Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra

n Sweden, the Aftonbladet tabloid told Trump in an article Sunday that events in its country on Friday included a man being treated for severe burns, an avalanche warning and police chasing a drunken driver.

Sweden fighting drunk drivers

No wonder Trump is concerned
He better learn and grow by listening to some real news...

There has been no Swedish terror attack or crime wave, no matter what Fox babbles about....

Sweden Confused After Trump Cites Nonexistent Incident
2 hours ago - Sweden Confused After Trump Appears to Mistake Fox News Segment ... in fact, been Islamist terrorist attacks over the last few years, but no such ... The alleged crime wave at the center of the Tucker Carlson segment, which ...
'Last Night in Sweden'? Trump's Remark Baffles a Nation - The New ...
4 hours ago - Mr. Horowitz said, “Sweden had its first terrorist Islamic attack not ... But that attackoccurred long before the current wave of migrants fleeing war and deprivation. ... On the contrary, the fact is that crime rates are going down.”.
Swedish Society Collapsing Amid Horrific Crime Wave From Muslim ...
Dec 31, 2015 - One week after Sweden raised its terror alert level to the highest ever, the ... are simply notgood enough to prevent a potential terror attack.
Swedish cops drowning in Muslim migrant crime wave -
Jan 28, 2016 - Swedish cops drowning in Muslim migrant crime wave. 'Police do not have the resources to handle all the disturbances' ... Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Wednesday that terroristsmay infiltrate America's Syrian refugee ... Eliasson's testimony comes in conjunction with a vicious attackon a ...
Donald Trump Appears To Make Up Sweden Terror Attack | The ...
17 hours ago - Trump's White House has now made up three terrorist attacks to sell their #MuslimBan ... present some random crime in Sweden last night as a “terror attack” rather ... Just to reiterate: There wasNO terror incident in Sweden last night. ... in nearly 200,000 refugees in response to the wave of asylum seekers ...
Donald Trump's 'Last Night in Sweden' Comment: 5 Facts |
6 hours ago - Even though there was no attack in Sweden, here's a look at what is ... However, this attackwas five years before the current wave of ... “There are very high conditions that need to be met for something to be a terror crime.
'Sweden, who would believe this?': Trump cites non-existent terror attack
News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian › US News › Donald Trump
6 hours ago - At Florida rally president refers to attack in Sweden that did not happen, ... Trump links migration in Europe to terror attacks in Brussels, Nice, Paris – and Sweden. ... According to the 2016Swedish Crime Survey, crime rates in ...
Trump's exact words on Sweden:

[You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.]
Sure. Sweden doesn't have a Muslim problem. Raping non-Muslim women is normal for them and so must be accepted.
Where does he say terror attack in Sweden? I've not seen that in any quote. Link to transcript.

"The Swedish embassy in Washington has asked the U.S. State Department for an explanation of a comment made by President Donald Trump that suggested there had been some sort of security incident in Sweden on Friday.

"The U.S. President was speaking at at a political rally in Florida on Saturday when, in connection with the mention of a need to keep the United States safe, he said: "You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden."
Sweden asks the U.S. to explain Trump comment

Maybe if you learn to actively listen to the words spoken by trump, you might want to truth check his facts. If you love trump more than the truth you better not.
Trump is weakening America and putting national security in jeopardy in two major ways. First, his constant lying and proving how misinformed he is has made it impossible for citizens and world leaders to believe anything he says. The time is coming when the President's honesty and knowledge will have to be trusted, and it will not be. He is the modern "boy who shouted wolf". When the wolf shows up for real, no one will believe him.
The second way he is weakening the nation is by demonizing the press and sources relied upon to inform. The government has no business interfering or meddling with the media. The President is a spokesperson for the government. If he sees a specific story he objects to or thinks is wrong, he has the bully pulpit to give specifics to prove his claim or opinion. Unable to do that, this President has decided to simply make general attacks and the strategy of across the board demonization.
"Often they don't want to come here and change," he says. "They want to change us. And we don't want to be changed. So that's a conflict."
Sweden's Immigrant Influx Unleashes A Backlash

The inflow of asylum seekers in Sweden, a country with one of the most liberal laws towards refugees, is putting an increasing strain on the country's police. There are now reportedly 55 areas in the country, where the law is not fully upheld.
Swedish police lose control amid refugee crisis as number of 'no-go zones' rises to 55
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Now NBC is fake news because they hired Megyn Kelly.

anyone who says that refugees aren't a major problem in Sweden is a liar.
Bowling Green, Atlanta and now Sweden. It must be easy when you just get to make up events and your followers don't even bother questioning it. That's what happens when you pander to a base that doesn't have the ability to form independent thoughts.
Trump throws empty suggestions just to get a cheer from the audience ... the audience is too stupid to understand why they're cheering.
That no terrorism occurred in Sweden is clear to the Swedes.
It's well past the point where Trump needs to stop repeating things he suspects or has heard from non-official sources and stick to making only highly credible, highly verifiable statements that are both contextually and factually accurate.
It is fucking amazing.....story after story from European news outlets......and you morons deny they is the strangest thing I have ever seen..............

The problem is that you left wingers suffer from Reality Dyslexia.......much like normal dyslexia for reading...but in this case, you are normal in all things in life...except your brains cannot process the truth, facts or reality, and they can't process the difference between right and wrong and good and flip those around....

Which is why you attribute horrible things to peaceful Christians...but defend the same things when they are actually activities engaged in by muslims around the world.....

And here you have actual problems with muslim enclaves in Europe....from news sources in Europe....No-Go zones, rapes, gang violence, gun murders, grenades tossed like confetti.....

And for you...none of it exists......

Simply amazing.....

And the exact reason none of you or your political leaders should have control over our government....
I don't think anyone is denying Sweden is seeing an uptick in reported rapes. It is the heavily anti-Muslim biased articles with no corroborated facts that we are dismissing. The threats of enemies raping our women is an old, time honored tradition.

They are the ones responsible for the uptick in crime...and well as in France, Germany, Belgium........they have a different culture and values from Western Europeans....and they were accepted into the countries in numbers too large to integrate them into those cultures.....and now they are paying the price..........

You guys don't want to see think it is anti-muslim when it is simply acknowledging different cultures with different values do not mix when you don't give time and effort into conforming to the country you want to be a part of.....
Guy, what I see is MY country with two million Muslims who are not wandering the streets raping anyone or being the identified problem in inner city violence anywhere. What happened in Europe, with millions of unvetted peoples pouring in pretty much uncontrolled, is a different story. You and a lot of other people keep saying we should compare that situation to ours. I do not see apples and apples there, though. And like I said, when I start seeing articles that aren't obviously starting out with the premise of smearing Muslims, I'd be more likely to consider it. I learned not to fall for yellow journalism a long time ago. You should have. Why didn't you?

Their children are just murdering gays, setting off bombs in Boston, shooting soldiers in Tennessee and Texas.....and killing people at Christmas mean like that?
And here is the magic box of leftism as explained by Andrew Klavan....he explains how the left can deny truth, facts and reality...

That no terrorism occurred in Sweden is clear to the Swedes.
It's well past the point where Trump needs to stop repeating things he suspects or has heard from non-official sources and stick to making only highly credible, highly verifiable statements that are both contextually and factually accurate.

Trump's inexperience with foreign policy and diplomacy is glaringly obvious and portends to become detrimental to US relations with myriad countries and their leaders.
It is fucking amazing.....story after story from European news outlets......and you morons deny they is the strangest thing I have ever seen..............

The problem is that you left wingers suffer from Reality Dyslexia.......much like normal dyslexia for reading...but in this case, you are normal in all things in life...except your brains cannot process the truth, facts or reality, and they can't process the difference between right and wrong and good and flip those around....

Which is why you attribute horrible things to peaceful Christians...but defend the same things when they are actually activities engaged in by muslims around the world.....

And here you have actual problems with muslim enclaves in Europe....from news sources in Europe....No-Go zones, rapes, gang violence, gun murders, grenades tossed like confetti.....

And for you...none of it exists......

Simply amazing.....

And the exact reason none of you or your political leaders should have control over our government....
I don't think anyone is denying Sweden is seeing an uptick in reported rapes. It is the heavily anti-Muslim biased articles with no corroborated facts that we are dismissing. The threats of enemies raping our women is an old, time honored tradition.

They are the ones responsible for the uptick in crime...and well as in France, Germany, Belgium........they have a different culture and values from Western Europeans....and they were accepted into the countries in numbers too large to integrate them into those cultures.....and now they are paying the price..........

You guys don't want to see think it is anti-muslim when it is simply acknowledging different cultures with different values do not mix when you don't give time and effort into conforming to the country you want to be a part of.....

What percentage of Muslims are you defining?

And what values do you believe they are rejecting - as a group?

Religious freedom, the equality of men and women, free speech rights.....
Can we show this to Sweden? Because they don't understand what our President was talking about when he mentioned Muslims and what was happening in Sweden:
“You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden,” Trump told the crown. “Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.

Swedens know better:

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough

Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems
Trump is being mocked around the world

He just makes shit up
Repeat New BS GOP crap that the dupes believe, all from watching Fox, and then there's the even worse pure fake news talk shows and fake news outlets...all paid for by greedy idiot GOP billionaires and the dupes, a major industry/disgrace.
Bowling Green, Atlanta and now Sweden. It must be easy when you just get to make up events and your followers don't even bother questioning it. That's what happens when you pander to a base that doesn't have the ability to form independent thoughts.
Where did Trump mention anything about a terrorist attack in Sweden in his speech?

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