Trump Cares About the Middle Class and Not the Rich... NOT!

Rosie---oracle at USMB-------does not know yet

Yeah could anyone be expected to know what this man is like? We've only got 50+ years of him being in the public eye to judge him by.

Reminds me of the idiots who kept saying how thrilled they were when he got all "presidential" for an hour or two before going back to his interminable and childish twitter fights.

But hey, he's not going to actually serve anyway. He twice said that he would turn over the country to Mike Sharia Law Pence while he's out "making the country great again".

My bet is that he will continue to make speeches to his adoring crowds while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. Oh and selling those tacky, machine signed caps to the suckers.

you don't know either------I do not believe, however, that pence is shariah prone-----Hillary is------nothing gonna happen to roe v wade
That's because I was. If you bother to do a necro thread search I was on Bernies side from the very beginning. I understand that the political class is at war with the middle class. Why don't you?

I just told you I voted for Bernie. I started this thread because Trump promised to cut taxes on the middle-class. He lied. He's now penalizing the most vulnerable part of the middle-class. The single parents.

You are paying attention to a MSM that has already been proven to have misstated (in other words dear child they lied) his position on the climate change agenda. Why you pay attention to them I have no idea but give yourself a break and wait till he's POTUS. I feel you are going to be greatly surprised.

First, I'm not your child. Secondly, this isn't from the mainstream media, this is straight from a nonpartisan tax organization. If you don't want to believe the article I posted fine. That's on you. But then read the post straight from the organizations web site for yourself. But you won't do that will you? Because you are blinded by Trump. Cool beans.

YES. The MSM, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the clinton crime family syndicate. The NEW YORK TIMES was caught LYING about the trumpsters climate change agenda. GROW THE FUCK UP...CHILD!

First off, this is a story from the AP reposted by Yahoo. Secondly... I just told you I wasn't your child. So what do you do? You call me a child again trolling me. I would expect more from a mod.
I wonder if the AP is still upset they got Hillary winning wrong....:lol:
Rosie---oracle at USMB-------does not know yet

Yeah could anyone be expected to know what this man is like? We've only got 50+ years of him being in the public eye to judge him by.

Reminds me of the idiots who kept saying how thrilled they were when he got all "presidential" for an hour or two before going back to his interminable and childish twitter fights.

But hey, he's not going to actually serve anyway. He twice said that he would turn over the country to Mike Sharia Law Pence while he's out "making the country great again".

My bet is that he will continue to make speeches to his adoring crowds while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. Oh and selling those tacky, machine signed caps to the suckers.

you don't know either------I do not believe, however, that pence is shariah prone-----Hillary is------nothing gonna happen to roe v wade
Abortion is's just a matter of time now until Trump packs the SCOTUS.......fuck you baby killers.....
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

who is "DA RICH" and who is "US". How do da RICH manage to "live off us"??? Is you rich? Is I rich? Is
Hillary rich?
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs and the Repubs now plan to clean us out.

Note to RWNJ traitors: they're called "entitlements" because they are paid for and Americans are ENTITLED to them.

I wrote a several paragraphs refuting all 3 points you posuted, but Dropped my mouse and it clicked "Cancel". So suffice it to say I won't do the whole thing again.

But I will say:

  1. "Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs...". Wrong. See New Deal, lock box, IOU.
  2. "they're called "entitlements" because they are paid...". Wrong. Most entitlements are borrowed for. See $14 trillion added to debt in 8 years, and "Unfunded Liabilities".
  3. "Americans are ENTITLED to them". Wrong. The only "Entitlements" that Americans have are those set forth in the Constitution and they are called "Rights" (Funny, they're not called "Lefts", hummmm), and all "CITIZENS" are "Entitled" to those rights.
Now you have 3 choices, Neddly Luddite, refute me with facts, make ad hominem attacks, or ignore my post. No matter which one you choose, I won't lose any sleep over it.

p.s. Your favorite acronym for a Republican or a Conservative (Yes, Dorothy, there is a difference) looks to be RWNJ. Well, I have one for you. LWLT
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs and the Repubs now plan to clean us out.

Note to RWNJ traitors: they're called "entitlements" because they are paid for and Americans are ENTITLED to them.

I wrote a several paragraphs refuting all 3 points you posuted, but Dropped my mouse and it clicked "Cancel". So suffice it to say I won't do the whole thing again.

But I will say:

  1. "Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs...". Wrong. See New Deal, lock box, IOU.
  2. "they're called "entitlements" because they are paid...". Wrong. Most entitlements are borrowed for. See $14 trillion added to debt in 8 years, and "Unfunded Liabilities".
  3. "Americans are ENTITLED to them". Wrong. The only "Entitlements" that Americans have are those set forth in the Constitution and they are called "Rights" (Funny, they're not called "Lefts", hummmm), and all "CITIZENS" are "Entitled" to those rights.
Now you have 3 choices, Neddly Luddite, refute me with facts, make ad hominem attacks, or ignore my post. No matter which one you choose, I won't lose any sleep over it.

p.s. Your favorite acronym for a Republican or a Conservative (Yes, Dorothy, there is a difference) looks to be RWNJ. Well, I have one for you. LWLT

I'm sorry, your mouse already refuted your post be erasing it the first time. :rofl:

Put down the popcorn butter fingers. :popcorn:
Waaahhhhhhhhh!! Still whining and moaning like a butt hurt little bitch. :biggrin:
See that's what's pathetic about you Trumpsters. When someone points out Trump's obvious bullshit, all you can do is deflect to this butthurt about the election. Grow a pair and address the topic at hand.
Taking from single parent families... that's what I would call a "Trump-low." Well after all, he's the one that pointed out how pregnant women are bad for business. Now he wants to punish them for having kids... kids that he doesn't want them to be allowed whether to have or not.

He's had quite a lot of experience stealing from people.

The liberal college system has been doing the same for years and get a lot more money. Thanks to people like yourself college kids need safe places.
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs and the Repubs now plan to clean us out.

Note to RWNJ traitors: they're called "entitlements" because they are paid for and Americans are ENTITLED to them. takers will struggle....

RWNJ traitors think that earning money makes you a "taker". That's why so many of them are on food stamps and other welfare.
Taking my money is not earning money, Dudley Luddite......

Is Neddly Luddite claiming that being on the dole as "earning" money?


l've heard of stupid, but man! That boy needs to get a hell of alot smarter to earn the title of "STUPID". DAMNED!
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Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs and the Repubs now plan to clean us out.

Note to RWNJ traitors: they're called "entitlements" because they are paid for and Americans are ENTITLED to them.

I wrote a several paragraphs refuting all 3 points you posuted, but Dropped my mouse and it clicked "Cancel". So suffice it to say I won't do the whole thing again.

But I will say:

  1. "Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs...". Wrong. See New Deal, lock box, IOU.
  2. "they're called "entitlements" because they are paid...". Wrong. Most entitlements are borrowed for. See $14 trillion added to debt in 8 years, and "Unfunded Liabilities".
  3. "Americans are ENTITLED to them". Wrong. The only "Entitlements" that Americans have are those set forth in the Constitution and they are called "Rights" (Funny, they're not called "Lefts", hummmm), and all "CITIZENS" are "Entitled" to those rights.
Now you have 3 choices, Neddly Luddite, refute me with facts, make ad hominem attacks, or ignore my post. No matter which one you choose, I won't lose any sleep over it.

p.s. Your favorite acronym for a Republican or a Conservative (Yes, Dorothy, there is a difference) looks to be RWNJ. Well, I have one for you. LWLT

I'm sorry, your mouse already refuted your post be erasing it the first time. :rofl:

Put down the popcorn butter fingers. :popcorn:

Well, I guess that is a come back. Not a good one to be sure, but a come back none the less. From this, all I can surmise (uh-oh, another big word) you forgot to buy a dictionary. Hint: erasing does not equal refute. What you did is a classic avoidance of the truth. A sign of a coward.

You, my good man, are a textbook example of the first line in my signture. LWLT fits you perfectly.
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs and the Repubs now plan to clean us out.

Note to RWNJ traitors: they're called "entitlements" because they are paid for and Americans are ENTITLED to them.

I wrote a several paragraphs refuting all 3 points you posuted, but Dropped my mouse and it clicked "Cancel". So suffice it to say I won't do the whole thing again.

But I will say:

  1. "Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs...". Wrong. See New Deal, lock box, IOU.
  2. "they're called "entitlements" because they are paid...". Wrong. Most entitlements are borrowed for. See $14 trillion added to debt in 8 years, and "Unfunded Liabilities".
  3. "Americans are ENTITLED to them". Wrong. The only "Entitlements" that Americans have are those set forth in the Constitution and they are called "Rights" (Funny, they're not called "Lefts", hummmm), and all "CITIZENS" are "Entitled" to those rights.
Now you have 3 choices, Neddly Luddite, refute me with facts, make ad hominem attacks, or ignore my post. No matter which one you choose, I won't lose any sleep over it.

p.s. Your favorite acronym for a Republican or a Conservative (Yes, Dorothy, there is a difference) looks to be RWNJ. Well, I have one for you. LWLT

I'm sorry, your mouse already refuted your post be erasing it the first time. :rofl:

Put down the popcorn butter fingers. :popcorn:

Well, I guess that is a come back. Not a good one to be sure, but a come back none the less. From this, all I can surmise (uh-oh, another big word) you forgot to buy a dictionary. Hint: erasing does not equal refute. What you did is a classic avoidance of the truth. A sign of a coward.

You, my good man, are a textbook example of the first line in my signture. LWLT fits you perfectly.

Hmmm I'm guessing you were one of those kids that was the butt of most jokes, because you have no sense of humor and instead you have jumped straight into attack mode. Of course in real life, this is something you would have said to the bullies under your breath as you were walking away.

But hey, if it helps you fall asleep at night. Go for it.
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
The evidence of Trump being a terrible president-elect is overwhelming but no con on here can admit it.

So you morons make shit up, or quote stuff other left wing nutters make up and then you can't understand that we don't believe it? You are too stupid for words.
Oh Christ. If you think this article is bullshit, then explain WHY.

Because he isn't even POTUS, and the plan isn't in place and it hasn't been fleshed out. This is nothing but fake news.

Now, I don't expect a nutter like you to accept those facts so you can rant all you want to. It just facing yes me to see how stupid you people are.
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
The evidence of Trump being a terrible president-elect is overwhelming but no con on here can admit it.

So you morons make shit up, or quote stuff other left wing nutters make up and then you can't understand that we don't believe it? You are too stupid for words.
Oh Christ. If you think this article is bullshit, then explain WHY.

Because he isn't even POTUS, and the plan isn't in place and it hasn't been fleshed out. This is nothing but fake news.

Now, I don't expect a nutter like you to accept those facts so you can rant all you want to. It just facing yes me to see how stupid you people are.
Oh really? It hasn't been fleshed out yet? What the fuck is he waiting for? I doubt you even know anything about this plan.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
The evidence of Trump being a terrible president-elect is overwhelming but no con on here can admit it.

So you morons make shit up, or quote stuff other left wing nutters make up and then you can't understand that we don't believe it? You are too stupid for words.
Oh Christ. If you think this article is bullshit, then explain WHY.

Because he isn't even POTUS, and the plan isn't in place and it hasn't been fleshed out. This is nothing but fake news.

Now, I don't expect a nutter like you to accept those facts so you can rant all you want to. It just facing yes me to see how stupid you people are.
Oh really? It hasn't been fleshed out yet? What the fuck is he waiting for? I doubt you even know anything about this plan.

Yeah well I can only provide you with information, I can't force you to think. You want to continue to be confused, I can't stop you.
The evidence of Trump being a terrible president-elect is overwhelming but no con on here can admit it.

So you morons make shit up, or quote stuff other left wing nutters make up and then you can't understand that we don't believe it? You are too stupid for words.
Oh Christ. If you think this article is bullshit, then explain WHY.

Because he isn't even POTUS, and the plan isn't in place and it hasn't been fleshed out. This is nothing but fake news.

Now, I don't expect a nutter like you to accept those facts so you can rant all you want to. It just facing yes me to see how stupid you people are.
Oh really? It hasn't been fleshed out yet? What the fuck is he waiting for? I doubt you even know anything about this plan.

Yeah well I can only provide you with information, I can't force you to think. You want to continue to be confused, I can't stop you.
No you still haven't provided any information whatsoever.
So you morons make shit up, or quote stuff other left wing nutters make up and then you can't understand that we don't believe it? You are too stupid for words.
Oh Christ. If you think this article is bullshit, then explain WHY.

Because he isn't even POTUS, and the plan isn't in place and it hasn't been fleshed out. This is nothing but fake news.

Now, I don't expect a nutter like you to accept those facts so you can rant all you want to. It just facing yes me to see how stupid you people are.
Oh really? It hasn't been fleshed out yet? What the fuck is he waiting for? I doubt you even know anything about this plan.

Yeah well I can only provide you with information, I can't force you to think. You want to continue to be confused, I can't stop you.
No you still haven't provided any information whatsoever.

Like I said, I can't force you to think.
Oh, you mean this one from Tax Policy Center ORG that says this?

This paper analyzes presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tax proposal. His plan would significantly reduce marginal tax rates on individuals and businesses, increase standard deduction amounts to nearly four times current levels, and curtail many tax expenditures. His proposal would cut taxes at all income levels, although the largest benefits, in dollar and percentage terms, would go to the highest-income households. The plan would reduce federal revenues by $9.5 trillion over its first decade before accounting for added interest costs or considering macro economic feedback effects. The plan would improve incentives to work, save, and invest. However, unless it is accompanied by very large spending cuts, it could increase the national debt by nearly 80 percent of gross domestic productby 2036, offsetting some or all of the incentive effects of the tax cuts."
~~ Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan ~~

Oh, you must because it's the same one! Actually, the OP is right on target and the year old debunked bullshit you posted is well beyond "horse hockey", but rather is now HORSESHIT! Have some more fun...three shots for a dollar rube!
Epic fail. The article gives example on how an individual with 3 kids would only get $21,000 or so in standard deductions.

Under the policy........single persons would get a $25,000 standard deduction, and deductions for each child........think it was $4,000 each child.

Do the math. using standards deductions..........25k for filer............12k for kids.......37k for ENTIRE STANDARD DEDUCTION......

Yet YAHOO article said 21k................LOL

I REPEAT...........HORSE HOCKEY........
Right now, a single parent with $75,000 in income and two children can claim a head of household deduction of $9,300, plus three personal exemptions. Those steps would reduce the household's taxable income by $21,450, to $53,550.

Trump's plan would more than double the standard deduction to $15,000. But that change would be outweighed by his elimination of personal exemptions and head-of-household status. So the family's taxable income would be $60,000, and their tax bill would be $2,440 more than it is now.

A married couple with four children and income of $50,000 would absorb a tax increase of $1,090 because of their loss of personal exemptions.

For some in middle class, Trump plan would mean tax increase

The plan would increase the standard deduction in 2015 from $6,300 to $25,000 for single filers and
from $12,600 to $50,000 for married couples filing jointly, while maintaining existing personal and dependent exemptions
($4,000 per person in 2015). For nonitemizers, the Trump plan would reduce taxes throughout the income distribution.
The higher standard deduction would increase the amount of income exempt from tax by $18,700 for single filers and by $37,400 for joint filers.
This income would otherwise be taxed at the taxpayer’s highest marginal rate.

page 3
Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

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