Trump charges allies for US protection "Cost + 50%"

Do you support Trump's plan to charge US allies "cost+50%" for US military protection?

  • Yes, the Debt is $22T and rising, the US taxpayers simply cannot keep borrowing for other countries

    Votes: 32 84.2%
  • No, we need allies to keep global stability, we are in-fact the world's cop, it worked for 70 years

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...


It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...


It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

No, he wants to pray to Mecca 5 times a day.
Gator loves Islam.

I love everyone and hate every equally!

I am not a bigot like you
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...


It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

If you know your history then you will remember what Nikita said.


It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

If you know your history then you will remember what Nikita said.


View attachment 249687

That is very nice fake quote meme....thanks for posting it
The US defense budget has two components, the base budget and the war/supplemental budget.
I'm not sure if the dems' 2020 budget includes the supplemental war spending or not?
So the $650b would be less than the $700b and the $714b, the most recent budgets.
In 2018 defense spending was $700b + war funding
In 2019 defense spending was $714b + war funding
In 2020 defense spending is TBD, but Trump requested $750b.

do you agree we need to be spending 750b in 2020?
No, $750b will never happen. Trump is padding the bill so he can move money around.

but if it did, you would be ok with it, since Trump asked for it?

No. I want the Defense budget smaller and other countries to pay for their defense, especially NATO countries and Japan.
We need the DOD to tighten their belt and get smarter. Better cyber, better in space, better hyper-sonic, less wasted on foreign bases.
It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

If you know your history then you will remember what Nikita said.


View attachment 249687

Some more of Nikita's little gems.

We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.

Nikita Khrushchev

can prophecy that your grandchildren in America will live under socialism -- Our firm conviction is that sooner or later Capitalism will give way to Socialism. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.

Nikita Khrushchev

The press is our chief ideological weapon.

Nikita Khrushchev

The John Birch Society is Communism's greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution.

Nikita Khrushchev

The United States will eventually fly the Communist red flag…The American people will hoist it themselves.

Nikita Khrushchev

etc, etc, etc
So do you really want to speak Russian?

you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

If you know your history then you will remember what Nikita said.


View attachment 249687

Some more of Nikita's little gems.

We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.

Nikita Khrushchev

can prophecy that your grandchildren in America will live under socialism -- Our firm conviction is that sooner or later Capitalism will give way to Socialism. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.

Nikita Khrushchev

The press is our chief ideological weapon.

Nikita Khrushchev

The John Birch Society is Communism's greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution.

Nikita Khrushchev

The United States will eventually fly the Communist red flag…The American people will hoist it themselves.

Nikita Khrushchev

etc, etc, etc

thanks for the link to all the fake quotes. If I ever need one know I know where to go
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...


It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

Khrushchev once howled Communism at the United States during a UN speech: "We Will Bury You!".

Check out the southern border and the visa scofflaws. It's happening with the aid of the Democrats, and we all know what they truly are.
you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

If you know your history then you will remember what Nikita said.


View attachment 249687

Some more of Nikita's little gems.

We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.

Nikita Khrushchev

can prophecy that your grandchildren in America will live under socialism -- Our firm conviction is that sooner or later Capitalism will give way to Socialism. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.

Nikita Khrushchev

The press is our chief ideological weapon.

Nikita Khrushchev

The John Birch Society is Communism's greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution.

Nikita Khrushchev

The United States will eventually fly the Communist red flag…The American people will hoist it themselves.

Nikita Khrushchev

etc, etc, etc

thanks for the link to all the fake quotes. If I ever need one know I know where to go

Which quotes are fake?
so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

If you know your history then you will remember what Nikita said.


View attachment 249687

Some more of Nikita's little gems.

We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.

Nikita Khrushchev

can prophecy that your grandchildren in America will live under socialism -- Our firm conviction is that sooner or later Capitalism will give way to Socialism. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.

Nikita Khrushchev

The press is our chief ideological weapon.

Nikita Khrushchev

The John Birch Society is Communism's greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution.

Nikita Khrushchev

The United States will eventually fly the Communist red flag…The American people will hoist it themselves.

Nikita Khrushchev

etc, etc, etc

thanks for the link to all the fake quotes. If I ever need one know I know where to go

Which quotes are fake?

As near as I can tell, all of them
It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

Khrushchev once howled Communism at the United States during a UN speech: "We Will Bury You!".

Check out the southern border and the visa scofflaws. It's happening with the aid of the Democrats, and we all know what they truly are.

Don't tell Golfing Gator about Nikita pounding his shoe on the desk when he howled that quote. He'll say it's a lie. He read it in the Huffington Post.
So do you really want to speak Russian?

you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

Khrushchev once howled Communism at the United States during a UN speech: "We Will Bury You!".

Check out the southern border and the visa scofflaws. It's happening with the aid of the Democrats, and we all know what they truly are.

Don't tell Golfing Gator about Nikita pounding his shoe on the desk when he howled that quote. He'll say it's a lie. He read it in the Huffington Post.

Feel free to offer some proof of the quote, other than "because I said so". you are a mindless sheep that believes whatever your party masters tell you
you are a fucking moron. What the hell is Russia going to do?

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

Khrushchev once howled Communism at the United States during a UN speech: "We Will Bury You!".

Check out the southern border and the visa scofflaws. It's happening with the aid of the Democrats, and we all know what they truly are.

Don't tell Golfing Gator about Nikita pounding his shoe on the desk when he howled that quote. He'll say it's a lie. He read it in the Huffington Post.

Feel free to offer some proof of the quote, other than "because I said so". you are a mindless sheep that believes whatever your party masters tell you

so let us guess you flunked out of History 101 you stupid fucking ignorant clown.

Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

Khrushchev once howled Communism at the United States during a UN speech: "We Will Bury You!".

Check out the southern border and the visa scofflaws. It's happening with the aid of the Democrats, and we all know what they truly are.

Don't tell Golfing Gator about Nikita pounding his shoe on the desk when he howled that quote. He'll say it's a lie. He read it in the Huffington Post.

Feel free to offer some proof of the quote, other than "because I said so". you are a mindless sheep that believes whatever your party masters tell you

Thanks for the video, but that quote is not any of the ones given by horsefly.
Nope, I actually know my history, and I even have the cool "Cold War Victory Medal" for serving my country during the Cold you have one of those...oh wait you never had the balls to serve your country.

There was never a time when Russia was going to take us over and make us all speak Russian.

this is what happens when you drop out of school after the 3rd end as stupid as you are.

Khrushchev once howled Communism at the United States during a UN speech: "We Will Bury You!".

Check out the southern border and the visa scofflaws. It's happening with the aid of the Democrats, and we all know what they truly are.

Don't tell Golfing Gator about Nikita pounding his shoe on the desk when he howled that quote. He'll say it's a lie. He read it in the Huffington Post.

Feel free to offer some proof of the quote, other than "because I said so". you are a mindless sheep that believes whatever your party masters tell you

Thanks for the video, but that quote is not any of the ones given by horsefly.

Not much of a reader, eh?
Khrushchev once howled Communism at the United States during a UN speech: "We Will Bury You!".

Check out the southern border and the visa scofflaws. It's happening with the aid of the Democrats, and we all know what they truly are.

Don't tell Golfing Gator about Nikita pounding his shoe on the desk when he howled that quote. He'll say it's a lie. He read it in the Huffington Post.

Feel free to offer some proof of the quote, other than "because I said so". you are a mindless sheep that believes whatever your party masters tell you

Thanks for the video, but that quote is not any of the ones given by horsefly.

Not much of a reader, eh?

Actually, I am. That how I spot these stupid fake quotes so often.

The easiest way to spot a fake is to know what the real thing looks like
Don't tell Golfing Gator about Nikita pounding his shoe on the desk when he howled that quote. He'll say it's a lie. He read it in the Huffington Post.

Feel free to offer some proof of the quote, other than "because I said so". you are a mindless sheep that believes whatever your party masters tell you

Thanks for the video, but that quote is not any of the ones given by horsefly.

Not much of a reader, eh?

Actually, I am. That how I spot these stupid fake quotes so often.

The easiest way to spot a fake is to know what the real thing looks like

It's filmed, loon.
Um, no....How about just leaving altogether and make those people defend their own damn dirt?

That would save much more money.

Word . What’s up with being in the protection market ? Are we the mob?

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