Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra

It is fucking amazing.....story after story from European news outlets......and you morons deny they is the strangest thing I have ever seen..............

The problem is that you left wingers suffer from Reality Dyslexia.......much like normal dyslexia for reading...but in this case, you are normal in all things in life...except your brains cannot process the truth, facts or reality, and they can't process the difference between right and wrong and good and flip those around....

Which is why you attribute horrible things to peaceful Christians...but defend the same things when they are actually activities engaged in by muslims around the world.....

And here you have actual problems with muslim enclaves in Europe....from news sources in Europe....No-Go zones, rapes, gang violence, gun murders, grenades tossed like confetti.....

And for you...none of it exists......

Simply amazing.....

And the exact reason none of you or your political leaders should have control over our government....
I don't think anyone is denying Sweden is seeing an uptick in reported rapes. It is the heavily anti-Muslim biased articles with no corroborated facts that we are dismissing. The threats of enemies raping our women is an old, time honored tradition.

They are the ones responsible for the uptick in crime...and well as in France, Germany, Belgium........they have a different culture and values from Western Europeans....and they were accepted into the countries in numbers too large to integrate them into those cultures.....and now they are paying the price..........

You guys don't want to see think it is anti-muslim when it is simply acknowledging different cultures with different values do not mix when you don't give time and effort into conforming to the country you want to be a part of.....
Guy, what I see is MY country with two million Muslims who are not wandering the streets raping anyone or being the identified problem in inner city violence anywhere. What happened in Europe, with millions of unvetted peoples pouring in pretty much uncontrolled, is a different story. You and a lot of other people keep saying we should compare that situation to ours. I do not see apples and apples there, though. And like I said, when I start seeing articles that aren't obviously starting out with the premise of smearing Muslims, I'd be more likely to consider it. I learned not to fall for yellow journalism a long time ago. You should have. Why didn't you?

Their children are just murdering gays, setting off bombs in Boston, shooting soldiers in Tennessee and Texas.....and killing people at Christmas mean like that?
For every one of those, I could list at least two mass murders committed by 100% native born Americans, like the Colorado theater shooter, like Newtown, like the guy shooting up Planned Parenthood, like Dylan Roof, like Fort Lauderdale . How do we protect against THEM? No one will do shit about it because it would require taking away gun rights.
You folks mean well, but you don't understand how misplaced your blind mistrust of immigrants is.
just special pleading, is all national socialists know how to do.
I don't think anyone is denying Sweden is seeing an uptick in reported rapes. It is the heavily anti-Muslim biased articles with no corroborated facts that we are dismissing. The threats of enemies raping our women is an old, time honored tradition.

They are the ones responsible for the uptick in crime...and well as in France, Germany, Belgium........they have a different culture and values from Western Europeans....and they were accepted into the countries in numbers too large to integrate them into those cultures.....and now they are paying the price..........

You guys don't want to see think it is anti-muslim when it is simply acknowledging different cultures with different values do not mix when you don't give time and effort into conforming to the country you want to be a part of.....
Guy, what I see is MY country with two million Muslims who are not wandering the streets raping anyone or being the identified problem in inner city violence anywhere. What happened in Europe, with millions of unvetted peoples pouring in pretty much uncontrolled, is a different story. You and a lot of other people keep saying we should compare that situation to ours. I do not see apples and apples there, though. And like I said, when I start seeing articles that aren't obviously starting out with the premise of smearing Muslims, I'd be more likely to consider it. I learned not to fall for yellow journalism a long time ago. You should have. Why didn't you?

Their children are just murdering gays, setting off bombs in Boston, shooting soldiers in Tennessee and Texas.....and killing people at Christmas mean like that?
For every one of those, I could list at least two mass murders committed by 100% native born Americans, like the Colorado theater shooter, like Newtown, like the guy shooting up Planned Parenthood, like Dylan Roof, like Fort Lauderdale . How do we protect against THEM? No one will do shit about it because it would require taking away gun rights.
You folks mean well, but you don't understand how misplaced your blind mistrust of immigrants is.
just special pleading, is all national socialists know how to do.
so stop!
I don't think anyone is denying Sweden is seeing an uptick in reported rapes. It is the heavily anti-Muslim biased articles with no corroborated facts that we are dismissing. The threats of enemies raping our women is an old, time honored tradition.

They are the ones responsible for the uptick in crime...and well as in France, Germany, Belgium........they have a different culture and values from Western Europeans....and they were accepted into the countries in numbers too large to integrate them into those cultures.....and now they are paying the price..........

You guys don't want to see think it is anti-muslim when it is simply acknowledging different cultures with different values do not mix when you don't give time and effort into conforming to the country you want to be a part of.....
Guy, what I see is MY country with two million Muslims who are not wandering the streets raping anyone or being the identified problem in inner city violence anywhere. What happened in Europe, with millions of unvetted peoples pouring in pretty much uncontrolled, is a different story. You and a lot of other people keep saying we should compare that situation to ours. I do not see apples and apples there, though. And like I said, when I start seeing articles that aren't obviously starting out with the premise of smearing Muslims, I'd be more likely to consider it. I learned not to fall for yellow journalism a long time ago. You should have. Why didn't you?

Their children are just murdering gays, setting off bombs in Boston, shooting soldiers in Tennessee and Texas.....and killing people at Christmas mean like that?
For every one of those, I could list at least two mass murders committed by 100% native born Americans, like the Colorado theater shooter, like Newtown, like the guy shooting up Planned Parenthood, like Dylan Roof, like Fort Lauderdale . How do we protect against THEM? No one will do shit about it because it would require taking away gun rights.
You folks mean well, but you don't understand how misplaced your blind mistrust of immigrants is.
Only a dipshit would think more frivolous gun laws will stop criminals...
or frivolous immigrant bans.
If only the left media held Obama to strict standards of truthfulness, we might not be in such a mess.
Yeah, a mess like 4.8% unemployment and a 20K Dow. How on Earth will Trump ever fix that? Of course, it would have helped had he inherited the wonderful numbers Obama inherited with 7.8% unemployment and an 8K Dow.
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anyone wanna go to Sweden? cos this is what it looks like...


How high are taxes, in Mogadishu?
And here is the truth......

President Trump Clarifies Sweden Comments

President Donald Trump has clarified the comments he made on Saturday at a rally concerning terrorist activity in Sweden. According to Trump, he was not actually referencing a particular attack, but rather a report from Fox News concerning increased violence from immigrants in the country.
Not important. There is No Exigency affecting the US; the proof is, we can "afford to lower taxes". Everybody knows, the reason we even have income taxes, is to wage real times of war.
If only the left media held Obama to strict standards of truthfulness, we might not be in such a mess.
Yeah, a mess like 4.8% unemployment and a 20K Dow. How on Earth will Trump ever fix that? Of course, it would have helped had he inherited the wonderful numbers Obama inherited with 7.8% unemployment and a 8K Dow.

When you start believing anything coming from the Comrade, you really need to think again...
You know we have a problem when the, so called, president is being demonstrated against all over the world. The murderer Putin does not even get that kind of hate.
Yes, we're the stupid ones because we don't believe that all Muslims are out to get us, there is a secret cabal of Jewish bankers that nobody knows about except Alex Jones, who are running the world for their own profit, and Valdimir Putin is a great guy.

Yes you really ARE stupid because it ONLY TAKES ONE, the WRONG ONE YOU let in. So if you have any children, LET it be yours and the children of those like you that are burned in a cage, beheaded, raped, sodomized, skinned, or just blown up!

Have you seen the crimes that white Christian Americans are committing: Locking young girls up for months, years, raping and sodomizing them, kidnapping them out of their beds.

The United States of America has a higher rate of rape than Sweden. Sounds like American women would be better off if they banned white Christian males from college campuses. Those boys seem to think they're entitled to rape unconscious women so if they can just get the girl drunk enough, anything goes. At most, a white judge will slap him on the wrist for it, especially if the judge went to the same school. Boys will be boys.

It's not Muslim men catcalling and yelling obscenities at women and harassing them as they walk down the street.

Why aren't you taking women's concerns about these things that really are happening here, including the highest rate of reported rape in the first world, seriously?
Does referring to a Tucker Carlson segment the night before compare to "sniper fire in Bosnia", "57 states", our "intercontinental" railroad, or "Hirohito surrendering to MacArthur"? :lmao:
Does referring to a Tucker Carlson segment the night before compare to "sniper fire in Bosnia", "57 states", our "intercontinental" railroad, or "Hirohito surrendering to MacArthur"? :lmao:

Very much so, except somehow confusing a documentary with a live news report doesn't say much for the President's ability to discern movies from real life.
If only the left media held Obama to strict standards of truthfulness, we might not be in such a mess.
Yeah, a mess like 4.8% unemployment and a 20K Dow. How on Earth will Trump ever fix that? Of course, it would have helped had he inherited the wonderful numbers Obama inherited with 7.8% unemployment and an 8K Dow.
You forgot doubling the debt, destroying privacy, dividing Americans by race class and gender, and fucking up the ME and Europe. Why?
If only the left media held Obama to strict standards of truthfulness, we might not be in such a mess.
Yeah, a mess like 4.8% unemployment and a 20K Dow. How on Earth will Trump ever fix that? Of course, it would have helped had he inherited the wonderful numbers Obama inherited with 7.8% unemployment and an 8K Dow.
You forgot doubling the debt, destroying privacy, dividing Americans by race class and gender, and fucking up the ME and Europe. Why?
republican legacy programs?
Yes, we're the stupid ones because we don't believe that all Muslims are out to get us, there is a secret cabal of Jewish bankers that nobody knows about except Alex Jones, who are running the world for their own profit, and Valdimir Putin is a great guy.

Yes you really ARE stupid because it ONLY TAKES ONE, the WRONG ONE YOU let in. So if you have any children, LET it be yours and the children of those like you that are burned in a cage, beheaded, raped, sodomized, skinned, or just blown up!

Have you seen the crimes that white Christian Americans are committing: Locking young girls up for months, years, raping and sodomizing them, kidnapping them out of their beds.

The United States of America has a higher rate of rape than Sweden. Sounds like American women would be better off if they banned white Christian males from college campuses. Those boys seem to think they're entitled to rape unconscious women so if they can just get the girl drunk enough, anything goes. At most, a white judge will slap him on the wrist for it, especially if the judge went to the same school. Boys will be boys.

It's not Muslim men catcalling and yelling obscenities at women and harassing them as they walk down the street.

Why aren't you taking women's concerns about these things that really are happening here, including the highest rate of reported rape in the first world, seriously?
Does referring to a Tucker Carlson segment the night before compare to "sniper fire in Bosnia", "57 states", our "intercontinental" railroad, or "Hirohito surrendering to MacArthur"? :lmao:

Very much so, except somehow confusing a documentary with a live news report doesn't say much for the President's ability to discern movies from real life.
you do know what a documentary is right?
The United States of America has a higher rate of rape than Sweden. Sounds like American women would be better off if they banned white Christian males from college campuses. Those boys seem to think they're entitled to rape unconscious women so if they can just get the girl drunk enough, anything goes. At most, a white judge will slap him on the wrist for it, especially if the judge went to the same school. Boys will be boys.
No Sweetie. Sweden has a rape rate more than twice that of the US. This is what Trump's trying to stop by banning Muslims.

3 Lesotho 82.7 2009
4 Swaziland 77.5 2004
5 Bermuda 67.3 2004
6 Sweden 63.5 2010
7 Suriname 45.2 2004
8 Costa Rica 36.7 2009
9 Nicaragua 31.6 2010
10 Grenada 30.6 2010
=11 Australia 28.6 2010
=11 Saint Kitts and Nevis 28.6 2010
13 Belgium 27.9 2010
14 United States 27.3 2010

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at
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Does referring to a Tucker Carlson segment the night before compare to "sniper fire in Bosnia", "57 states", our "intercontinental" railroad, or "Hirohito surrendering to MacArthur"? :lmao:

Very much so, except somehow confusing a documentary with a live news report doesn't say much for the President's ability to discern movies from real life.

Huh? The quotes are from your moron about we trade Trump's tax returns for the Obie's grade transcripts at Harvard? There's no "movie" involved....the night before the rally, Tucker Carlson did a story on the ragheads raping women in Sweden and the no-go zones Swedish cops don't venture into...sound familiar? You freaks will grab at any straw to diss should all be sent to FEMA camps to get what's left of your minds right.
If only the left media held Obama to strict standards of truthfulness, we might not be in such a mess.
Yeah, a mess like 4.8% unemployment and a 20K Dow. How on Earth will Trump ever fix that? Of course, it would have helped had he inherited the wonderful numbers Obama inherited with 7.8% unemployment and an 8K Dow.
You forgot doubling the debt, destroying privacy, dividing Americans by race class and gender, and fucking up the ME and Europe. Why?
No, you're forgetting that Bush also doubled the debt. You're also ignoring the massive debt Trump will incur with some of his proposals. The Middle East was already fucked up and Obama did not divide anyone more than we were already divided; just as we are now.

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