Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra


I'm 99% sure he was talking about the report on Sweden that aired on Tucker Carlson's show the night before.

Trump mentioned no incident or attack or anything like that, so all those "horrors" are product of leftists imagination.
Kudos to Ame®icano. You were correct. Nice translation of our POTUS's shorthand.
It is fucking amazing.....story after story from European news outlets......and you morons deny they is the strangest thing I have ever seen..............

The problem is that you left wingers suffer from Reality Dyslexia.......much like normal dyslexia for reading...but in this case, you are normal in all things in life...except your brains cannot process the truth, facts or reality, and they can't process the difference between right and wrong and good and flip those around....

Which is why you attribute horrible things to peaceful Christians...but defend the same things when they are actually activities engaged in by muslims around the world.....

And here you have actual problems with muslim enclaves in Europe....from news sources in Europe....No-Go zones, rapes, gang violence, gun murders, grenades tossed like confetti.....

And for you...none of it exists......

Simply amazing.....

And the exact reason none of you or your political leaders should have control over our government....
I don't think anyone is denying Sweden is seeing an uptick in reported rapes. It is the heavily anti-Muslim biased articles with no corroborated facts that we are dismissing. The threats of enemies raping our women is an old, time honored tradition.

They are the ones responsible for the uptick in crime...and well as in France, Germany, Belgium........they have a different culture and values from Western Europeans....and they were accepted into the countries in numbers too large to integrate them into those cultures.....and now they are paying the price..........

You guys don't want to see think it is anti-muslim when it is simply acknowledging different cultures with different values do not mix when you don't give time and effort into conforming to the country you want to be a part of.....
Guy, what I see is MY country with two million Muslims who are not wandering the streets raping anyone or being the identified problem in inner city violence anywhere. What happened in Europe, with millions of unvetted peoples pouring in pretty much uncontrolled, is a different story. You and a lot of other people keep saying we should compare that situation to ours. I do not see apples and apples there, though. And like I said, when I start seeing articles that aren't obviously starting out with the premise of smearing Muslims, I'd be more likely to consider it. I learned not to fall for yellow journalism a long time ago. You should have. Why didn't you?

Their children are just murdering gays, setting off bombs in Boston, shooting soldiers in Tennessee and Texas.....and killing people at Christmas mean like that?
For every one of those, I could list at least two mass murders committed by 100% native born Americans, like the Colorado theater shooter, like Newtown, like the guy shooting up Planned Parenthood, like Dylan Roof, like Fort Lauderdale . How do we protect against THEM? No one will do shit about it because it would require taking away gun rights.
You folks mean well, but you don't understand how misplaced your blind mistrust of immigrants is.
It is fucking amazing.....story after story from European news outlets......and you morons deny they is the strangest thing I have ever seen..............

The problem is that you left wingers suffer from Reality Dyslexia.......much like normal dyslexia for reading...but in this case, you are normal in all things in life...except your brains cannot process the truth, facts or reality, and they can't process the difference between right and wrong and good and flip those around....

Which is why you attribute horrible things to peaceful Christians...but defend the same things when they are actually activities engaged in by muslims around the world.....

And here you have actual problems with muslim enclaves in Europe....from news sources in Europe....No-Go zones, rapes, gang violence, gun murders, grenades tossed like confetti.....

And for you...none of it exists......

Simply amazing.....

And the exact reason none of you or your political leaders should have control over our government....
I don't think anyone is denying Sweden is seeing an uptick in reported rapes. It is the heavily anti-Muslim biased articles with no corroborated facts that we are dismissing. The threats of enemies raping our women is an old, time honored tradition.

They are the ones responsible for the uptick in crime...and well as in France, Germany, Belgium........they have a different culture and values from Western Europeans....and they were accepted into the countries in numbers too large to integrate them into those cultures.....and now they are paying the price..........

You guys don't want to see think it is anti-muslim when it is simply acknowledging different cultures with different values do not mix when you don't give time and effort into conforming to the country you want to be a part of.....
Guy, what I see is MY country with two million Muslims who are not wandering the streets raping anyone or being the identified problem in inner city violence anywhere. What happened in Europe, with millions of unvetted peoples pouring in pretty much uncontrolled, is a different story. You and a lot of other people keep saying we should compare that situation to ours. I do not see apples and apples there, though. And like I said, when I start seeing articles that aren't obviously starting out with the premise of smearing Muslims, I'd be more likely to consider it. I learned not to fall for yellow journalism a long time ago. You should have. Why didn't you?

Their children are just murdering gays, setting off bombs in Boston, shooting soldiers in Tennessee and Texas.....and killing people at Christmas mean like that?
For every one of those, I could list at least two mass murders committed by 100% native born Americans, like the Colorado theater shooter, like Newtown, like the guy shooting up Planned Parenthood, like Dylan Roof, like Fort Lauderdale . How do we protect against THEM? No one will do shit about it because it would require taking away gun rights.
You folks mean well, but you don't understand how misplaced your blind mistrust of immigrants is.
Only a dipshit would think more frivolous gun laws will stop criminals...
Oh, wow. So ALL rapes are terrorist acts now?
What else would you define rape of an innocent woman as?
A crime, nothing more and nothing less. You are so pathetically willing to believe anything Trump says, that you don't even know the details of what exactly was supposed to have happened in Sweden
Trump is right 100% of the time and he should never be questioned. That is what a top Presidential aide said and that is what the cult followers believe.
If it was up to Trump he would disband the media, or at least anything that doesn't agree with him 100% of the time
He hasn't disband the treasonous, lying pigs. He just points.out their lies every time he talks to them live. And they freak the.fuck out and act like doing that is a.violation speech.

And idiots lol.
Trump lies every single day, obviously you have your head too far up his ass to notice
"Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!" - President Trump on twitter 15 minutes ago
"Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!" - President Trump on twitter 15 minutes ago
Oh, brother. Add Sweden to the list of Allies now Not Happy with Trump.
'Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday — or Saturday, for that matter — and Swedes were left baffled.

“Sweden? Terror attack? What has [Trump] been smoking? Questions abound,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.


Henrik Selin, political scientist and deputy director of the Swedish Institute, a state agency dedicated to promoting Sweden globally, said he was puzzled by Mr. Trump’s remarks.

“I do not have a clue what he was referring to,” he said in a telephone interview. “Obviously, this could be connected to the fact that there has been a lot of negative reporting about Sweden, since Sweden has taken in a lot of refugees.”'

Yet another ridiculous Trump lie, and yet again his reprehensible supporters ignore Trump’s lies.

Nice fake news story. Trump never said there was a terror attack in Sweden. He just said look what is happening.

Sweden is the rape capital of the Europe now, thanks to Muslims.
Use your terms correctly. It's not "fake news." The President said:

you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible.

Anyone would wonder what happened--I did.

Read: Full transcript of Trump's rally speech in Florida

I don't know what he meant by "last night", he obviously misspoke. He wasn't reading off a teleprompter or anything. He was clearly listing all countries with migrant Muslim problems: Germany, Sweden, Belgium, France. If I had to guess, I think he meant to say "last month", in reference to the lovely Muslim gang rape of a Swedish woman live on Facebook.

Clearly you don't want to address the point he was making, you want to get hung up on silly stuff. If that's the best you can come up with, good luck in 2020.

he obviously misspoke.

At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He never said terrorist attack you dolt. Course I expect this from a fake news believer. I know what he is talking about as does anyone who follows the rape epidemic in Sweden
WTF?? There was a rape epidemic on Friday??? :badgrin:

Stay ignorant the fake media depends on idiots like you
That's funny since the fake news apparently came from Fox News.

Still too ignorant to comprehend what was being talked about. Stay stupid CNN depends on fools like you
"Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!" - President Trump on twitter 15 minutes ago
Trump brayed out the words of a Mad man per Swedish Police
Swedish cops say Trump's wild claims about Sweden based on 'bad journalism' by anti-Muslim 'madman'
Source: RawStory

20 FEB 2017 AT 10:10 ET

Over the weekend, President Donald Trump told attendees at a rally in Florida that there had been an “incident” involving Muslim immigrants in Sweden late last week, despite the fact that no terrorist attack in Sweden occurred at that time.

The source for the president’s claim was a segment on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show that featured filmmaker Ami Horowitz, who talked about the purported rise in crime that has resulted from Sweden accepting Syrian refugees.

Two Swedish police officers who were interviewed by Horowitz as part of his recent film on Muslim immigration in Sweden now say, however, that the filmmaker completely misconstrued their comments about crime in their country.

In an interview with Swedish publication, Anders Göranzon and Jacob Ekström described Horowitz as
a “madman” who dishonestly edited their words to make it appear as though Sweden is being overwhelmed by a migrant crime wave. “He has edited the answers,” Göranzon told the publication. “We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism.”

Read more: Swedish cops say Trump’s wild claims about Sweden based on ‘bad journalism’ by anti-Muslim ‘madman’
Keep denying it .................... bet when it happens to one of your daughters you Commies will wake up real fast.

View attachment 113202

Except that rape in Sweden has been a problem for more than 10 years and has nothing to do with Muslim immigration. The country with the highest number of rape crimes, is the United States. Worse than South Africa.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime

I guess you guys don't want Muslims coming in and cutting in on your action.

I guess YOU CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE OF MUSLIMS COMING IN " LEGALLY" AND THOSE WHO STORM INTO THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY........................ Then again Commie are pretty fkn stupid.

Nobody who promotes the tin foil hat conspiracy theories on InfoWars and the rest of the alt-right press has any business calling another person "stupid". You people are certifiable.

I'm going outside to walk in the sunshine on a beautiful day. I won't be taking a gun, because I have no fear of being harmed as I go about my business in one of the safety countries in the world.

I'm not worried about the secret cabals of Jewish bankers lead by George Soros who are out to take over the world. Nor to I think I'll encouter any Muslim terrorists, or Mexican rapists or murderers.

I am a little worried about the mentally ill guy who hangs out in the town square, who accused me of following him and threatened to call the police if I don't stop, but I doubt he's armed.

NOBODY believes a communist idiot... u dumb fuckers don't even know what you don't know your too brain dead to understand what is going on and the GUBBERMINT LOVES Dumb mother fkrs like you.

Yes, we're the stupid ones because we don't believe that all Muslims are out to get us, there is a secret cabal of Jewish bankers that nobody knows about except Alex Jones, who are running the world for their own profit, and Valdimir Putin is a great guy.
Same old vile disgusting liberal shit. You liberals try to build fantasy to read more into things trump says than the text of a full set of encyclopedia.
So trump didn't cite a terror attack for a nonexistent Muslim ban.

Anything else you need to lie about?
Here ....a more detailed look at what Trump actually said...and how the democrats disguised as journalists took it and created a lie....

Trump clarifies remarks on Sweden: I got it from Fox News story

President Trump sought to explain his reference to a nonexistent terrorism incident in Sweden at a rally Saturday night, pointing to a story from Fox News.

“My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden,” Trump tweeted Sunday.


Trump confirmed speculation that a Fox News story about immigration and crime rates that aired on Tucker Carlson's show was the origin of his statement.

At his campaign-style rally Saturday in Florida, Trump referred to what happened “last night” in Sweden — sparking questions from Americans and Swedes.

“When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden!" he said during the rally. "Who would believe this? Sweden! They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never thought possible.”

So.....we get the left lying about Trump...creating another fake news story......and Tucker Carlson, gets free is a great show by the way.....
Yes, we're the stupid ones because we don't believe that all Muslims are out to get us, there is a secret cabal of Jewish bankers that nobody knows about except Alex Jones, who are running the world for their own profit, and Valdimir Putin is a great guy.

Yes you really ARE stupid because it ONLY TAKES ONE, the WRONG ONE YOU let in. So if you have any children, LET it be yours and the children of those like you that are burned in a cage, beheaded, raped, sodomized, skinned, or just blown up!
And here is the truth......

President Trump Clarifies Sweden Comments

President Donald Trump has clarified the comments he made on Saturday at a rally concerning terrorist activity in Sweden. According to Trump, he was not actually referencing a particular attack, but rather a report from Fox News concerning increased violence from immigrants in the country.

The truth is that Trump "misspoke". He was unable to discern between a documentary about supposed immigrant crime in Sweden, which none of the very aggressive crime statistic reporting in Sweden backs up or confirms. But the rest of the world is laughing, and will continue to laugh, in large part because idiots like you are defending his idiocy.

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