Trump Cares About the Middle Class and Not the Rich... NOT!

Taking from single parent families... that's what I would call a "Trump-low." Well after all, he's the one that pointed out how pregnant women are bad for business. Now he wants to punish them for having kids... kids that he doesn't want them to be allowed whether to have or not.

He's had quite a lot of experience stealing from people.

King Trumpery said that wages are too high but then said he would agree to a $10 min wage while the pubs want to end it completely. Then he said he would cut taxes on the working class and poor.

But then he says he wants to spend trillions on his idiotic wall, deporting, yadda yadda.

RWNJ traitors: where is the money going to come from?

Hint: He said he loves debt and he said he would borrow money.
luddy and billy and all you other whiners.....why dont you let the guy take office and fuck up first before you start the bullshit....geezus i aint seen this much blubbering since Obama was elected....

So - you think we should ignore what he has done so far? (lies and flip flops) And what he has done his whole life?(corrupt and crooked, lying, stealing, cheating)

If I had done that, I might have voted for him. I prefer to be well informed but you go right ahead and pretend we don't know anything about him.
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President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.

And under your messiah obummer the middle class witnessed a net worth drop. The first in over 50 years. When are you progressive dimwits going to actually learn that the progresives care about your VOTE, and nothing else. They give you lip service and then after they have fucked you yet again, they say "oh darn, well, we meant well!"

That doesn't cut it dipshit.

I didn't vote Obama... I guess reading comprehension is a problem even for some Mods around here.

Trump lied to you and you ate it up like an elephant eating peanuts. Of course this doesn't matter to you, because you are some rich mofo in Las Vegas driving million dollar cars. I bet you creamed your pants when you read this article.

Wrong. I was a Bernie supporter from the outset. I voted for the trumpster because I know that a shrilary admin would be the end of this country as a Republic. I simply didn't want to live long enough to witness the mass graves. It's as simple as that.

Oh, you see how that works? You called me an Obama supporter, when I supported Romney, and Sanders this year. But when you defend Trump you say you were a Sanders supporter...
RWNJ traitors -

Associated Press is not "fake news".

Have the balls to address the facts or just stfu.
not everyone who disagrees with you is a traitor ludd....and dont give me that shit you told me last time,you have called REAL Americans,just like you and me "traitors",3-4 times in this thread already....just because they have the gall and audacity to disagree with you...maybe you should have the balls to admit that or quit calling good Americans "traitors"....
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.

And under your messiah obummer the middle class witnessed a net worth drop. The first in over 50 years. When are you progressive dimwits going to actually learn that the progresives care about your VOTE, and nothing else. They give you lip service and then after they have fucked you yet again, they say "oh darn, well, we meant well!"

That doesn't cut it dipshit.

I didn't vote Obama... I guess reading comprehension is a problem even for some Mods around here.

Trump lied to you and you ate it up like an elephant eating peanuts. Of course this doesn't matter to you, because you are some rich mofo in Las Vegas driving million dollar cars. I bet you creamed your pants when you read this article.

Wrong. I was a Bernie supporter from the outset. I voted for the trumpster because I know that a shrilary admin would be the end of this country as a Republic. I simply didn't want to live long enough to witness the mass graves. It's as simple as that.

Oh, you see how that works? You called me an Obama supporter, when I supported Romney, and Sanders this year. But when you defend Trump you say you were a Sanders supporter...

That's because I was. If you bother to do a necro thread search I was on Bernies side from the very beginning. I understand that the political class is at war with the middle class. Why don't you?

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.

And under your messiah obummer the middle class witnessed a net worth drop. The first in over 50 years. When are you progressive dimwits going to actually learn that the progresives care about your VOTE, and nothing else. They give you lip service and then after they have fucked you yet again, they say "oh darn, well, we meant well!"

That doesn't cut it dipshit.

I didn't vote Obama... I guess reading comprehension is a problem even for some Mods around here.

Trump lied to you and you ate it up like an elephant eating peanuts. Of course this doesn't matter to you, because you are some rich mofo in Las Vegas driving million dollar cars. I bet you creamed your pants when you read this article.

Wrong. I was a Bernie supporter from the outset. I voted for the trumpster because I know that a shrilary admin would be the end of this country as a Republic. I simply didn't want to live long enough to witness the mass graves. It's as simple as that.

Oh, you see how that works? You called me an Obama supporter, when I supported Romney, and Sanders this year. But when you defend Trump you say you were a Sanders supporter...

That's because I was. If you bother to do a necro thread search I was on Bernies side from the very beginning. I understand that the political class is at war with the middle class. Why don't you?

I just told you I voted for Bernie. I started this thread because Trump promised to cut taxes on the middle-class. He lied. He's now penalizing the most vulnerable part of the middle-class. The single parents.
King Trumpery said that wages are too high but then said he would agree to a $10 min wage while the pubs want to end it completely. Then he said he would cut taxes on the working class and poor.

But then he says he wants to spend trillions on his idiotic wall, deporting, yadda yadda.

RWNJ traitors: where is the money going to come from?

Hint: He said he loves debt and he said he would borrow money.
Mexico is paying for the wall, Dudley Luddite......

No they're not.

You are and you're forcing real Americans to pay for it as well.

Yes Dudley Luddite, Mexico is paying for the wall.....
And under your messiah obummer the middle class witnessed a net worth drop. The first in over 50 years. When are you progressive dimwits going to actually learn that the progresives care about your VOTE, and nothing else. They give you lip service and then after they have fucked you yet again, they say "oh darn, well, we meant well!"

That doesn't cut it dipshit.

I didn't vote Obama... I guess reading comprehension is a problem even for some Mods around here.

Trump lied to you and you ate it up like an elephant eating peanuts. Of course this doesn't matter to you, because you are some rich mofo in Las Vegas driving million dollar cars. I bet you creamed your pants when you read this article.

Wrong. I was a Bernie supporter from the outset. I voted for the trumpster because I know that a shrilary admin would be the end of this country as a Republic. I simply didn't want to live long enough to witness the mass graves. It's as simple as that.

Oh, you see how that works? You called me an Obama supporter, when I supported Romney, and Sanders this year. But when you defend Trump you say you were a Sanders supporter...

That's because I was. If you bother to do a necro thread search I was on Bernies side from the very beginning. I understand that the political class is at war with the middle class. Why don't you?

I just told you I voted for Bernie. I started this thread because Trump promised to cut taxes on the middle-class. He lied. He's now penalizing the most vulnerable part of the middle-class. The single parents.

You are paying attention to a MSM that has already been proven to have misstated (in other words dear child they lied) his position on the climate change agenda. Why you pay attention to them I have no idea but give yourself a break and wait till he's POTUS. I feel you are going to be greatly surprised.
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs and the Repubs now plan to clean us out.

Note to RWNJ traitors: they're called "entitlements" because they are paid for and Americans are ENTITLED to them. takers will struggle....

RWNJ traitors think that earning money makes you a "taker". That's why so many of them are on food stamps and other welfare.
Taking my money is not earning money, Dudley Luddite......
I didn't vote Obama... I guess reading comprehension is a problem even for some Mods around here.

Trump lied to you and you ate it up like an elephant eating peanuts. Of course this doesn't matter to you, because you are some rich mofo in Las Vegas driving million dollar cars. I bet you creamed your pants when you read this article.

Wrong. I was a Bernie supporter from the outset. I voted for the trumpster because I know that a shrilary admin would be the end of this country as a Republic. I simply didn't want to live long enough to witness the mass graves. It's as simple as that.

Oh, you see how that works? You called me an Obama supporter, when I supported Romney, and Sanders this year. But when you defend Trump you say you were a Sanders supporter...

That's because I was. If you bother to do a necro thread search I was on Bernies side from the very beginning. I understand that the political class is at war with the middle class. Why don't you?

I just told you I voted for Bernie. I started this thread because Trump promised to cut taxes on the middle-class. He lied. He's now penalizing the most vulnerable part of the middle-class. The single parents.

You are paying attention to a MSM that has already been proven to have misstated (in other words dear child they lied) his position on the climate change agenda. Why you pay attention to them I have no idea but give yourself a break and wait till he's POTUS. I feel you are going to be greatly surprised.

First, I'm not your child. Secondly, this isn't from the mainstream media, this is straight from a nonpartisan tax organization. If you don't want to believe the article I posted fine. That's on you. But then read the post straight from the organizations web site for yourself. But you won't do that will you? Because you are blinded by Trump. Cool beans.
Wrong. I was a Bernie supporter from the outset. I voted for the trumpster because I know that a shrilary admin would be the end of this country as a Republic. I simply didn't want to live long enough to witness the mass graves. It's as simple as that.

Oh, you see how that works? You called me an Obama supporter, when I supported Romney, and Sanders this year. But when you defend Trump you say you were a Sanders supporter...

That's because I was. If you bother to do a necro thread search I was on Bernies side from the very beginning. I understand that the political class is at war with the middle class. Why don't you?

I just told you I voted for Bernie. I started this thread because Trump promised to cut taxes on the middle-class. He lied. He's now penalizing the most vulnerable part of the middle-class. The single parents.

You are paying attention to a MSM that has already been proven to have misstated (in other words dear child they lied) his position on the climate change agenda. Why you pay attention to them I have no idea but give yourself a break and wait till he's POTUS. I feel you are going to be greatly surprised.

First, I'm not your child. Secondly, this isn't from the mainstream media, this is straight from a nonpartisan tax organization. If you don't want to believe the article I posted fine. That's on you. But then read the post straight from the organizations web site for yourself. But you won't do that will you? Because you are blinded by Trump. Cool beans.

YES. The MSM, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the clinton crime family syndicate. The NEW YORK TIMES was caught LYING about the trumpsters climate change agenda. GROW THE FUCK UP...CHILD!
King Trumpery said that wages are too high but then said he would agree to a $10 min wage while the pubs want to end it completely. Then he said he would cut taxes on the working class and poor.

But then he says he wants to spend trillions on his idiotic wall, deporting, yadda yadda.

RWNJ traitors: where is the money going to come from?

Hint: He said he loves debt and he said he would borrow money.
luddy and billy and all you other whiners.....why dont you let the guy take office and fuck up first before you start the bullshit....geezus i aint seen this much blubbering since Obama was elected....

So - you think we should ignore what has done so far? And what he has done his whole life?

If I had done that, I might have voted for him. I prefer to be well informed but you go right ahead and pretend we don't know anything about him.
what has he done so far? himself elected the same way most politicians do,and is picking his Cabinet....and it doesnt matter what he has done in the past,just like all the others,it matters WHAT HE WILL DO after Jan.....just like you told many a righty after Obama got elected.....quit your fucking whining!!......
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
The evidence of Trump being a terrible president-elect is overwhelming but no con on here can admit it.

So you morons make shit up, or quote stuff other left wing nutters make up and then you can't understand that we don't believe it? You are too stupid for words.
Oh Christ. If you think this article is bullshit, then explain WHY.
Waaahhhhhhhhh!! Still whining and moaning like a butt hurt little bitch. :biggrin:
See that's what's pathetic about you Trumpsters. When someone points out Trump's obvious bullshit, all you can do is deflect to this butthurt about the election. Grow a pair and address the topic at hand.
Yahoo?? Puff,,puff, pass....

IOW, you can't refute it.


Refute what, Dudley Luddite? It's from a fake news site....didn't you get the memo?
No you just conveniently think it's fake. Had yahoo said something positive about Trump, you would have sworn your life over it being true.
Oh, you see how that works? You called me an Obama supporter, when I supported Romney, and Sanders this year. But when you defend Trump you say you were a Sanders supporter...

That's because I was. If you bother to do a necro thread search I was on Bernies side from the very beginning. I understand that the political class is at war with the middle class. Why don't you?

I just told you I voted for Bernie. I started this thread because Trump promised to cut taxes on the middle-class. He lied. He's now penalizing the most vulnerable part of the middle-class. The single parents.

You are paying attention to a MSM that has already been proven to have misstated (in other words dear child they lied) his position on the climate change agenda. Why you pay attention to them I have no idea but give yourself a break and wait till he's POTUS. I feel you are going to be greatly surprised.

First, I'm not your child. Secondly, this isn't from the mainstream media, this is straight from a nonpartisan tax organization. If you don't want to believe the article I posted fine. That's on you. But then read the post straight from the organizations web site for yourself. But you won't do that will you? Because you are blinded by Trump. Cool beans.

YES. The MSM, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the clinton crime family syndicate. The NEW YORK TIMES was caught LYING about the trumpsters climate change agenda. GROW THE FUCK UP...CHILD!

First off, this is a story from the AP reposted by Yahoo. Secondly... I just told you I wasn't your child. So what do you do? You call me a child again trolling me. I would expect more from a mod.
That's because I was. If you bother to do a necro thread search I was on Bernies side from the very beginning. I understand that the political class is at war with the middle class. Why don't you?

I just told you I voted for Bernie. I started this thread because Trump promised to cut taxes on the middle-class. He lied. He's now penalizing the most vulnerable part of the middle-class. The single parents.

You are paying attention to a MSM that has already been proven to have misstated (in other words dear child they lied) his position on the climate change agenda. Why you pay attention to them I have no idea but give yourself a break and wait till he's POTUS. I feel you are going to be greatly surprised.

First, I'm not your child. Secondly, this isn't from the mainstream media, this is straight from a nonpartisan tax organization. If you don't want to believe the article I posted fine. That's on you. But then read the post straight from the organizations web site for yourself. But you won't do that will you? Because you are blinded by Trump. Cool beans.

YES. The MSM, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the clinton crime family syndicate. The NEW YORK TIMES was caught LYING about the trumpsters climate change agenda. GROW THE FUCK UP...CHILD!

First off, this is a story from the AP reposted by Yahoo. Secondly... I just told you I wasn't your child. So what do you do? You call me a child again trolling me. I would expect more from a mod.

You don't get it do you? The MSM, the WHOLE MSM is against the trumpster. They will continue to lie until they are caught doing it, then they will lie some more. And idiots like you believe them. That's why it's called propaganda. I suggest you look up the word "PROPAGANDA" How it is used and who is the most responsible for its use in the modern era.

You might learn something.
I just told you I voted for Bernie. I started this thread because Trump promised to cut taxes on the middle-class. He lied. He's now penalizing the most vulnerable part of the middle-class. The single parents.

You are paying attention to a MSM that has already been proven to have misstated (in other words dear child they lied) his position on the climate change agenda. Why you pay attention to them I have no idea but give yourself a break and wait till he's POTUS. I feel you are going to be greatly surprised.

First, I'm not your child. Secondly, this isn't from the mainstream media, this is straight from a nonpartisan tax organization. If you don't want to believe the article I posted fine. That's on you. But then read the post straight from the organizations web site for yourself. But you won't do that will you? Because you are blinded by Trump. Cool beans.

YES. The MSM, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the clinton crime family syndicate. The NEW YORK TIMES was caught LYING about the trumpsters climate change agenda. GROW THE FUCK UP...CHILD!

First off, this is a story from the AP reposted by Yahoo. Secondly... I just told you I wasn't your child. So what do you do? You call me a child again trolling me. I would expect more from a mod.

You don't get it do you? The MSM, the WHOLE MSM is against the trumpster. They will continue to lie until they are caught doing it, then they will lie some more. And idiots like you believe them. That's why it's called propaganda. I suggest you look up the word "PROPAGANDA" How it is used and who is the most responsible for its use in the modern era.

You might learn something.

AND I already told you, if you don't like the article, then go read the source. But you won't. Why? Because you are now a blind Trump supporter.

Funny thing here... the news is now known as being so unreliable because of all the fake news stories that were planted by Russia... Russia who has always supported Trump. So now the Republicans point at any Anti-Trump story and say it can't be trusted because the MSM lies... you mean the same MSM that has been given a bad name through Russian fake stories? How ironic. You don't want a war with Russia, you want to be their friends... well Russia has already won the first battle in the war by making you distrust your own media and get their favorite candidate in office.

You want to call me and others that don't support Trump idiots? Well I'm sorry the only idiots on this forum are the ones that now want to follow Trump and his Russian friends that have made a mockery out of the Presidential election process and the media.
You are paying attention to a MSM that has already been proven to have misstated (in other words dear child they lied) his position on the climate change agenda. Why you pay attention to them I have no idea but give yourself a break and wait till he's POTUS. I feel you are going to be greatly surprised.

First, I'm not your child. Secondly, this isn't from the mainstream media, this is straight from a nonpartisan tax organization. If you don't want to believe the article I posted fine. That's on you. But then read the post straight from the organizations web site for yourself. But you won't do that will you? Because you are blinded by Trump. Cool beans.

YES. The MSM, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the clinton crime family syndicate. The NEW YORK TIMES was caught LYING about the trumpsters climate change agenda. GROW THE FUCK UP...CHILD!

First off, this is a story from the AP reposted by Yahoo. Secondly... I just told you I wasn't your child. So what do you do? You call me a child again trolling me. I would expect more from a mod.

You don't get it do you? The MSM, the WHOLE MSM is against the trumpster. They will continue to lie until they are caught doing it, then they will lie some more. And idiots like you believe them. That's why it's called propaganda. I suggest you look up the word "PROPAGANDA" How it is used and who is the most responsible for its use in the modern era.

You might learn something.

AND I already told you, if you don't like the article, then go read the source. But you won't. Why? Because you are now a blind Trump supporter.

Funny thing here... the news is now known as being so unreliable because of all the fake news stories that were planted by Russia... Russia who has always supported Trump. So now the Republicans point at any Anti-Trump story and say it can't be trusted because the MSM lies... you mean the same MSM that has been given a bad name through Russian fake stories? How ironic. You don't want a war with Russia, you want to be their friends... well Russia has already won the first battle in the war by making you distrust your own media and get their favorite candidate in office.

You want to call me and others that don't support Trump idiots? Well I'm sorry the only idiots on this forum are the ones that now want to follow Trump and his Russian friends that have made a mockery out of the Presidential election process and the media.

Nope. I'm not a blind trumpster supporter. I expect him to do what he promised he would do. If he doesn't then I will fight against him in the next election, and at the local level i will continue to fight to elect those who are for the common man and not the elite. Which we have been doing relatively well here in Nevada. You will note that we took back the State House and while I don't like her as a person, we put Masto in as Reids replacement.

While you whine and snivel and post reports form notoriously biased sources I am actually in the trenches fighting for the small guy. And, unlike the shrilary who fought for over thirty years and has precious little to show for it, we WIN.
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs and the Repubs now plan to clean us out.

Note to RWNJ traitors: they're called "entitlements" because they are paid for and Americans are ENTITLED to them.

Actually, Neddly Luddite, you are wrong on all counts.

  1. If you open the mythical Social Security Lock Box, you'll find it stuffed full of IOU's signed by Democrats (They are genetically incapable of allowing a pile of money to sit that they can't spend). That started almost immediately after FDR signed the "New Deal" to buy votes.
  2. Entitlements aren't "paid" for, they're borrowed for. The government has two choices. Pay operating costs; like the dept.'s in the bureaucracy, etc; or pay for entitlements. They can't do both with current tax receipts. I choose to pick "borrow for entitlements ".
  3. Americans are only actually entitled those set forth in the Constitution, like the rights pertaining to illegal search and seizure, and the right to a fair trial, etc.
All the so-called entitlements bestowed up on us by the government were nothing more than vote garnering ploys. I admit that such programs as Social Security, and Medicare, etc. are beneficial to many people, they are not a true entitlement. I will also admit that borrowing for entitlements is done by both parties, your boy Obama took it to a whole new level, though. . That's where most of the $14 trillion that he borrowed went. It damned sure didn't go to the military, his sequestration saw to that. I didn't go to Medicare either, he took $750 billion away from it to supposedly pay for the currently broke-ass Obama Care scam.

Ok, Neddy, refute me if you can, make ad hominem attacks if you can't.

Go for it big fella!

p.s. You call any Republican/Conservative a RWNJ, well, here's one for you: LWLT.
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