trump can't get anyone to post his bond

There is no such thing as a "universal Bill of Attainder", a Bill of Attainder are legislative attempts to punish someone for a crime WITHOUT going through a court of law.

There is now. No crime or tort was ever charged. Trump was found guilty by decree and punished without due process.

That's what Bills of Attainder do. The law doesn't have to name Trump by name to be a Bill of Attainder- if it's applied that way, that's what it is. Labels don't mean shit. Actions are what matter.

I would like to see Trump bring suit in Federal court for the malicious prosecution and violations of his Constitutional rights- I think that would be the fastest path to the SCOTUS, where this abomination will be struck down in most likely a unanimous decision.
We watch actual reality, not MAGAnews.
I'm one of the biggest Trump fans here and I had never heard of Qanon until you libs fell for another Pelosi false flag and brought it up here... there is no Qanon its a libtard myth....
There is now. No crime or tort was ever charged. Trump was found guilty by decree and punished without due process.

That's what Bills of Attainder do. The law doesn't have to name Trump by name to be a Bill of Attainder- if it's applied that way, that's what it is. Labels don't mean shit. Actions are what matter.

I would like to see Trump bring suit in Federal court for the malicious prosecution and violations of his Constitutional rights- I think that would be the fastest path to the SCOTUS, where this abomination will be struck down in most likely a unanimous decision.

Bill of attainder is forbidden in the US. Hasent it been made obsolete in the UK?
That's all your bullshit CONJECTURE and BASELESS CLAIMS!!!!
The banks TESTIFIED that they WANTED to do further business with Trump,
His "reputation" is NOT AT ALL as you PROJECT it is!
Yours is though........

Deutch bank was fined 186 million for months laundering.

Explain it.
Well, first there's your utter inability to understand that you've been lied to again and again. And that's bad enough on it's own. Not being able to admit when you've been had can be crippling.

Then let's look at your cognitive abilities. Take the current discussion for example. YOu wanna know how tRump could have gotten less votes, still won, and have been cheating at the same time. Are you pretending you've never heard of the electoral college?

I think not, because if I were to say "lets get rid of the electoral college" you would know exactly what I was talking about. I think the disconnect here is your reasoning ability (or lack thereof). They've kept you spouting talking points so long that that's now all you are capable of. YOu are no longer able to reason for yourself. YOu cannot even connect one talking point to the next.

That's why I believe you are not just pretending to be stupid, but actually are.

Not sure why you wanted it explained, but there ya go.
Well, first there's your utter inability to understand that you've been lied to again and again. And that's bad enough on it's own. Not being able to admit when you've been had can be crippling.

Then let's look at your cognitive abilities. Take the current discussion for example. YOu wanna know how tRump could have gotten less votes, still won, and have been cheating at the same time. Are you pretending you've never heard of the electoral college?

I think not, because if I were to say "lets get rid of the electoral college" you would know exactly what I was talking about. I think the disconnect here is your reasoning ability (or lack thereof). They've kept you spouting talking points so long that that's now all you are capable of. YOu are no longer able to reason for yourself. YOu cannot even connect one talking point to the next.

That's why I believe you are not just pretending to be stupid, but actually are.

Not sure why you wanted it explained, but there ya go.
You still haven't explained how Trump cheated.
You still haven't explained how Trump cheated.
Oh, is that what you were asking?

There a several reports on it all. The senate, the house, the muller report, documentaries from various news organizations, look at one of those. I ain't covering that ground again.
Oh, is that what you were asking?

There a several reports on it all. The senate, the house, the muller report, documentaries from various news organizations, look at one of those. I ain't covering that ground again.
So you lied....again.
Oh, is that what you were asking?

There a several reports on it all. The senate, the house, the muller report, documentaries from various news organizations, look at one of those. I ain't covering that ground again.
It's irrelevant. The law was created because the banks are corrupt also.

To say no one was harmed would be like going into court after getting charged with a DUI even though no one got hurt and arguing that.

So you didn't break the law by driving drunk? If you fire off your gun into a crowd but the bullet doesn't hit anyone that you means you're completely off the hook? What strange logic you cultists come up with.
There is now. No crime or tort was ever charged. Trump was found guilty by decree and punished without due process.

That's what Bills of Attainder do. The law doesn't have to name Trump by name to be a Bill of Attainder- if it's applied that way, that's what it is. Labels don't mean shit. Actions are what matter.

I would like to see Trump bring suit in Federal court for the malicious prosecution and violations of his Constitutional rights- I think that would be the fastest path to the SCOTUS, where this abomination will be struck down in most likely a unanimous decision.

Well your first paragraph is an outright lie. There was plenty of "due process", including a trial on 6 of the 7 charges. Trump filed no defence to the charges of fraud, and the evidence was overwhelming which is why summary judgement was awarded on that one charge.

Your second paragraph is utter bullshit. Trump was punished under the same set of laws used to punish others who commit bank or insurance fraud.

The notion that Trump is being judically harassed is laughable to anyone who has looked at his business career. Trump's 3000+ civil law suits is a record for any businessman. Donald Trump has elevated judicial harassment to an art form.

The convoluted excuses and conspiracy theories you True Believers concoct is what makes you so pathetic.
Except the inconvenient fact of
Established Presidential Immunity

What established "presidential immunity"? Trump is only immune when he is acting as President. He stole the classified documents AFTER he was President so there is no "Presidential immunity" on anything that happened after he left office.

Election integrity is NOT part of his job description, so don't even try to pretend he was trying to ensure the entegrity of the election. You may believe his bullshit and lies, but the rest of us aren't willing to cut the lifelong liar, rapist and criminal any further slack.
If Trump wins, you aren't going to harm yourself, are you?

Trump isn't going to win. I doubt Republicans will allow him to run. Your worst enemies are openly cheering for Trump to win. But 1/3 of Republicans have said they won't vote for him in the General.

And since Trump is threatening to a national abortion ban, and to repeal the Affordable Care Act, women positively will not vote for him ever again.
So you didn't break the law by driving drunk? If you fire off your gun into a crowd but the bullet doesn't hit anyone that you means you're completely off the hook? What strange logic you cultists come up with.

No idea what you are ranting about. I clearly noted BOTH are guilty.

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