Trump charges allies for US protection "Cost + 50%"

Do you support Trump's plan to charge US allies "cost+50%" for US military protection?

  • Yes, the Debt is $22T and rising, the US taxpayers simply cannot keep borrowing for other countries

    Votes: 32 84.2%
  • No, we need allies to keep global stability, we are in-fact the world's cop, it worked for 70 years

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters
Um, no....How about just leaving altogether and make those people defend their own damn dirt?

That would save much more money.
This. BUT if we are gonna be there then yes they should pay. Maybe this is his way of making those countries tell the US to get the hell out.
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...

It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

I'll take that bet, Japan needs to build up their own military to help police the Pacific, especially NK.
The US military budget is 10x Russia's, and more than the next 15 military budgets combined. That is way more than we can afford. As for "projecting military power", that's what submarines are for. Even Trump was impressed with their capabilities. When we parked 3 carrier battle groups off NK, that got their attention. So I'm not sold on too many military bases, especially in the EU, when the NATO military budgets aren't keeping up.

Rank Country Spending 2018 (US$ Bn.)
1 United States 643.3 ($714b 2019 & $750b 2020)
2 China 168.2
3 Saudi Arabia 82.9
4 Russia 63.1
5 India 57.9
6 United Kingdom 56.1EU
7 France 53.4 EU
8 Japan 47.3
9 Germany 45.7 EU
10 South Korea 39.2
11 Brazil 28.0
12 Australia 26.6
13 Italy 24.9
14 Israel 21.6
15 Iraq 19.6

NATO 2% of GDP Military Spending Guideline (US is pulling the NATO wagon, EU countries riding in it!)

I notice how all of the Russian sock puppets are full bore in favour of getting the troops out of Europe.

Does this mean you don't need a Space Force.
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...

It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

I'll take that bet, Japan needs to build up their own military to help police the Pacific, especially NK.
The US military budget is 10x Russia's, and more than the next 15 military budgets combined. That is way more than we can afford. As for "projecting military power", that's what submarines are for. Even Trump was impressed with their capabilities. When we parked 3 carrier battle groups off NK, that got their attention. So I'm not sold on too many military bases, especially in the EU, when the NATO military budgets aren't keeping up.

Rank Country Spending 2018 (US$ Bn.)
1 United States 643.3 ($714b 2019 & $750b 2020)
2 China 168.2
3 Saudi Arabia 82.9
4 Russia 63.1
5 India 57.9
6 United Kingdom 56.1EU
7 France 53.4 EU
8 Japan 47.3
9 Germany 45.7 EU
10 South Korea 39.2
11 Brazil 28.0
12 Australia 26.6
13 Italy 24.9
14 Israel 21.6
15 Iraq 19.6

NATO 2% of GDP Military Spending Guideline (US is pulling the NATO wagon, EU countries riding in it!)

I notice how all of the Russian sock puppets are full bore in favour of getting the troops out of Europe.

Does this mean you don't need a Space Force.

I got yer sock puppet hangin'.
Feel free to offer some proof of the quote, other than "because I said so". you are a mindless sheep that believes whatever your party masters tell you

Thanks for the video, but that quote is not any of the ones given by horsefly.

Not much of a reader, eh?

Actually, I am. That how I spot these stupid fake quotes so often.

The easiest way to spot a fake is to know what the real thing looks like

It's filmed, loon.

This quote is filmed...really...can you link to it...

Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...

This is yet another example of Trump's ignorance of foreign policy, of Trump's reckless and irresponsible foreign policy, and Trump's contempt for long-standing alliances American presidents of both parties have supported.
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...

This is yet another example of Trump's ignorance of foreign policy, of Trump's reckless and irresponsible foreign policy, and Trump's contempt for long-standing alliances American presidents of both parties have supported.

Do you think that Trump is dumb enough to think we are on this countries to protect them?
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...

It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

I'll take that bet, Japan needs to build up their own military to help police the Pacific, especially NK.
The US military budget is 10x Russia's, and more than the next 15 military budgets combined. That is way more than we can afford. As for "projecting military power", that's what submarines are for. Even Trump was impressed with their capabilities. When we parked 3 carrier battle groups off NK, that got their attention. So I'm not sold on too many military bases, especially in the EU, when the NATO military budgets aren't keeping up.

Rank Country Spending 2018 (US$ Bn.)
1 United States 643.3 ($714b 2019 & $750b 2020)
2 China 168.2
3 Saudi Arabia 82.9
4 Russia 63.1
5 India 57.9
6 United Kingdom 56.1EU
7 France 53.4 EU
8 Japan 47.3
9 Germany 45.7 EU
10 South Korea 39.2
11 Brazil 28.0
12 Australia 26.6
13 Italy 24.9
14 Israel 21.6
15 Iraq 19.6

NATO 2% of GDP Military Spending Guideline (US is pulling the NATO wagon, EU countries riding in it!)

I notice how all of the Russian sock puppets are full bore in favour of getting the troops out of Europe.

Does this mean you don't need a Space Force.

It costs $24b a year to keep the current level of US troops in Europe.
Either they pay to offset those troop costs, or they can defend themselves, and if they need help call.

The $24b or so saved can be used to start the Space Force.
I would like to see us tone down our international military support role

The EU has an economy as large as ours. They can afford the burden of supporting themselves with limited US military presence.
Russia is not a threat to invade

Japan and S Korea can assume larger roles in securing the Pacific theater
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...

It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

I'll take that bet, Japan needs to build up their own military to help police the Pacific, especially NK.
The US military budget is 10x Russia's, and more than the next 15 military budgets combined. That is way more than we can afford. As for "projecting military power", that's what submarines are for. Even Trump was impressed with their capabilities. When we parked 3 carrier battle groups off NK, that got their attention. So I'm not sold on too many military bases, especially in the EU, when the NATO military budgets aren't keeping up.

Rank Country Spending 2018 (US$ Bn.)
1 United States 643.3 ($714b 2019 & $750b 2020)
2 China 168.2
3 Saudi Arabia 82.9
4 Russia 63.1
5 India 57.9
6 United Kingdom 56.1EU
7 France 53.4 EU
8 Japan 47.3
9 Germany 45.7 EU
10 South Korea 39.2
11 Brazil 28.0
12 Australia 26.6
13 Italy 24.9
14 Israel 21.6
15 Iraq 19.6

NATO 2% of GDP Military Spending Guideline (US is pulling the NATO wagon, EU countries riding in it!)

I notice how all of the Russian sock puppets are full bore in favour of getting the troops out of Europe.

Does this mean you don't need a Space Force.

It costs $24b a year to keep the current level of US troops in Europe.
Either they pay to offset those troop costs, or they can defend themselves, and if they need help call.

The $24b or so saved can be used to start the Space Force.

how about we use the 24b saved to pay down the debt instead of more stupid shit we do not need?

What is your plan for all the troops that are brought back? Do we boot them from the military or do we build new bases to house them in the US?
Bullshit. But either way, we simply can't afford so much protection. Time to reallocate military spending where it will do the MOST good.

are you really that naive that you think we are just there out of the goodness of our hearts? Who does Japan have to worry about an invasion from?
Who do we have to worry about an invasion from. Canada?

If the Krauts are worried about being invaded they should be defending themselves
Bullshit. But either way, we simply can't afford so much protection. Time to reallocate military spending where it will do the MOST good.

are you really that naive that you think we are just there out of the goodness of our hearts? Who does Japan have to worry about an invasion from?

Same country that wants Taiwan probably wants Japan. Remember all those peaceful islands they built in the Sea of Japan?
What part of "we need to spend less on Defense" don't you understand? If they want us there they can help pay the freight.

The islands are in the South China Sea, dumbass!
Big debate on the Sunday morning talk shows, Trump wants to charge US allies the actual cost plus 50% for US forces stationed in their countries.

I can see both sides of this debate:
1. Why should US taxpayers borrow money to protect other countries, such as the EU from Russia, South Korea from NK, Japan from China, ME countries from Iran, etc.? Italy, WTF?? Lets say the cost of the major bases and not the small "lily pads" needed for local access all over.

2. The generals argue that the US bases secure our allies loyalty, and in today's world we need all the allies we can get. We are spending $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU. Trump wants $36b a year to keep them there, otherwise we bring most of them home because we can keep borrowing, the US is tapped out.

Lets take a poll...


It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

No, he wants to pray to Mecca 5 times a day.

I wouldn't doubt if he is a dot head and thinks like his messiah did a bunch of Camel jockeys came over on the Santa Maria and discovered America

For about the 10th time "dot heads" are Hindus, you incredible pile of shit for brains!
Bullshit. But either way, we simply can't afford so much protection. Time to reallocate military spending where it will do the MOST good.

are you really that naive that you think we are just there out of the goodness of our hearts? Who does Japan have to worry about an invasion from?

Same country that wants Taiwan probably wants Japan. Remember all those peaceful islands they built in the Sea of Japan?
What part of "we need to spend less on Defense" don't you understand? If they want us there they can help pay the freight.

The islands are in the South China Sea, dumbass!

OK prof, ya got me on that one. All I remembered is that Japan was pissed...
Japan Dials Up Pressure on China Over Southeast Asian Sea
I would like to see us tone down our international military support role

The EU has an economy as large as ours. They can afford the burden of supporting themselves with limited US military presence.
Russia is not a threat to invade

Japan and S Korea can assume larger roles in securing the Pacific theater

It wasn't the Europeans and the Japanese who asked for American troops on their soil. AMERICANS wanted troops in Europe to keep communism at bay. Similarly, they wanted troops in Japan and Korea to keep the Chinese communists at bay. American troops aren't stationed around the world because the rest of the world wants them to be there, they're there because the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is protecting AMERICAN INTERESTS.
Um, no....How about just leaving altogether and make those people defend their own damn dirt?

That would save much more money.

I agree.

If they don't want to pay then move all of our troops out. Let them defend themselves.

They all have armies. Let their armies take on any enemies they have.

Oh and they can do without the money we pay them for the bases we use.

More than works for me.
It wasn't the Europeans and the Japanese who asked for American troops on their soil. AMERICANS wanted troops in Europe to keep communism at bay. Similarly, they wanted troops in Japan and Korea to keep the Chinese communists at bay. American troops aren't stationed around the world because the rest of the world wants them to be there, they're there because the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is protecting AMERICAN INTERESTS.

Yep, exactly.

And, of course, the hysterical goofs think bringing the boys home, building and maintaining bases for them, costs nothing.
It costs $24b a year to keep the current level of US troops in Europe.

That's it?

Your idiotic wall would cost twice that
$24b a year for the last 70 years and the next 70 years; vs $25b one time for the wall, do the math
Do you think that steel doesn't rust? That we won't have to continually patch holes made by portable saws and torches?

Or do we just build it...pretend it works...and let it crumble into dust...
It is kind of cute how you think we are there to protect them and not project our own power across the globe.

I want to see Trump pull all the troops out of Japan after they tell him to pound sand...he does not have the balls for such an action.

So do you really want to speak Russian?

No, he wants to pray to Mecca 5 times a day.
Gator loves Islam.

I love everyone and hate every equally!

I am not a bigot like you
Blah, blah, blah. Everyone is a bigot these days. Hypocritical moonbat.

there are a lot of you out there that choose to judge whole groups by the actions of a few. I am glad you proudly claim the title

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