trump can't get anyone to post his bond

Does anyone here believe there is a house, anywhere, that is worth 400 million, or a tiny New York apartment? No, me neither, but they sell for that every day of the week.

Do you think that a pair of red slippers worn in the movie the Wizard of Oz are worth one million dollars? They were insured for that, when they were stolen.

How about art, paint on a canvas is valued at millions of dollars? How can that be? Or is it valued by the person who painted it, and the age of the painting?

Most celebrity homes are valued at outrageous prices because of who build or owned them. And, that is the case with Mar-A-Lago. Trump was famous before he became president.... and now he is even more famous, the estate would sell based on those facts.

Again, Trump claimed his apt was 30,000 sq feet when it is 11,000 sq feet. Property in N.Y. is valued on square feet.
Does anyone here believe there is a house, anywhere, that is worth 400 million, or a tiny New York apartment? No, me neither, but they sell for that every day of the week.

Do you think that a pair of red slippers worn in the movie the Wizard of Oz are worth one million dollars? They were insured for that, when they were stolen.

How about art, paint on a canvas is valued at millions of dollars? How can that be? Or is it valued by the person who painted it, and the age of the painting?

Most celebrity homes are valued at outrageous prices because of who build or owned them. And, that is the case with Mar-A-Lago. Trump was famous before he became president.... and now he is even more famous, the estate would sell based on those facts.

Here are the facts. The property was left to the federal government as a "Summer White House", but the property is too expensive to maintain, and needs a LOT of work to maintain it. It sat on the market for years until Trump bought it for $7 million. And while he did repair the property after he bought it and then tried to re-sell it with no takers at all.
That "historical property" designation is a real deal killer for the super wealthy. Would you spend millions of dollars on a property you can't tear down, renovate, or update? I've seen property owners who were refused permission to paint the walls a colour which was "inappropriate" to the style or time. It all depends on how batshit crazy the local "Hysterical Society" is, and who's in charge. While you can fight them, billionaires don't want to go hat in hand to a committee of old farts, every time he wants to paint the kitchen. Who wants the aggravation?

Trump tried using Mar-a-lago for a summer place, but the house is old and needs a LOT of expensive upkeep, so he tried to develop it, into a golf resort and met with all kinds of resistance from the locals. Trump's record of failure and bankruptcy being secondary to their fear Trump wouold build a lot of cheap-ass condos on the property and wreck their quiet, peaceful, wealthy neighbourhood.

So they allowed him to rezone the property to accommodate his desire for a golf/beach club, but there is a zoning restriction on any further construction or re-development of the land, and it's use cannot be changed from a golf/beach resort.

The building restrictions and historical designation trump any value the property might have had in comparison to other neighbouring properties which are free of any such restrictions. The Trump name is of no value, and if anything, are now a drag on the value of the property. As with all Trump businesses, Mar-a-lago the resort, is losing money - bigly.

Trump has basically traded away everything that gave the property any large monetary value in order to get permission to convert the property from a private residence to a money losing commercial property. Such a smart businessman is Trump.

This is why Trump's businesses have gone bankrupt 7 times. Donnie just keeps making one dumb decision after another.
I have. It doesn't say much of anything. The Democrats lost because they decided to run the most unpopular candidate in the country.

If that's what you think, then you didn't read either the Mueller Report or the election results of every federal election since 2016. Trump received 3 million fewer votes than Clinton. TRUMP was and is the most unpopular candidate in the HISTORY of the USA, losing one election after another, and then pretending he didn't lose.

Trump is losing a large swath of REPUBLICAN voters this time. They're tired of his extremism, the lying, and the losing.
Trump won for one reason. Hillary.

Democrats are very close to making that same mistake again.
In 2020 trump lost just 5% of the Republican vote and it cost him the election.
This time around polling is showing that a whopping 30% of Republican voters will not vote for Trump. Just getting the radical MAGAt vote is not going to be enough.
Trump alienates moderate Republicans.
That is why Nikki Haley keeps getting so much of the votes in these primaries.
Even though she is still loosing them she is still getting anywhere from 30%-40% of the vote in each one.
What that says is that if Trump is the nominee he is going to lose to Biden again.
If that's what you think, then you didn't read either the Mueller Report or the election results of every federal election since 2016. Trump received 3 million fewer votes than Clinton.

He did. California gave Hillary 4 million more votes than Trump which means Trump actually won the popular vote outside of California. See, I have paid attention to the facts. Hillary was incredibly unpopular outside of California,

She lost Pennsylvania because she smoozed with donors in California as opposed to putting in the work in Pennsylvania.

Sanders beat her in both Michigan and Wisconsin which should have been a huge warning flag to her but she just couldn't be bothered because she believed she had it wrapped up. Understandably so in a way because the alternative was Trump but then the people said "no".

And the voting numbers has nothing to do with Russia.

TRUMP was and is the most unpopular candidate in the HISTORY of the USA, losing one election after another, and then pretending he didn't lose.

Trump is losing a large swath of REPUBLICAN voters this time. They're tired of his extremism, the lying, and the losing.

Trump pretending he didn't lose is just the same as the Democrats pretending they didn't lose to Trump.
In 2020 trump lost just 5% of the Republican vote and it cost him the election.
This time around polling is showing that a whopping 30% of Republican voters will not vote for Trump. Just getting the radical MAGAt vote is not going to be enough.
Trump alienates moderate Republicans.
That is why Nikki Haley keeps getting so much of the votes in these primaries.
Even though she is still loosing them she is still getting anywhere from 30%-40% of the vote in each one.
What that says is that if Trump is the nominee he is going to lose to Biden again.

None of which has anything to do with what I said. I myself hope Trump and Biden both lose.
Hillary has never been indicted

Trump is losing a large swath of REPUBLICAN voters this time. They're tired of his extremism, the lying, and the losing.
Oh yeah, Bay Bee.

The day Donald Trump purchased Mar-A-Lago the price probably doubled.

I'm betting it would get more sightseers than Graceland, now that those classified documents were stored there. LOL People will pay good money to see that bathroom. LOL Sad, but true.

I think that one day Mar-A-Lago will be a tourist site and bring in "big bucks" for years to come.

And, if it's such a huge, money losing dump, why does the prosecutor want it so bad? if it's only to hurt Trump then she needs to be run out of Dodge too ~
The Mueller report didn't find any Russian interference. Try again.

  • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
  • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
  • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016

  • Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”[1]
  • Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that “favored” candidate Trump[2] and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.[3]
  • Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining access to information for millions of registered voters.[4]

  • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
  • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
  • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016

  • Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”[1]
  • Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that “favored” candidate Trump[2] and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.[3]
  • Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining access to information for millions of registered voters.[4]

No proof of Russian collusion.

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