Trump caught on tape

I'd be shocked if Trump doesn't end up serving some time in prison with the evidence that is mounting against him. What a scum bag but of course his base will support him as they're of the same nature. Scum of the earth.
You will get fucked in the ass before Trump goes to prison.

Nostradumbass says so.
Racketeer Trump is screwed & he knows it because he now KNOWS that he can't buy his way out of this one.

If I were Trump I'd carry a toothbrush with me wherever I went.
I guess Trump supporters are supposed to be upset with Trump because he supposedly did what everyone else does. You creatures are hilarious.
Guess what I read....

If true, Trump could face 10 years in prison.

Reports of bombshell Trump recording suggests prosecutors may have grounds to charge him under the Espionage Act​

"There is now every reason to expect former President Trump will be charged" under the Espionage Act.

"The law fits his reported conduct like a hand in glove," Goodman said.

The President can declassify anything he wants. You're amazed by that because you're stupid.
That is right.


There is a PROCEDURE to declassifying secret documents in making sure the human assets that gather those secrets aren't put into danger by its declassification.

Trump doesn't even bother and I'm quite sure he was read into how secret materials are and should be handled... he was president after all.

That he failed in this task, then lied about it, then failed to return the material when subpoenaed, THEN moved them around so they couldn't be found and after all of that... we learn he wanted to share those documents i.e., brag about them to his friends... and have him on tape admitting such but couldn't because HE HADN'T DECLASSIFIED THEM WHEN IN OFFICE!?

He's fucked. :cool:

The only thing left for Super Special FBI Agent Jack Smith to do is hit the handle and flush Trump down to the toilet. I expect that to happen here pretty soon.
Maybe they got him this time? Maybe not?

The extent of a president’s legal authority to unilaterally declassify materials — without following formal procedures — has yet to be challenged in court.

Interesting read:

If you are caught on tape stating that you took documents from the White House but that you can't show them because they're "classified" wouldn't logic suggest at that point that you didn't in fact declassify them when you took them?

The argument by itself is ridiculous but it does put even that particular bad faith argument to bed.
I guess Trump supporters are supposed to be upset with Trump because he supposedly did what everyone else does. You creatures are hilarious.
Trump supporters don't care if a jury says he probably sexually assaulted someone.

No, you or any Trump supporter don't need to be upset Trump does anything. If you want to say that there is no criminal behavior he could do that would make you stop supporting him that's your right. In fact , I applaud it. Admitting that you are in a cult is the first step of getting out of it... Or not. In wich case I hope you don't have any kids to teach this warped sense of morality too.
I know, right?

I bet all the lefties on this site get all their daily news from The Enquirer as well!!!
Just so I understand. You don't believe that Trump being interviewed in relation to a book Meadows was doing admitted on tape that he took documents from the WH but that he couldn't show them because they were classified?

Simply for future reference.
You know as well as I do what's going on. Nothing will happen except blah blah blah to keep the haters growling.
Actually, I don't know for sure what will happen. The only thing I am sure of is that Trump will continue to raise money. You showed him your $upport yet?

I guess Trump supporters are supposed to be upset with Trump because he supposedly did what everyone else does. You creatures are hilarious.
Nope. I can't speak for anyone else, but I do know that his supporters will never be upset at him no matter how egregious his actions. He pegged y'all perfectly and nailed it when he said he could stand in the middle of 5th Ave and shoot someone.

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