Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra

Trump admits false ‘last night in Sweden’ claim was something he heard ‘broadcast on Fox News’
Pres. Donald Trump admitted on Sunday that the terror attack he said happened in Sweden on Friday night was actually something he saw — but didn’t fully understand — on Fox News.

‘Words matter’: CNN correspondent rips Trump for Sweden gaffe and just ‘repeating things he hears’

This is another thing he's "heard" and decided to say before he knew what it was. He complains about "fake news", but then will believe anything and tell everyone about it.

What was he referring to? Even the Swedes say they don't know WTF he's talking about.
That's because, as has already been stated, that they are in damage control mode. Some of their own police have come out and said so. You understand, they're LYING like so many of you do.
Aint it embarrassing to know that nothing happened in Sweden and trump lied the whole time?

I always turn to the Gatewaypudit when I want news that I can trust.....:rolleyes:
Pres Trump probably made up the Sweden comment just to get the Press off of talking about Flynn.... :p

He outsmarts them every time!
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

So their rational is that there are 7000 rapes a year in Sweden, therefore someone probably got raped last night, therefore "ban Muslims". Yeah, er... what the fuck?

Man takes a shit in toilet, BAN MUSLIMS.
Yes, ban Muslims. This country wasn't meant for them.

You frigin idiot! The country was built on religious freedom! You are the Comrade should get married.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”

“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.
OK, asshole, show me the phrase "terrorist attack" in this sentence.
By the way, I hope I didn't forget to call you an asshole.
In fact, I think you would fit right in at CNN.
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

Someone go raped and Trump turned it into a terror attack. FAKE F_ _ _ING NEWS!
When a Swedish woman gets attacked and raped by a Muslim migrant refugee, do you think she's experiencing terror?
Not if she's a Liberal.
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

So their rational is that there are 7000 rapes a year in Sweden, therefore someone probably got raped last night, therefore "ban Muslims". Yeah, er... what the fuck?

Man takes a shit in toilet, BAN MUSLIMS.
Yes, ban Muslims. This country wasn't meant for them.

You frigin idiot! The country was built on religious freedom! You are the Comrade should get married.
See the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress. The founders only wanted to have White people as their new Citizens in order to make it a great nation. They were so wise weren't they?
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

Someone go raped and Trump turned it into a terror attack. FAKE F_ _ _ING NEWS!
When a Swedish woman gets attacked and raped by a Muslim migrant refugee, do you think she's experiencing terror?
Not if she's a Liberal.
Well.....You do have a point there!
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
Ultimately so what? Do we need more immigrants? So for whatever reason he wants the potus should be able to cut immigration.

I'm liberal and this is making me glad the supreme Court is leaning liberal. If the American people don't want more Muslims and more Hispanics we should be able to say no mas.
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

Someone go raped and Trump turned it into a terror attack. FAKE F_ _ _ING NEWS!
When a Swedish woman gets attacked and raped by a Muslim migrant refugee, do you think she's experiencing terror?

Clutching at straws. Terrorism isn't producing terror. Otherwise horror film makers would be called terrorism. Get with the program dude.
Trump admits false ‘last night in Sweden’ claim was something he heard ‘broadcast on Fox News’
Pres. Donald Trump admitted on Sunday that the terror attack he said happened in Sweden on Friday night was actually something he saw — but didn’t fully understand — on Fox News.

‘Words matter’: CNN correspondent rips Trump for Sweden gaffe and just ‘repeating things he hears’

This is another thing he's "heard" and decided to say before he knew what it was. He complains about "fake news", but then will believe anything and tell everyone about it.

Swedish embassy trolls Trump: We’d be happy to explain our immigration policies to you
The Swedish embassy in Washington zinged Pres. Donald Trump on Sunday after he admitted that he mistook a Fox News report condemning Sweden’s immigration policies for a news report about a terrorist attack.
Trump admits false ‘last night in Sweden’ claim was something he heard ‘broadcast on Fox News’
Pres. Donald Trump admitted on Sunday that the terror attack he said happened in Sweden on Friday night was actually something he saw — but didn’t fully understand — on Fox News.

‘Words matter’: CNN correspondent rips Trump for Sweden gaffe and just ‘repeating things he hears’

This is another thing he's "heard" and decided to say before he knew what it was. He complains about "fake news", but then will believe anything and tell everyone about it.

Swedish embassy trolls Trump: We’d be happy to explain our immigration policies to you
The Swedish embassy in Washington zinged Pres. Donald Trump on Sunday after he admitted that he mistook a Fox News report condemning Sweden’s immigration policies for a news report about a terrorist attack.

It's embarrassing that A) a guy can make such a fool out of himself, and B) that other people will make fools out of themselves backing him up.
'Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday — or Saturday, for that matter — and Swedes were left baffled.

“Sweden? Terror attack? What has [Trump] been smoking? Questions abound,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.


Henrik Selin, political scientist and deputy director of the Swedish Institute, a state agency dedicated to promoting Sweden globally, said he was puzzled by Mr. Trump’s remarks.

“I do not have a clue what he was referring to,” he said in a telephone interview. “Obviously, this could be connected to the fact that there has been a lot of negative reporting about Sweden, since Sweden has taken in a lot of refugees.”'

Yet another ridiculous Trump lie, and yet again his reprehensible supporters ignore Trump’s lies.

Nice fake news story. Trump never said there was a terror attack in Sweden. He just said look what is happening.

Sweden is the rape capital of the Europe now, thanks to Muslims.

Do you have a good link to your rape capital of the world story and provide a link..? Here is a video of what he said last night.

It's a well known fact they are the rape capital of Europe. The progressive dolts that run Sweden also have to attempt to cover it up, they dare not expose their idiotic immigration policy has directly led to this.


Rape in Sweden - Wikipedia

Another well known fact (that you folks constantly overlook) is you can't make valid comparisons of rape across different countries when each has different laws in reporting and defining rape, and different cultural climates that might prohibit a woman from even reporting it.

To put it bluntly - look at the raw statistics: Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at

Do you really think Egypt, Syria and YEMEN are among the LOWEST?
The data you posted is old, spanning from 2003-2010. However, it does reveal something interesting... rates of rape per hundred thousand increased as following...

2003 ... 25.0 (8th)
2004 ... 25.2 (10th)
2005 ... 41.9 (3rd)
2006 ... 46.3 (2nd)
2007 ... 51.8 (4th)
2008 ... 59.0 (3rd)
2009 ... 63.8 (4th)
2010 ... 63.5 (3rd)

Two things jump out from that...

1) the rate of rapes began increasing dramatically in 2005; and 2) the rate has not increased significantly since about 2008 or 2009, despite Muslim refugees have still been pouring into Sweden every year since.

So what happened in 2005?

While Muslims may contribute to rape statistics, what changed in Sweden in 2005 were their rape laws...

Changing definitions of rape: over the past 20 years, Sweden has broadened the definition of rape several times: actions that are comparable to rape (e. g. forced vaginal fisting) was classified as rape in 1998, sex with someone in a helpless state (e. g. sleeping or passed out due to alcohol or drugs) was classified as rape in 2005 and sex with someone in a particularly vulnerable situation (e. g. victim paralyzed with fear) was classified as rape in 2013. Since a higher proportion of sex crimes is classified as rape, the incidence of rape reports increases over time.

How Anti-Immigration Activists Misuse Rape Statistics

Also, other countries like Belgium and Cyprus have a much higher percentage of Muslims along with a much lower rate of rapes. The article above also highlights...

This article will show that according to crime victim surveys, the actual rate of sex crimes has been more or less unchanged in Sweden between 2005 and 2014, despite the fact that immigration has increased during the same time period. Instead, the increasing rates of reported rapes are influenced by expansion of the legal rape definition, an increase in the tendency to report rapes, police efforts to classify each individual rape as a separate crime and their tendency to classify any sex crime that could potentially be rape as rape. It will also demonstrate that reported rates between countries such as Sweden and Denmark cannot be naively compared to do the large difference in legal rape definition and police registration methods.​

Other changes:
Now we know the truth idiot, it was all bullshyte from the beginning, no Muslim rapes, just trump being Trump and lying his ass off
Once again, American patriot Steve McGarrett has to reveal the truth. Everyone watch.
Choadbreath, you've fallen once again for fake news. That incident didn't occur on Friday.

What incident? What are we talking about?
The poster I responded to claimed when Trump referred to something that happened in Sweden Friday night, he was talking about an attack by a Muslim -- only the article he linked was about an incident which occurred in January, not last Friday night.

It's scary to see the lengths you nut cases will go to in order to invent excuses for Trump.
Hilda Fjgidoghan had her right nipple severed by a transgender Somali teen who then detonated a stick of dynamite she had stuck up her ass, blowing shit over a large Christian vestibule in southwest Stockholm last Friday night. Horrific event was live streamed to the Trump twitter account, allowing him exclusive access to this Islamic terrorist event. Dats wha fine tuned regimes do, yo. GFY.
That's quite the fervent imagination you've got there.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
I'm going to hate myself if I post this, but I actually side with Trump supporters on this. I think it's reasonable to assume he was talking about immigration and not terrorism but of course I doubt Sweden has much of an immigration issue. It's still him lying.

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