Trump Caused Inflation, Gas Prices, And Food Prices/Shortages

Just today, I read some bad news out of California. Politicians, on both sides, seem to have forgotten, what causes inflation, they only care about catering to demands of the electorate and stake holder interests, without a care about long term consequences. They either don't know a thing about economics, have forgotten it all, or don't care.

Absolute insanity. We are suffering from inflation because the government is putting too much money into the system. . . and folks are suffering. . . and?


Now? These folks that don't get it, want EVEN MORE spending, to help combat inflation? WHAT THE FUCK?

That sounds like trying to battle a flood by spraying it with water. . . :rolleyes:


As long as NATO continues its warmonger in Europe, and continues insisting that Ukraine not sue for peace, gas prices, food prices, and inflation, will, inevitably, continue.

And xiden wanted to add another 2 trillion but was stopped by the Senate. Things could be much worse.

You Lie!

Trump printed 5 times more than all presidents in history COMBINED!

Biden has the LARGEST SURPLUS in history, doing (QT) quantitative tightening, cut spending & raising interest rates to soak up all that free money Trump printed. The only lever Biden has left to remove money is to raise taxes.

No worries, xiden's recession is already upon us.

And xiden wanted to add another 2 trillion but was stopped by the Senate. Things could be much worse.

Yeah, I expect Biden will add much, much more by just the end of 2022, if someone does not do something. Someone in the Senate had best find a spine, and explain things to the American people.

Biden will probably add more trillions in just the first two years than Trump's entire four years, it is part of this World Economic Forum agenda's Build Back Better, forth industrial revolution plan.

Remember, he was only stopped, by a member of HIS OWN PARTY! What happens if those blasted voting machines or that illegal vote harvesting gives them the Senate? :ack-1:
It is possibly, folks could just vote on that abortion issue. . .

They have had this agenda, since, well, for two years now. IMO? It is why they rigged the election, to shoe-horn in the global technocracy.

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So, even though, domestically that bill was killed? Joey and his fat mouth, is still out there, promising that the American tax payer will foot the bill for this global agenda.
. . . this war in Ukraine, and the United States funding of those Neo-Nazis in the Donbas, I have no doubt was all part of that as well. . .

Biden said the G-7 would counter Chinese influence. This year, he'll try again​

June 24, 20226:58 AM ET

G7 aims to raise $600 billion to counter China's Belt and Road​

". . . . U.S. President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders relaunched the newly renamed "Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment," at their annual gathering being held this year at Schloss Elmau in southern Germany.

Biden said the United States would mobilize $200 billion in grants, federal funds and private investment over five years to support projects in low- and middle-income countries that help tackle climate change as well as improve global health, gender equity and digital infrastructure. . . . "

We are going to suffer a lot more shortages, inability to buy gas, energy and food, before their plans are over, I am willing to bet.

The way they control us now, they don't give a shit about America, IMO.

He put billions into the system with his socialism welfare bill for farmers. He put tariffs on China, which just means tariffs on American businesses and consumers. Many businesses and farmers thus went out of business, thus markedly affecting broken supply chains, too many dollars chasing too few goods, thus price increases, thus inflation and shortages.
But the relationship started and agreements reached
This didnt happen overnight

The western democracies were like a frog in a pan of water

And some people still havent figured it out
I'm a pioneer. Kinda hard to conceptualize isn't it? When you have no brain of your own, and just subscribe to whatever status quo that you're given. The shackles of Normiedom.
Tea Party patriots and trump voters are pioneers

We voted against the corrupt washington duopoly

Everyone else here is a supporter of the status quo
Tea Party patriots and trump voters are pioneers

We voted against the corrupt washington duopoly

Everyone else here is a supporter of the status quo
Trumpism= Protectionism, small government, America first, none of which are new ideas. Trump is not the first to say bring back American jobs; Trump is not the first to impose a tariff on foreign goods. Get real. Trumpism is a status quo philosophy.

You didn't do a thing, since Trump is a part of that duology lol. Drain the swamp? All he did was fill it back up with reptiles. Bring American jobs back from the guy who literally makes ties in China bwahaha. Trump accomplished zero of his Maga goals. Ya got duped, kid. Ya voted for Trump because of his semblance towards a strong white identity.

Me? I'm a real man. I get roasted by libs for my conservatism and roasted by conservative-marxists for my wokeness. Woke Conservatism(fiscal Conservatism) is the only possible conclusion you're specifically looking at the facts.
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Trumpism= Protectionism, small government, America first, none of which are new ideas.

But those are policies that swamp rats in washington only pay lip service to

So to arrive in the capital and take them seriously is a shock to the entrenched RINO’s

But those are policies that swamp rats in washington only pay lip service to

So to arrive in the capital and take them seriously is a shock to the entrenched RINO’s
Trump only paid lip service. Manufacturing wasn't brought back, the wall wasn't built, and the swamp was flooded lol. As a woke Conservative, I really wish all that were the opposite, but I'm not an acolyte like many of these fake conservatives, and see reality for what it is. Deluding ourselves only perpetuates the swamp.

They're RINOs because? What? They won't steal our election?
As a woke Conservative
Being a woke conservative is fine. . . but until you are a woke, & a RED-PILLED conservative, there isn't no one in this forum going to take you seriously.

Do you really think you know, who is, or who is not, manipulating elections? AND what the under lying motivations for all that might be?

Do you not trust PBS?

Trump only paid lip service
Not true

He was blocked at every turn by establishment repubs, democrats, the Deep State and marxist-lib news media

But he won on several key points of interest such as our relationship with china

Thanks to trump the world now see china as a threat and perhaps our mortal enemy
He put billions into the system with his socialism welfare bill for farmers. He put tariffs on China, which just means tariffs on American businesses and consumers. Many businesses and farmers thus went out of business, thus markedly affecting broken supply chains, too many dollars chasing too few goods, thus price increases, thus inflation and shortages.
Nonsense! He did spend too much. But, nothing compared to the farse of a President, Biden and his stupid decisions on energy.

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