trump can't get anyone to post his bond


  • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
  • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
  • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016

  • Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”[1]
  • Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that “favored” candidate Trump[2] and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.[3]
  • Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining access to information for millions of registered voters.[4]
All your horsecrap and nothing directly linking the Trump administration to criminal activity with Russia.

No proof of Russian collusion.
That doesn't matter.
Plenty of evidence Russia assisted Trump in the campaign.
From your article link:

. "The Special Counsel states that 'while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.'"
That doesn't matter.
Plenty of evidence Russia assisted Trump in the campaign.
From your article link:

. "The Special Counsel states that 'while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.'"
There was no Russian collusion. Suck on it.
He did. California gave Hillary 4 million more votes than Trump which means Trump actually won the popular vote outside of California. See, I have paid attention to the facts. Hillary was incredibly unpopular outside of California,

She lost Pennsylvania because she smoozed with donors in California as opposed to putting in the work in Pennsylvania.

Sanders beat her in both Michigan and Wisconsin which should have been a huge warning flag to her but she just couldn't be bothered because she believed she had it wrapped up. Understandably so in a way because the alternative was Trump but then the people said "no".

And the voting numbers has nothing to do with Russia.

Trump pretending he didn't lose is just the same as the Democrats pretending they didn't lose to Trump.

I didn't say that Hillary Clinton ran a great campaign and made no mistakes, but you're dead wrong when you say that Hillary only won the popular vote in California. Hillary won the popular vote in a total of 13 states, including Trump's home state of New York.

It's impossible to gauge how many more people would have come out and voted if not for the concerted efforts of the Russian propaganda campaign and the lack of any sort of moderation by FaceBook or Twitter in regard to bots, fake posts, or fake posters. There are just as many dumb Democrats as Republicans and those people received phone calls saying "You don't have to vote for Hillary. Let the women elect her.".

The insinuations that she suffered from Parkinson's Disease, had multiple strokes, all came from Russian troll farms and Trump's allegations that since she used a private server, she was "careless" with classified documents, made her "unfit to hold office".

But most damaging were the hacked DNC emails, released through WikiLeaks. Roger Stone co-ordinated all of it, through the GRU, and Julian Assange. That's why Roger was posting about Podesta's emails 2 hours before WikiLeaks posted them online.

Trump's campaigns against Biden
If Hillary had pulled what Trump did with Russia in 2016 you would certainly be singing a different tune about it.
LOL......who do you think paid for and started the pee pee/collusion crap?

Legalese for we have no direct evidence.

No it's not. But nice try at weaselling out of it.

Mueller explained that he could have exonerated Trump if he had found no evidence that Trump had committed no crimes, but the DOJ policy of not charging a sitting President precluded him from charging him. So no, Mueller could not and did not recommend charges, but he did lay out 5 instances where Trump clearly obstructed justice, and a path to impeach Trump for such obstruction.
Who told you that bullshit???? Donald Trump????? What do you think they were doing in Egeron's courtroom for all those weeks? Playing patty cake????

Go ahead, Clarence Darrow. Tell us all about it.
As a matter of fact when Trump tried to tell the judge how things were done the judge told him to shut up he wasn't their to explain anything
No it's not. But nice try at weaselling out of it.

Mueller explained that he could have exonerated Trump if he had found no evidence that Trump had committed no crimes, but the DOJ policy of not charging a sitting President precluded him from charging him. So no, Mueller could not and did not recommend charges, but he did lay out 5 instances where Trump clearly obstructed justice, and a path to impeach Trump for such obstruction.
Mueller also said their was no Trump Russian collusion
As a matter of fact when Trump tried to tell the judge how things were done the judge told him to shut up he wasn't their to explain anything

If Trump wanted to testify about his estimates were made, he should have done so during the investigative phase of the trial.
Once Trump said nothing and the judge ruled that fraud had been committed, it was not time to reopen that part of the case
No it's not. But nice try at weaselling out of it.

Mueller explained that he could have exonerated Trump if he had found no evidence that Trump had committed no crimes, but the DOJ policy of not charging a sitting President precluded him from charging him. So no, Mueller could not and did not recommend charges, but he did lay out 5 instances where Trump clearly obstructed justice, and a path to impeach Trump for such obstruction.
Not true.

Mueller testimony - July 25, 2019

Based on Justice Department policy and principles of fairness, we decided we would not make a decision as to whether the president committed a crime. That was our decision then and it remains our decision today.

I think it was AG Barr who said it was highly debatable as to whether or not what was being referred to as obstruction, rose to a level of prosecution.
Assessors/Appraisers can tell you the market value without specifics.... This home, this size, sitting in this neighborhood is worth X, they can do that....

But the reason banks require the client seeking a loan to have a certified accounting firm, certify the values of property assets, is to tell the bank the details behind each property that the bank assessor may not have easy access to... Like all the different deed restrictions and other deals made with the County.... ie. Like the fact that Trump agreed to make Mara Lago a historic land mark, a resort hotel, that can not be changed or enlarged, or can never again be sold as a single family property home, reducing its market value...

The form is required by banks and financial lenders, for the nitty gritty details that owners know, that are affecting asset values is my understanding....
Let's see how does a bank know the value of property that is being put up as collateral?
If Trump wanted to testify about his estimates were made, he should have done so during the investigative phase of the trial.
Once Trump said nothing and the judge ruled that fraud had been committed, it was not time to reopen that part of the case
He wasn't allowed to speak in court. He wasn't allowed to give his side of what happened. The banks witness was also disregarded by the judge
I didn't say that Hillary Clinton ran a great campaign and made no mistakes, but you're dead wrong when you say that Hillary only won the popular vote in California.

I didn't say that, you know that I didn't say that and when one does as you just did nothing else you say is worth replying to.
All your horsecrap and nothing directly linking the Trump administration to criminal activity with Russia.

There was a LOT of stuff linking Russia and the Trump campaign directly: Junior's Trump Tower meeting being one of dozens of such links, but insufficient direct evidence of a conspiracy or coordination between the Campaign and the Russians, other than Roger Stone, who lied to Congress and the FBI when questioned.

Then you have Paul Manafort pleading guilty to handing GOP voter data over over to a Russian spy.
I didn't say that, you know that I didn't say that and when one does as you just did nothing else you say is worth replying to.

You DID say that. You said that she won by 5 million votes in California, but lost everywhere else. But thanks for moving the goal posts once your whole post is discredited.
Not true.

Mueller testimony - July 25, 2019

Based on Justice Department policy and principles of fairness, we decided we would not make a decision as to whether the president committed a crime. That was our decision then and it remains our decision today.

I think it was AG Barr who said it was highly debatable as to whether or not what was being referred to as obstruction, rose to a level of prosecution.

AG Barr lied through his teeth to mischaracterize what Mueller was saying, and Mueller himself completely refuted Barr's "Summary" of his findings calling them misleading and false.


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