trump can't get anyone to post his bond

They can only liquidate his assets in New York, you fucking dingbat.

#1 The Trump Organization (who really holds title to MAL) is a New York company.

#2 IIRC, 48 of 50 states have adopted laws commonly referred to as Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Acts. Don't let the work "foreign" confuse you, that term means "outside the state or county". For example here is Florida's law:


You can review the rest of the FL code on judgement at the 2nd link below. But the short version is that debtors holding monitary judgements from out of state, file the judgement with the appropriate Florida court and then the Florida court enforces the judgement.

You didn't give a reason, dingbat.
The assets form, is certified by an Accounting firm, to be true. That's why the banks and financial lenders require them, and use them.

And why did Trump give false and fraudulent information to the Accounting firm who filled out the forms for assets? What was beneficial for Trump to commit fraud, if he got nothing out of it?

Whether this financial arm of Deutsche bank with this inside lady friend of Trump's, did their own due diligence or not, is not and has never been the issue.
Because the required Form is certified by an accounting firm, and FRAUD is a felony....

You miss the part where they don't take His word for it and sign off on it, then they conduct their own evaluation. If they took His word for it and signed off on it, they'd be participating in a fraud also.

why would trump lie on the asset form increasing his assets if it did not matter? Or help him, huh?

A lie or was it an unconfirmed estimate?

When Deutsche Bank loaned Donald Trump‘s company hundreds of millions of dollars, the bank always followed its own guidelines that include checking out information that would-be borrowers provide, an executive testified Tuesday at the former president’s civil fraud trial.
But, testifying for the defense, managing director David Williams said the bankers viewed clients’ reports of their net worth as “subjective or subject to estimates” and took its own view of such financial statements.

“I think we expect clients-provided information to be accurate. At the same time, it’s not an industry standard that these statements be audited. They’re largely reliant on the use of estimates,” Williams said, so bankers routinely “make some adjustments.”

They rely on the mandatory certified form declaring property asset value, by a licensed, certified accounting firm of the client....along with an appraisal, one would presume??

why would trump lie on the asset form increasing his assets if it did not matter? Or help him, huh?
No they do their own due diligence they have their own people that know the value of property.
Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

Where is Putin when Trump needs a few pesos err, rubles ?
How cool would this be? Hearing the building Trump has his penthouse suite in referred to as the building formerly known as Trump Tower.
There was a LOT of stuff linking Russia and the Trump campaign directly: Junior's Trump Tower meeting being one of dozens of such links, but insufficient direct evidence of a conspiracy or coordination between the Campaign and the Russians, other than Roger Stone, who lied to Congress and the FBI when questioned.

Then you have Paul Manafort pleading guilty to handing GOP voter data over over to a Russian spy.

If Trump had the first clue on "how things are done", he wouldn't have been arrested for fraud.

Donald Trump is always saying he knows better than anybody else. Yeah, that's why his companies went bankrupt 7 times. That's why no one will lend money to him. That's why everything he does creates chaos and destruction..

Trump is manipulating the MAGA voters. He wants them to pay his fines. Listen to him.

Under the law, people facing large cash fines “may bond large judgments by dividing the bond amount among multiple” insurers, essentially spreading around the risk, Fan wrote.

Still, pursuing a multiple bond strategy would not solve Trump’s basic problem.

These companies are “also going to have the same collateral requirements,” said JD Weisbrot, president and chief underwriting officer at JW Surety Bonds.

Collateral, he said, which is “simply not available.”

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