Trump caught on tape

Trump will be wearing an ankle bracelet by Labor Day if not before.
I want to see the Secret Service detail have to take away all his phones, and keep him from communicating with anyone except his lawyers. And that may happen, since he can't keep his fucking mouth shut, despite the judge's orders.
The Cult will be here shortly, after receiving the talking points memo, to call this Fake News, or Trump is allowed to declassify anything and take and store it anywhere he wants.

Also, there will be mention of:

Witch Hunt,
24/7 in your Head,
but biden,
it's AI, that's not trump.
but Hillary, and my favorite.......

you got him now.

Yup, they certainly do.
The DOJ reportedly has a recording of the former president saying he knew he couldn’t simply declassify documents after leaving the White House.

DONALD TRUMP’S CLAIM that he had declassified the massive trove of government documents he took to Mar-a-Lago was dubious from the start. Well, CNN reported on Wednesday that federal prosecutors overseeing the probe into the documents have obtained a recording of the former president admitting that he kept a classified document containing information about a proposed attack plan against Iran.

The meeting in question reportedly took place in July 2021 at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey. The former president met with biographers for his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who was not present, and members of his own staff. Several individuals participating in the conversation lacked security clearances.

Multiple sources who described the recording to CNN say the president indicated that while he wished he could describe the contents of a document to attendees, he was both aware he had retained classified materials and that he could not flat-out declassify documents following his departure from the presidency.

The DOJ has the tapes, which means Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has the tapes and/or has heard the tapes.

The Rapist and Traitor is actually dead dumb fucking stupid to admit on taped conversation he knowingly and willingly removed classified material from the WH and had it brought Shit-A-Lago. He also admits that he knew he could declassify said classified documents.

The sheer outright level of stupid that Orange Faced Asshole continues to demonstrate will never cease to amaze.

Omg, is it possible that he's dumber than I ever thought.
The DOJ reportedly has a recording of the former president saying he knew he couldn’t simply declassify documents after leaving the White House.

DONALD TRUMP’S CLAIM that he had declassified the massive trove of government documents he took to Mar-a-Lago was dubious from the start. Well, CNN reported on Wednesday that federal prosecutors overseeing the probe into the documents have obtained a recording of the former president admitting that he kept a classified document containing information about a proposed attack plan against Iran.

The meeting in question reportedly took place in July 2021 at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey. The former president met with biographers for his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who was not present, and members of his own staff. Several individuals participating in the conversation lacked security clearances.

Multiple sources who described the recording to CNN say the president indicated that while he wished he could describe the contents of a document to attendees, he was both aware he had retained classified materials and that he could not flat-out declassify documents following his departure from the presidency.

The DOJ has the tapes, which means Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has the tapes and/or has heard the tapes.

The Rapist and Traitor is actually dead dumb fucking stupid to admit on taped conversation he knowingly and willingly removed classified material from the WH and had it brought Shit-A-Lago. He also admits that he knew he could declassify said classified documents.

The sheer outright level of stupid that Orange Faced Asshole continues to demonstrate will never cease to amaze.

Omg, is it possible that he's dumber than I ever thought?
Maybe they got him this time? Maybe not?

The extent of a president’s legal authority to unilaterally declassify materials — without following formal procedures — has yet to be challenged in court.

Interesting read:

The sheer outright level of stupid that Orange Faced Asshole continues to demonstrate will never cease to amaze. opposed to someone claiming stolen TS/SC kept in an unauthorized, unsecure office provided / funded by the Chinese or stored in a garage next to a corvette in a house occupied by someone who illegally acted as an unregistered foreign agent for the Chinese were perfectly acceptable 'secure' locations. opposed to someone who stored stolen TS/SCI data on an unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted server found in the BATHROOM of a company that did mot have the required security clearance to have access to the server.

Further more, the declassification process takes time before the subject material can be declassified.

You did read the Rolling Stone article didn't you, or did you just jump in without reading?

POTUS needs no time to declassify otherwise someone would have more power than the President.

Rolling Stone? LOL
Biden had classified documents in his garage from his time as VPOTUS and had classified documents from his time as Senator.

Biden has never claimed he declassified the documents from his time as VPOTUS (why?) and had NO RIGHT to have any classified documents from when he was a Senator.

Many people with NO SECURITY clearance handled those Biden documents and some were sent by regular courier service to various locations.
And yet none of his lawyers claimed that in any of their filings relating to the documents case. Strange, that.

Maybe he should get better 'best people'.
Maybe he doesn't give a shit. When it comes to Trump, you twats want him in shackles and eating Pelosi's Depends.
The DOJ reportedly has a recording of the former president saying he knew he couldn’t simply declassify documents after leaving the White House.

DONALD TRUMP’S CLAIM that he had declassified the massive trove of government documents he took to Mar-a-Lago was dubious from the start. Well, CNN reported on Wednesday that federal prosecutors overseeing the probe into the documents have obtained a recording of the former president admitting that he kept a classified document containing information about a proposed attack plan against Iran.

The meeting in question reportedly took place in July 2021 at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey. The former president met with biographers for his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who was not present, and members of his own staff. Several individuals participating in the conversation lacked security clearances.

Multiple sources who described the recording to CNN say the president indicated that while he wished he could describe the contents of a document to attendees, he was both aware he had retained classified materials and that he could not flat-out declassify documents following his departure from the presidency.

The DOJ has the tapes, which means Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has the tapes and/or has heard the tapes.

The Rapist and Traitor is actually dead dumb fucking stupid to admit on taped conversation he knowingly and willingly removed classified material from the WH and had it brought Shit-A-Lago. He also admits that he knew he could declassify said classified documents.

The sheer outright level of stupid that Orange Faced Asshole continues to demonstrate will never cease to amaze.

Omg, is it possible that he's dumber than I ever thought? opposed to someone claiming stolen TS/SC kept in an unauthorized, unsecure office provided / funded by the Chinese or stored in a garage next to a corvette in a house occupied by someone who illegally acted as an unregistered foreign agent for the Chinese were perfectly acceptable 'secure' locations. opposed to someone who stored stolen TS/SCI data on an unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted server found in the BATHROOM of a company that did mot have the required security clearance to have access to the server.


You are really, really stupid. Hunter Biden was never an agent for a foreign country. Have you ever worked overseas?

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