analysis | This Kremlin leader bragged about tipping a U.S. presidential election
So once again the MSM making up FALSE stories!

headline Washington Post..

Comey sought more resources for Russia probe days before he was fired by President Trump, officials say

So who do we believe???

Comey sought more resources for Russia probe days before he was fired by President Trump, officials say

Last week, then-FBI Director James B. Comey requested more resources from the Justice Department for his bureau’s investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, according to two officials with knowledge of the discussion.

Comey, who was fired by President Trump on Tuesday, made the request in a meeting last week with Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, and Senate Intelligence Committee members were briefed on the request Monday, the officials said.

YET we read this in the same article BUT does the headline say this???

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said reports that Comey had requested more funding for the Russia investigation are "totally false." Such a request, she said, "did not happen."

Why do we believe the Washington Post or MSM??
He can't fire every single person involved in investigating all the lies from him and his insiders. How long before he decides he can do the same as Pooting and jut start killing them?

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The Russian thing is just false alt lefty news.
Obviously not since Trump just fired the guy leading the investigation against him.

So who is lying? Comey who according to Trump informed Trump 3 times he is not under investigation or Trump who wrote the below?
View attachment 125941
Seems Trump is lying. I myself have seen Comey state that folks connected to Trump's campaign are under investigation.

Firing the guy investigating him is quite Nixonian. And it didn't turn out too well for Nixon.

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