Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra

There was no terror attack in Sweden. You've done nothing about white guys raping women, it's just boys will be boys. In fact you blame the women when white guys attack them. Suddenly you're worried that Muslims will rape them? What a hypocrite you are!
The topic is Muslims raping swedish women. Poor deflection.

And that didn't happen, Cletus.
Donald Trump is right, there was a recent attack in Sweden. By neo-Nazis on a refugee centre
Trump wasn't referring to that.
Now we know the truth idiot, it was all bullshyte from the beginning, no Muslim rapes, just trump being Trump and lying his ass off
Once again, American patriot Steve McGarrett has to reveal the truth. Everyone watch.
Choadbreath, you've fallen once again for fake news. That incident didn't occur on Friday.
The topic is Muslims raping swedish women. Poor deflection.

And that didn't happen, Cletus.
Donald Trump is right, there was a recent attack in Sweden. By neo-Nazis on a refugee centre
Trump wasn't referring to that.
Now we know the truth idiot, it was all bullshyte from the beginning, no Muslim rapes, just trump being Trump and lying his ass off
Once again, American patriot Steve McGarrett has to reveal the truth. Everyone watch.
Choadbreath, you've fallen once again for fake news. That incident didn't occur on Friday.
YOU were there, huh?

What was he referring to? Even the Swedes say they don't know WTF he's talking about.
Now we hear the Trumpster tell us that he heard something about Sweden on Fox news. he really didn't understand it, but repeated this bullshyte instead. Tell us are these the proper actions of a president? A man who is sane?
. He is a President dealing with UGE amounts of fake news, and sadly there are some outlets he has put his trust in, and they might be letting him down now. So who the hell can he trust ?? Time to forget about the dam embroiled MSM, and start getting all his briefings from the secure channels within the administration. Fox blew it ?????
As a President you don't repeat anything unless it can be thoroughly documented
Unbelievably, the president of the United States of America, bypasses all of his unlimited resources and intelligence community in favor of the press after spending the entirety of his presidency to date, bashing them as fake news.

At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He never said terrorist attack you dolt. Course I expect this from a fake news believer. I know what he is talking about as does anyone who follows the rape epidemic in Sweden
WTF?? There was a rape epidemic on Friday??? :badgrin:
Yep just more ignorance from ppl who don't know and who probably don't give a shit about the rape epidemic in Sweden
There is nothing here. This is whacked.
. Trump is finally going to be pushed into vacating the trust in we the people when it comes to information, and turning to getting his information late after it has been fully vetted through the proper channels. So much for Trump trying to be as close to us out here as he could be, because that just isn't working.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He never said terrorist attack you dolt. Course I expect this from a fake news believer. I know what he is talking about as does anyone who follows the rape epidemic in Sweden
WTF?? There was a rape epidemic on Friday??? :badgrin:
There has been a Rape epidemic all over Europe for a while now. Liberals approve of it.
Trump wasn't referring to that.

What was he referring to? Even the Swedes say they don't know WTF he's talking about.
Now we hear the Trumpster tell us that he heard something about Sweden on Fox news. he really didn't understand it, but repeated this bullshyte instead. Tell us are these the proper actions of a president? A man who is sane?
. He is a President dealing with UGE amounts of fake news, and sadly there are some outlets he has put his trust in, and they might be letting him down now. So who the hell can he trust ?? Time to forget about the dam embroiled MSM, and start getting all his briefings from the secure channels within the administration. Fox blew it ?????
As a President you don't repeat anything unless it can be thoroughly documented
Unbelievably, the president of the United States of America, bypasses all of his unlimited resources and intelligence community in favor of the press after spending the entirety of his presidency to date, bashing them as fake news.

. It's bad if the one you thought you could trust falters as well, but not sure what happened fully yet, so I'm depending on you all to steer me right now.. Can I trust y'all ? :alcoholic:
Now we know the truth idiot, it was all bullshyte from the beginning, no Muslim rapes, just trump being Trump and lying his ass off
Once again, American patriot Steve McGarrett has to reveal the truth. Everyone watch.
Choadbreath, you've fallen once again for fake news. That incident didn't occur on Friday.
YOU were there, huh?
No dumbfuck. All I had to do was look at the date on that report. I know, I know... too simple for even someone like you to figure out.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He never said terrorist attack you dolt. Course I expect this from a fake news believer. I know what he is talking about as does anyone who follows the rape epidemic in Sweden
WTF?? There was a rape epidemic on Friday??? :badgrin:
There has been a Rape epidemic all over Europe for a while now. Liberals approve of it.
Dumbfuck... Trump cited a supposed incident he claimed occurred on Friday. So tell the forum about the rape epidemic which occurred in Sweden on Friday......
What was he referring to? Even the Swedes say they don't know WTF he's talking about.
Now we hear the Trumpster tell us that he heard something about Sweden on Fox news. he really didn't understand it, but repeated this bullshyte instead. Tell us are these the proper actions of a president? A man who is sane?
. He is a President dealing with UGE amounts of fake news, and sadly there are some outlets he has put his trust in, and they might be letting him down now. So who the hell can he trust ?? Time to forget about the dam embroiled MSM, and start getting all his briefings from the secure channels within the administration. Fox blew it ?????
As a President you don't repeat anything unless it can be thoroughly documented
Unbelievably, the president of the United States of America, bypasses all of his unlimited resources and intelligence community in favor of the press after spending the entirety of his presidency to date, bashing them as fake news.

. It's bad if the one you thought you could trust falters as well, but not sure what happened fully yet, so I'm depending on you all to steer me right now.. Can I trust y'all ? :alcoholic:
Pathetically stupid. He has the greatest wealth of resources at his fingertips. Yet he prefers Fox News.

I'm tired of the left covering up terrorist attacks and making Muslims sound like the biggest victims.

"Lean apparently believes that “prejudice towards and discrimination of Muslims has reached a fevered pitch. Beyond blatant physical attacks or acts of vandalism, polls show that negative sentiment towards the followers of Islam runs deep, and has manifested itself in a range of ways.”

The author will attempt to offer insight on “how students, scholars, and members of [the] community at large can counter instances of prejudice and help realize a world that values pluralism and diversity,” the event page adds.

On their campus, Islamism has clearly proven itself to be a greater threat than Islamophobia, but speaking of religious bigotry, there IS one group that bears the brunt of it.


Even after 9/11 Muslims didn’t suffer as many hate crimes (less than 500) as Jews average every year (over 600).


If Islamophobia is a problem, certainly they’ll discuss anti-Semitism on college campuses next, no?"

Three months after ISIS attack on campus, Ohio State takes STUNNING stand on "Islamophobia"
Former Swedish PM asks 'what has Trump been smoking?' as country ridicules President's attack claim
Former Swedish prime minister asks: what has Trump been smoking?

"""The former Prime Minister of Sweden has asked “what has Donald Trump been smoking?” after the President alluded to a mystery recent attack in the country.

Swedes reacted with general confusion after Mr Trump said "look what's happening last night in Sweden" after listing a series of past terror attacks in Europe, during a speech at a rally in Florida."""
'Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday — or Saturday, for that matter — and Swedes were left baffled.

“Sweden? Terror attack? What has [Trump] been smoking? Questions abound,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.


Henrik Selin, political scientist and deputy director of the Swedish Institute, a state agency dedicated to promoting Sweden globally, said he was puzzled by Mr. Trump’s remarks.

“I do not have a clue what he was referring to,” he said in a telephone interview. “Obviously, this could be connected to the fact that there has been a lot of negative reporting about Sweden, since Sweden has taken in a lot of refugees.”'

Yet another ridiculous Trump lie, and yet again his reprehensible supporters ignore Trump’s lies.

Nice fake news story. Trump never said there was a terror attack in Sweden. He just said look what is happening.

Sweden is the rape capital of the Europe now, thanks to Muslims.

Do you have a good link to your rape capital of the world story and provide a link..? Here is a video of what he said last night.

It's a well known fact they are the rape capital of Europe. The progressive dolts that run Sweden also have to attempt to cover it up, they dare not expose their idiotic immigration policy has directly led to this.


Rape in Sweden - Wikipedia

Another well known fact (that you folks constantly overlook) is you can't make valid comparisons of rape across different countries when each has different laws in reporting and defining rape, and different cultural climates that might prohibit a woman from even reporting it.

To put it bluntly - look at the raw statistics: Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at

Do you really think Egypt, Syria and YEMEN are among the LOWEST?
The topic is Muslims raping swedish women. Poor deflection.

And that didn't happen, Cletus.
Donald Trump is right, there was a recent attack in Sweden. By neo-Nazis on a refugee centre
Trump wasn't referring to that.
Now we know the truth idiot, it was all bullshyte from the beginning, no Muslim rapes, just trump being Trump and lying his ass off
Once again, American patriot Steve McGarrett has to reveal the truth. Everyone watch.
Choadbreath, you've fallen once again for fake news. That incident didn't occur on Friday.

What incident? What are we talking about?
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

So their rational is that there are 7000 rapes a year in Sweden, therefore someone probably got raped last night, therefore "ban Muslims". Yeah, er... what the fuck?

Man takes a shit in toilet, BAN MUSLIMS.
Yes, ban Muslims. This country wasn't meant for them.

You think it was made for racist pieces of scum like yourself? I guess you hate that "Freedom of religion" stuff in the Constitution, and you especially hate the "all men are created equal" thing, because in your heart of hearts you want to believe you're the master race.
America wasn't meant for Muslims.

Wasn't meant for Christians either. Christianity was from what is now Israel, come on, that's not in Utah.
Hilda Fjgidoghan had her right nipple severed by a transgender Somali teen who then detonated a stick of dynamite she had stuck up her ass, blowing shit over a large Christian vestibule in southwest Stockholm last Friday night. Horrific event was live streamed to the Trump twitter account, allowing him exclusive access to this Islamic terrorist event. Dats wha fine tuned regimes do, yo. GFY.
Hilda Fjgidoghan had her right nipple severed by a transgender Somali teen who then detonated a stick of dynamite she had stuck up her ass, blowing shit over a large Christian vestibule in southwest Stockholm last Friday night. Horrific event was live streamed to the Trump twitter account, allowing him exclusive access to this Islamic terrorist event. Dats wha fine tuned regimes do, yo. GFY.
Horrific! Swede's are experiencing terrorist attacks every day.

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