Trump Caused Inflation, Gas Prices, And Food Prices/Shortages

Drill Baby Drill
Oil Rig Count2.png
The environmental movement must be pissed off at old Joe, but I haven’t heard from them.
Crude Oil price is now $99, Gasoline price is falling, Inflation has peaked. Thankfully we got rid of the orange money printing baffoon.
Crude Oil price is now $99, Gasoline price is falling, Inflation has peaked. Thankfully we got rid of the orange money printing baffoon.
Joe is no better than Dumb Don, thinking he is is dumb.
He put billions into the system with his socialism welfare bill for farmers. He put tariffs on China, which just means tariffs on American businesses and consumers. Many businesses and farmers thus went out of business, thus markedly affecting broken supply chains, too many dollars chasing too few goods, thus price increases, thus inflation and shortages.
Biden's fault leftist loser bastard baby daddy.
He put billions into the system with his socialism welfare bill for farmers. He put tariffs on China, which just means tariffs on American businesses and consumers. Many businesses and farmers thus went out of business, thus markedly affecting broken supply chains, too many dollars chasing too few goods, thus price increases, thus inflation and shortages.
Chris Christie agreed with you last night at the debates. He said Trump adding $7 trillion to the debt helped set the stage for inflation. Isn't that what I said when I said giving everyone a tax break causes inflation?
Chris Christie agreed with you last night at the debates. He said Trump adding $7 trillion to the debt helped set the stage for inflation. Isn't that what I said when I said giving everyone a tax break causes inflation?
Now you believe Chris Christy? Hahaha hahaha you demofks are so predictable
Now you believe Chris Christy? Hahaha hahaha you demofks are so predictable
He confirmed what I already knew and said was true.

Reminds me of when Trump confirmed Bush lied us into Iraq. On that one issue, I agree with him.

Oh, and I was wrong btw. It wasn't Christie. It was Ron DeSantis. Your number 2 guy

GOP presidential debate: DeSantis says Trump's spending 'set the stage for the inflation that we have now'​

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis went after former President Donald Trump during the second Republican presidential debate Wednesday night, blaming the 2024 GOP frontrunner for the inflation that has hammered Americans.

Trump "should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record, where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have now," DeSantis said.

Yes, now I agree with Ron.
Now you believe Chris Christy? Hahaha hahaha you demofks are so predictable
Now do you believe me? When Republicans are telling you Trump's spending (and tax breaks) caused inflation, just know that's what I said. And you cons suggested what I was saying was stupid and that I am uneducated. Now you're hearing it from your leaders. Oh I forgot you only have one, Trump.
Now do you believe me? When Republicans are telling you Trump's spending (and tax breaks) caused inflation, just know that's what I said. And you cons suggested what I was saying was stupid and that I am uneducated. Now you're hearing it from your leaders. Oh I forgot you only have one, Trump.
I don't believe a guy who treated his state like his own property, no. I've never liked mr. Christie.
I don't believe a guy who treated his state like his own property, no. I've never liked mr. Christie.
Good because I misspoke. It was Ron DeSantis who said it. So you hate him too?

Chances are you only like Vivik. Nikki is right. We get stupider after he talks.
Chris Christie agreed with you last night at the debates. He said Trump adding $7 trillion to the debt helped set the stage for inflation. Isn't that what I said when I said giving everyone a tax break causes inflation?
Christie is a charlatan. Inflation didn’t take off until gas prices took off. Biden executive ordered all of Trump’s executive orders that made us energy independent and brought OPEC to its knees with “$0” per barrel. Oil is the real cause for inflation.
As to Trump’s tax reductions, that came with reduction of the size of government with by far less regulations.
Inflation is caused by Biden’s Bidenomics. Period. Now, Oil is said to be heading to $150 a barrel. $7 gas exists in California. Everything goes up when gas prices go up. Wait until minimum wage goes up again more layoffs occurs because of AI machines. Supporting Biden and any Democrat politician is supporting poverty.
Christie is a charlatan. Inflation didn’t take off until gas prices took off. Biden executive ordered all of Trump’s executive orders that made us energy independent and brought OPEC to its knees with “$0” per barrel. Oil is the real cause for inflation.
As to Trump’s tax reductions, that came with reduction of the size of government with by far less regulations.
Inflation is caused by Biden’s Bidenomics. Period. Now, Oil is said to be heading to $150 a barrel. $7 gas exists in California. Everything goes up when gas prices go up. Wait until minimum wage goes up again more layoffs occurs because of AI machines. Supporting Biden and any Democrat politician is supporting poverty.
Bullshit! I was waiting for some good spin. That's some good spin.

It was Ron DeSantis who said it about Trump. I was mistaken on who said it. Now what?. Is he now a charlatan too?

in the Republican primary debate tonight, desperate Ron Desantis served up a gift to Joe Biden by blaming Donald Trump for inflation in the US over the past two years. He went even further than that though, also blaming him for the national deficit.

Joe Biden posted on X that he was very thankful to Desantis for providing him with a great campaign ad for 2024.

That figure appears to come from a report last year from the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank, that found that the legislation and executive actions signed by Trump added $7.8 trillion in 10-year budget deficits. Economists say one of the drivers of inflation has been massive stimulus spending by both the Trump and Biden administrations.

A conservative think tank is lying? You going on record to say that they lie? Cause I won't argue.
Bullshit! I was waiting for some good spin. That's some good spin.

It was Ron DeSantis who said it about Trump. I was mistaken on who said it. Now what?. Is he now a charlatan too?

in the Republican primary debate tonight, desperate Ron Desantis served up a gift to Joe Biden by blaming Donald Trump for inflation in the US over the past two years. He went even further than that though, also blaming him for the national deficit.

Joe Biden posted on X that he was very thankful to Desantis for providing him with a great campaign ad for 2024.

That figure appears to come from a report last year from the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank, that found that the legislation and executive actions signed by Trump added $7.8 trillion in 10-year budget deficits. Economists say one of the drivers of inflation has been massive stimulus spending by both the Trump and Biden administrations.

A conservative think tank is lying? You going on record to say that they lie? Cause I won't argue.
You just proved part of my points. Republicans are fractured because we have more outlets that we get information from. DeSantis was incorrect. Not in the numbers but never gave the correct reasons that takes away from his bottom line fractured point. Nothing I posted was false. Inflation did not come from Trump. Inflation was low when Trump left office and the tax decreases were years in the rears before inflation well after Biden took office. The price of gas increases all inflation. Especially the household inflation.
You just proved part of my points. Republicans are fractured because we have more outlets that we get information from. DeSantis was incorrect. Not in the numbers but never gave the correct reasons that takes away from his bottom line fractured point. Nothing I posted was false. Inflation did not come from Trump. Inflation was low when Trump left office and the tax decreases were years in the rears before inflation well after Biden took office. The price of gas increases all inflation. Especially the household inflation.
Sorry but it's a fact that Trump's spending and tax cuts to all caused inflation. Let's just agree to disagree. See you next year in November.

Biden Uses DeSantis’ Dig At Trump In New Campaign Ad​

The Florida governor does all the talking in Biden's latest ad that rips Trump for skipping the Republican debates and adding trillions to the national debt.

“He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have now.”

So now you suddenly don't agree with something a Republican said because he's saying it about Trump? Imagine if Biden added 8 trillion to the debt and gave all poor people a tax break. You'd say it caused inflation wouldn't you? But because Trump did it, you can't admit it.

Can you show me an article where a conservative argues that Ron is wrong?

Ron said Trump "added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have now.”
Sorry but it's a fact that Trump's spending and tax cuts to all caused inflation. Let's just agree to disagree. See you next year in November.

Biden Uses DeSantis’ Dig At Trump In New Campaign Ad​

The Florida governor does all the talking in Biden's latest ad that rips Trump for skipping the Republican debates and adding trillions to the national debt.

“He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have now.”

So now you suddenly don't agree with something a Republican said because he's saying it about Trump? Imagine if Biden added 8 trillion to the debt and gave all poor people a tax break. You'd say it caused inflation wouldn't you? But because Trump did it, you can't admit it.

Can you show me an article where a conservative argues that Ron is wrong?

Ron said Trump "added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have now.”
Nice try. Inflation did not increase after the first year tax decreases of the Trump administration. However, 6 months into Biden’s attack on oil and fossil fuels, inflation increased across board. Electricity spiked dramatically because oil, coal, natural gas is used to produce electricity. Went up to 10% and interest rates remain high stopping the housing market growth.
Trump decreases government’s spending so that the tax decreases didn’t affect inflation and interest rates. It’s all Biden’s and the Democrats’s fault. Own it. You guys wanted it for your electric cars, stoves and all the crazy climate change nonsense. Own it.
Nice try. Inflation did not increase after the first year tax decreases of the Trump administration. However, 6 months into Biden’s attack on oil and fossil fuels, inflation increased across board. Electricity spiked dramatically because oil, coal, natural gas is used to produce electricity. Went up to 10% and interest rates remain high stopping the housing market growth.
Trump decreases government’s spending so that the tax decreases didn’t affect inflation and interest rates. It’s all Biden’s and the Democrats’s fault. Own it. You guys wanted it for your electric cars, stoves and all the crazy climate change nonsense. Own it.

So corporate America waited before raising prices because they loved the Trump tax cuts. Bottom line is Trump's tax breaks and spending must have added to inflation. Just because it didn't happen right after doesn't mean shit.

You conspiracy theorists don't believe the corporations who want more tax breaks don't collude with Republicans? You don't believe gas prices will go up close to the election because oil companies prefer Republicans?

So American oil companies favor Trump you say? Well we know the Saudi's favor Trump. He totally hooked them up when he was in office. So we know why they raised prices on Biden. Because they want Trump back badly. They love him so much they gave hims son in law $2 billion dollars. That's 2000 million dollars.
Nice try. Inflation did not increase after the first year tax decreases of the Trump administration. However, 6 months into Biden’s attack on oil and fossil fuels, inflation increased across board. Electricity spiked dramatically because oil, coal, natural gas is used to produce electricity. Went up to 10% and interest rates remain high stopping the housing market growth.
Trump decreases government’s spending so that the tax decreases didn’t affect inflation and interest rates. It’s all Biden’s and the Democrats’s fault. Own it. You guys wanted it for your electric cars, stoves and all the crazy climate change nonsense. Own it.

Did you know this?

Tax Cuts Are Primarily Responsible for the Increasing Debt Ratio​

Without the Bush and Trump tax cuts, debt as a percentage of the economy would be declining permanently.

Want to know something else about Trump's tax breaks?

Corporations, Not Workers, Are the Big Winners​

The massive corporate tax cut is costing more than expected and not trickling down to workers.

Two years later, however, business investment is actually declining. Factory closings and mass layoffs have not ended. Wage growth is tepid, despite the continuation of the economic expansion that began 10 years ago, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth is slowing and projected to revert to its long-term trend or below. Meanwhile, budget deficits are higher due to revenue losses—which have largely been triggered by the massive corporate tax cut at the heart of the TCJA. Nevertheless, earlier this month, acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told a gathering of CEOs that the Trump administration will seek to cut the corporate tax rate further if the president gains a second term in office.

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